Appendix A: Rating scales Compiled by Waguih William IsHak, MD, FAPA © Springer International Publishing AG 2017 599 W.W. IsHak (ed.), The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52539-6 600 Appendix A: Rating scales Summary table of selected scales and questionnaires Level Questionnaire Target population Items Domains Published cutoff scores of evidence Selected sexual functioning scales and questionnaires Female Sexual Function Women—heterosexual 19 and 6 Sexual function, Available for pre- and A-1 Index (FSFI) [1] and homosexual including desire, postmenopausal women arousal, lubrication, and women with medical orgasm, satisfaction, and sexual disorders and pain Sexual Functioning Women—heterosexual 28 Desire, arousal, Available B-3 Questionnaire (SFQ) [2, 3] and sexually active during orgasm, pain, past 4 weeks enjoyment, and partner relationship Female Sexual Distress Women—pre- and 13 and 1 Distress about sexual Available A-1 Scale–Revised (FSDS-R) [4] postmenopausal life dissatisfied with their sexual function Sexual Interest and Desire Women—premenopausal 15 Hypoactive sexual Available on women B-2 Inventory (SIDI) [5–7] with low desire desire disorder with no sexual desire disorder International Index of Men from community and 10 and 5 Erectile function, Available A-1 Erectile Function (IIEF) medical populations orgasmic function, [8–10] sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction Male Sexual Health Men—middle age or 25 and 4 Ejaculation, erection, Available B-2 Questionnaire (MSHQ) [11] aging with urogenital and sexual satisfaction symptoms of LUTS and sexual dysfunction Premature Ejaculation Men 4 Satisfaction with sexual Not available B-2 Profile (PEP) [12] intercourse, control over ejaculation, ejaculation-related distress, and interpersonal difficulty Index of Premature Men Control, sexual Available B-2 Ejaculation (IPE) [13] satisfaction, and distress Sexual function questionnaires for specific patient populations PROMIS Sexual Function Patients with cancer 79 Interest in sexual Available A-1 and Satisfaction (SexFS) activity, lubrication, [14, 15] vaginal discomfort, erectile function, global satisfaction with sex life, orgasm, anal discomfort, therapeutic aids, sexual activities, interfering factors, and screener questions European Organization for Patients with cancer 30 Quality of life and Available A-2 Research and Treatment of sexual function Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 [16]; also disease-­specific modules such as prostate cancer [17] Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy Patients with MS 19 and 15 Primary, secondary, Not available B-1 and Sexuality Questionnaire and tertiary sexual (MSISQ-­19) [18] dysfunction (continued) Appendix A: Rating scales 601 (continued) Level Questionnaire Target population Items Domains Published cutoff scores of evidence Peyronie’s disease [19–21] Men—Peyronie’s disease 15 Psychological and Not available A-1 physical symptoms, Peyronie’s symptom bother, and penile pain Pelvic Organ Prolapse/ Women—pelvic organ 31 and 12 Behavioral and Not available B-2 Urinary Incontinence prolapse, urinary emotive, physical, and Sexual Questionnaire incontinence, fecal partner related (PISQ) [22] incontinence Spinal Cord Injury Patients with spinal cord 16 Secondary conditions Not available C-3 Secondary Conditions injury and dissatisfaction with Scale (SCI-SCS) [23] sexual function Antipsychotics and Sexual Patients under 11 + 3 for men Sexual functioning Not available C-1 Functioning Questionnaire antipsychotic medication and 5 for (ASFQ) [24, 25] women, semistructured interview Female Genital Self-Image Female or male genital 4 women, 5 Feelings and beliefs Not available A-1 Scale (FGSIS) and Male self-image on sexual male about own genitals Genital Self-Image Scale function and behavior (MGSIS) [26, 27] Penile Dysmorphic Men 9 Penile dysmorphic Available B-2 Disorder Scale [28] disorder Treatment outcome and sexual quality-of-life scales Erectile Dysfunction Men with ED and their 29 Treatment satisfaction Not available A-1 Inventory for Treatment partners (men) and partner and Satisfaction (EDITS) satisfaction (women) [29–31] Treatment Satisfaction Men with ED and their 40 (all modules Satisfaction with Not available A-2 Scale [32] partner together) medication, ease with erection, satisfaction with erectile function, pleasure from sexual activity, satisfaction with orgasm, and either sexual confidence (for patients) or confidence in completion (for partners) Self-Esteem and Men with ED 14 Self-esteem, Not available A-1 Relationship Scale confidence, and (SEAR) [33] relationships Psychological and Men >65 year old 23 Sexual confidence, Not available B-1 Interpersonal Relationship spontaneity, time Scale (PAIRS) [34] concerns, relative to treatment Sexual Quality of Life for Men with ED or PE and 11 and 18 Sexual confidence, Not available C-2 men (SQOL-M) and women with HSDD or emotional well-­being, women (SQOL-F) [35] FSAD and relationship issues ED erectile dysfunction, FSAD female sexual arousal disorder, SE, Lonnee-Hoffmann RA, Dennerstein L, Rosen RC. Diagnosing HSDD hypoactive sexual desire disorder, LUTS lower urinary Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women: Sexual History Taking tract symptoms, MS multiple sclerosis, PE premature ejaculation. and the Role of Symptom Scales and Questionnaires. J Sex Med. [Reprinted from Hatzichristou D, Kirana PS, Banner L, Althof 2016;13(8): 1166–82 with permission from Elsevier] 602 Appendix A: Rating scales NIH PROMIS Measures © 2008–2017 PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group. Reprinted with permission Appendix A: Rating scales 603 © 2008–2017 PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group. Reprinted with permission 604 Appendix A: Rating scales © 2008–2017 PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group. Reprinted with permission Appendix A: Rating scales 605 © 2008–2017 PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group. Reprinted with permission References 1. Rosen R, Brown C, Heiman J, et al. The Female Sexual Function Index 15. 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