DACCO : The Open Source English-Catalan Dictionary - DACCO Catalan to English for English Speakers 2012-01 Catalan-English dictionary: 16540 entries, 24504 translations, 1592 examples 557 usage notes Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 You are free: • to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work • to make derivative works • to make commercial use of the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. • For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. • Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (full license). 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The DACCO team would like to thank Prince for the kind donation of a license to use their extremely powerful software which made this PDF possible. 1 DACCO - http://www.catalandictionary.org a - abàsia DACCO : The Open Source English-Catalan Dictionary farewell dinner? | Han acordat renunciar a l'ús d'armes - They have agreed to renounce the use of arms The preposition 'a' in these cases can be translated by a number of different prepositions in English. Where the A Catalan verb translates into a transitive verb in English, the 'a' is not translated. a preposition 1 [amb un verb de moviment] to / into 8 [després dels verbs atrevir-se, decidir-se i negar- | Anem a la platja? - Shall we go to the beach? | Aquesta | No s'atreveixen a presentar-se - They don't dare to nit anirem amb cotxe a Tortosa - We're driving to Tortosa se] to show up / they dare not show up | S'han decidit a comprar tonight | Pugem al pis? - Shall we go up to my apartment? el terreny - They've decided to buy the lot | Es nega a | Els hem llençat al carrer - We threw them into the street 2 ajudar-nos - He refuses to help us 9 [a + infinitiu] to | No [situació, presència - o sentits afins] in / on / at | No hi ha res a fer - There's nothing to do | Això no té res a ha plogut a Platja d'Aro - It hasn't rained in Platja d'Aro veure amb el que deia - This doesn't have anything to do | El meu anorac no és a l'armari - My parka isn't in the with what he was saying | Vols aprendre a fer pàgines web? closet | Són al ball? - Are they at the dance? | Ens trobarem - Do you want to learn to make web pages? | Fa una hora ha a l'estació de tren - We're meeting at the train station | Ho començat a ploure - It started to rain an hour ago he llegit al diari - I read it in the (news)paper 3 [temps en Exception: 'tornar + a + verb' is translated by 'verb + again' què s'esdevé una cosa] at / on / in | Hem quedat a les (e.g. Aquestes nevades poden tornar a tancar les carreteres sis - We're meeting at six | Havíem de ser-hi el dia deu - We > These snowstorms might close the highways again). were supposed to be there on the tenth | A l'estiu sempre ababol noun m (red) poppy anem a la muntanya - We always go to the mountains in àbac noun m abacus summer | No tenim prou diners per a arribar a finals de abacà noun m Manila hemp mes - We don't have enough money to get to the end of the abacial adjective abbatial / abbey | Església abacial month 4 [davant el complement indirecte, indicant el - Abbey church beneficiari o destinatari d'una acció] to | Q aui vas abadejo noun m pollock enviar el paquet? - Who did you send the package to? abadessa noun f abbess | Encara no ha explicat als alumnes el procés - He hasn't abadia noun f abbey explained the process to the students yet | Ella ha ensenyat a abaixament noun m lowering tothom la carta que va rebre - She has shown everybody the abaixar verb to lower expression abaixar la guàrdia to let letter she received | T'estimo a tu, no a ella - I love you, not your guard down her | Es visiten l'un a l'altre - THey visit each other abalançar-se verb 1 to rush towards (someone) / to Sometimes the Catalan preposition 'a' can precede a direct object. In these cases, the preposition is not translated in hurl yourself at (someone) / to hurtle towards English (see last two examples). (someone) / to charge (a group of people) / to rush 5 [després dels verbs comprar i robar] from | Vam (a group of people) / to jump on (someone) 2 to comprar el cotxe al concessionari del pare d'en Tomàs lean on - We bought our car from Tomas's father's car dealership abandó noun 1 m abandonment / neglect 2 m | Van robar els diners a la meva dona - They stole the withdrawal / retirement money from my wife 6 [expressa