.- ~ ... ~ * . *Yi.- ---=* * * ;: -- * ***=*- - - ~- University of Wisconsin C~nters I 1997-98 Academic Year Calendar Semester I Semester II Registration August 25-29, 1997 Registration January 12-16, 1998 Labor Day Holiday September 1 Martin Luther King Holiday .January 19 First Day of Classes September 2 First Day of Classes January 20 ~hanksgiving Recess November 27-28 Spring Vacation March 16-20 Last Day of Classes December 15 Last Day of Classes May 12 Examinations December 16-19, 22-23 Study Day May 13 Examinations May 14-16, 18-20 1998-9~ Academic Year Calendar Seme~ter I Semester II Registration August 26-28, 31; Registration January 11-15, 1999 September 1-2, 1998 Martin Luther King Holiday January 18 First Day of Classes September 2 First Day of Classes January 19 Labor Day Holiday September 7 Spring Vacation March 1,.5-19 Than ksgiving Recess November 26-27 Last Day ofCLasses May 10 Last Day of Classes December 15 Study Day May 11 Examinations . December 16-23 Examinations May 12-14, 17-19 u of sin Centers 1997-1999 Catalog UWC Campuses e UWC-Barron County UWC-Marinette Coun UWC-Marathon County e -Marshfield/Wood County e UWC-Fox Valley e VISIT THE UW CENTERS WEB PAGE: http:/jwww.uwc.edu UWC-Manitow UWC-Fond du lac e boojSauk County • UWC-Sheboygan UWC -Washingto~o UWC-BaraboojSauk County Student Services Office UWC -Waukesha• County 1006 Connie Road Baraboo, WI 53913-1098 608/356-8724 UWC-Rock• Count UWC-Barron County Student Services Office UWC-Marathon County UWC-Rock County 1800 College Drive Student Services Office Student Services Office Rice Lake, WI 54868-2497 518 South 7th Avenue 2909 Kellogg Avenue 715/234-8024 Wausau, WI 54401-5396 Janesville, WI 53546-5699 715/261-6239 608/758-6523 UWC-Fond du lac Student Services Office UWC-Marinette County UWC-Sheboygan County 400 Campus Drive Student Services Office Student Services Office Fond du Lac, WI 54935-2998 750 West Bay Shore One University Drive 920/929-3606 Marinette, WI 54143-4299 Sheboygan, WI 53081-4789 715/735-4301 920/459-6633 UWC-Fox Valley Student Services Office UWC-MarshfieldfWood County UWC-Washington County 1478 Midway Road Student Services Office Student Services Office P.O. Box 8002 2000 West 5th Street 400 University Drive Menasha, WI 54952-8002 Marshfield, WI 54449-0150 West Bend, WI 53095-3699 920/832-2620 715/389-6530 414/335-5201 UWC-Manitowoc County UWC-Richland UWC-Waukesha County Student Services Office Student Services Office Student Services Office 705 Viebahn Street 1200 Highway 14 West 1500 University Drive Manitowoc, WI 54220-6699 Richland Center, WI 53581-1399 Waukesha, WI 53188-2799 920/683-4707 608/647-6186 414/521-5210 The University of Wisconsin Centers is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Shared Vision Statement of the University of Wisconsin Centers tudents, faculty, staff and administrators of the UW Centers, in partnership with area res­ Sidents, form a community of learners. Together we share the responsibility of promoting the mission of the University of Wisconsin to expand and disseminate knowledge and enrich the culture. Within the supportive and challenging environments of the centers, students of all ages and backgrounds are prepared for advanced educational and professional achieve­ ment, lifelong learning, leadership, and responsible citizenship. In order to realize the mission, all members of the UW Centers community have a respon­ sibility to promote and a right to expect: Respect for Persons Basic to respect is the freedom of inquiry and expression-the right to be heard and the obligation to listen. Respect is mutual; it is founded on the recognition that members of the community are multi-faceted with many gifts and challenges and come from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The campus environment should be free from intimidation and harassment. Disagreement within the community is expected to be resolved through a process of mutual respect. Personal Integrity All community members must meet high standards of personal and academic integrity. Recognizing the value of others' time and effort, we strive to be accurate, to be timely, and to evaluate critically. Views should be presented honestly; taking credit where credit is not due contradicts the goals of learning. Individual Development Initiative, critical thinking, the pursuit of truth and the exchange of ideas are essential to any academic experience. Community members should be committed to continuous improvement in themselves and others. All should be prepared to devote whatever time and effort is necessary both to educate and be educated. As the learning community fosters self­ development, it should provide ample and accurate advising. Opportunities for profession­ al development and training are essential for individual