962 ŠŠŠZZZPPP†††ggg¬¬¬ËËËZZZeeeZe Wz6,$fZÏÁZ zŠ ‹Zg ÒŠ yzZ !* ZgÒi ŠZ gƒÑÔ[ºeY )*©~)»[Š zZ Š ZzgZg ´ùÆV>»!Š ~Z ,môZ Literary columns are valuable in understanding the literary scenario of specific language and literature.Same is the case with Urdu Literature.There are many prominent writers who wrote literary columns abouts Urdu books,writers,poets and trends.Though these columns are brief in length hence they have critical element in them.So we can't ignore them .This article deals with those books which are collectiin of such literary articals.They are helpful in understanding the importance of literary columns in a glance. t]‡ Zz ‰Xì;g¨¸yDg»}ûzW6,ÃÅ VZzgZy 'ŠZÆÇÜç~V>»!ŠZ ÆZgŠF,ÁÐ}p~W6,gîËDƒ„Ì,Z »Ý Fë@*Xì@ÅÎâCZW,@*W xk!*~ V>» Zy , z{Zi ´XhM}Š 7Zg ÛŒ'½g¬*c à Òû¡ë¹XZ Dƒ 7 ZZzg Ä,ZFXìCY|(,Ì Zzg Ì ~Z WÅV>» pZy Ò XZk DWc,kiÌ]*Dg!ŠZÜç Zzg Æ Zy …ÐV>»4 ÔZ DY−~©:6,¯Å];zZB‚Æäg/¦Ü‰z$dŠZ DY0= fg »Ä*cgŠ ÅV-/š{@Å õg@*!ŠZ »Ý tV-Xì ¸è~}g!*Æ?£Å Zy 4¨E3E{! D¯ qçñÌÃÃÅ Zy *c èEG zZgÔ ŠZ¸/¦ z{ ´Æ zg ŠÜçÆ[ŠZ »Ý !ŠZ]‡ Zz ‰X XD™Ýq/zZ Ðõg@*!ŠZ¸/¦Mg‡ÆÇÜçb§ XZk 6,R@¬Ã[Š yzZ !*iK gZ ó »Ý t*cÍ) fg Æ XZy +ZZ¯}ÙCzŠÆ g~ ó »Ý ~~,môZ ~,môXZ ìC tW Š™6,V>»‰‘ÐáZjÆ[Š zZ Š ]Zg !*¸XDY0az»äZ™sg” Z¡Ô÷g( ZyÔ %» ãŒ~ XZy x*V*cúFá zZ ™ »Ý ÐáZjÆ[Š yzZ !*zi Š Zg ~ æuÔ¹ gz ÃV]Z$ ÔÔ Ng0*s ÔÔgz ].‚fZ¦Ôjœ,k+2Wz6,Ô£Z−{ÔÝ°ZзÔ@gO ÔZ ¦ ïá hŸ Zzgg @%¬Ô*+0 Ôgzl . k„Ü*ÔÜ_gqÔñgZ ÍgâÔ,mz6,ëÔZ qš*cÔ ð4 Xìè¾»á£? Zzg sî-qZ©qZ» g~ ó Å»Ý ƒ Zy ë@*X 072 +ZÉÐ~ XZy ñƒùá ~^! »Ý ÆXÔgó »Ý qz{ çñ»á£ Zk 6,[ŠZð‡´ÆyÎ0**c[Š ~Z ,môZ~ÃvŠXïá »Ý ~W0Ð[Š zZ Š Zg ¡~X Æ[Š zZ Š Zg ~Xðƒ[7øŠÌ+ZÃPŒ6,V>»!Š XZ ‰Kïá Ì »Ý ~W XˆðÑc,kiÃ0ÐqçñÆ{)z„ (Q*c[ŠZÆVâ!*ivŠ*c[Š ~Z ,mô z{ÔZ ´ ~e Zkà 8891Y ·,Cultural Images in Post-Iqbal World [ÂÅ Zy%» ㌠tXì~/š~WëZÅeÆKÃmÆÄp [Zzg ŠZ·ùt»V>»Æ XZy ìÝqx¼á Z (The V~Šg¶ ~Z ,môZì·ù»V>» ZytXðƒ,k5+®) á xZ ÈZ,kiÆgƒÑ wÔ D ÄZ ),[Â Æ XZy 0Ð[Š zZ Š Zg »Ý g{)21( !