el terme de l'acció abandonament noun abandonment verbal i va davant un substantiu] to | No puc abandonar verb 1 to leave 2 to abandon 3 to give up acostumar-me a la calor - I can't get used to the heat | Els 4 to pull out cursos es limiten als estudiants de més de divuit anys - The abandonat adjective abandoned / neglected / deserted courses are limited to students over eighteen years of age | Es abans adverb before expression abans d'ahir the day limita a fer allò que li manen - He confines himself to doing before yesterday expression abans que rather than whatever they order him to expression abans que res 1 first off / firstly 2 above all Where the prepositional complement is an infinitive, 'a + abaratiment noun m lowering / reduction (of prices / infinitive' is translated by 'to + gerund'. costs / expenses) 7 [altres verbs + a] for | S'assembla al teu sogre - He abaratir verb to reduce / to lower (prices / costs / looks like your father-in-law | Penses assistir al sopar de expenses) comiat d'en Pere? - Are you planning to attend Pere's abarrotar verb to pack / to fill / to cram abàsia noun f abasia DACCO - http://www.catalandictionary.org 2 DACCO : The Open Source English-Catalan Dictionary abast - absort abast noun m reach / extent expression a l'abast within abonament noun 1 m subscription 2 m membership reach expression donar l'abast to manage | No dono l'abast | Abonament familiar - Family membership | Abonament (tinc massa coses per fer i no puc fer-les totes) - I can't anual - Annual membership 3 m season ticket manage (I have too many things to do and can't do them all) abonar verb to subscribe | Com t'ho fas per donar l'abast?(Com aconsegueixes fer aborrallonament noun m pilling tanta feina?) - How do you manage? (How do you get so aborrallonar-se verb to pill / to bobble (Br.) much work done?) (colloq) This expression is used mainly in negative sentences and abordar verb to tackle questions. The expression is sometimes used with the 'Abordar' means 'to tackle' in the sense 'to tackle a problem / preposition 'a' (donar a l'abast) by native speakers, but it is topic' not recommended that learners copy this practise as it is not accepted by normative dictionaries. aborigen noun m / f aborigine adjective aboriginal abraçada noun f hug expression una abraçada [Josep] abastar verb 1 to reach 2 to supply love [Josep] abat noun m abbot abraçar verb 1 to embrace / to hug 2 to include / to abatedor noun m / f logger / wood(s)man / cover lumberjack abrasiu adjective abrasive abatible adjective folding abreujar verb to shorten / to abbreviate abatre verb to knock down / to shoot down abreviació noun f abbreviation abecedari noun 1 m alphabet 2 m alphabet book / abreviatura noun f abbreviation alphabet chart abric noun m coat abdicació noun f abdication abrigar verb 1 to wrap up warm / to bundle up 2 to abdicar verb to abdicate wrap up warm abdomen noun m abdomen abril noun m April abdominal adjective abdominal expression músculs abrillantament noun 1 m glazing 2 m polishing abdominals abdominals / abs abrillantar verb 1 to polish 2 to glaze abductor noun [body] m abductor expression múscul abrogació noun f abrogation abductor m abductor muscle abrogar verb to abrogate abegot noun m drone abrucès noun m / f (person / people) from Abruzzo 'Abegot' means 'drone' in the sense 'male bee' adjective relating to Abruzzo or its people abella noun f bee abrupte adjective 1 rugged / bumpy 2 abrupt / sudden abellot noun m drone abscés noun m abscess 'Abellot' means 'drone' in the sense 'male bee' absència noun f absence aberració noun aberration absent adjective absent / missing aberrant adjective aberrant absenta noun f absinthe / absinth abeurada noun f grout absentisme noun m absenteeism expression absentisme abeurador noun m trough escolar m truancy abisme noun m abyss / chasm absoldre verb to absolve ablació noun f ablation absolució noun f acquittal ablució noun f ablutions absolut adjective absolute / complete abocador noun m (rubbish) tip / dump absolutament adverb absolutely / completely abocar verb to tip / to dump absolutisme noun m absolutism abolició noun f abolition | L'abolició de l'esclavitud absolutista adjective absolutist noun m / f absolutist - The abolition of slavery absorbència noun f absorbency abolicionista
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