Travelling guide to religious and cultural sites in Bumthang Dzongkhag Gewog : Choekhor Sl.No Name of religious and cultural sites Description of sites Nearest road Distance from Distance to Contact person Contact Remarks point Chamkhar town the site number from the 1 Tashi Gatshel Dungtsho Lhakhang The main nangten of the Lhakhang are statues of Lusibi 20 Km 5 Mins Walk Tashi Tshering, 17699859 Guru Nangsi , Tempa, Chana Dorji. Caretaker 2 Sanga Choling Lhakhang The main relice of the Lhakhang is Guru Tshengye statuDhur toe 20 Km 5 Mins Walk Kezang Dorji, 17778709 Caretaker 3 Dhurm Mey Dungkhor Lhakhang The main nangten of the lhakhang are painiting of Dhurmey 19 Km 15 Mins Yeshi Pema, 17554125 Guru Rinpoche and Tshepamey. Caretaker 4 Dhur Dungkhor Lhakhang The main relices of lhakhang are statues of Chenrizey Dhurmey 19 Km 10 mins Ngawang 17577992 and Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. walk 5 Dhendup Choling Lhakhang The main relices of Lhakhang are Desum Sangay and Dhurmey 19 Km 15 mins Lam Kinley 17603534 Guru Sangay 6 Barsel Lamsel/Dawathang Lhakhang The main relices of Lhakhang is Statues of Guru Dawathang 7 Km 1 min walk Kezang Dawa, Car 77661214 Rinpoche and a small, grey image of Thangtong Gyalpo. 7 Lhamoi Nyekhang The main relice of the Lhakhang is Guru Tshengye statuDawathang 7.5 Km 10 mins Choney Dorji, Lam 17668141 walk 8 Kurjey Guru Lhakang Status of Guru Rimpoche and Guru mediated in one Kurjey 7 Km 1 min walk Kinley, Caretaker 77113811 caves and left body imprint. 9 Kurjey Sampalhendup Lhakhang The main nangten is status of Guru Rinpoche. Ugyen Kurjey 7 Km 1 min walk Dawa Tshering, 17995862 Wangchuck, the first king built the lhakhang in 1900 Caretaker 10 Kurjey Zangtoperli Lhakhang The paradise of Guru Rinpoche and the Lhakhang is Kurjey 7 Km 1 Min Walk Lam Tshewang 17649706 constructed by Ashi Rinzin 11 Sangay Lhamo Lhakhang Status of Buddha ,Guru Rinpoche, Pema Lingpa and Kurjey 3 Km 1 min walk Sonam Dhendup, 77334157 Drolma (Tara)and thousand statuses of Guru. caretaker 12 Ugyen Zhabjee The Main Nangten is Guru Rimphoche statue and foot Above Norgang 1.8km 45 Mins Tshering 17672748 print of Guru on the Way. village from Kurjey Yangzom, Parking Caretaker 13 Kebu Lungtshen Lhakhang Near Jakar Dzong 3 Km 5 Mins walk Sangay, Caretaker 14 Chakhar Lhakhang The main statue is of Guru Rinpoche, and there are Chakhar 4 km 2 minutes Tenzin , Caretaker 77256177 dozens of masks and black hats that are used during walk the Jampey Lhakhang Drup festival. 15 Pemasambav Lhakhang The main relic is Dungkhar which came flown from Pangri 9 Km 20 mintues Tshering Dorji, 17670926 kurjey and Guru Meditated cave. walk Caretaker 16 Guru Tong Lhakhang The main treasure is Guru Statue. Pangri 9 Km 5 Mins walk Sonam, Caretaker 17 Jambay Lhakhang The main nangtens is Guru Rinpochee status and iron Jambay 4 Km 1 min walk Nima Dorji, 77445803 chainmail made by Pema Lingpa for the proctective Caretaker 18 Pema Lhakhang The main Nangten is status of Pema Lhamo Norgang 6 Km 10 Mins Jurme, Caretaker 17924966 Walk 19 Ka Gong Phur Sum Lhakhang The main Nangten is Pelcham Kargay. Kurjey 7 Km 5 Mins walk Lam Dorji 17770517 Wangchuk 20 Dorjebee Lhakhang Status of Sangay Tempa build by Choedro. The Dorjibee 11 Km 5 