CASS CITY CHRONICLE < q ~.q, r _ ~.~--- .............. .. ......... ,, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 30. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937. EIGHT PAGES. East Central Dist. Will Speak at East Central District Meeting Fremont Twp. U. S. Senator and Circuit Judge Receive O¢~Or of r ..... ITuscda Solons E0nventon iiere Woman injured i Entertain3 o Their, on Oct. 26-27 by Two Robbers Huron Co. Brethren Sessions Will Be Held at Three Visit Farm on "Po- Boards Discuss Mutual # ,$ Presbyterian Church and taro Buying Errand and Problems and Attend a the School Auditorium. Rob Housewife of $10.00. Banquet Monday Night. _ The Tuscola County Federation Mrs. Carl Bednaryczk was knocked unconscious Wednesday Huron county supervisors were of Women's Clubs will be the host- guests of the Tuscola board of morning at her home, 7½ miles esses of the East Central district supervisors on Monday afternoon south of Care, on M-85, by two convention which will be held in and evening'. In the afternoon, at Cuss City next Tuesday and robbers who entered her home and stole $10. the court house, they discussed Wednesday, October 26 and 27. mutual problems and the method The district includes the counties Three men drove up to the Bed- naryczk home shortly before noon of solving; them in the two coun- of Genese% Gratiot, Huron, La- ,ties. Sunday hunting, hospitaliza- peer, Macomb, Saginaw, Sanilac, and asked Mrs. Bednaryczk if she had any potatoes to sell. She re- tion and welfare were the subjects St. Clair and Tuscola. that received the most attention. plied she had, and when requested The convention opens at 9:00 a. The Tuscola solons entertained m. on Tuesday with the presenta- to show them to the men, she in- vited them to view the .tubers in Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. Circuit Judge Louis C. Cramton. the Hur6n county board members tion of credentials and registration at a bane, act at. the Hotel Monta- the cellar. Two of the fellows en- As a feature of the commemora- of delegates at the Presby.terian Senator Vandenberg was vcted gue in tl~e evening. Sco.tt Camp- tered the house, and as soon as tive exercises of Alma college's church. The morning session opens the honor in 1934 but because of bell, superintendent of the Tuscola at 10:15. Rev. Paul ft. Allured they were inside, they demanded fiftieth anniversary celebration extra session and other conflicts he money. When Mrs. Bednaryczk poor farm, gave readings and en- will give the invocation and Bobby held October 14-15, seven honor- was unable to attend. The same tertainment features and Ruland Ryland, grandson of Mrs. M. D. Mrs. William R. Alvord said there was none, one hit her ary degrees were presented among situation occurred each year after on the head with a black-jack, O. Kern of Care gave an address Hartt, president of the Cuss City which was the honorary Dearer of urLtit this fall when he assured the on war situations in Europe and club, will give the "Salute to the knocking her unconscious and in- Laws (LL.D.) to Senator Arthur trustees he would be able to ac- FORD GARAGE HAS BUILT flicting a wound which bled pro- Asia and their possible effects on Flag." Following the reports of H. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids cept the honor. the United States. NEAT PRIVATE OFFICE fusely. The robbers then ran- and a leading contender for the various clubs, Mrs. Teresa Merrill Youth CenterFund Circuit Judge Louis C. Cramton E. L. Benton, county agricultural N sacked the house and left with of Detroit will speak on the sub- Republican nomination for the of the 40th judicial circuit and a agent, gave a talk on various agri- Moving display cases of mer- $10.00 which belonged to the Bed- presidency in 1940. ject, "Women Awake and At Turn to page 8, please. cultural problems before Tuscola chandise to other locations and naryczk household. Work," and Mrs. Harry Francis of eperts Progress county supervisors on Monday Lapeer on "Book Reviews." other changes the Mrs. Bednaryczk was alone at making in front morning. In his report, Mr. Ben- Luncheon will be served at the part of the Ford garage building the time, her husband and three l °AUCTION CALENDAR. ton gave a report of $2,0.1'9.62 ex- Presbyterian church at 12:15. has made room for the erection of sons, full grown and strapping Financial Ca~npaign Be- Raisin and Pyle pended during the past year by his Mrs. A. g. Knapp of Cass City a small office which insures more young fellows, being absent from / V.J. Carpenter & Son will sell office. Of this amount, $124.25 