Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02694-0 - An Ancient Commentary on the Book of Revelation: A Critical Edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin P. Tzamalikos Index More information INDEX OF AUTHORS CITED IN THE SCHOLIA Acta Apocrypha Barnabae, VII Anonymus, In Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea Athanasius (fourth cent. AD), II, III, IV, V, VI, Acta Apocrypha Justini, XXXIII Paraphrasis, X VII, X, XI, XIII, XIV, XV, XVII, XVIII, XIX, Acta Apocrypha Philippi, XXI Anonymus, In Aristotelis Sophisticos XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, Acta Apocrypha Thomae, XXI, XXIV, XXIX Elenchos, XIII XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, Acta Ioannis, IV Anonymus, In Dionysii Thracis Artem XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, Post-Scholion Aelian (sophist, second/third cent. AD), Grammaticam, IV; VII; XXXIII. XXIV Adnotatio XXIX Anonymus, Prolegomena in Librum Περ Athenaeus Naucratites (the writer of Aelius Aristides (second cent. AD), XXXIII στα´ σεων, IV, Post-Scholion XXIV Adnotatio Deipnosophistae, second/third cent. AD), Aelius Dionysius (lexicographer, second cent. Anonymus, In Hermogenis Librum Περ XXX, XXXII, XXXV AD), XXX στα´ σεων, XIII. Athenagoras of Athens (apologist, second Aeschines (orator, Athens, fourth cent. BC), Anonymus, Περ τ*ν OκτA µερ*ν το! cent. AD), XIII, XXXI, XXXV, Post-Scholion I, XIX Tητορικο! λογου, IV XXIV Adnotatio Aeschylus (tragic poet, Athens, sixth-fifth Anthologiae Palatinae Appendix, cent. BC), XIII, XXXV Epigrammata Oracula, XXVIII Bacchylides (poet, fifth cent. BC), XXXV Aetius of Antioch, (Arian Christian, fourth Anthologiae Palatinae Appendix, Sepulcralia, Barsanuphius and John, XXXI cent. AD), XX XXVIII Basil of Ancyra (fourth cent. AD), XI, XX, Agathangelus of Armenia, (Christian Antiochus of Palestine (monk, seventh cent. XXII, XXXII, XXXV historian, fifth cent. AD), IV AD, also known as Antiochus of Ancyra), Basil of Caesarea (fourth cent. AD), IV, V, VI, Agathias Scholasticus (historian, IV, XXI, XXXII VII, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIV, XVI, XVIII, XIX, Constantinople, sixth cent. AD), Apocalypsis Apocrypha Enochi, IX XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXXII Apocalypsis Apocrypha Esdrae, XXI XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, Albinus (philosopher, Smyrna, second cent. Apocalypsis Apocrypra Ioannis, IV, XXI XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, Post-Scholion AD), XXI, XXV Apollinaris of Laodicea (fourth cent. AD), XXIV Adnotatio Alexander Monachus (Cyprus, possibly sixth XIX, XXVI, XXX, XXXII, XXIV, XXXV, Post- Basil of Seleucia (fifth cent. AD), I, III, IV, IX, cent. AD), XXXI Scholion XXIV Adnotatio XIV, XV, XVI, XXVII, XVIII, XX, XXI, XXIII, Alexander of Aphrodisias (philosopher, Apollonius (sophist, first/second cent. AD), XXVII, XXX, XXXI second/third cent. AD), I, III, IV, IX, X, XI, XXVIII, XXX XIV, XV, XVI, XIX, XX, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, Apollonius Dyscolus (grammarian, Cassian the Sabaite (monk, sixth cent. AD), I, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXIV, Alexandria, second cent. AD), XV III, IV, X, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XXI, XXIX, XXX, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXIX, Post-Scholion, Apophthegmata Patrum, XXVI XXXI XXIV Adnotatio Archedemus of Tarsus (Stoic philosopher, Cassius Dio (historian, Nicaea, second/third Ammonius of Alexandria (philosopher, fifth second cent. BC), IV cent. AD), XXXII cent. AD), XVI, XXV, XXXII, XXXVI, Archimedes (geometrician, Syracuse, third Cebes (philosopher, first cent. AD), XXXI XXXIX cent. BC), XXI Celestinus, pope of Rome (fifth cent.), I Ammonius presbyter of Alexandria (probably Arethas of Caesarea (also, of Patras, ninth/ Chronicon Paschale (seventh cent. AD), IV, fifth/sixth century), XIV tenth cent. AD), VII, XIV, XXVIII, XXXI, XXII, XXXII Amphilochius of Iconium (fourth cent. AD), XXXII, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVIII Chrysippus (the Stoic philosopher, third cent. VI, VII, XI, XIV, XXI, XXXI, XXXVII Aristides Quintilianus (doctor of music, third BC), V, X, XIV, XV, XVI, XIX, XXI, XXIII, Anacreon (lyric poet, sixth cent. BC), XXXV cent. AD), XV XXV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXVII Anastasius of Sinai (seventh cent. AD), XXIII, Aristocles of Messene (philosopher, second Clement of Alexandria (second–third cent. XXV, XXXIV cent. AD), XXVII AD), I, III, IV, V, VI, X, XI, XII, XIV, XV, XVI, Andreas of Caesarea (sixth/seventh cent. Ariston of Ceos (Peripatetic philosopher, third XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, AD), VII, XXX, XXXII, XXXVIII, XXXIX cent. BC), XV XXX, XXXV, XXXVII, XXXIX, Post-Scholion Anonymus. See De Trinitate; Scripta Aristophanes (comic poet, Athens, fifth/ XXIV Adnotatio anonyma fourth cent. BC), XIX Clement of Rome (first cent. AD), VI, XXVII Anonymus, Commentarium in Aristotelis De Aristotle (fourth cent. BC), I, V, VII, X, XI, Clement Studites (ninth cent.), XXIX Interpretatione, IV XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XIX, XX, XXV, XXVII, Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (emperor, Anonymus, Commentarium in Librum Περ XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXIII, XXXVII, XXXIX, Constantinople, tenth cent. AD), XXX, Ερσεω, IV Post-Scholion XXIV Adnotatio XXXII Anonymus, Commentarium in Librum Περ Arius Didymus (doxographer, first cent. BC), Constitutio Monasterii Prodromi το! Φοβερο!, Ι δε*ν, Post-Scholion XXIV Adnotatio X, XXXI XXXII Anonymus, Dialogus cum Judaeis, XIII, XXXI, Asclepius of Tralles (philosopher, sixth cent. Constitutiones Apostolorum (fourth cent. XXXIII, XXXVI AD), XI, XIII, XIX, XX, XXXI, XXXIV AD), XIII Anonymus, Epitome Artis Rhetoricae, IV Aspasius (philosopher, second cent. AD), X Corpus Hermeticum, XXI Anonymus, Excerpta de Arte Rhetorica, Asterius of Amasea (Christian theologian, Council of Chalcedon (451), I, IV, V XXXIII fourth/fifth cent. AD), IV, XI Council of Constantinople (local, 536 AD), IV Anonymus, In Aristotelis Artem Rhetoricam Asterius of Antioch, the sophist (Arian Council of Ephesus (431), I, IV Commentaria, I, IV Christian theologian, fourth cent. AD), IV, Critias of Athens (poet, fifth cent. BC), XXV Anonymus, In Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea, VI, VIII, XI, XIII, XIV, XV, XXVII, XXX, Critolaus of Phaselis (Peripatetic philosopher, I, X XXXI, XXXVI Lycia, second cent. BC), XXXVII Index of Authors Cited in the Scholia 441 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02694-0 - An Ancient Commentary on the Book of Revelation: A Critical Edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin P. Tzamalikos Index More information Cyril of Alexandria (fourth–fifth cent. AD), I, Epigrammata Oracula Chaldaica (second Heraclitus of Ephesus (the Presocratic III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XIII, XV, cent. AD), XXI philosopher, sixth/fifth cent. BC ), XXVII XVI, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, Euclid (geometrician, third cent. BC), XXXIV. Hermas (the author of Pastor, second cent. XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXIV, Euripides (tragic poet, Athens, fifth cent. BC), AD), XXXV XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, VI, XIII, XXXV Hermias of Alexandria (Neoplatonist Post-Scholion XXIV Adnotatio Eusebius of Caesarea (fourth cent. AD), I, III, philosopher, fifth cent. AD), VII, IX, X, XIII, Cyril of Jerusalem (fourth cent. AD), III, IV, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII; XIV; XXVI, XXXI, XXXII, XXXVI, XXXIX VIII, XI, XIV, XIX, XXVI, XXXIII, XXXV, XV; XVI; XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXIII, XXV, Hermogenes of Tarsus (rhetor, second/third XXXVI XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, cent. AD), IV Cyril of Scythopolis (Christian biographer, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, Herodian (grammarian, rhetor, Alexandria, sixth cent. AD), VI XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, Post-Scholion Rome, second cent. AD), I, XIII, XXX XXIV Adnotatio Herodotus (historian, Halicarnassus, fifth Damascius (philosopher, Alexandria, Athens, Eusebius of Emesa (fourth cent. AD), XV cent. BC), XIII, XXVIII, XXXV, XXXVIII fifth–sixth cent. AD), IV, XI, XIII, XXII, XXV, Eustathius of Thessaloniki (bishop, Heron of Alexandria (mechanical engineer, XXVI, XXXI, XXXVI, XXXIX philologist, twelfth cent. AD), III, IV, first cent. AD), XXXIV, XXXIX David of Alexandria (Neoplatonist phil- XIII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXII, XXXV, Hesiod (epic poet, possibly eighth/seventh osopher, Alexandria, sixth cent. AD), XIII XXXVI cent. BC), XXXV De Trinitate, I, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, XI, XIII, XIV, Eustratius of Nicaea (eleventh/twelfth cent. Hesychius of Alexandria (lexicographer, fifth/ XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXIII, XXIV, AD), X sixth cent. AD), V, XIV, XV, XXVIII, XXX, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXV, Evagrius of Pontus (fourth cent. AD), V, VI, XXXI XXXVI, XXXIX IX, XXXIII Hesychius of Jerusalem (Christian presbyter, Demosthenes (orator, Athens, fourth cent. Evagrius Scholasticus (Church historian, fifth cent. AD), IV, VI, XIII, XIV, XXXI, BC), I, III, XIX, XXX, XXXV, XXXVII Antioch, sixth cent. AD), XIII, XXVII, XXX, XXXIII Dexippus (philosopher, fourth cent. AD), VII, XXXII Hierocles of Alexandria (Neoplatonist XVI, XXIX Evangelium Apocryphon Bartholomaei, XXI philosopher, fifth cent. AD), XX Diadochus of Photike (theologian, Epirus, Hippolytus (second/third cent. AD), II, III, IV, fifth cent. AD), XXXI, XXXVII Galen (or, Claudius Galenus, medical doctor, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIV, XIX, XX, XXI, XXV, Didymus (fourth cent. AD), I, II, III, IV, V, VI, Pergamum, second cent. AD), I, IV, V, XI, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXV, XXXVI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XIII, XIV, XVI, XX, XXIII, XXV, XXVII, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXVIII, XXX, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXIII, Homer (epic poet, eighth cent. BC), XIII, XXI, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXVII, XXXIX, Post-Scholion XXIV XXIII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXV, XXXVIII XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, Adnotatio
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