CONTENTS • 90 Years since the End of the World War I - 1918-2008 – EDITORIAL STAFF........................................... 1 REVIEW OF MILITARY HISTORY - German Operational and Strategic Planning on the Eas- The publication is edited by tern and Southeastern Fronts in the Years from 1914 to 1916 the Ministry of Defence through the Institute for Political Stud- – Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. GERHARD P. GROSS (Germany), ....... 3 ies of Defence and Military His- tory, member of the Consortium - Transylvanian Romanians from Dynastic Loyalty to National of the Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes of the Loyalty – Prof. Dr. LIVIU MAIOR ......................................... 18 Partnership for Peace, national coordinator of the Project of - The Portrait of the Romanian Soldier in German Memoirs Parallel History NATO-Warsaw Pact. of the World War I – Lecturer Dr. SORIN CRISTESCU........ 27 EDITORIAL BOARD - Camille Blondel and Count Saint-Aulaire, two French con- • Major General (r.) dr. MIHAIL E. IONESCU director tributions to the creation of Great Romania – SERGIU of the Institute for Political Stud- ies of Defence and Military His- IOSIPESCU................................................................................ 35 tory • Colonel (r) dr. PETRE OTU, - The Secret File of Marshal Prezan – ADRIAN PANDEA ..... 43 scientific director of the Insti- tute for Political Studies of De- - A Romanian Officer – Witness of the Events that took Place fence and Military History •Prof. dr. DENNIS in Transylvania after the Great Union – LUCIAN DRĂGHICI ..... 48 DELETANT, London Univer- sity - Weak Communications: Romania in the French plannings for • Prof. dr. MIHAI RETEGAN, University of Bucharest supply in case of war – Dr. ISABELLE DAVION (France) .... 51 • IULIAN FOTA, director of the National Defence College - Romanian Memorials of the World War I – Colonel • Dr. SERGIU IOSIPESCU, scientific researcher, Institute Dr. CRISTIAN SCARLAT .......................................................... 56 for Political Studies of Defence and Military History • Prof. dr. ALESANDRU DUŢU, „Spiru Haret” University • Prof. dr. MARIA GEORGESCU, University of Piteşti The review is included in the database of the Universities National • Commander (r) GHEORGHE Council of the Scientific Research, evaluated in the B category. VARTIC, scientific researcher, Institute for Political Studies of Defence and Military History ISSN 1220-5710 SOMMAIRE INHALT • 90 ans depuis la fin de la Grande Guerre • 90 Jahre nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges - 1918-2008 – LA REDACTION .............................. 1 - 1918-2008 – REDAKTION ........................................... 1 - La Planification stratégique et opérationnelle - Die deutschen operativ-strategischen Plannungen de l’Allemagne sur le front de l’Est et de Sud-est an der Ost- und Südostfront der Jahre 1914 bis 1916 entre 1914 et 1916 – Lieutenant-colonel Dr. GERHARD – Oberstleutnant Dr. GERHARD P. GROSS P. GROSS (Allemagne) ........................................... 3 (Deutschland)................................................................. 3 - Les roumains transylvains, de la loyauté dynasti- - Die siebenbürgische Rumänen – von der dynastischen que à la loyauté nationale – Prof. Dr. LIVIU zur nationalen Loyalität – Prof. Dr. LIVIU MAIOR...... 18 MAIOR ..................................................................... 18 - La figure du soldat roumain dans la littérature - Das Bild des rumanischen Soldaten in den deutschen mémorialistique allemande pendant la Grande Erinnerungsschriften über den Ersten Weltkrieg Guerre – Chargé de cours Dr. SORIN CRISTESCU .. 27 – Conf. Dr. SORIN CRISTESCU..................................... 27 - Camille Blondel et le comte de Saint Aulaire – deux - Camille Blondel und Graff von Saint Aulaire – zwei contributions françaises à la création de la Grande französische Beiträge zur Entstheung Großrumäniens Roumanie – SERGIU IOSIPESCU ....................... 35 – SERGIU IOSIPESCU .................................................. 35 - Le dossier confidentiel du maréchal Prezan – ADRIAN - Feldmarschall Prezans vertrauliches Dossier – ADRIAN PANDEA .................................................................. 43 PANDEA ......................................................................... 43 - Un officier de l’armée roumaine, témoin des événe- - Ein rumanischer Offizier – Augenzeuge der Ereignisse ments de Transylvanie après la Grande Union in Siebenbürgen nach der Großvereinigung – LUCIAN – LUCIAN DRĂGHICI ........................................... 48 - Les liaisons précaires. La Roumanie dans les plans DRĂGHICI ...................................................................... 