VOL. LXX. No. 1 MARCH, 1956 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL CONTENTS Lieut.-General Sir James Ronald Edmondston Charles, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. I Soil Stabilization with Cement . Lieut.-Colonel R. T. Weld 9 New Headquarters in Germany . Colonel H. Grattan 17 Persian Roads and Their Development in Aid of Russia Late Lieut.-Colonel A. J. R. Hill and Lieut.-Colonel G. W. Kirkland 51 Solar Heating for Married Quarters . Brigadier S. A. Stewart 68 The Farewell Address of Major-General G. Walker, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., February 1931 . 84 Book Reviews, Technical Notes, Correspondence . 86 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS CHATHAM, KENT Telephone: Chatham 2669 if!--L-UL ---------- l^--- . -I---- ---- J. ----- INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY AGEN [AM DO NOT REMOVE . ._____________ CEM E N T A T IO N: for sealing water leakages, arresting settlement of structures, remedying deterioration of concrete or masonry works. G U N I T E: for reconditioning defective concrete struc- tures, encasing structural steelwork, lining tunnels, water reservoirs and other works. F O U N D A T IO N S: underpinning of damaged property presents little difficulty if FRA NVCOIS BORED PILES are used. COMPANY LIMITED- BENTLEY WORKS, DONCASTER TeU, ON S4177.4 ADVERTISEMENTS i KNOW-HOW IN CYPRUS At Dekhelia,Episkopi and Limassol remains to be done, we have com- in the island of Cyprus there is a big pleted a vast amount of work- and urgent job in hand: the con- within the scheduled times and to struction of permanent camps for the a high standard of workmanship British Forces in the Middle East. and materials -with a limited local Already there have risen fine labour force available. blocks of barracks, towns of com- Doing big jobs well, in minimum fortable married quarters, messes, time, is part of 'Know-how': offices, garages, workshops, clubs of the competence-won-through- and sports grounds of every des- experience we have been amassing cription. Forty miles of sewers, for three-quarters of a century all thirty miles of electricity ducts and over the world. Competence to over twenty miles of roads had to tackle any building or construc- be constructed. An adequate water tional engineering project that calls supply had to be provided in an for speed and quality. Anything of unusually dry terrain. While much any magnitude, any time, anywhere. SIR LINDSAY PARKINSON & CO., LTD. 171, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.C.2 AND IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, CYPRUS AND INDIA u ADVERTISEMENTS FERRANTI FACTORIES cK1 A Ferranti Ltd.; one of the foremost na-mes in the electrical industry, produce a wde i; : ; range of industrial and dotestic electrical products from large power transformers . to electric clocks. To-day in severail well-equipped factories, they sponsor far- reaching researches and extend the foremost manufacturing failities to many branchesof electrical engineering aid electronics. ,'- Power Transform ers Electronic Computers Miniature Hermetically Sealed Voltage Regulators - Eectronic Device Tranaformers and Chokes , Valves and Cathode High Voltage A,C. ani D.C. Ray Electric Fires and Space Te sting Equipment Tubes ' Heacters . :, Aircraft Navigational Equip. Power' Factor Correction Fridge-Heater Domestic Heat Capacitors - Radar Equipmert; Pump : . : -:.. 'AC. and D.C. House Service Measuring Ins.rumente n ,. Electric Water Heaters 'and Switchboard Meters Electric Clocks ' A.C. and D.C. Prepayment Hermetiually .StaIed Inastru. Radio and Television ' ' Meters ments ' '' . Synthetic Rerin.Bonded Paper Meter 'refting Epquipmert Summationn Metering Equip- Tubes and Cyintders me t @ ' :'. Current and Voltage Trans. Clip-on Amneters and Voltage Grev Ironr NOMAG, NOdu. fortners Ammneters . hAG and S.G. lron Castinge High Voltage Indicators PERRANTI Head Office & Works FERRANTI LTD a HOLLINWOOD * LANCS London Office: KERN HOUSE, 36 KINGSWAY, W.C.2. FG 182 ADVERTISEMENTS 111 Aerial View Reconstruction of Clarence Pier Southsea, Hants Consulting Engineers: Messrs. L. G. MIouchel & Partners Civil Engineering Contractors: JNO. CROAD LTD., PORTSMOUTH Subsidiary Company of TROLLOPE & COLLS iv ADVERTISEMENTS /LrTFOR TOUG 4 AeS/64MWTS WHEELED The tougher the job the more Onions' equipment rises to the occasion. Opera- SCR4APERS tors prefer it for every kind of earth IN 9 SIZES moving project. The SCRAPERS are TINED robust, stable and enduring. CABLE CONTROL UNITS are smooth and R/PPER light in operation, simple to adjust and IN 6 SIZES maintain. RIPPERS with 3 or 5 tines use all the power of matching tractors to break every kind of hard ground. With ROOT CUTTER BLADES they clear ce4- #lm A CI7rCC7C scrub and