Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Submission Document July 2013 Contents Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Submission Document Incorporating Proposed Modifications June 2014 Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 Contents Introduction 1 Introduction 1 2 Knowsley - The Place 11 Vision and Strategy 3 Vision and Objectives 27 4 Sustainable Development 33 5 Spatial Strategy 35 Area Priorities 6 Area Priorities 75 6A Sustainable Urban Extensions and Safeguarded Land 105B Thematic Policies and Delivery 7 Balancing the Housing Market 107 8 Promoting Quality of Place 118 9 Caring for Knowsley 132 10 Delivering Infrastructure 149 Appendices A Glossary i B Detailed Definitions xvii C Schedule of UDP Policies to be Replaced xxii D Core Strategy Policy Delivery Mechanisms D1 E Sustainable Urban Extensions and Safeguarded Land – Allocations Profiles E1 Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 Contents Figures Figure 1.1 Planning Policy in Knowsley 2 Figure 1.2 Policy Context 5 Figure 2.1 Housing Completions 2003/04 - 2012/13 17 Figure 5.1 Knowsley Housing Trajectory (replaced) 45 Figure 9.1 Carbon Compliance Pyramid 135 Figure 9.2 Waste Hierarchy 147 Maps Map 2.1 Liverpool City Region 12 Map 2.2 Knowsley Local Context as at 2013 (replaced) 15 Map 2.3 Deprivation in Knowsley 2010 23 Map 2.4 Knowsley Township Areas 25 Map 5.1 Knowsley Key Diagram (replaced) 38 Map 6.1 Huyton and Stockbridge Village (replaced) 78 Map 6.2 Kirkby (replaced) 84 Map 6.3 Prescot, Whiston, Cronton and Knowsley Village (replaced) 96 Map 6.4 Halewood (replaced) 105 Tables Table 5.1 Employment Land Requirements: 2010/11 - 2027/28 (rounded) (replaced) 50 Table 5.2 Summary of Land Supply Shortfalls and Potential Capacity from locations proposed for release from the Green Belt 56 Table 5.3 Indicative Distribution of Capacity for New Comparison Retail Floorspace 2012 - 2028 62 Table 5.4 Overall Indicative Phasing of Development of New Comparison Retail Floorspace 2012 - 2028 63 Table 5.5 Indicative Distribution of Capacity for Convenience Retail Floorspace 2012 - 2028 64 Table 7.1 Mix of dwelling sizes for new housing in Knowsley 113 Table 8.1 Substantial Residential Area (SRA) Standards for Greenspace Quantity and Accessibility 129 Table 8.2 Community Area Standards for Outdoor Sports Provision Quantity and Accessibility 130 Table 9.1 Broad Areas Identified at Risk of Fluvial Flooding 142 Table 10.1 Infrastructure Categories 149 Table 10.2 Prioritisation of Developer Contributions 155 Policies Policy SD 1 Sustainable Development 33 Policy CS 1 Spatial Strategy for Knowsley 35 Policy CS 2 Development Principles 39 Policy CS 3 Housing Supply, Delivery and Distribution 42 Policy CS 4 Economy and Employment 46 Policy CS 5 Green Belt 52 Policy CS 6 Town Centres and Retail Strategy 59 Policy CS 7 Transport Networks 65 Policy CS 8 Green Infrastructure 69 Policy CS 9 Principal Regeneration Area - North Huyton and Stockbridge Village 79 Policy CS 10 Principal Regeneration Area - Kirkby Town Centre 85 Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 Contents Policy CS 11 Principal Regeneration Area - Knowsley Industrial and Business Parks 87 Policy CS 12 Principal Regeneration Area - Tower Hill 91 Policy CS 13 Principal Regeneration Area - South Prescot 97 Policy CS 14 Principal Regeneration Area - Prescot Town Centre 99 Policy SUE 1 Sustainable Urban Extensions and Safeguarded Land 105B Policy SUE 2 Sustainable Urban Extensions – Development Principles 105F Policy SUE 2a Sustainable Urban Extension – Knowsley Lane, Huyton 105I Policy SUE 2b Sustainable Urban Extension – East of Halewood 105K Policy SUE 2c Sustainable Urban Extension – South of Whiston and Land South of M62 105M Policy CS 15 Delivering Affordable Housing 107 Policy CS 16 Specialist and Supported Accommodation 110 Policy CS 17 Housing Sizes and Design Standards 112 Policy CS 18 Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 115 Policy CS 19 Design Quality and Accessibility in New Development 118 Policy CS 20 Managing the Borough's Historic Environment 122 Policy CS 21 Greenspaces and Trees 126 Policy CS 22 Sustainable and Low Carbon Development 132 Policy CS 23 Renewable and Low Carbon Infrastructure 138 Policy CS 24 Managing Flood Risk 140 Policy CS 25 Management of Mineral Resources 143 Policy CS 26 Waste Management 146 Policy CS 27 Planning and Paying for New Infrastructure 151 Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 Introduction Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 1 Introduction 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to the Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy. This chapter explains the purpose of this document, its central role within the Local Plan and its relationship to other policy documents. The chapter also explains in broad terms how the Core Strategy has been prepared, and how the document is structured. What is the Local Plan: Core Strategy? 