Board Members Medway Town Hall John Foresto, Chair 155 Village Street Glenn Trindade, Vice Chair Medway, MA 02053 Dennis Crowley, Clerk Telephone (508) 533-3264 Richard D’Innocenzo, Member Fax (508) 321-4988 Maryjane White, Member TOWN OF MEDWAY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF SELECTMEN Board of Selectmen’s Meeting March 16, 2020 7:00 PM Sanford Hall, Town Hall 155 Village Street Agenda 7:00 PM Call to order; Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance Public Comments Other Business 1. Approval of Minutes: March 2, 2020 and March 7, 2020 2. Approval: Resale Agreement for 7-5 Kingson Lane 3. Authorization to Spend Donation Funds: Donation from Ayco Charitable Foundation for Cultural Council Use - $2,000 4. Approval: 2020 Housing Choice Designation Application 5. Approval: Contract Amendment Number 5 – Compass Project Management - $16,252 6. Approval: Contract with Cassidy Corporation for Asphalt Paving and Patching – Not to Exceed $100,000**Annually 7. Approval: Contract with Bannon Paving, LLC for Paving Lovering Heights Sidewalks - $76,725 8. Approval: Contract with Clean Harbors for Household Hazardous Waste Day – Not to Exceed $13,000 9. Discussion: May 11, 2020 Annual Town Meeting Warrant - Planning Board and Zoning Articles 10. Approval: Change in Health Insurance Vendor to Harvard Pilgrim Health Care*** 11. Discussion/Vote: Junk, Old Metals or Second Hand Articles for Purchase, Sale or Barter License - License Fee 12. One-day Liquor License Applications: a. Ivy Faustino – Thayer Homestead – 4/4/2020 b. Marie Marchetti – Thayer Homestead – 4/5/2020 c. Colleen Cantin – Thayer Homestead – 4/11/2020 d. Shanleigh Reardon – Thayer Homestead – 4/19/2020 e. Ingrid Ambulos – Thayer Homestead – 4/25/2020 13. Action Items from Previous Meeting 14. Town Administrator’s Report 15. Selectmen’s Reports *Revised, ** 2nd Revision, 3rd Revision*** For more information on agenda items, please visit the Board of Selectmen's page at www.townofmedway.org Upcoming Meetings, Agenda and Reminders April 6, 2020 --- Regular Meeting April 21, 2020 --- Regular Meeting (Holiday Week) AGENDA ITEM #1 Approval of Minutes: March 2, 2020 and March 7, 2020 Associated back up materials attached: Draft Minutes of March 2, 2020 and March 7, 2020 3.16.20 Selectmen’s Meeting 1 Board of Selectmen’s Meeting 2 March 2, 2020 – 7:00 PM 3 Sanford Hall 4 155 Village Street 5 6 Present: John Foresto, Chair; Glenn Trindade, Vice Chair; Dennis Crowley, Clerk; Richard D’Innocenzo, 7 Member. 8 9 Absent: Maryjane White, Member. 10 11 Staff Present: Michael Boynton, Town Administrator; Allison Potter, Assistant Town Administrator; 12 Barbara Saint Andre, Director, Community and Economic Development; Susy Affleck-Childs, Planning 13 and Economic Development Board Coordinator; Carol Pratt, Finance Director; Dave D’Amico, Director, 14 Department of Public Works (DPW); Pete Pelletier, Deputy Director, DPW; Sandy Johnston, 15 Communications Director. 16 17 Others Present: Planning and Economic Development Board (PEDB): Andy Rodenhiser, Chair; Robert 18 Tucker, Vice-Chair, Tom Gay, Clerk; Richard Di Iulio, Associate Member. 19 20 ********************************** 21 22 At 7:00 PM Selectman Foresto called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 23 24 Public Comments: None 25 26 Appointment Consideration: Planning and Economic Development Board (PEDB) – Associate Member 27 – Jessica Chabot 28 The Board reviewed the (1) memo dated February 26, 2020 from Susy Affleck-Childs, (2) appointment of 29 PEDB associate zoning by-law explanation, (3) e-mail of interest dated February 6, 2020 from Jessica 30 Chabot, and (4) Jessica Chabot’s resume. 31 32 Ms. Chabot of 4 Milford Street introduced herself and reviewed her background and interest in serving 33 on the PEDB. She stated she has been on the Design Review Committee (DRC) for the past four years 34 along with chairing the Oak Grove Zoning Taskforce and would like to expand her volunteering efforts. 35 Selectman Trindade noted that she is good at articulating the Town’s position and dealing very 36 respectfully with angry residents. Selectman Crowley asked if she was planning to stay on the DRC. She 37 confirmed. Mr. Rodenhiser stated he has enjoyed working with Jessica noting at a previous PEDB 38 meeting, all were in favor of her appointment to the PEDB. The PEDB then voted and seconded her 39 appointment. Selectman Crowley asked if she can sit in with full member privileges if someone is not 40 available. Mr. Rodenhiser explained that can she sit in if someone is not available and can vote under 41 certain circumstances. Ms. Affleck-Childs explained that Ms. Chabot can participate but cannot vote 42 unless a specific set of situations exist that would allow her to vote. 43 44 Selectman Crowley moved that the Board appoint Jessica Chabot as an associate member of the 45 Planning and Economic Development Board for a two-year term. Selectman Trindade seconded. No 46 Discussion. VOTE: 4-0-0. 