Mins walk Sangay Lhamo, 17636808 Lhakhang features a large white chorten. Caretaker 21 Kuenzang Choeling Lhakhang The main nangtens of the lhakhang are Guru Nasiphel road 27 km 30 mins walk Lam Dorji 17899822 Rinpochhe statue, relics of Pema Lingpa point 22 Thegchog Rabtenling The main relice of the lhakhang is Tempa statues Nasiphel 27 Km 1 Mins Walk Lhakpa 17292116 23 Thrasiphel Lhakhang The main relice of the lhakhang are Guru Thengye, Dodrong 20 Km 20 Mins Khenpo Nima 17875569 Chenrizey, Cho Lung Trul Sum statues Walk 24 Saram Lhakhang The main relices of lhakhang are Guru Rinpoche , Saram 18 Km 25 Mins Lungten 17254067 Pema Singye and Sangay Jambay walk Tenzin,17254067 25 Ngang Lhakhang The main Nangten is statue of Guru Rimpoche and Ngang Lhakhang 25 Km 2 Mins walk Sonam Wangyal 17292062 painting of Zhabdrung. 26 Pangkhar Remati Lhakhang The main relics of the Lhakhang are statues of Guru Ngang Lhakhang 25 Km 5 Mins walk Yeshi Dema Nangsi and Khando Yeshi Chogyal. 27 Zangling Lhakhang Staues of Guru Sanjay and main treasure is Dungar. Zangling 30 Km 3 mins walk Yeshi Dorji 28 Kola Lhakhang The main relices of Lhakhang is Guru Kola 27 Km 7 hrs walk Sherab 17291771 29 Ugyen Zhukthri The main relice of the Lhakhang is Guru statue Ugyen Zhabje 14 Km 10 mins Phuntsho walk 30 Zhabjeythang The Main nangten is statue of Guru Rimpoche and Zhabjeythang 20 Km 1 Mins Walk Sangla, Ex-Gup Khandu Om and Guru foot prints around. 31 Kenchosum Lhakhang The main treasures of temple are statue of Buddha Kenchosum 4 Km 1 Mins Jigme Namdrol 77788002 and relic preserved in the monastery is the eighth century large broken bell (choedril). 32 Tamshing Lhakhang The lhakhang has very ancient religious painting and Tamshing 4.5 Km 1 Mins Sonam Dorji 17681340 built by Terton Pema Lingpa . The lhakhang has statues of Guru Rinpoche and Pema Lingpa. 33 Tekarshog Lhakhang The main relice of the Lhakhang is Toedpadmey Tekershog 5 Km 1 MIns Pema Lhamo 34 Kadrak Lhakhang Local Dities of Tsamara Tekershong 3 km 15 Mins Dolay walk 35 Jangchub Pelri The statue of Buddha, Chenrezig and main treasure is Pedshling 15 Km 1 mints Lhakhang/Pedtsheling Lhakhang Gongkhag 36 Changbi Lhakhang Statues of terton Pema Lingpa , Zhabdrung Rinpoche Changbi 15 Km 1 mints Karma Gyeltshen and Guru Pema Jungney the main relices of the Lhakhang. 37 Luege rowe Lhakhang It is half day walk from village. The sacred horn prints Lusibe 20 Km 4 hours Ugyen Tshering - and hoof prints on the cave roof. Luege rowe mean walk Sheep Horn. 38 Shukdra Lhakhang It is on the rock cliff where Guru Rinpochhe Thangbi 17 Km 30 mins walk Lam Sangay 17838734 meditated. Guru foot print and hand print on the stone. 39 Thangbi Lhakhang The relics is statues of the Past, Present and Future Thangbi 12 Km 3 mins walk Tashi Gyeltshen 17277069 Buddhas and three clay statues and festival of fire (Mewang) 40 Tag Lhakhang The main Nanten is status of Dungsum Sangay. Between 13 Km 5 Mins walk Nidup 77644640 Thangbi and Goling 41 Goling /Dungkhor Lhakhang Lhakhang built by community and main Nangten is Goling 14 Km 5 Mins walk Lethro 17977034 Debri and paninting of Guru and Chenrizey. Travelling guide to religious and cultural sites in Bumthang Dzongkhag Gewog : Thromdey Sl.No Name of religious and