*ïá ~[ XZk ìg Dƒùá ~gƒÑNation) :s g`f Š]*ZÄ 1- Muslim Renaissance as Metaphour 2- The World of Muslim Imagination 3- The Voice from the Recent Past 4- Intizaar Hussain's Roop Nagar, Meerut 5- New Roots and Old Memories 6- A Sitting with A Man of Letters 7- Neo Sufism in Poetry 8- Laila and the Thirsty Birds 9- Call it Madness 10- Nak Parveen Makes the Choice 11- The Black Cat in a Dark Room 12- A Literary Perspective 6,gîòÀä Zy%» ãŒ~"Muslim Renaissance as Metaphour" Zy Ä/ »Ý ¬ yvà gzb Å[ŠZä g~ ó|~ÇÜç~ñgZ Å XZy ìH{û6,wq‹gßÅ[ŠZÜç ~ g~ t‡ íX슮U»kWÅw~ XZk ìHŠ g{ ™0k?»V9ÅwqsÜtXì*cà e]gßÏZi» XZk ì;gY`@*ƒgD»L8*cÆ Z] W,Z-ZÆ[Š {Z Ñç Zzg ì@*g¸ZL8*c Æ Zy%» ãŒXƒZa/ZÅ"(,Ð ZzgW yQ~}Ñç@*Ôƒ g{ 7Z»6{ >Z K¶›[ŠZì :~pÖZ "The Muslim Renainssance as a metaphour of history can help our creative writings, and it can also redeem the helpless situation which has caused 172 psychopathic ailment in out thought and experience. Modernism in literature has brought about a break in the tradition of creative writing. Only a vision of the future can bring about continuity in the tradition and new view of creative experience in our writings." 1 Ht‹»[ÂÅ×;K¬~"The World of Muslim Imagination" Zy Ä/ »Ý }uzŠ Xïá WZF,~,môZÆ~²á ÅÔ kZ „ VZzg âYZÆ@{−{~[ XZk ìHŠ Islamic [ÂÅÔZ†Ñ~"The Voice from the Recent Past" Zy Ä/ »Ý }Š ~"Intizaar Hussain's Roopnagar Meerut" Zy Ä/ »Ý ¸aXìHŠ1{,^Y» Ideaology ÑH5_ "New Roots and Old Zy Ä/ »Ý ,v0*XñWc,kiÜÁðG5é BE*~ zw *Æ@gOZ @gO ZyZ %»ãŒñƒD™{û6,zw * XZk ìqçñ Ò†å i„ zw *»@gOZ~Memories" :˜ñƒïŠ Zg ÛŒ(Social Historian) gc ñCÑçà "As a mature writer he has given maturer work to our literature and one wonders Intizaar Hussain has eventually become a social historian or he has given a new dimension to his world of fiction." 2 Æ£ tZ ËZä Zy%» ãŒ~"A Sitting with a Man of Letters" Zy Ä/ »Ý ,^W ìHgÖZ»ñgZ Zk ñƒD™{û6,VE¹Å Zy 6,gî¦ùVW',+h×'XìHyÒ ZwjZ»]‡5B‚ Æ Zy%»ãŒXìàyvÿ!