will be in charge of devotionals privacy for important business home. Another son came home ~their herd of 70 Registered Hol- gan Tuesday with Liberal were for office supplies, $776.49 which will open Tuesday after- transactions at that busy business from school at noon and found his ~steins and five horses at auction for mileage, $147.48 for telephone, noon's session at 1:30. Mrs. M. R. Response from 2 Clubs. place. mother unconscious and lying in a indicted by Jury {on Tuesday, October 26, at the and $971.42 for office assistant. Keyworth of Detroit, president of Temper tile board is used for the pool of blood on the floor. He Carper~ter farm, four miles north Robert Brown, secretary of the the Michigan State Federation of lower part of the walls of the called Joe Cartwright and several and ½ mile west of Cass City. poor commission, reported total Women's clubs, will give an ad- office while glass is used in the other men hunting in the neighbor- If Convicted on All Four C. B. Smith is the auctioneer and A good response to the appeal expenditures for the year ending dress and Arthur Holmberg of Cass upper portion. hood and medical aid was sum- the Pinney State Bank is clerk. for funds to support the Youth Counts, Each Faces Max- Sept. 30 as follows: ITospitaliza- City will sing a solo. Center for the 1937-38 season is moiled. C. W. Law will sell horses, cat- From 4:30 to 5:30 p. m., Mrs. Deputy Sheriffs Earl Laur and tle, machinery and furniture at tier, $5,854.19; funeral expense, reported as the financial campaign imum Penalty of 165 Yrs. $2,462.89; food, $774.47; clothing, Howard Patterson of Saginaw will begins. Members of the Rotary GUILD MEMBERS HEARD John Caldwell were assigned to the auction, one mile north of Wick- meet with members of junior clubs. case to make investigations. ware, on Thursday, October 28. $130.97; fuel, $83.25; transporta- club responded with substantial TRAVEL TALKS MONDAY tion, $1,460; miscellaneous, $31.92; Turnbull Bros. are the auctioneers Banquet in Auditorium.. contributions via Guy Landor and The grand jury in federal court medical association, $8,116.73; out- and the Pinney State Bank is At 6:30 p. m., on Tuesday, a his helpers at the regular noon The Guild met Monday evening at Bay City returned indictments side relief, $893.95 ; supervisor's clerk. banquet will be served at the luncheon on Thursday. Later that at the home of Miss Lura DeWitt, Profound Faith in against Marshall Raisin of Flint expense, $10.75; superintendent's Bo.th of these sales are adver- school auditorium by women of the same afternoon, the Woman's with Mrs. Ethel McCoy and Miss and Raymond Pyle of Poplar Turn to page 8, please. M. E. church and men of the church Study club voted a gift of ten dol- Joanna McRae as assistant host- God Is the Great Bluff, Me., who are accused of tised in detail on page seven. will wait table. Mrs. J. I. Nier- lars as an organization. esses. The program was in charge robbing the Mayvitle State Bank on In a later number of the ,Chron- During the next several days, icle, full particulars regarding Wil- garth will be in charge of pep of Mrs. B. F. Benkelman, Jr. Mrs. Need of the Nation October 6 and the Otisville State Two Seriously singing, and musical and tap dance individuals in the adult-groups of L. Bailey gave a talk on her trip B~k on July 23. liam Chumack's auction, three numbers will be presented by local the churches and in business places West, Mrs. Frederick Pinney on In .the Mayvitle indictment, miles west and two miles south of talent. in the village are .to be approached her trip East and Mrs. J. Ivan Speaking on "The Abundant Raisin and Pyle are charged in four Cass City, on Monday, November injured in Crash At 8:15 on Tuesday evening, at for contributions. The popular Niergarth on her trip to Kentucky Life," at the state convention of counts with robbing the bank and 8, will be printed. "supporting gift" is designated at Clem J. Mosack will have a sale the Presbyterian church, Village and Tennessee. the Minnesota Anti-Saloon League, putting in jeopardy the lives of Andrew Bigelow received a frac- one dollar for the year. A "friend- on Wednesday, November 3, one President E. B. Schwaderer is at Minneapolis, Monday, Dr. R. N. E. J. K£tchen, Arthur Wood and tured instep, a broken nose and mile south and one mile west of Turn to page 8, !~lease. ly contribution"., of 50 cents is Holsaple Of Cass City, declared Clifton J. Riley, the first two bank severe bruises easy Saturday expected from many who could not Gagetown.
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