ivist stlin di leontologi e trtigrfi volume IIT noF Q ppF RPIERQS xovemer PHIH ri qeqexy ii yi sx ve pe xeX ex yisi I I I P pihisgy wesxs D eyvy wese sxevhs D hese i y 8 qsyexxs hs eeivedX tune PVD PHIHY eptedX eptemer PPD PHIH uey wordsX vte wioeneEirlylioeneD qrgnoD insulr fuE plitomeryxD rttomysD tertomysD heinoglerixD rlutrF xegli nni nD endemismD iohronologyD iogeogrphyF 9VHD il hiprtimento di ienze dell err di pirenzeD nto gli spetE ti tssonomii @rolgusAD ffront luni spetti evolutiviD pleogeogrE estrtF efter fortyyersfrom its disoveryDthe historyof the fii e ioronologii he permettono di identifire le fune grgnihe field surveys nd of the reserhes on the fossiliferous deposits of qrE ome rppresentnti di un ioprovini distint on forti rtteri enE gno is rieflyreportedF demiiF qli nni WH rppresentno un momento di pprofondimento su he qrgno fun elongs to the eruzzoEepulin leoioE spetti evolutivi di wikroti e ltri txF el ontempoD un mpgnD in provine @inluding lso ontrone nd lenD eruzzoAF he fossil ui sono oinvolte ompetenze multidisiplinriD port un piuÁ dettE ssemlge omprehends ll the lsses of terrestril vertertesX epE glit omprensione dell strtigrfi delle operture sedimentrie loli tiliD emphiiD eves nd wmmliF he funl omposition is unE e delle modlitÁ di riempimento delle fessureF le lvoro eÁ stto ripreso lned nd presents the fetures of typil insulr endemi funF he reentemente in osione delle ttivitÁ di rier finlizzte llo studio ulk of the ssemlge is omposed of smll mmmls nd irdsF fsed dei depositi quternri ui ooperno vrie universitÁ itlineD l oE on litertureD we report the most hrteristi feturesD phylogeneti printendenz e gli enti loliF v9ultimo deennio eÁ dedito gli studi reltionshipsD nd evolutionryremrks on list of mmmlsD fousing tssonomii sui gliridiD sull9vifun e sull9erpetofunF ono frequentiD prtiulrlyon the dpttions of the most endemi txF woreoverD infineD lvori in ui le fune endemihe del qrgno vengono itte iohronologil sheme of the mjor funl events is proposed nd ome esempio prtiolrmente interessnte per l ontinuitÁ dell doE illustrtedF elthough still imperfetD the sheme is the first synopsis of umentzione o per l9evidenz e l dinmi dei proessi evolutiviF ll the iohronologil nd txonomil informtion on mmmls so v fun delle erre osse omprende tutte le lssi di verteE fr villeF iventullyD the hypotheses on the origin nd modes of rti terrestriX ettiliD enfiiD elli e wmmiferiF v omposizione olonistion re summrized nd shortlydisussedF present tutti i rtteri tipii di un fun endemi insulreD nhe se le prom this overview the qrgno fun is indeed of gret interE fessure piuÁ ntihe ontengono tx non endemizztiF s tx endemii est for studies of evolution nd iogeogrphyF xonethelessD there re vengono qui trtteggiti nelle loro linee essenziliD evidenzindo possiE persistent unertinties on its ge nd originD s well s on the ge of ili relzioni on ntenti ontinentli e i prinipli trend evolutiviF infilling of the krsti fissure system of this unique fossiliferous lolityF iene quindi proposto per l prim volt un qudro ioronoE logioD suddiviso in fsi di popolmentoD in ui si eÁ erto di riunire issuntoF s depositi di riempimento delle fessure rsihe nel tutte le informzioni reltive i mmmiferi finor desritti in qrgnoF qrgno nordEoidentle @erre osseA ontengono un ri fun uesto qudro h tuttor un rttere preliminre per le diffioltÁ endemiF pune simili sono stte ritrovte in zone limitrofe del qrE inontrte nell9integrre informzioni tssonomihe e ronologihe d gnoD m nhe nell zon di endri @ugliAD len e ontrone lvori ftti d diversi speilisti e per l inompletezz delle onosenze @eruzzoAF li fune endemihe sono stte riunite nell pleoioproE su luni tx e sulle fune di numerose fessureF vini eruzzoEepulF snfineD viene riperors l stori delle ipotesi sull9origine delle sn questo ontriuto si present un reve stori delle rierhe fune dell pleoioprovini eruzzoEepulD on prtiolre ttenE sul qrgnoD on prtiolre riferimento ll omposizione dell fun zione l settore grgnioF ve ipotesi sull9etÁ e le modlitÁ di proveE e onsiderzioni ioronologihe e iogeogrfiheF s primi resoonti nienz sono poi onfrontte e disusseF delle rierhe sull fun delle erre osse rislgono ll9inizio degli uest pnormi mostr heD dopo qurnt9nni di rierheD nni UHD qundo wtthijs preudenthl pulioÁ un not preliminre l fun del qrgno eÁD d un ltoD un so di studio molto interessnte sui ritrovmenti di verterti nell9re grgniD individundone il E per gli spetti evolutivi e iogeogrfiiD mD dll9ltroD nor present rttere endemio insulreF spetti d9inertezz he rigurdno priniplmente l9etÁ e l provenienE eguironoD d oper di diversi utoriD l desrizione delle viE z dei tx e in seondo luogo nhe l9etÁ dei depositi fossiliferi stessiF fune e delle forme rttere endemio piuÁ mrtoX wikrotiD roE I niversitÁ di lermoD hiprtimento di qeologi e qeodesiD i erhirfi