ÆVE¹Å£ tZ ËZL:Æpg:Ã7ÃøÚÆw :~pÖZ "---inability to perceive the future has damaged the creative act." 3 XìHŠ1{,^Y» 1µ^¨7 Þß, ó egZ Æ£ tZ ËZ~"The Two Caravans" Zy Ä/ »Ý ,â Æ]§5Å´ù ZyZk %» ãŒXì-8gÎÆš·ù~Ä»ð4æuqçñ »Ý» ,‚ ™{~è£Ã~²á Åð4æuä]§ Zy g~$e gzZ ð‡´~ñgZ Å Zy ë@*Xs2 :˜ Zy%»ãŒXìHŠƒ Zg ØŠÌÀF,» Zk6,¯Å]§Åqâ XZk ì*cŠ "These poems are written in a new poetic language which is based on folk idiom. Thus, archiac dialectal words give an unfamiliar pre-modern hue of the poems. Sermad Sehbai has, indeed discovered a charming poetic world but its language has made it a tropographical object. He has created a highly localised hetrocosm on a soil which is extremly volatile with intense emotions. One can 272 enjoy this world but cannot convey it to an outsider who is not familiar with its vocabulary. Perhaps this feature marks the difference between classical sufism and the neo-sufism of out times. The universal has been reduced to the particular in this collection of poetry. Perhaps Sermad Sehbai was not aware of this lurking danger during his state of ecstacy." 4 ~[ŠZ@¬Xì*Y@ ƒŠzö[ŠZF6,è£ YYH7t·ZÐñgZ Zk Å Zy%» ㌠Zk ÂW+h].XÅÝq]à@¬™ g{ }aÐ}iKZäV'Š zVZzgZ ²á V˜BV+ZϹ Z¯ +0Z»²á tX¦YÐÄÃÅ„è£,aÅ ZkÉ7gŠãWðÃEÃWìïqÅbà ¹Ã ÔWáãZ].zÌ~´ù g{ èà Æð4æuXìêŠwJe~o¹ÃWÌÃ-8gò£ì,k’ „gŠIŠzö Zzg ïq»è£¹Z6,¯Åehg»]§Ð[ŠZußa XZk ìïqÅ zV u X7ñ ~gZ W 1Ò Ü Úç‰ Ô ]m ´ù~ÄÆy{£Z¢~"Laila and the Thirsty Birds" »Ý ,Ί XìHŠ*c¯qç Ãñ}g7ZÆ}+06,V;Æ mZy <!*XìHŠ1{,^Y» c µ†Þ‚ "Nak Parveen Makes Zzg "Call it Madness" Zy Ä/MKnZZ~ »Ý ,ðgHŠ Zzg ,Ί ™¯ZãU*Zzg ìHÂ7V†tó egZ ƲŠâ!*~y*™¯ XZÍwZ ìqç âñ egZ ~Her Choice" XìHŠ1{,^Y~W»qçñ Zzg ã¹Åäâió egZ Æ£ tZ ËZ~y* “ âŠpÅ[Þv ]Z gŠqçñ» "The Black Cat in a Dark Room" y*,ðgHŠ H-4EJ& ñÑc,kià Zg Š™Æ(Ninety) ö *‰KyÒ~m\W ZyZk %» ãŒXì Þ^Úä `^h öZÎ ãŒìt%Z™fÿLE&‡Xce*YHt‹»ÜÁC;1:ÆúÅ Zg Š™ Zk~ñgZ Å XZy ãŒXïŠ Zg Û :Œ Äá »ÇÆ[Þv ]Z gŠÐ ZzgZ D™7tÃÆZÅ Zg Š™ ZyZk %» :ë Zy%» "And Perhaps Shahab's consciousness had created the Ninety to link his ownself within meta history under the stress of psychological and creative urges of last days of his life." 5 sZzg ¦~ Zk L:Z(,» XZk ÅÝqq=u"ä Þ^Úä `^h m\WÅ[Þv ]Z gŠ äV,XZ ìYY*cŠ Zg ÛŒWC;Å~/öZÎ yZk *t» Zy%» ãŒXåyÒ»ÜÁ][ tZ ¯ H-4EJ& ì*cŠ Zg ÛŒ ZzZg aÅðËÅx*c ~Z yWÆ[Þv ]Z gŠÃ Zg Š™][ tZ ¯Æ óó ö *LL~Ýgz Å46,™ 72 3 Xce*™* (Case Study) ~SRÅ~/öZÎ ZkÃV9¨¤Æ];ì*cŠ izg 6,% ZzgZkZ XZy ìH7t ~iZz WŠ»ä Zy%» ãŒÌ~"A Literary Perspective" »Ý ,ðg!