1.2 The Knowsley Local Plan will comprise several documents. The Core Strategy part of the Local Plan will set the strategic framework for the growth and development of Knowsley up to 2028 and beyond. It sets out how and where new development and regeneration should take place and will therefore promote, guide and manage the future development of the Borough. The Core Strategy will also shape the investment plans of the Council and other public, voluntary and private sector organisations. 1.3 The Core Strategy will provide the strategic context for other planning policy documents, including other parts of the Local Plan (for which further detail is given in paragraphs 1.9 to 1.13). The Core Strategy also includes site allocations for areas to be removed from the Green Belt to meet future development needs, referred to as "Sustainable Urban Extensions" and on which further details are set out in Chapter 6A(M001). What are we trying to achieve? 1.4 The Strategy for Knowsley(1) aims to make Knowsley "The Borough of Choice", with a sustainable and diverse population, living in successful suburban townships that provide a sense of place and community. The vision is as set out in an earlier Sustainable Communities Strategy (2) and(M002) states that by 2023, Knowsley will have: • "Attractive, sustainable neighbourhoods with a wide choice of housing and excellent community facilities; • Vibrant and welcoming town centres; • Residents and local communities who are able to make positive lifestyle choices; • High quality employment areas which help to drive economic growth in the Liverpool City Region; • Narrowed the gap in deprivation levels both between different parts of the borough and between Knowsley and elsewhere." 1.5 This vision will be achieved through the actions of the Council and the wider Knowsley Partnership, linked to key outcomes. The Knowsley Local Plan will set out how the Borough will develop spatially in the short, medium and longer terms to deliver these aspirations. Planning Policy Within Knowsley Changes to the Planning System 1.6 The Knowsley Replacement Unitary Development Plan (UDP) was adopted in 2006(3) was the last development plan to be prepared by the Council (M003). 1 A Strategy for Knowsley: The Borough of Choice 2012 - 2023 (Knowsley Partnership and Knowsley MBC, 2013) 2 The Borough of Choice: Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2023 (Knowsley Partnership and Knowsley MBC, 2008) (M002) 3 Knowsley Replacement Unitary Development Plan (Knowsley MBC, 2006), available online at http://www.knowsley.gov.uk/pdf/unitary_development_plan.pdf Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 2 Introduction 1 1.7 In June 2009, the Council "saved" most of the UDP policies under the transition to the revised system introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Several policies were deleted at this point. Appendix C 'Schedule of UDP Policies to be Replaced' identifies which of the UDP policies will lapse and which will continue to be "saved" when the Local Plan Core Strategy is adopted. In due course, all the UDP policies together with the UDP Proposals Map will be reviewed or replaced as new Local Plan documents are adopted - see paragraph 1.9 to 1.13 for further details. 1.8 Further changes to the planning system have been made by government, through new legislation(4), and the National Planning Policy Framework(5)and the associated Planning Practice Guidance(5A). This has resulted in the use availability(M004) of new planning tools (e.g. Neighbourhood Plans, Community Infrastructure Levy), revised terminology (e.g. Local Plan) and new requirements (e.g. Duty to Cooperate). The Council has reflected these changes in its approach to developing its Local Plan. 1.9 Knowsley's Local Plan Core Strategy will be supported by other planning documents. The number and type of documents to be produced has been carefully considered by the Council, so that the Local Plan can be produced, adopted and reviewed in the most efficient and time-effective manner. The planning policy documents to which either will or may be produced are set out in Figure 1.1 'Planning Policy in Knowsley'. There are (as at late 20122014) no proposals to prepare Neighbourhood Plans in Knowsley, and these would need to be led by local communities rather than the Council. The Council intends to make a decision on whether to charge a Community Infrastructure Levy prior to adoption of this Plandoes not intend to implement a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule in the short term but will review and potentially revise this approach as the Plan period for the Core Strategy progresses (M005). Figure 1.1 Planning Policy in Knowsley 4 Including the Planning Act 2008, Localism Act 2011, and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 (all published by HM Government) 5 National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG, 2012) 5A Planning Practice Guidance (DCLG, 2014) Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy Proposed Modifications June 2014 3 Introduction 1 Other Local Plan Documents 1.10 The Local Plan: Site Allocations and Development Policies document will identify further proposed site allocations for new housing, employment and other development.
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