Southwest Kansas “We all have the DUTY atholic to do GOOD.” -- P�pe Francis CNewspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City www.dcdiocese.org/swkscatholic Vol. LII, No. 13 Sunday, October 1, 2017 Annual De Colores! Diocesan Diocese celebrates Matrimony Anniversary 40 years of Fiesta Mass Oct. 15 he Most Rev. John B. Brun- Tgardt invites couples through- out the diocese celebrati ng their 5th, 10th, 25th, 40th, and 50-plus years in 2017 to att end the Annual Diocesan Matrimony Anniversary Mass, Oct. 15 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mass is at 3 p.m., followed by a dinner recepti on. There is no cost to att end, but parti cipants must register by going to dcdiocese.org and clicking on the Anniversary Mass box. Or send: • Full names of wife and husband • Full mailing address • Phone number • Email address (if ap- plicable) • Parish • Years of matri- mony • Preferred language of cer- ti fi cate • and number of guests, including yourselves, by Oct. 4 to: Matrimony Anniversary Mass Att n: Gayla 910 Central, P.O. Box 137 Dodge City, KS 67801 Misa Diocesana Photos courtesy of Patricia Lujan Anuel de Aniversario lYSSES -- The music, aro- for sale, the day off ers dramati c de Matrimonio performances, much music, the ma and faith-fi lled celebra- l Obispo John B. Brungardt invita naming of the young Fiesta king Uti on of Fiesta de Colores Ea las partes en toda la diócesis and queen, and, of course, the returned home to Ulysses Sept. celebrando su 5to, 10mo, 25avo, celebrati on of Mass--this year 10 for a day of events honor- 40avo, y 50vo, y más años de ani- celebrated by Fathers Jacob ing 40 years of presence in the versario en el 2017 para asisti r a la Schneider, Jim Dieker, and Peter Catholic Diocese of Dodge City. Misa Diocesana Anual de Aniversa- Fernandez (at top). For more than 35 years, the rio de Matrimonio, Dominigo 15 de “It was such an honor to diocesan-wide Fiesta de Colores Octubre. Misa a las 3 p.m.; seguida was held in Ulysses. Then, a few celebrate the 40th Anniversary de la comida. of the Fiesta de Colores,” Lujan years ago, members of the Sec- Para inscribirse, por favor, vaya a said. “Joy could be felt in the en- retariat of the Cursillo decided to dcdiocese.org, haga clic en la casilla vironment. Several communiti es begin holding the event at other y complete el formulario y el correo from the diocese parti cipated locati ons in the diocese. antes del 4 de octubre del 2017. with their drama plays, music, “The last few years it has O, envíe: and food. They were Elkhart, rotated around the diocese--in • Usted y el nombre completo Scott City, Dodge City, Garden Garden City, Liberal, and Dodge de su cónyuge • Dirección postal City, Liberal, Ulysses, Lewis, and City,” explained Patricia Lujan “Af- completa • Número de teléfono • Johnson. ter four years, the Fiesta returned Dirección de correo electrónico (si “All the people enjoyed food, to its original home, Ulysses.” corresponde) • Parroquia • Años fellowship, and God’ presence,” The annual fi esta celebrates de matrimonio • Idioma preferido Lujan said. “The guest speaker the faith, the music, the food, del certi fi cado • y el número de in- was Jorge Barceló, all the way and other traditi ons honoring vitados, incluidos ustedes mismos, from Orlando, Florida. The Fiesta the heritage of the Hispanic para el 4 de octubre a: King and Queen (at top) were residents of the Catholic Diocese Misa del aniversario del Austyn Leyva and Natalia Ledez- of Dodge City. matrimonio ma. The day ended beauti fully Besides off ering home-cooked Atención: Gayla celebrati ng the blessed Eucharist cuisine, games and face-painti ng 910 Central, P.O. Casilla 137 in Mass. De Colores!” for kids, and booths with items Dodge City, KS 67801 Page 2 October 1, 2017 The Southwest Kansas Catholic ‘Crazy Jim’ “Crazy Jim.” That’s what they a kind of wandering preacher. drink, by his fine trophy wife, by came to call him, and the name Many of the 40,000 inhabitants his fine standing in the commu- stuck for 800 years and counting. found him too eccentric for their nity, and by his fine pleasure in Jacopo da Todi, James of the tastes. His penitential practices taking revenge on his enemies. town of Todi in 13th century Italy, were too much for them. He He was a gifted, energetic, even was a prosperous lawyer, a man seemed half-mad. He became, volcanic, man. But he lived on who liked to be noticed and taken well, Jacopone, Crazy Jim. the surface of things. He was seriously, an up-and-coming town His conversion had been au- shallow. He was narrow, indeed. star. But Jacopo was fated to thentic, to be sure. But