sever roots to 30 in. deep. With CULTIVATING KNIFE they ALSO SHEEPSFOOT ROLLERS AND break and crumble ground to 24 in. deep PNEUMATIC CONSOLIDATING ROLLERS without bringing up the top soil. Onions' Tractor Equipment s is made to match all the leading makes of Tractor. both British and American. On most sites at home or abroad you will find Onions' equipment keeping pace with the best. Manufactured by ONIONS & SONS (LEVELLERS) LTD., BILSTON Distributed throughout the world by JACK OLDING & CO. LTD. ADVERTISEMENTS v ADVERTSEMENT V CENTRAL HOSPITAL, KUMASI, ASHANTI, GOLD COAST. Constructed entirely in Reinforced Concrete E with Shell Solar Roofs WALKER & SLATER LTD 100 PARK LANE, LONDON, W.I UTTOXETER OLD ROAD, DERBY, and COYCHURCH ROAD, BRIDGEND, GLAM. vi ADVERTISEMENTS You should read this 7, iing A/i. T PROFESSIONAL i 1jj 1 D Prlnclpal Actlvties AUTOMATION NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONTROL GEAR APPARATUS GAS TURBINES PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS GENERATING PLANT RADIO & ELECTRONICS GUIDED DEFENCE WEAPONS RECTIFIERS HEATING EQUIPMENT SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS If you are interested in Progressive INSTRUMENTATION STEAM TURBINES Practical Training co-ordinated MARINE APPLICATIONS SWITCHGEAR with Post Graduate MINING TRACTION EQUIPMENT Studies. MOTORS TRANSFORMERS NUCLEAR POWER WELDING EQUIPMENT TO -a^^;-' *..**. , ---z --. „.^lf,J* .&.?t»g To obtaina copy write to:- THE MANAGER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. METROPOLITAN.VICKERS ELECTRICAL COMPANY LIMITED, TRAFP ORD PARK. MANCIESTER. 17 Member of the AElgroup of companies A/A SOS ADVERTISEMENTS vii ADETSMET I G. PERCY TRENTHAM LIMITED BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS BIRMINGHAM IREADING LONDON GLO!JCESTER STOKE-ON-TRENT CARDIFF WOOD LANE BROMFORD BIRMINGHAM Erdington 2491 PANGBOURNE READING BERKS Pangbourne 411 NEW ROAD RAINHAM ESSEX Rainham 2902 UPTON LANE BARNWOOD GLOUCESTER Gloucester 66172 PARK HALL LONGTON STOKE-ON-TRENT Longton 39147 TRINITY HOUSE EAST CANAL WHARF. DOCKS. CARDIFF Cardiff 30256 viii ADVERTISEMENTS VI" AVERTIEMENT for IKLGH S&PEEI earthmoving Our high speed Caterpillar earth-moving do it for you too ! 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This edition brings up to date the rapid ad- vances in concrete technique. 372 pages 230 illustrations 40s net THE SUPERVISION OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION A. C. TWORT, B.Sc.,A.M.I.C.E., A.AI. W.E. "This book can be warmly recomnlend- ed and should be read by all engineering students for the insight it gives into the practical side of construction."-Civil Engineering. 243 pages 37 illtstrations 25s net SOIL MECHANICS IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION C. F. ARMSTRONG, A.M.L.C.E. 223 pages 81 illtstrations 30s. net CONCRETE ROADS Tailors to H.M. Forces F. N. SPARKES, .Sc., iM.I.C.E., This officer's uniform is made by Burberrys, and A. F. SMITH,B.Sc.,A.M.I.C.E. tailors to all branches of H.M. Forces for 500 pages 246 illustrations Sos ret 50 years. Superbly cut and tailored to in- dividual measurements, fit and satisfaction THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS are guaranteed. Wr;te for Burberrys' catalogue of garments, OF ROAD DESIGN travel and sports accessories; and for de- F. L. D. WIOOLTORTON, B.Sc., tails of goods on approval. AM.LC.E. BURBERRYS 376 pages 26 illustrations s60snet HAYMARKET · LONDON · S.W.I 41 Maddox Street, London, W.I Telephone: WHItcholl 3343 BURBERRYS UMITED x ADVERTISEMENTS J. M. HILL & SONS LTD. BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS WEMBLEY 7781 PILE Preferred by con- structional engin- eers for their unchanging sup- remacy, Stent Pre- cast Concrete Piles have proved their PRESTRESSED PILES (illustrated above) cualitles wherever offer advantages of smaller scantlings, greater used. To the ever- lengths and easier handling. Stent Prestressed Piles have already attained a high standard of popular Stent efficiency. Standard Rein- STANDARD REINFORCED PILES (illus. forced Piles and trated below) Stent H I Piles maintain their long proven popularity, they are reliable, Prestressed Piles economic and readily available. Stock sizes 12 x 12in. in lengths 15-40 ft. 14 x 14in. in lengths 15-55 ft. All Piles are available for Immediate Delivery FULLERDETAILS ON REQUEST STENT-SYKES Z PRESTRESSED H O L L 0 W P I L E S Easier to handle and cheaper to transport! These new type piles are longer than solid piles at the same weight, permitting a ~ considerable increase in working load. Prestressed and sectional and incorporating four basic units, this important introduction ensures quick assembly to any required length according to ground conditions.
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