PPD sEWHIPQD lermoD stlyF iEmilX fmsinidunipFitD dripeUPdunipFitD gsurdidunipFit P niversitÁ di pirenzeD hiprtimento di ienze dell errD i v ir RD sESHIPI pirenzeD stlyF iEmilX polomriFrinldidunimiFit RPP wsini pFD inldi F wFD etruso hF 8 urdi qF sntrodution ited with this fun rised onsiderle interest in the sientifi ommunity@erzrello et lF PHHTAF ed soil deposits @erre osseA fill most of the preudenthl @IWUIA tullyntiipted most of extensive pleokrst network in the wesozoi limeE the results tht were to e pulished on the erre osse stone on the xorthEestern slopes of wount qrgnoF funF sn the following yers preudenthl desried everl fissure fillings yielded very rih mount of some endemisD exhiiting most peulir feturesD suh fossil remins of verydiversified ssemlge of verteE s heinoglerix @preudenthl IWUPA nd wikroti @preuE rtesF hese fossils ttest to suession of funl setE denthl IWUTAF wenwhileD he proposed the first ioE tlement eventsD whih ourred when the re ws isoE hronologil rrngement of the fissure fillings @preuE lted nd inhited yendemi txF wost of the fossiE denthl IWUTAF preudenthl9s @IWUIA influentil study liferous deposits hve een exposed yintensive qurE triggered flurryof studiesF rying in smll reD of out PH squre kilometresD everl monogrphs were pulished on the qrE inluded etween the towns of eprien nd oggio gno funX fllmnn @IWUQD IWUTA desried the ird smperile @pigF IAF imilr funD howeverD ws lso reminsD futler @IWVHA revised the genus heinoglerixD found out of this reD iFeFD t F xzzrio @out S km illemsen @IWVQA nlyzed the otter rlutr grgE northwrdAD wonte qrnt @PS km outhEistAD s well nensisD veinders @IWVRA the endemi ruminnt roplitoE s in n unidentified lolityetween frlett nd enE meryxD preudenthl @IWVSA studied the rietidsD nd dri @preudenthl IWUIAD out IHH km outhEist of hms 8 preudenthl @IWVSA desried the gint dorE the qurryreF he erre osse funD together with mouse tertomys ltiresttusF those reovered from ontrone nd lenEgpo di huring the VHsD reserhers of the heprtment of piume @eruzzoD entrl stlyAD re elieved to prove irth ienes of plorene @stlyA onduted new field the existene of the soElled eruzzoEepulin leoE surveysD nd gve new impulse to the studies on qrgE ioprovine @fF wzz 8 ustioni PHHVAF his ontriE no nlyzing the evolution of the fun @in prtiulr ution intends to e stteEofEtheErt report of the wikroti nd rolgusAD s well s the pleogeogrphy knowledge on the qrgno funF of the reD ut theylso proposed new iohronoloE gil rrngement of the fissure fillings @he qiuli et lF IWVTD D IWVUD Y wzz IWVUD D Y wzz 8 fonte IWVUAF prom these studies the qrgno fun ws E e rief history of the reserhes in qrgno knowledged to elong to distint endemi ioprovine pield surveys were first onduted in the eprieE whih ws lled the epuloEhlmti elm @he qiuli nEoggio smperile re from IWTW to IWUR @preuE et lF IWVUAF he qiuli 8 orre @IWVRA interpreted the denthl persF ommFA ywtthijs preudenthl @xturE evolutionrytrends oserved in wikroti nd rolgus lisD xtionl xtuurhistorish wuseumD of veidenD s the result of ompetitive interreltionships etween the xetherlndsAF sn his first reportD preudenthl themD while orre @IWVTA stressed the grdulisti sE @IWUIA identified the peulir gigntism nd errnt pets of the their evolutionF lleri @IWVRA gve suE morphologies99 of some of the txD thus knowledging stntil ontriution proposing lioene ge to the the insulr fetures of the erre osse funF woreoverD mrine deposits lollyseling the fissure fillingsF hese preudenthl reported the ourrene of n erlyleiE mrine sediments were previouslydted to the ortoE stoene @glrinA fun hrterized y ellophiE nin yh9elessndro et lF @IWUWAF yther studies folE omysD whih hs lter on een lled irro xord pun lowedD devoted espeillyto the evolution of speifi yhe qiuli et lF @IWVUAF he find of stone tools ssoE txD nmely wikroti @fonte 8 wsini IWWPY ezzi pigF I E votion of the sites of the eruzzoEepulin leoE ioprovineF qures indite lolities with erre osse funD found in fissure deposits in the forelnd dominF rinE gles indite lolities with remins found in eh to mrine deposits in the hin dominF he qrgno erre osse insulr funsX n overview RPQ et lF IWWQY rr et lF IWWWY willienErr PHHHY willien everD the predtors re firlyommon nd represented yroodilesD snkes nd prtiulrlyyirds of preyF 8 teger PHHIAD rolgus @engelone PHHSAD the insetiE he ltter re represented ytwo endemi speies of vores @pnfni IWWWY vn den roek ystende PHHIAD nd egle @qrgnoetusA nd six speies of owlD mong roplitomeryx @vn der qeer IWWWD PHHSD PHHVAF whih three rn owl inluding the verylrgeEsized wenwhileD t the eginning of the WHsD further yto gignteF xonEendemi smll mmmls re lso field surveys were onduted jointly y the universities found in the ssemlgeF he funl list of the mmmE of ploreneD
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