HERITAGE AT RISK SPECIAL EDITION HERITAGE UNDER WATER AT RISK THREATS – CHALLENGES – SOLUTIONS HERITAGE AT RISK SPECIAL EDITION HERITAGE UNDER WATER AT RISK THREATS – CHALLENGES – SOLUTIONS ~ LE PATRIMOINE SOUS L‘EAU EN PERIL MENACES – DÉFIS – SOLUTIONS ~ PATRIMONIO BAJO EL AGUA EN PELIGRO AMENAZAS – DESAFÍOS – SOLUCIONES ~ EDITED BY ALBERT HAFNER – HAKAN ÖNIZ – LUCY SEMAAN – CHRISTOPHER J. UNDERWOOD PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MONUMENTS AND SITES (ICOMOS) INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THE UNDERWATER CULTURAL HERITAGE (ICUCH) 4 Impressum IMPRESSUM Heritage Under Water at Risk: Challenges, Threats and Solutions Edited by Albert Hafner – Hakan Öniz – Lucy Semaan – Christopher J. Underwood Published by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) International Committee on the Underwater Cultural Heritage (ICUCH) President: Mr Toshiyuki Kono (Japan) Secretary General: Mr Peter Phillips (Australia) international council on monuments and sites Treasurer General: Ms Laura Robinson (South Africa) Vice Presidents: Mr Leonardo Castriota (Brazil) Mr Alpha Diop (Mali) Mr Rohit Jigyasu (India) Mr Grellan Rourke (Ireland) Mr Mario Santana Quintero (Canada) International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Office: 11 Rue du Séminaire de Conflans, 94220 Charenton-le-Pont, Paris, France Editorial support, layout and design Amelie Alterauge, Susanna Kaufmann and Andrea Bieri, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland. The production of this publication was substantially supported by the University of Bern. © November 2020 ICOMOS ISBN 978-2-918086-37-6 eISBN 978-2-918086-38-3 Front Cover: A cargo of roof tiles from a shipwreck from Catal Island/Kalkan in Antalya, Turkey. © Hakan Öniz. Inside Front Cover: Platform for diving and drilling cores at Plocha Michov Grad, Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia. © Marco Hostettler, EXPLO, University of Bern. Inside Back Cover: An amphora from the Three Islands of Kemer-Antalya, Turkey. © Ufuk Dönmez, 19th International Kemer Underwater Days. Photo credits: Many photos-credits can be found in the captions. Most other pictures were provided by the various authors or individual members of ICOMOS. Authors are solely responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in signed articles and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of ICOMOS or ICUCH and do not commit the organization. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this edition of Heritage at Risk do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ICOMOS concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Foreword – Avant-Propos – Preámbulo 5 FOREWORD – AVANT-PROPOS – PREÁMBULO Toshiyuki Kono, President ICOMOS One of my favorite themes in the field of international Comparé à d‘autres types de patrimoine culturel, le patrimoi- heritage law is the protection of underwater cultural herita- ne culturel subaquatique souffre d‘un manque de reconnais- ge. At least three different areas of law, i.e. the salvage law, sance au-delà du domaine des experts, car il est par défini- the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and tion moins visible, conséquence directe aussi du principe de the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwa- protection in situ. C‘est pourquoi il relève de la responsabilité ter Cultural Heritage are related to this area. One can trace sociale et professionnelle d‘ICOMOS de contribuer à faire an important part of the history of the relationship between prendre conscience de l‘importance du patrimoine culturel human activities and the sea through the lens of norms and subaquatique et de sa protection. Je tiens donc à remercier regulations. The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of l‘ICUCH d‘avoir pris l‘initiative de publier cette édition spécia- the Underwater Cultural Heritage would not have been adop- le. J‘espère qu‘elle sera largement diffusée parmi les experts, ted without the scientific advice from underwater archaeology la communauté professionnelle au sens large et le public, et experts. I am therefore particularly proud of the fact that ICO- qu‘elle contribuera à une meilleure promotion et une meilleu- MOS experts played a crucial role in providing UNESCO with re protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique. the scientific foundation for the Convention. ~ Compared to other types of cultural heritage, underwater cul- tural heritage suffers from a lack of recognition beyond the Uno de mis temas favoritos en el campo del derecho inter- expert field, as it is by definition less visible, also stemming nacional del patrimonio es la protección del patrimonio cultu- from the principle of in situ protection. Therefore, it is ICO- ral subacuático. Al menos tres