47 48 Approval of Minutes 49 The Board reviewed the draft minutes of February 18, 2020. Board of Selectmen – Public Session – March 2, 2020 1 50 Selectman Trindade moved that the Board approve the minutes of February 18, 2020. Selectman 51 D’Innocenzo seconded. No Discussion. VOTE: 3-0-1. (Selectman Crowley abstained as he was not 52 present at the meeting.) 53 54 Approval: Contract with CJP and Sons Construction Company, Inc. for Road Repair – Not to Exceed 55 $200,000 56 The Board reviewed the (1) memo dated March 2, 2019 from Dave D’Amico, (2) bid summary, and (3) 57 contract. 58 59 Mr. D’Amico stated CJP has been doing business with the Town in the past, they work on smaller 60 projects, and they were the lowest bidder. 61 62 Selectman D’Innocenzo moved that the Board authorize the chair to execute the contract with CJP 63 and Sons Construction Company, Inc. for road repair in an amount not to exceed $200,000 annually as 64 presented. Selectman Trindade seconded. Discussion: Selectman Foresto asked how they are held 65 accountable for completing the work based on the matrix. Mr. D’Amico stated because they submitted 66 unit pricing. He stated the matrix was utilized for bid comparison as they must be very specific with the 67 unit pricing for comparison of all the bid submissions. He stated they will group the work for efficient 68 use of the contractor. Selectman D’Innocenzo asked why the bids vary so greatly. Mr. D’Amico stated 69 this company has the one advantage of working with us before noting that they are based in Millis. He 70 believes the large gaps in bids is based on how busy some of these contractor are. Selectman Crowley 71 noted that this states work must be completed in twenty days and asked about the cost impact if it goes 72 beyond those twenty days. Mr. D’Amico stated the bid pricing will hold. Selectman Crowley asked who 73 had the contract last year and what has been the expenditure to date. Mr. D’Amico stated this company 74 did and did not have the spending to date available at this time. Ms. Pratt will provide this to the Board. 75 VOTE: 4-0-0. 76 77 Discussion: Roadway Rehabilitation Program 78 The Board reviewed the (1) memo dated 24, 2019 from Dave D’Amico, and (2) the road rehabilitation 79 plan. 80 81 Mr. D’Amico explained that this document includes a summary of expenses detailing what was done and 82 spent last year, leftover funds from last year, and additional funding received. He is anticipating total 83 available funding of $4.1 million and has developed a road plan of which roads will be addressed. There 84 are additional projects outside of this including culvert work, Lovering Heights sidewalks, etc. listed on 85 the final spreadsheet. Selectmen Trindade asked for validation that those streets listed under calendar 86 year 2020 are all we are doing this year. Mr. D’Amico confirmed along with the other projects listed on 87 the third sheet spreadsheet provided. Town Administrator Boynton stated the prioritization was based 88 on those roads that have the most immediate need noting that some on the list are related to the water 89 project. He noted that there is no way we will be doing the amount of work currently listed in calendar 90 year 2021 year which is year four of the plan. He stated we will need to discuss how we will be funding 91 those projects. He further noted that this is a fluid plan beyond this year due to the final 92 implementation dates of the water projects along with yearly adjustments needed to address weather 93 impact on streets. He stated this is a very aggressive plan. Mr. D’Amico stated that certain roads that 94 currently have sidewalks on both sides will be reduced to a sidewalk on one side of the road only. 95 Selectman Crowley noted that the original decision and plan was to do sidewalks on both sides so that 96 should free up revenue and this plan should be adjusted to reflect this. Selectman Foresto asked for the 97 rationale to have roads not considered poor done in 2021 and those that are considered poor for 2022. Board of Selectmen – Public Session – March 2, 2020 2 98 Mr. D’Amico stated it is to keep the projects in the same area to minimize mobilization and 99 demobilization by the contractor which is very inefficient and increases costs. 100 101 Selectman Crowley requested a status on the bids for the Brentwood project. Mr. Pelletier stated they 102 hope to get those out next week. Selectman Crowley asked what caused the delay.
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