48 français de ravitaillement en cas de guerre - Prekäre Bindungen – Rumänien in französischen – Dr. ISABELLE DAVION (France) ..................... 51 Versorgungspläne für den Kriegsfall – Dr. ISABELLE - Mémoriaux roumains de la Grande Guerre DAVION (Frankreich) .................................................... 51 – Col. Dr. CRISTIAN SCARLAT .......................... 56 - Rumänische Gedenkstätte des Ersten Weltkrieges – Oberst Dr. CRISTIAN SCARLAT .............................. 56 BACK COVER> The military cemeteries and the memorial signs at Signy l’Abbay (France), Worms and Mannheim (Germany), Branik (Slovenia) and Budapest (Hungary) are only some of the testimonies of the Romanian sacrifices on the World War I European fronts • GHEORGHE VARTIC, editor-in-chief • Dr. MIRCEA SOREANU, • MONA ELENA SIMINIUC, editors • LIVIA MANOLE, proof reader • MARIANA B~HN~REANU, computer • ADRIAN PANDEA, cover • ELENA LEMNARU, make-up editor Address> 6, Constantin Mille str., Bucharest, sector 1, Romania tel> 040. 213 15 78 27, fax> 040-213 13 79 55 www.ipsdmh.ro Printed by Tipografia Filaret B 136/17.12.2008 90 YEARS SINCE THE END OF THE WORLD WAR I 1918-2008 Ninety years have been passed since the day port of the French Military Mission, and in this of November 11 when the document that officially way was able to stop in the summer of 1917 the ended the greatest World War of the beginning of offensive of the enemy and to stabilize the situa- the XX-th century was signed in the special rail- tion on the Oriental front. way carriage of French Marshal, Ferdinand Foch, Romania signed the truce with the Central Pow- stopped in the Compiègne forest. Germany has ers at Focşani and next the Peace of Bucharest in accepted the conditions imposed by the Allied and May 1918, on the background of a changing and Associated Powers, on the basis of the “14 points” unforeseeable international circumstance, defined of the American president Woodrow Wilson. by the success of the Bolshevik revolution of The world could finally feel relieved. The war Petrograd and by the exit of Russia from war. started on July, 15/28, 1914 that involved 28 coun- Facing the anarchy of the Russian troops, in- tries who offered to god Mars 75 million people, fected by Bolshevism, Romania ended the fights was finished. The outcome of the 1568 days of con- with the Central Powers, but was de facto in war fronts on battlefields was terrible: 10 million dead with the Soviet Russia. On this basis, Romania pro- people and over 20 million wounded. The military vided military support to the Country Council gath- expenses of the belligerents exceeded 330 billion ered at Chişinev, that proclaimed on March 27/ dollars. The production of the European states de- April 9, 1918 the Union of Bessarabia, the terri- creased over one third, being necessary almost tory between Prut and Dniester, with Romania. ten years of hard work to reach again the eco- When the truce of Rethondes was signed (Oc- nomic potential before the war. tober 28/November 11, 1918), Romania has already Romania entered into the Great War joining entered again in the Great War. One week before, the Entente on August, 15/27, 1916, with the condi- Romania decided to denounce the Bucharest tion that the union of the Romanian territories „Peace Treaty”, and declared mobilization on Oc- under Austro-Hungarian domination should be re- tober 27/November 11. The Romanian Army joined cognized. The country has mobilized 833 061 men, again the Entente, starting a new offensive 658 088 of them being in the operational forces. through the Carpathian gorges. The campaign of 1916 finished in disaster for The General Congress of Bukovine decided to Romania. Forced to fight on two fronts (the unify this province with Romania, on 15/28 No- Carpathian one being long of 1 000 km), with a less vember, 1918. equipped army, with no logistic support from the The resolution of the Great National Assem- allies, Romania was compelled to withdraw its bly from Alba Iulia (December 1, 1918), stated the forces from Oltenia, Muntenia (Wallachia) and Union with Romania „of all the Romanian people Dobrudja. from Transylvania, Banat, the Hungarian Lands Despite the establishment of the German ad- (that is Crişana) and of all the territories inhabited ministration in Bucharest and over two thirds of by them”. the national territory, the Romanian army, gath- In this way, at the end of the Great War – as it ered in Moldavia, has recovered its organization was recorded at that time – Romania was able to and logistics, being helped by the significant sup- gather within their frontiers all its conationals, that P Review of Military History P 1 • French Marshal Ferdinand Foch and the German politician Mathias Erzberger were the main signers of the armistice at Compiègne were eager to build up together
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