-,4', I ' I I : 1': ./■ ^ . ) J •• FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 Average Dally Net Press Run ThsW aathor For the Week Ended geweaet O. Westker I PAGE TWENTY-FQUR HaurljfBtPt. lupning lirralb Nov. M, 1852 TonlgM lair, mMarf temperstnre Is upper t fa . I Junior High and'Senior High 24 years ago when the dial aervlce 10,812 4 Rainbow Girts will attend in was first esUbltshed locally. Man­ Due to a transposition Of fair. group the Christmas vesper serv- MTF groups will'-meet at the Miember of the Audit usual time Sunday evening at the New *Voice* chester's exchange is one of the B«R«na of Ctecnlatloiis About Town ice at the South Methodist Church oldest dial offices in the sUte. This fiikures Hamburg appeared The MANCHESTER SOROPTIMIST CLUB Manchester--—A City of pillage Charm Sunday afternoon, arrangements .South Methodist Church, and Mrs. Lester L. Hohenthal will tell the is an improvement in the old sys- INVITES YOU TO ATTEND A DEMONSTRATION OP for which are being made by Tem­ F or SNETCO em. he said, and is considered iii our advt. last night at The Herald learned today that story of the-Christmas carols. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS William l^eian of S4 Woodbridge ple Chapter. Order of the Eastern lore trouble-free. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS (Clnaalliaa AdvartMug an Pnga 18) MANCHESTER, jeONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1952 Star. It is customary for Eastern Each service Jill open with wor­ lb. 3 ^ . The correct and in­ VOL. L X X n , NO. 57 ■treet waa the auxUlary fireman ship led by the chalrnien, Francis The continued heavy flow of tele­ who carried the pet dog. Spot, from Star chapters throughout the phone traffic . here has made it Ecabert. Miss Marilyn Rogers and That Old% Dial Tone Ha$ tended price should be AND PACKACE-TYINC the cellar of the Raymond George j state to hold these Christmas ves- Roger Tui*lngton. Mrs. Eunice necessary to make changed, Ho­ ]'>er services each year for the Ma­ BY JULIA McCa r t h y , r o c k v i u -e f l o r is t ' home on Turnbull road during the BUnn 'of East Hartford will sing Been Replaced by New bron said. Traffic volume has been lb. 53c. flra Wedneaday night. j sonic Home Christmas fund. This during the .worship service. on a steady Increase and the com­ is the first time the local chapter And Much Busier Buzz SHOWING OF GOWNS AND LINGERIE 6 Childreii pany is making the necessary ad­ In to lb. lots for freeier Mias Patricia Hewitt of Belfa.it, I has sponsored one. The Rainbow justments to copef with the situa­ BY TERI'S BRIDAL SHOP ' . girls are asked to report at South A son. John Louis, their fifth A new type tone alternator is More in WSB Korthem Ireland, came to the, tion. The dial tone, ringing apd Church at 3:45»p. m. i child, was born to Mr. and Mrs, responsible for the change in the use the correct price of 31c United States Sunday with her, Elmer U. Odell of 49 Milford road the busy signal are all affected by , Woodruff Hatr, Center Church House Die in Gas dial tone of your telephone. For the change. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. j yesterday at the Hartford Ho.- several days now. there has been Ib. was given. Abram Matchett of 34 McKee I Mrs. Alton , M. Holt, cafeteria ' Several people have been sur­ MONDAY. DEC. 8— 8 P. M; pital. The maternal grandparents i a strange tope on the telephone, street, and isf making her home manager at the Washington are Mr. find Mrs. Louis Rombola prised at the new tone and have and Lloyd Hobron. district manS- hung up‘, thinking is was a busy Door Prizes! -r- Refreshments! ]!dain Blast with them. | School, announces that the fall dis- of Hartford. per of the Southern New England trlct meeting of the school lunch ; Telephone Company, cleared up { signal. Your Contribution Of 76c \y\tt Help To A Wheel Ail members of the Junior program personnel, will be held in i this morning the many questions HALE'S l^ittsborgh, Dec. 6— — the Washington School cafeteria ] The Uthuanian Choral Group Chair For A Physically Handicapped Child Washington, Dec. 6—(fl*)— Industry members of the Wage Choir of the Church of the Naza- will meet tonight at T:30 in Lithu­ people have been asking. ' The all-group meeting of the A delayed action natural gas Information rene are requested to report for on Monday. Dec. 8,. at 3 p. m. Mrs.; According to Hobron. this is a , North Methodist WSCS will be Stabilization board (WSB) tvere expected to decide today Holt, who is district leader, urges , anian hall, Golway