Come to the Oakland County Parks, where more than 100 species of birds have been observed! Visiting the parks and walking the trails at A Checklist of different times of the year can offer new and rewarding experiences in bird watching. ADDISON OAKS Oakland County Parks W. Romeo Road, Leonard and Recreation manages BIRDS CATALPA OAKS 6,700 acres of open space Did you know that in Oakland County within its 13 parks. These natural Greenfield Road, Southfield the House Sparrow areas provide an opportunity to see a wide GROVELAND OAKS was introduced from Eurasia and now is variety of birds. Bird watching, also known Dixie Highway, Holly found throughout as birding, is one of the fastest-growing HIGHLAND OAKS North America? outdoor activities in the United States. Use the N. Milford Road, Highland checklist inside to track the birds that you see at the Oakland County Parks. Oakland County INDEPENDENCE OAKS Parks and Recreation partners with Oakland Sashabaw Road, Clarkston County Planning and Economic Development LYON OAKS in the county’s Green Infrastructure vision. Pontiac Trail, Wixom ORION OAKS Several different species of birds can be found Clarkston Road, in the region, but some skill is required to Lake Orion identify them. Small birds can be concealed in vegetation. Some RED OAKS species may be seen only in Wood Warblers 13 Mile Road, spring and fall on migration to represent a larger Madison Heights and from their nesting grounds. family of birds unique to the New World. ROSE OAKS Others are found only in winter, These brightly colored Fish Lake Road, Holly while some remain year-round. birds are highly Knowing bird anatomy migratory. SPRINGFIELD OAKS will help you focus on field Andersonville Road, marks to identify what you Davisburg are seeing. Look closely and note colors and WATERFORD OAKS Please patterns—these will help you learn the identity report any Scott Lake Road, Waterford of the bird you are watching. other species so this checklist can be updated. The checklist will help you keep track of birds The Oakland All Abilities WELCOME you see. The Oakland Audubon Society, a Audubon Society partners with chapter of Michigan Audubon, has contributed Oakland County to updating this list. The checklist is consistent Parks and Recreation th in bird conservation. with the American Ornithologists’ Union, 7 Visit DestinationOakland.com 10/16 Edition and aligns with the Michigan Bird or oaklandaudubon.org Records Committee Checklist, Version 10. OaklandCountyParks.com OBSERVER(S) Loons Gulls Vireos Mockingbirds & Thrashers Vesper Sparrow Common Loon T Bonaparte’s Gull Yellow-throated Vireo Gray Catbird Savannah Sparrow Grebes Ring-billed Gull Blue-headed Vireo Northern Mockingbird Grasshopper Sparrow SC Pied-billed Grebe Herring Gull Warbling Vireo Brown Thrasher Henslow’s Sparrow E Horned Grebe Glaucous Gull Red-eyed Vireo European Starling Fox Sparrow Date Cormorants Great Black-backed Gull White-eyed Vireo European Starling Song Sparrow Location Double-crested Cormorant Doves Crows & Jays Waxwings Lincoln’s Sparrow Herons and Relatives Rock Pigeon Blue Jay Bohemian Waxwing Swamp Sparrow Weather American Bittern SC Mourning Dove American Crow Cedar Waxwing White-throated Sparrow Total Species Least Bittern T Cuckoos Common Raven Buntings White-crowned Sparrow Notes Great Blue Heron Yellow-billed Cuckoo Larks Snow Bunting Dark-eyed Junco Great Egret Black-billed Cuckoo Horned Lark Wood Warblers Cardinals & All Green Heron Owls Swallows Ovenbird Scarlet Tanager Black-crowned Eastern Screech-Owl Purple Martin Louisiana Waterthrush Northern Cardinal Night-Heron SC Great Horned Owl Tree Swallow Golden-winged Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak Ducks, Geese and Swans Vultures, Hawks & Eagles Snowy Owl Northern Rough-winged Swallow Blue-winged Warbler Indigo Bunting Greater White-fronted Goose Turkey Vulture Barred Owl Bank Swallow Black-and-white Warbler Dickcissel SC Snow Goose Osprey SC Northern Saw-whet Owl Cliff Swallow Prothonotary Warbler SC Blackbirds Canada Goose Bald Eagle SC Nighthawks & Nightjars Barn Swallow Tennessee Warbler Bobolink Trumpeter Swan T Northern Harrier SC Common Nighthawk Chickadees & Titmice Orange-crowned Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Mute Swan Sharp-shinned Hawk Eastern Whip-poor-will Black-capped Chickadee Nashville Warbler Eastern Meadowlark Tundra Swan Cooper’s Hawk Swifts and Hummingbirds Tufted Titmouse Connecticut Warbler Rusty Blackbird Wood Duck Northern Goshawk SC Chimney Swift Nuthatches Mourning Warbler Brewer’s Blackbird American Wigeon Red-shouldered Hawk T Ruby-throated Hummingbird Red-breasted Nuthatch Common Yellowthroat Common Grackle American Black Duck Broad-winged Hawk Kingfishers White-breasted Nuthatch American Redstart Brown-headed Cowbird Mallard Red-tailed Hawk Belted Kingfisher Creepers Cape May Warbler Orchard Oriole Blue-winged Teal Falcons Woodpeckers Brown Creeper Cerulean Warbler T Baltimore Oriole Northern Shoveler American Kestrel Red-headed Woodpecker Wrens Northern Parula Finches Northern Pintail Peregrine Falcon E Red-bellied Woodpecker Carolina Wren Magnolia Warbler Purple Finch Green-winged Teal Rails & Cranes Yellow-bellied Sapsucker House Wren Bay-breasted Warbler House Finch Canvasback Yellow Rail T Downy Woodpecker Winter Wren Blackburnian Warbler Red Crossbill Redhead Virginia Rail Hairy Woodpecker Sedge Wren Yellow Warbler Common Redpoll Ring-necked Duck Sora Northern Flicker Marsh Wren SC Chestnut-sided Warbler Hoary Redpoll Greater Scaup American Coot Pileated Woodpecker Gnatcatchers Blackpoll Warbler Pine Siskin Lesser Scaup Sandhill Crane Flycatchers Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Black-throated Blue Warbler American Goldfinch Bufflehead Plovers Eastern Wood-Pewee Kinglets Palm Warbler House Sparrow Common Goldeneye Killdeer Acadian Flycatcher Golden-crowned Kinglet Pine Warbler House Sparrow Hooded Merganser Sandpipers Alder Flycatcher Ruby-crowned Kinglet Yellow-rumped Warbler Other: Common Merganser Spotted Sandpiper Willow Flycatcher Thrushes Black-throated Green Warbler Red-breasted Merganser Solitary Sandpiper Least Flycatcher Eastern Bluebird Canada Warbler Ruddy Duck Least Sandpiper Eastern Phoebe Veery Wilson’s Warbler Gamebirds Pectoral Sandpiper Great Crested Flycatcher Gray-cheeked Thrush Sparrows Northern Bobwhite Wilson’s Snipe Eastern Kingbird Swainson’s Thrush Eastern Towhee Ring-necked Pheasant American Woodcock Shrikes Hermit Thrush American Tree Sparrow Ruffed Grouse Upland Sandpiper Northern Shrike Wood Thrush Chipping Sparrow State Status Rank Key: E = Endangered Wild Turkey American Robin Field Sparrow T = Threatened SC = Special Concern.
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