Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Ogalde, Juan Pablo; Arriaza, Bernardo; Paipa, Carolina; Leyton, Patricio; Campos Vallette, Marcelo; Lara Henríquez, Nelson; Salas, Cristian; Tapia, Pedro Multi-instrumental characterization of two red pigments in funerary archaeological contexts from northern Chile Interciencia, vol. 40, núm. 12, diciembre, 2015, pp. 875-880 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=33943081011 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative MULTI-INSTRUMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TWO RED PIGMENTS IN FUNERARY ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONTEXTS FROM NORTHERN CHILE Juan Pablo Ogalde, Bernardo Arriaza, Carolina Paipa, Patricio Leyton, Marcelo Campos-Vallette, Nelson Lara, Cristian Salas and Pedro Tapia SUMMARY Analysis of two archaeological red pigments from two cities in was the main component of the red color in both pigments. These northern Chile, Calama (Calama sample) and Iquique (Iquique are the first results reported for both sampled areas, helping thus sample) are reported in the current work. Scanning electron mi- to clarify the Calama funeral rites and the raw materials used croscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), for Chinchorro mummification in the Iquique region. The char- powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrational spectroscopy (IR acterization of the raw materials provides information for future and Raman) were used for structural studies. Hematite (α-Fe2O3) studies focused on hematite mining processes. Introduction archaeological collections of questions about the origin of The Iquique pigment sam- this area have shown the pres- the pigments. However, sys- ple (Figure 1c) comes from a Pigments from two archaeo- ence of shells and pigments on tematic studies concerning facial mask of a Chinchorro logical sites, in the Calama the offering tombs. This type chemical characterization have mummy from the Sermenia and Iquique regions, northern of offering is common in not been done yet on this type site, an archaeological ceme- Chile (Figure 1a), were chemi- the Calama area and raises of mineral. tery in the coastal desert cally identified. The pigment samples were obtained from different geographic areas and the sites correspond to a b different cultural periods. The Calama pigment sample (Figure 1b) was found inside a Concholepas concholepas shell during an excavation in the Chorrillos archaeological cem- etery, an early Formative site (2750-2150 B.P.), located in the c Atacama Desert. The popula- tion buried in this cemetery belonged to the early agricul- tural period, and exhibited a ‘circular-oblique’ cranial deformation trend (Depósito Arqueológico de Calama – DAC– register). Previous stud- Figure 1. a) Map of northern Chile showing the cities of Calama and Iquique, where the pigment samples ies in Calama (Ogalde et al., were found. b) Calama sample (NA-4 DAC, register) which was found in a Concholepas concholepas shell, 2014) and a review of and c) Iquique sample collected from the nasal area of a Chinchorro red mummy. KEYWORDS / Calama / Chinchorro Mummification / Diatoms / Hematite / Iquique / Ochre / Received: 04/14/2015. Modified: 11/08/2015. Accepted: 11/10/2015. Juan Pablo Ogalde. M.A. in Bernardo Arriaza. Ph.D. in Patricio Leyton. Ph.D. in Che- Complutense de Madrid, Anthropology, Universidad Physical Anthropology, Ari- mistry, Universidad de Chile. Spain. Instructor, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. zona State University, USA. Research Asociate, Pontificia de Tarapacá, Chile. Ph.D. student, Universidad de Researcher, Instituto de Alta Universidad Católica de Val- Cristian Salas. Ph.D. in Sciences, Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. Adress: Investigación, Universidad de paraiso, Chile. Pontificia Universidad Católica Departamento de Química, Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. Marcelo Campos Vallette. Ph.D. de Chile. Professor. Pontificia Facultad de Ciencias, Uni- Carolina Paipa. Ph.D. in in Chemistry, Université de Universidad Católica de Chile. versidad de Tarapacá, Avda. Chemistry, Universidad de Bordeaux, France. Professor, Pedro Tapia. Ph.D. in Geosciences, Gral. Velásquez 1775, Arica. Chile. Research Associate, Universidad de Chile. University of Nebraska, USA. Chile. email: jpabloogalde@ Pontificia Universidad Católica Nelson Lara Henríquez. Ph.D. Research Associate, Universidad yahoo.es de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile. in Sciences, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Perú. DECEMBER 2015, VOL. 40 Nº 12 0378-1844/14/07/468-08 $ 3.00/0 875 CARACTERIZACIÓN MULTI-INSTRUMENTAL DE DOS PIGMENTOS ROJOS DE CONTEXTOS