Divine It would take him the rest of Another Way become Jacopone. Life did not rush in suddenly to fill his life to become the poet the It happened this way. Vanna, his earthly life with order, beauty, world then prized, and the world + Most Rev. his wife of less than a year, died and wonder. As he wrote in one now praises. It would take him Ronald M. Gilmore suddenly in the collapse of a of his poems (Laude LX), God the rest of his life to become Bishop of Dodge City platform at a public event her cannot lodge in narrow hearts. the mystic his fellow Francis- His conversion had husband wanted her to attend. And for 48 years, his heart had cans then rejected, and are now When they prepared her body never been stretched beyond proud to call their own. been authentic, to for burial, she was found to be the demands of his own selfish be sure. But Divine wearing a hair-shirt next to her interests, and his own Life did not rush in skin: penance for her husband’s selfish loves. suddenly to fill his arrogant and avaricious ways. When the platform ‘El Loco Santiago’ That stopped him, and touched collapsed, he was earthly life with him, and changed him. consumed by his fine “El Loco Santiago.” Así fue como le order, beauty, and He left his law practice, gave house and servants, by empezaron a llamar, y se le ha quedado wonder. away his wealth, and became his fine food and fine el nombre por más de 800 años. Jacopo da Todi, Santiago del pueblo de Todi en el Italia del siglo 13, era un próspero abogado, un hombre que le gustaba llamar la atención y a la vez ser tomado en serio, una promet- uno de sus poemas (Laude LX), Dios no edora estrella del pueblo. Pero Jacopo puede alojarse en corazones angostos. estaba destinado a convertirse en Y por 48 años, su corazón no se había Jacopone. estrechado más allá de las exigencias Paso de esta manera. Vanna, su de sus propios intereses egoístas, y sus esposa de menos de un año, murió propios amores egoístas. repentinamente en el colapso de una Cuando la plataforma colapso, plataforma en un evento público que estaba consumido por su casa fina y su esposo quería que asistiera. Cu- sirvientes, por su vino fino y comida ando iban a preparar su cuerpo para el fina, por su esposa de “trofeo”, por funeral, descubrieron que debajo de su su buena posición dentro de la comu- ropa tenía puesta una blusa hecha de nidad, y por su fino placer de tomar pelo de animal: como penitencia por la venganza de sus enemigos. Él era un arrogancia y avaricia de su esposo. Eso hombre muy talentoso, lleno de en- lo paro, lo toco, lo cambio. ergía, hasta volcánico. Pero vivía en la Dejo de practicar la ley, regalo su superficie de las cosas. Él tenía poca fortuna, y se convirtió en un predica- profundidad. En verdad, su corazón dor vagabundo. Muchos de los 40,000 estaba angosto. habitantes lo encontraron muy excén- Le tomaría el resto de su vida para trico para sus gustos. Sus prácticas de convertirse en el poeta que el mundo penitencia eran demasiado para ellos. valoro, y que el mundo ahora elogia. Parecía que estaba medio loco. Se con- Le tomaría el resto de su vida para con- virtió en Jacopone, El Loco Santiago. vertirse en el místico que sus compa- Su conversión había sido autentica. ñeros Franciscanos en aquel entonces Pero la Vida Divina no entro de repente rechazaron y que ahora con orgullo lo a llenar su vida terrenal de orden, nombran como uno de ellos. belleza, y asombro. Como escribió en HELP WANTED Diocesan Director of Matrimony, Family Life, and Natural Family Planning he Catholic Diocese of Dodge City is dral Parish and regional workshops/meet- Tseeking a Director of the Matrimony, ings/listening sessions. Family Life, & Natural Family Planning The Director oversees internal and office (MFLNFP). The Director shall external communications and outreach guide the mission of the office through for the Diocese with the use of print, web, collaboration with pastors and parishes and other media forms. and ensure that the programs operate Prefer Bachelor’s Degree in related in accordance with the teachings of the area, proficient verbal and written com- Catholic Church and the mission outlined munication skills, bilingual (English/Span- by the Diocese. ish) preferred. The MFLNFP office is responsible for To request additional information on programs for the Diocese in these areas position specifications and requirements and is responsible for organizing and and/or to apply: Email cover letter and directing efforts to involve volunteers in resume to [email protected] or mail “Jesus tends to his people individually.
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