áreas diferentes del derecho, MOS’s social and professional responsibility to raise awaren- es decir, el derecho de salvamento, la Convención de las Na- ess of the importance of underwater cultural heritage and its ciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar y la Convención de protection. Hence, I would like to thank ICUCH for taking the la UNESCO sobre la Protección del Patrimonio Cultural Sub- initiative to publish this special edition. I hope that it will be acuático están relacionadas con esta área. Se puede rastrear widely shared among experts, the wider professional commu- una parte importante de la historia de la relación entre las nity and the public, and that it will contribute to the increased actividades humanas y el mar a través de la lente de las nor- promotion and protection of underwater cultural heritage. mas y reglamentos. La Convención de la UNESCO sobre la ~ Protección del Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático no se habría adoptado sin el asesoramiento científico de los expertos en L‘un de mes thèmes favoris dans le domaine du droit arqueología subacuática. Por lo tanto, estoy particularmente international du patrimoine est la protection du patrimoine orgulloso del hecho de que expertos del ICOMOS desempe- culturel subaquatique. Ce thème réunit au moins trois do- ñaron un papel crucial al proporcionar a la UNESCO la base maines juridiques différents, à savoir le droit en matière de científica de la Convención. sauvetage, la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de En comparación con otros tipos de patrimonio cultural, el pa- la mer et la Convention de l‘UNESCO sur la protection du trimonio cultural subacuático adolece de una falta de recono- patrimoine culturel subaquatique. Nous pouvons retracer une cimiento más allá del ámbito de los expertos, ya que por defi- partie importante de l‘histoire des relations entre les activités nición es menos visible, lo que también se deriva del principio humaines et la mer à travers le prisme des normes et des ré- de protección in situ. Por lo tanto, es responsabilidad social y glementations. La Convention de l‘UNESCO sur la protection profesional del ICOMOS generar conciencia sobre la import- du patrimoine culturel subaquatique n‘aurait pas été adoptée ancia del patrimonio cultural subacuático y su protección. Por sans l‘avis scientifique des experts en archéologie sous-ma- lo tanto, me gustaría agradecer a ICUCH por tomar la iniciati- rine. Je suis donc particulièrement fier du rôle crucial qu’ont va de publicar esta edición especial. Espero que sea amplia- joué les experts d’ICOMOS en fournissant à l‘UNESCO les mente compartida entre los expertos, la comunidad profesio- bases scientifiques de la Convention. nal más amplia y el público, y que contribuya a una mayor promoción y protección del patrimonio cultural subacuático. 6 ICUCH ICUCH The International Committee on the Underwater Cultural Her- Among its activities are to promote sound ethical manage- itage (ICUCH) is one of ICOMOS’ (International Council on ment of underwater cultural heritage where in situ preserva- Monuments and Sites) International Scientific Committees. It tion is the first option; support scientific research, including was founded in 1991 to promote international cooperation in both disturbance and non-disturbance activities; encourage the protection and management of underwater cultural her- public presentation of underwater cultural heritage and public itage and to advise ICOMOS on issues related to underwater participation in underwater cultural heritage; raise the profile cultural heritage around the world. and increase public awareness of the existence and value of the world’s underwater cultural heritage; promote ethical The committee is composed of international experts, mem- activities on and with underwater cultural heritage through fa- bers of ICOMOS, in underwater cultural heritage. It currently cilitating development of national and regional cooperation, has more than 60 members representing 47 countries, span- programs and legislation; encourage an inclusive approach ning the five geographical regions as defined by UNESCO: Af- to underwater cultural heritage; support, initiate and/or assist rica, the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North in education and capacity-building initiatives in respect of the America, and Latin America and the Caribbean. ICUCH’s first management, research, protection, conservation and disse- mandate led to the creation of the Charter on the Protection mination of underwater cultural heritage and provide informa- and Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage, adopted tion for governments, the general public and political organi- by ICOMOS in 1996,
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