ARQUELÓGICOS FUNERARIOS DEL NORTE DE CHILE Juan Pablo Ogalde, Bernardo Arriaza, Carolina Paipa, Patricio Leyton, Marcelo Campos-Vallette, Nelson Lara, Cristian Salas y Pedro Tapia RESUMEN En este trabajo se presentan análisis realizados para pig- componente del color rojo en los dos pigmentos fue la hemati- mentos rojos arqueológicos de dos ciudades en el norte de ta (α-Fe2O3). Estos son los primeros resultados conocidos para Chile: Calama (muestra Calama) e Iquique (muestra Iquique). ambas áreas, ayudando a aclarar las costumbres funerarias de Para la identificación estructural se utilizó microscopía elec- Calama y las materias primas utilizadas en la momificación trónica de barrido, espectrometría de energía dispersiva de ra- Chinchorro en la zona de Iquique. La caracterización de estas yos X (SEM-EDX), difracción de rayos X en polvo (XRD), y es- materias primas provee de información para futuros estudios pectroscopia vibracional (IR infrarroja y Raman). El principal focalizados en los procesos mineros de hematita. CARACTERIZAÇÃO MULTI-INSTRUMENTAL DE DOIS PIGMENTOS VERMELHOS DE CONTEXTOS ARQUELÓGICOS FUNERÁRIOS DO NORTE DO CHILE Juan Pablo Ogalde, Bernardo Arriaza, Carolina Paipa, Patricio Leyton, Marcelo Campos-Vallette, Nelson Lara, Cristian Salas e Pedro Tapia RESUMO Neste trabalho são apresentadas análises realizadas para componente da cor vermelha nos dois pigmentos foi hematita pigmentos vermelhos arqueológicos de duas cidades do norte (α-Fe2O3). Estes são os primeiros resultados conhecidos para do Chile: Calama (mostra Calama) e Iquique (mostra Iquique). ambas as áreas, ajudando a esclarecer os costumes funerários Para a identificação estrutural se utilizou microscopia eletrôni- de Calama e as matérias primas utilizadas na mumificação ca de varredura, espectrometria de energia dispersiva de raios Chinchorro na zona de Iquique. A caracterização de estas ma- X (SEM-EDX), difração de raios X em pó (XRD), e espectros- térias primas provê informação para futuros estudos, focados copia vibracional (IR infravermelha e Raman). O principal nos processos mineiros de hematita. area. The mask was severely chemical characterization of Methods Universidad Peruana Cayetano damaged and mainly made Chinchorro mummies red Heredia, Lima, Perú. of red pigments. Considering pigments has not been re- Light microscopy and SEM- the archaeological context of ported thus far. EDX analysis Infrared analysis the Iquique sample it can be In the Andes, iron oxides relatively dated to around were probably the raw materi- About 1mg of the selected Infrared spectra were run 4800-3800 B.P., a period als mostly used as red pig- pigment was separated using a on a Fourier Transform associated with the red type ments, since they are com- stereomicroscope (Olympus Infrared (FT-IR) Perkin Elmer of Chinchorro mummies monly found in geological de- SZX-7) and then mounted on a Spectrum BX spectrometer (Arriaza, 1994, 1995, 2003, posits. The most common red stub for direct analysis in an equipped with a DTGS detec- 2005; Wise et al., 1994; chromophore compound is EVO LS scanning electron tor. The spectral resolution -1 Muñoz et al. 1993; Arriaza called hematite (α-Fe2O3), microscope (SEM). SEM im- was 2cm ; 32 scans were per- et al. 2001, 2008a, Standen which provides strong color, ages were recorded at 100× formed. A pellet was prepared et al., 2004; Arriaza and has tinting strength, good and 600× with secondary and from 1mg of the solid sample Standen, 2009). Red powder opacity and, besides, can be back scattered electron detec- dispersed in 200mg of KBr. was commonly used by ar- easily ground and finely pul- tors. The samples were also The samples were processed chaic Chinchorro people in verized (Bonavia, 1959, 1985; analyzed on an Oxford EDX at the Facultad de Ciencias, their coastal mortuary tradi- Petersen 1970, 2010; Berthelot, detector (8.5 WD and 450kV). Pontificia Universidad Católica tion, where skeletonized in- 1986; Harben and Kužvart, The topographic qualitative de Valparaíso, Chile. dividuals were reconstructed 1996; Kroeber and Collier, information, spectrometric data using wooden sticks and 1998; Harben, 1999; Orefici and semi-quantitative results Raman analysis clay. In addition, the and Drusini, 2003; Vaughn (detection sensitivity down to Chinchorro mummies were et al., 2007, 2013; Brooks 0.1% by weight) were observed About 50mg of solid sam- decorated using red and et al., 2008; Vaughn et al., and interpreted using the ple was placed on a micro- black pigments, mainly man- 2005, 2007, 2013; Eerkens INCA software. This analysis scope slide, and the Raman ganese (Mn) compounds et al., 2009, 2014; Petersen, was carried out at the Bio- spectrum recorded using
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