cultural sites Description of sites Nearest Distance Distance to Contact person Contact Remarks road from the site number point Chamkhar from the 1 Jakar Dratshang/Dzong Jakar Dzong means White Bird , it is located in Jakar Dzong 1 Km 5 Mins Kinley Dhendup, 17771918 Ugyen the chamkhar valley. It is one of the largest and road point Kudung Sangay, most impressive dzongs in Bhutan, has Thromdey administrative office and Dratshang. The Ngotshab Dratshang main relics of Phub and Drama statues. 2 Jakar Lhakhang Statues of Lopen Rinpoche kuchap and Guru Jakar 0.5 Km 5 Mins Pema Jungney and Zhabdrung the main statues of Lhakhang. 3 Dungkhar Lhakhang Jakar 0.5 Km 5 Mins 5 Wangdichholing Lhakhang/Palace It is located along the Chamkhar Chu . The Mountain 1 Km 1 Minutes Yeshi Dorji 17670904 birthplace of the first king, Ugyen Wangchuk. In Lodge the early 20th Century , the place became the 6 Sey Dratshang It is a monastic school established in 1963. The hospital 1 Km 2 mins Khenpo central figure in the lhakhang is Marpa Lotsawa, road point Phuntsho a great teacher. Lobzang Rabjay 7 Kharchu Dratshang The Dratshang has massive statues of Guru Dairy Farm, 1 Km 1 Mins Ugyen Rinpoche, Chenresig and Sakyamuni.Lhodrak Bathpalatha Sangay, Kharchu Dratshang was built by Lama Namkhai ng Thromdey 8 Gongkhar Gompa/Lhakhang Lhakhang attributed to the Nun Gelongma Gongkhar 5 Km 1 hours 30 Ngotshab Pemo and will take about half an hour of Village mins walking. 9 Gaylong Ma Pema Lhakhang Gongkhar 6 Km 21 Mins Village 10 Dungkhar Lhakhang Jalikhar 0.5 Km 2 mins 11 Jakar Lhakhang The main Nangten of Lhakhang is statues of Chamkhar Town 1 minutes 17422344 Guru Tshokey Dorji. , Karma Pelden, Tshogpa 12 Dungkor Lhakhang The main nangten is Dungkhor. Chamkhar Town 1 minutes Throm Travelling guide to religious and cultural sites in Bumthang Dzongkhag Gewog : Chumey Sl.No Name of religious and cultural sites Description of sites Nearest road Distance Distance to the Contact person Contact Remarks point from site from the number Chamkhar roadhead on 1 Ngyan rel Lhakhang The main relices of the Lhakhang is the statues Nangar 16 Km Sangay Tenzin 17614815 of Tempa Gyalwa and kuthang. 2 Nangar Lhakhang The relices of Lhakhang are statues of Chenrizey Nangar 13 Km Tshophel la, 17547640 and Guru Pema Jungney statues. 3 Nimalung Monastry Dratshang The main relices is the statue of Guru Rinpoche Nimalung 23 Km Tenzin Dorji, 17436400 and Painting of Guru Rinpoche and Terton pema Lingpa. The Dratshang is is painted with 4 Pangtoe Lhakhang Main relics Status of Terton Pema Lingpa , Guru Pangtoe 23 Km 15 mins walk Leki Tshering Pema Shamba Guru Kuthang. 5 Genyen Lhakhang The Main relics of Lhakhang is statues of Guru. Zhugney 17 Km Phurba Wangmo 17618310 6 Trakar Lhakhang 16th Century Lhakhang estiblished by Terton Trakar 14 Km or 5 mins walk or - Tshewang Dorji 17655325 Pema Lingpa, which was help by white monkey 23 Km to construct the lhakhang and the main statues 7 Dorten Lhakhang Statues of Tempa , Jetshen Delkar and it is 19th Dorten Goempa 25 Km 30 mins walk Karma La Century Lhakhang 8 Nangney Lhakhang The main relic of lhakhang are statues of Tempa Nangney 21 km Lham Dorji 17408616 and Guru Pema Jungney.
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