street. Election I MEAT DEPT. explosion which reduced a rehearsal tomorrow morning at of officers will take place and all I new system replacing the original i held Wedne.sday. Dec. 10, at 7:45 whether to quit their jobs as their colleagues on the big •:45. in preparation for the Sun' all cafeteria managers and their members are, urged to attend I one that was put in here in 1929. ! p. p\. at the church. three-story frame home to a assistants to attend. Chicago regional WSB did yesterday. -Thc prote.st resigna­ day morning church service. tions of the seven Industry mem-|> — ------ - pile of rubble killed all six hers of the Chicago WSB aaid qa jg* • • children of a Pittsburgh Ike DIeets Rhee and GI President Truman’s coal wage de-1 J ■> o o g ' S k gV family last night. Reds Foiled ciilon "irrevocably ruined any hope : g j iT J L J I i5 i3 8 J lJ I 2 i Fire Chief Stephen Adley said Cruiser^ Nears for effective control of Inflation" | C 7 the blast in the semi-industrial bv direct wage ceilings. i north aide section of this steel capi­ In Air Raid Truman ovemiled the WSB two j tal resulted from an auto skidding days ago and authorized a J1.90-S- In Bermuda into a retaining wall and breaking day wage Increase for John L. an expoaed natural gas main lead­ Lewta’ coal miners. The WSB had ing into the house. On Ike Visit Typhoon Are£i said 11.50 a day waa all the pay Vlrtlma Sleeping boost they could get without en­ A ir C rash The victim!, charred beyond dangering anti-inflation controls. , recognitions were alceping . whan Seoui. Dec. 6—(fl*)— The U. S. Fifth Air Force re­ Refusal to grant the full , , _____li' TV— e the blast rocked the neighborhood Aboard USS Helena en Route to Hawaii, Dec. 6—The Pa­ T O R m O E ALUES amount, Truman said, would pre­ Hamilton, Bermud*, Dec. 6 and {heightenedfreightened Nuns who were ported today it repelled the G ifV al cific typhoon toward which the cruiser Helena is steaming at cipitate a nationwide coal strike — (/P)—The Cuban airliner saying their night prayers in a “largest enemy night air at­ £(7 knots with President-elect Eisenhower aboard, is now re­ and confront President-elect Els- Star of the East” crashed in- nearby convent. tack of the Korean war.” .enhower with a "national emer­ to the sea o ff this island to­ Nearly five hours later firemen, ported to be breaking up somewhere between Hawaii and carefully picking up bits of the while President-elect Dwiglit gency" when he takes office Jan. day with 42 persons aboard. Wake Island. The Helena was still ........................... • .........— ......- 20. house with auto wrecker cranes, Eisenhower was leaving" several hundred miles west of tha The seven Industry members of U. S. Coast Guard vessels and recovered the last of the bodies Korea. typhoon area early thia evening the national board were hardly Air Force crash boats picked of the five sons and a daughter of The Air Force aaid Allied radar (S a.m. e.a.t.) Saturday. considered likely to walk out in a up four survivors and 10 Mr. and Mra. Robert Moulla. TTie in a three hour period beginning at But it expects to encounter In­ R h ee Says "body today, although no informed GIFT HOSIERY bodies shortly after the crash yictims: :lp p. m. last night picked up creasingly hearier seas and rain official would make a flat predic­ David. 14, Richard, 13. Lola, 12. total of 11 "hostile aircraft" roar­ aqualla even though the typhoon First quality hosiery in extra sheer, sheer tion. and persons at the scene ex­ Jamea, 10, Gearj’. six, and Robert, ing towards Seoul. General Elsen­ diaintegratea. Ike Brought It waa thought probable, how­ pressed doubl any more sur­ ^ve. hower's plane took the air at 8:01 Aa word waa received that the and semi sheer nylons. Moulla, 37. and hia 3«-year-old \ > ever. that one or more industry vivors would be found. p. m. and tha attack continued typhoon Is breaking up. part of the i members might quit on their own. In Havana, the president of the wife, Rose, literally were blown Elsenhower party waa In the ward-1 from the house. They were in a abort t'.'.'o hours after that. It was reported that James Del- Cubans line, operators of the plane, The Air Force /pokeaman aaid room watching a Navy movie on ! No Pledges ALBA SHEERS . $1.15 end $1.35 Pr. Not mar. industry member from Hous­ aaid his reports had six survivors state of shock and nearly Incoher how typhoons perform and how to ent aa they crawled from the an earlier statement by Far East Exactly ton, was con.siderlng doing this.
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