2510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 January 29, 2007 for spearheading the Postal Reorganization Murphy; David Walker; Andy Iro; Jon Curry; Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, I yield Act of 1970. After his Senate career was over, Greg Curry; Bryan Byrne; Paul Kierstead; myself such times as I may consume. McGee later served as U.S. Ambassador to Tino Nunez; Tyler Rosenlund; Alfonso Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Motagalvan; Eric Frimpong; Chris Pontius; of House Resolution 70. This resolution the Organization of American States from Nick Perera; Eric Avila; Evan Patterson; 1977 to 1981. Brennan Tennelle; Kyle Kaveny; Andrew recognizes the outstanding 2006 record As a professor and Senator, Gale McGee Proctor; Bongomin Otii; Bryant Rueckner; of the University of California at Santa dedicated 30 years of his life serving the peo- Tony Chinakwe; Jason Badger; Jordan Barbara men’s soccer team as well as ple of Wyoming. In August of 2006, the Lar- Kaplan; Drew Gleason; C.J. Cintas; and Guil- their triumph in winning the univer- amie City Council recognized that service by lermo Jalomo: Now, therefore, be it sity’s first-ever national title in soccer passing a resolution supporting the naming of Resolved, That the House of Representa- and only the second in any other sport. tives congratulates the University of Cali- With a 2–1 victory over the Univer- their local post office after Senator McGee. fornia at Santa Barbara men’s soccer team, Due to that local support, I was proud to intro- the Gauchos, and Coaches Tim Vom Steeg, sity of California at Los Angeles at the duce H.R. 335, and I am even prouder that Greg Wilson, Erick Foss, and Neil Jones on 2006 NCAA men’s College Cup, the UC the entire House will recognize this fine man’s an out- standing championship season, a sea- Santa Barbara Gauchos ended the sea- service to Wyoming and our Nation when it son that set the Gauchos among the elite in son with a 17–7–1 record. passes the bill today. collegiate soccer. The two rivals, whose schools are Gale McGee died on April 9th 1992, and his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- separated by less than 100 miles, played wife Lorraine passed just last March. Through ant to the rule, the gentleman from hard despite game time temperatures the passage of this bill, we grant not only his Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH) and the gen- of 24 degrees and a windchill of 11. family, but the State of Wyoming an official re- tleman from Louisiana (Mr. BOUSTANY) Still, in a testament to their strength membrance of our thanks. each will control 20 minutes. and senior leadership, the Gauchos I ask for your support of H.R. 335. The Chair recognizes the gentleman overcame the weather, as well as a 7–6 Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield back from Kentucky. mid-season record, to become only the the balance of my time. GENERAL LEAVE second unseeded team since 2000 to win Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I have no Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, I re- the national title. further requests for time, and I yield quest 5 legislative days during which Shortly after the season ended and back the balance of my time. Members may insert material relevant for the second time in 3 years, UC The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to H. Res. 70 in the RECORD. Santa Barbara head coach Tim Vom question is on the motion offered by The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Steeg earned the most prestigious the gentlewoman from the District of objection to the request of the gen- honor a Division I coach can receive tleman from Kentucky? Columbia (Ms. NORTON) that the House when he was named national Coach of There was no objection. the Year by the National Soccer Coach- suspend the rules and pass the bill, Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, I yield H.R. 335. es Association of America. According myself such time as I may consume. to College Sports Television, ‘‘in his The question was taken; and (two- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- eight seasons at the helm of UCSB, thirds being in the affirmative) the gratulate the University of California Vom Steeg has transformed a program rules were suspended and the bill was at Santa Barbara men’s soccer team on passed. their 2006 National Collegiate Athletic that went 2–17–2 overall in the year A motion to reconsider was laid on Association championship. prior to his arrival to a Division I the table. After a tough, hard-fought game, the power and reigning national cham- f Gauchos of UC Santa Barbara claimed pions.’’ the 2006 NCAA championship by a score In the first 33 years of the program’s CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- existence, Santa Barbara had never SITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA of 2–1. I would also like to congratulate the reached the NCAA tournament but has BARBARA MEN’S SOCCER TEAM, UCLA Bruins, the opposing team in the now made five straight post-season ap- 2006 NCAA CHAMPIONS final game, on a well-played season. pearances under Vom Steeg’s guidance, Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, I move The Bruins had a season record of 14–6– including two trips to the College Cup. to suspend the rules and agree to the 4 and had three players named to the I extend my congratulations to head resolution (H. Res. 70) congratulating NCAA All-Tournament team. coach Tim Vom Steeg and all the hard- the University of California at Santa Although the UC Santa Barbara working players, the fans, and to the Barbara men’s soccer team, the 2006 men’s soccer program appeared in the University of California at Santa Bar- National Collegiate Athletic Associa- championship match twice in the last 3 bara. I am happy to join my good tion Champions, as amended. years, this is the school’s first men’s friends and colleagues, Representatives The Clerk read as follows: soccer title and the university’s second CAPPS and GALLEGLY, in honoring this H. RES. 70 Division I title in athletics. exceptional team and all of its accom- Whereas the University of California at They accomplished many successes plishments and wish all involved con- Santa Barbara (UCSB) Gauchos claimed the this year beyond the NCAA champion- tinued success. 2006 NCAA Championship, 2–1, over the Uni- ship. The men’s soccer team also won I urge my colleagues to support this versity of California at Los Angeles Bruins the 2006 Big West regular season cham- resolution. at Robert R. Hermann Stadium at Saint pionship and had a record of 17–7–1. The Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I am hon- Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri, on team was led to victory by head coach ored to support this Revolution congratulating December 3, 2006; Tim Vom Steeg, assistant coach Greg the University of California, Santa Barbara Whereas the UCSB Gauchos, in their 2006 men’s soccer team for winning the NCAA Divi- season, had an overall record of 17–7–1, and a Wilson, assistant coach Neil Jones, and perfect 6–0 mark in the National Collegiate goalkeeper coach Erick Foss. Also as- sion I National Championship. Athletic Association (NCAA) tournament; sisting the team was the UC Santa Bar- Along with my colleague ELTON GALLEGLY, I Whereas the UCSB Gauchos won a Division 1 bara director of athletics, Gary am thrilled to have this opportunity to con- title for the second time ever in school his- Cunningham. gratulate every player, coach, alumnus, faculty tory and first time ever in men’s soccer; Mr. Speaker, I again congratulate member and supporter of UCSB. Whereas the UCSB Gauchos have reached the student athletes, coaches, and the On December 3, 2006, the UCSB Gauchos the NCAA finals twice in the past three University of California at Santa Bar- captured the National Championship by scor- years; ing two goals against the University of Cali- Whereas Nick Perera was named the tour- bara on their 2006 men’s soccer team’s nament’s offensive Most Outstanding Player achievement. fornia, Los Angeles. This is UCSB’s second and Andy Iro was named the defensive Most I urge my colleagues to support this national title in school history. Outstanding Player; and resolution. While all the gauchos played their hearts Whereas the 2006 NCAA championship soc- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of out, I’d like to acknowledge two stand-out per- cer team members are Kyle Reynish; Jeff my time. formances. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:16 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR29JA07.DAT BR29JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD January 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 2511 Sophomore Nick Perera scored a goal and may have 5 legislative days in which to that led to the Cardinals Orange Bowl vic- assisted on Eric Avila’s game-winner on his revise and extend their remarks and in- tory; and way to earning All-College Cup Most Out- clude extraneous material on H.R. 521 (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- and H.R. 335. resentatives to transmit a copy of this reso- standing Offensive Player of the Tournament lution to the director of athletics at the Uni- honors. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there versity of Louisville for appropriate display. objection to the request of the gen- Junior Andy Iro, despite playing through an The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tleman from Kentucky? injury, helped keep UCLA at bay and was ant to the rule, the gentleman from named the All-College Cup Most Outstanding There was no objection.
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