growth. Considerate Assessment The learning environment requires considerate assessment. The criteria for assessment should be mutually acknowledged, public and unambiguous. Assessment should be ongoing, focusing not only on individual community members but also on the educational process itself. The community helps its members to identify and assess their various responsibilities. Responsive Institution Each member of the community has a right and a responsibility to contribute to the success of the institution. The university should provide a responsive curriculum, smooth transfer procedures, and fair grievance processes and policies. All segments should be involved in budgeting and other long-range planning. Leaders seek and respect input gained through the shared governance process, so that decisions are made in the best interests of all members. Institutional and campus policies contribute to the success of all members of the community. 11 Contents page How to use this catalog: FreguentlM Asl<ed Questions iv Although you are enrolled at a specific University of Wisconsin Admission 1 Centers campus, the policies and Policy; Requirements; Application; procedures are the same at all of Guaranteed Transfer; Tuition and Fees the 13 UWC campuses throughout Student Financial Aid 7 Wisconsin. This catalog provides Eligibility; Types of Aid; Applying for Aid; How Awards Are Calculated; Sample Budgets important information about admis- sian, registration, financial aid pro- Enrolling 13 Registration Policies; Adding and Dropping cedures, academic regulations and Courses; Withdrawal programs as well as information Academic Policies & Regulations 17 about individual UWC campuses. It Student Classification and Credits; Grading System; Academic Standing also outlines what the institution can offer and what is expected of Student Rights & Responsibilities 23 Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act; you as a student. Equity in Athletics; Access to Student Records Student Services or faculty advi- Transfer from a UW Centers Campus 27 sors will assist you in planning your Planning; Guaranteed Transfer Policy; Transfer Information System (TIS) academic program and transferring to another university. 'The Associate of Arts & Science Degree 29 Revised for 1997! Additional information on co- Description; Requirements; Proficiencies curricular activities, financial aid, Course Descriptions 33 special academic programs, and special features of local UW Centers campuses is available in each cam- HistorM, Mission & Structure 69 pus Student Services Office. Board of Regents; UW System Administration; History of the UW Centers; Chancellor's Council VISIT THE UW CENTERS WEB PAGE: UJW Centers Campuses 73 http:{{www.uwc.edu Campus student information; Special Programs; Lists of Faculty and Staff lll Frequently Asked Questions: What is the University of Wisconsin Centers (UWC)? A. The UW Centers offers freshman/sophomore-level uni­ versity instruction. [ach UWC campus offers a transfer curriculum for the baccalaureate degree, professional - iv studies, and a general education associate degr•e. Most s.tudents live in or near the community where the UWC campus is located and comnlute to the campus. The physical facilities of each UWC campus were constructed and are 011med by Local county' and/or cit}' government. UWC campuses are vital educathmal and cultural resources for area residents. How does the UWC fit into the University of Wisconsin System? A. The UW Centers is one of 15 institutions within the UW Am ! eligible for admission? S,YStem. The System also includes 11 comprehensive uni­ versities. granting bachelors and masters degrees; tvm A. A~nne who desires a university education and applies doctnral universities granting bachelors, masters. and far admission to the UWC vf,ll be considered for admis­ docooral degrees; and UW-[xtension, sion. If you graduated from high school with the required units or have a high schaol equivalent certificate, such Will my credits transfer? as a GED. your chances of being acc~pted are good (see tho Admissions section, pages 1-6). If you are accepted A. The Centers is accredited by the North Central m. uw and )'()Ur high school record indicates that you may hav• Association of Colleges and Schools. Therefore, UWC difficulty with university work, you will be asked to par· credits ·.-ill be accepted by other institutions of higher tidpate in special programs and advising thraugh the education throughout the countly. It is important, how· campus Student Seo\1ces Dffice. The UVIC gives special ever. that you assure that the courses you take at a UWC cansideration on the basis of minority group status, campus wiU not only transfer fur credit but will also ful­ physical
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