* ÃMšŠZÅ zV ,k’ ZzgZy ce*Y1{,^Y~øÚ!ŠZ»]h Zzg ,kg»0ÐyÎ0*-q’~ñgZ Å GE ÂñY1y Ãâ Ã0î ©$ ZkÆ Zy%» ãŒXìëZ~e Zk Q»yÎ0*Z›Š Zg ÛŒm<!*Xce´6, *™* gÑ~}%iÆ[ŠZà Zy HXì~7,~½ÐVúù·,Æ,kg» ]Zzg hÆ‹xÔõg@* øÚÆ]ÑqYzÏ(ìH¼¿XˆZzŠ[Š ZzgZ "$æìt|?ǃ„gŠ @*™Zƒ„[ŠZÑ»[Š ]Z ‡ Zz ÒZZ# Xì@*ƒw”»Ñm{Ë1:Æ Zk1ì@*ƒÂ~ çOX*cWt‚Ì¿Šg» Zy „¢Ô‰bŠ Zg ÛŒ zx F ixz Ñ~ zZg ŠZXÆõg@*Ô[Š ZzgZ $eÑXì XYYH7t·ZÐñgZ Zk Å Zy%»ãŒ › iZz ãZ/Ã]*Dg!ŠZá zZ ‰K~ÇƈÆwDZ~V>»ïá ~[ Zk ¦ù¨ ,,k’Üçë xZ ÓzÁÐáZjÆâ zwZzgegZ *Ô:Y ~ÔZ ²á ~K XZk ì HŠ 36,Ðà [Š zZ Š Zg ~V>»vŠP z{ ´ÆV> Ñ» !*!"ä Zy%»ãŒ~[ VZk W',+h×'XˆWc,ki *c¯qç Ãñ t# Iá zZ äYñVZ~$dg»!Š gzVZzgZ Ç VÔ ²Ð à» zZ äƒÂÐáZjÆ XìïqÅÌ [Z Ât~KƃÅ]*Dg!ŠZÆð;ŠÅÏZÎ/ XZ ì ¬ Ð ~ X ïá »Ý !Š 7(Z )8 ¿Z À~~ Perceptions [ Å].‚fZ· XZk ðƒùá ~ 9891Y ÐyMxÈZ,kiÆnW,- gzZy »[ÂtX0Ð[Š zZ Š zy)15(Zg »Z Òû¡wÅV>»yë@*XX }û~W6,Ã!ŠZëZà zZ àŸ ~ÇÜç »Ý !˜~[ Æ].‚fZjœZ·XñV ]Z ï~W{Šz!*Æg"Zä].‚fZ ~ XZy 7ÏÅà : Zi§¶g~dâŠÆ[ Zk ñƒD™p°ÅÛ ~iZz W "It is only in the perspective of time that he sets out to analyse story or a novel or a poem. He gives due consideration to the mental makeup of the writer and how he proceeds. He has an abiding respect for creativity and hence his critical writings are an ideal blend of involvment and detachment." 6 'Æ [ZzgZk Âc,ki~¯¸B‚Æ„zÅ}p‰Kïá ~[ Zk~sf :ì;gY*cŠx*» 72 4 1- A Verse Collection With a Difference (>>>iii> ^^^i aaa^a 111‰‰‰^^^‰ nnn^ µµµnµ ·ù~Ä» g~ g gr Ã) 2- The Irony of Love (]]]†††] nnn† ÚÚÚn ^^^Ú ããã^ iiiãi ÀÀÀËËËÀ ÖÖÖËÖ kkkfffvvvf ÚÚÚvÚ ·ù~Ä»jœl²) 3- New Vistas in Ghazal (^^^mmm^ ………m … ÍÍÍw ·ù~Ä» ZièQ) 4- Poetry of Love, Strife and Hope (777^^^7 qqq^ †††q ¿¿¿† ßßß¿ ÚÚÚßÚ ·ù~Ä» g~ »Zº )Z 5- Pablo Neruda Translated (Ï*/ :Z Wá Ô 666nnn6 ÛÛÛn ¿¿¿Û ÞÞÞ¿Þ Zy >WZF,ÆV¸ÅZŠz.0*) 6- Quest for Self Identification (777^^^7 nnn^ ñññn ^^^ñ ßßß^ ß æææ ………æ… ·ù~Ä»Ï*/ )Z 7- The Rueing Dew (]]] ‡‡‡]‡ ggg ·ù~Ä»OM) 8- Poetry of Vision (äääßßßä nnnß ñññn ñ ÑÑÑ………Ñ æææ…æ ÑÑÑ………Ñ æææ…æ ·ù~Ä»~+hiŒ)Z 9- Symbolic Poetry (111jjj1 µµµj ………µ æææ… ]]]æ <<<] nnn< µµµnµ ·ù~Ä»n*c )gZxg 10- Symbolism in Poetry (lll………^^^… ^ eee 111e 1‰‰‰ ÍÍÍçççìììçì ‚‚‚fff‚ ßßßf +++ß+ ·ù~Ä»„,k+2) 11- Poetry of Rythem and Meaning (111333mmm3 ………m … ·ù~Ä»{á zi 9·) 72 5 12- Poetry of Meaning (]]]†††] ‰‰‰†‰ hhh]]]h ççç] ìììçì ·ù~Ä»@á Ð) 13- An excellent Natia Nazm (äääÚÚÚä ^^^Ú ÞÞÞ^Þ ÕÕÕŸŸŸçççŸ ÖÖÖçÖ Ä¾sîÅw)gâ )Z 14- Haiku in Urdu (çççÓÓÓç nnnÓ ñññn ^^^ñ aaa^a ·ùŒ6,r;ã*Y0 »}Z·) 15- The Hour of Flower (ØØØ+++ kkkÂÂÂ^^^ ‰‰‰^‰ ·ù~Ä»É{@á ) 16- Traditional But Fresh (-ÞÞÞ///Þ ………/ ]]]… ^^^] ÒÒÒ^Ò >>>ÓÓÓ> ÞÞÞÓ Þ ooojjjo 222j ççç2 ‰‰‰ç‰ ·ù~Ä»]gŠ¯*c¦) 17- Baqa Kay Taiver (………ççç… nnnç iiin 111i 1ÒÒÒ ^^^Ò ÏÏÏ^ eeeÏe ·ù~Ä»‰»º )Z 19- A Pleasing Anthology of Verse ù (………^^^… ÓÓÓ^ ÊÊÊÓ ]]]Ê] ÝÝÝôôôçççÝ rrrç aaara · ~Ä»~<%Zº )Z XZy ÐáZjÆÃÅ}p )23( AvŠïá ~[ z{ÔZk ´Æ}p/ ZyZ :ìs g`f Š„zÅ 20- Memories of A Writer (111‰‰‰ †††mmm† ;;;m ßßß; ÚÚÚßÚ 111ÒÒÒ ÝÝÝ^^^Ý ^ [ÂF6,V¤Z ŠŠ *cŸW,k )zi 21- A Critique on Faiz W á Å Å ; % (‚‚‚nnn‚ nÒÒÒ oooÒÒÒ ÙÙÙÙ áááôôô çççá ìììçì [Â~ 6,~² ; dZ iZ ) 22- An Appriciable Work ~ û ù }p Å g~ gX} XZ +ii [ XZk dZ; %777^^^7 eee^ †††e ```† ÚÚÚ`Ú ………ôôô^^^… mmm^ ôôôôm ^^^ mmm^m· » ‰‘6,g~ gX} XZ +i )i 672 (ïá Ì,,k’P 23- Photography in Words (ÜÜÜfffÜ ÖÖÖf ]]]Ö ]]†††] ‰‰‰† æææ‰ æ [ÂŒ6,VÃ{Æ]†gÅ g~ g gr Ã) 24- Theory and Practice of Inshaiya (^^^ nnn^ ßßßn eeeß oooe oÒÒÒ ääännnä ñññn ^^^ñ ^ ÞÞÞ ]]]Þ] [Â~WźZÐË )eZ 25- Ghalib : A Psychoanalysis (†††Â† ^^^ ^ ^^^ ÒÒÒ^Ò………ççç… ÃÃÃç ߟŸ ………Ÿ æææ… ]]]æ ………] ççç… ÃÃÃç Ã[Â~WÐáZjƨ¸ÅºZÐË )eZ 26- Literature and Culture (†††333† ×××3 ÒÒÒ×Ò ………æææ… ]]]æ] hhh]]]] [Â~WźZÐË )eZ 27- The Epistolary
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