PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission th News Media Information 202 / 418-0500 445 12 St., S.W. Internet: http://www.fcc.gov Washington, D.C. 20554 TTY: 1-888-835-5322 DA 15-522 Released: May 1, 2015 WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU RELEASES LIST OF SPECIAL ACCESS DATA COLLECTION RESPONDENTS WC Docket No. 05-25; RM-10593 On December 11, 2012, the Commission adopted an order requiring providers, certain purchasers of special access services, and certain entities providing “best efforts” services to submit data and information for a comprehensive evaluation of the special access market.1 There were three separate deadlines for filing responses, with the last remaining responses due by February 27, 2015.2 Attached are two lists identifying: (1) the entities that filed data and information in response to the collection questions (Attachment A); and (2) those entities filing certifications indicating that they are not covered by the scope of the collection (Attachment B).3 The Wireline Competition Bureau is in the process of facilitating public access to the collected data and information consistent with the restrictions contained in the protective order released on October 1, 2014.4 1 See Special Access for Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers; AT&T Corporation Petition for Rulemaking to Reform Regulation of Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Rates for Interstate Special Access Services, WC Docket No. 05- 25, RM-10593, Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 27 FCC Rcd 16318 (2012) (Data Collection Order); Report and Order, 28 FCC Rcd 13189 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2013); Order on Reconsideration, 29 FCC Rcd 10899 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2014) (Reconsideration Order); Order, 29 FCC Rcd 14346 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2014) (Extension Order). 2 The three separate filing deadline categories were: (1) December 15, 2014, for streamlined certifications from entities not required to provide data and information in response to the data collection questions; (2) January 29, 2015, for “large businesses with more than 1,500 employees” to provide their responsive data and information; and (3) February 27, 2015, for “small businesses with 1,500 or fewer employees” to provide their responsive data and information. See Extension Order, 29 FCC Rcd at 14346, para. 1. 3 See Data Collection Order, 27 FCC Rcd at 16331-38, paras. 30-48 (discussing entities required to respond, and excluding from the scope of the collection entities providing “best efforts” services to fewer than 15,000 customers and fewer than 1,500 business broadband customers as of December 18, 2012); Reconsideration Order, 29 FCC Rcd at 10902, para. 8 (excluding from the scope of the collection purchasers “that purchased less than $5 million in Dedicated Services in 2013 (in areas where the ILEC is subject to price cap regulation)”). 4 Special Access for Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers; AT&T Corporation Petition for Rulemaking to Reform Regulation of Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Rates for Interstate Special Access Services, WC Docket No. 05- 25, RM-10593, Order and Data Collection Protective Order, 29 FCC Rcd 11657 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2014). When reviewing the attached lists, please note that a filing by one entity may include information for one or more affiliated companies.5 In addition, the data collected were mainly from “calendar year 2013.”6 Interested parties wanting to bring attention to inaccuracies or omissions in the lists can send an e-mail to [email protected] with contact information for the sender (name, title, company represented, telephone number and e-mail address) and details regarding any inaccuracies/omissions. For further information regarding this aspect of the proceeding, please contact Greg Haledjian, Pricing Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, at (202) 418-7440 or at [email protected]. - FCC - 5 Those entities filing streamlined certifications on behalf of the filer and affiliated companies were instructed to identify the affiliates covered by the certification filing in a letter filed in the special access rulemaking docket, WC Docket No. 05-25. See Special Access Frequently Asked Questions, at 26-27, https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-331310A1.docx. Entities submitting data and information in response to the collection questions on behalf of other affiliated companies were instructed to identify the affiliates covered by the filing in an explanatory attachment included with the submission. See Instructions for Data Collection for Special Access Proceeding, WC Docket No. 05-25, RM-10593, at 8 (Dec. 5, 2014), http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/instructions. 6 See Reconsideration Order, 29 FCC Rcd at 10902, para. 8. 2 ATTACHMENT A Full Submissions Entities Providing Data and Information in Response to the Data Collection Questions FILER FILER TYPE(S) Competitive Best Purchaser Purchaser Company Name FRN ILEC Provider Efforts Mobile Other 1C Corporation 0022502926 Y N N N Y 24-7 Telcom, Inc. 0003774429 Y N N N N 3 Rivers Telephone Cooperative, 0001646454 Y N N N N Inc. d/b/a 3 Rivers Communications Access Point, Inc 0013786488 Y N N N N Ace Link Telecommunication, Inc. 0002626984 Y N N N N Ace Telephone Association 0002645927 Y N N N N Ace Telephone Company of 0002756187 Y N N N N Michigan Inc Action Communications Inc. 0004329033 Y N N N N Adams Telsystems Inc. 0004339487 Y N N N N Advanced Communications 0004360731 Y N N N N Technology Advanced Network 0005919022 Y N N N N Communications, LLC Aero Communications, LLC 0004992053 Y N N N N Affiniti PA LLC 0022804173 Y N N N N Affiniti, LLC 0022115869 Y N N N N AlasConnect, Inc. 0004339982 Y N N N N Alaska Communications Systems 0004991444 N Y N N Y Holding, Inc. Albany Mutual Telephone 0002645778 Y N N N N Association Algona Municipal Utilities 0005671128 Y N N N N All West/Utah, Inc. 0003777448 Y N N N N All West/Wyoming, Inc. 0008293649 Y N N N N Alliance Connect, LLC 0020655486 Y N N N N Alliance Global Networks LLC 0018250241 Y N N N N Alliance Group Services 0005019328 Y N N N N Allo Communications 0010480978 Y N N N N Alpha Enterprises Limited, Inc. 0014180905 Y N N N N Alpheus Communications, LLC 0005004361 Y N N N Y Alta Municipal Utilities 0005093018 Y N N N N Alteva of Syracuse, Inc 0018607358 Y N N N N Alteva of Warwick LLC 0022150361 Y N N N N AMA Communications, L.L.C. 0008064941 Y N N N N American Electric Power Company, 0014060883 N N N N Y Inc. Amery Telcom Inc 0002723773 Y N Y N N Andrew Telephone Company, Inc. 0002587491 Y N N N N 3 FILER FILER TYPE(S) Competitive Best Purchaser Purchaser Company Name FRN ILEC Provider Efforts Mobile Other Aristotle Inc. 0016161788 N N Y N N Armstrong Utilities, Inc. 0003765617 Y N N N N AT&T Corporation 0005193701 Y Y Y Y Y ATC Broadband LLC 0013906821 Y N N N N ATC Cable Vision, Inc. 0003722972 Y N N N N Athena Broadband, G.P. 0023210248 Y N N N N Atlantic Broadband Finance, LLC 0015336449 Y N Y N N Atlantic Telecom Multimedia 0020680591 Y N N N N Consolidated, LLC Audeamus 0018735928 Y N N N N B & B Transport Network, Inc. 0016051120 Y N N N N Bagley Public Utilities 0019219088 Y N N N Y Baldwin Telecom Inc 0002723534 Y N N N N BalsamWest FiberNET, LLC 0011291671 Y N N N N Bandwidth.com, Inc. 0015443773 Y N N N Y Baraga Telephone Company Inc. 0024157745 Y N N N N Barbourville Utility Commission 0018932350 N N Y N N Bascom Mutual Telephone 0004319737 Y N N N N Company Bay Springs Communications Inc. 0015518269 Y N N N N Bayland Communications, LLC 0003749744 Y N Y N N BCI Mississippi Broadband, LLC 0024109449 N N Y N N BCN Telecom Inc 0019066281 Y N N N N BEK Communications Cooperative 0002477636 Y N N N N Ben Lomand Communications, LLC 0003729142 Y N N N N Bend Cable Communications, LLC 0003764727 Y N Y N Y Benton Cooperative Telephone 0002645497 Y N N N N Company Berkeley Cable Television, Inc. d/b/a 0005792700 Y N N N N Home Telecom BEVCOMM, Inc 0004334975 Y N N N N Biddeford Internet Corporation 0011119633 Y N N N N Birch Communications, Inc. 0005044375 Y N N N Y Blackfoot Communications, Inc. 0003732773 Y N N N Y Blue Ridge Cable Technologies, Inc. 0003219227 Y N Y N N Bluebird Wireless Broadband 0016977381 Y N N N N Services, LLC Board of Water Electric & 0004279154 Y N N N N Communication Board of Water, Light & Sinking 0006993901 Y N N N N Fund Commissioners of the City of Dalton, Georgia d/b/a Dalton Utilities Borderland Communications 0023331846 Y N Y N N Brandenburg Telecom LLC 0007556152 Y N N N N Bright House Networks, LLC 0007508237 Y N N N N 4 FILER FILER TYPE(S) Competitive Best Purchaser Purchaser Company Name FRN ILEC Provider Efforts Mobile Other Broadplex LLC 0013324066 Y N N N N Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc. 0010296853 Y N N N Y Brown County CLEC, LLC 0004320545 Y N Y N N BT Americas Holdings Inc. 0013469887 Y N N N Y BTC Broadband 0008669897 Y N N N N BTC, Inc. 0003768025 Y N N N N Buckeye Cablevision, Inc. 0003757341 N N Y N N Buckeye TeleSystem, Inc. 0004319406 Y N N N N Bulloch County Rural Telephone 0004950937 Y N N N N Cooperative, Inc. BullsEye Telecom, Inc. 0004350930 Y N Y N N BVU Authority 0006823991 Y N N N N Cable One, Inc.
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