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B41M3,148 428,457 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 1 of 2 US 9,579,922 B2 Fig. 1 Barcode /Oomplex code Subtrate Fig. 2 5 Random distribution of flakes Barcode /Complex code Subtrate U.S. Patent Feb. 28, 2017 Sheet 2 of 2 US 9,579,922 B2 Cured resin layer Substrate Fig. 3 US 9,579,922 B2 1. 2 MARKING COMPRISING A PRINTABLE tion, able to provide track and trace information or identi CODE AND ACHIRAL LIQUID CRYSTAL fication, remaining robust and having tamperproof proper POLYMER LAYER ties. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION APPLICATIONS The present invention provides a marking for an article, This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional item or Substrate which comprises a printable code. At least Application No. 61/844,700, filed Jul. 10, 2013, and of PCT a part of the code is covered by a chiral or cholesteric liquid 10 crystal polymer (CLCP) layer. Application No. PCT/EP2013/065335, filed Jul. 19, 2013, The present invention also provides a marking for an the disclosures of which are incorporated by reference article, item or Substrate, comprising a printable code, herein in their entireties. wherein at least a part of the code is covered by a transparent BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION intermediate layer including randomly distributed therein at 15 least one type of flakes comprising a CLCP material; and wherein the transparent intermediate layer is at least par 1. Field of the Invention tially covered by a chiral liquid crystal polymer (CLCP) The present invention relates to a marking on an article, layer that also at least partially covers the printable code and item or Substrate, which marking comprises at least two preferably has at least one optical property that is different different components, i.e., a printable code and a chiral from an optical property of the CLCP material of the flakes. liquid crystal polymer layer that covers at least a part of the For example, the flakes may have an average size of from printable code. about 20 Lum to about 100 um and/or they may have an at 2. Discussion of Background Information least bimodal particle size distribution and/or they may be Counterfeiting is no longer a national or a regional visible to the unaided eye and/or invisible to the unaided problem but a worldwide problem which has an impact not 25 eye. only on manufacturers but also on the consumer. Counter In one aspect of the marking, the printable code may be feiting is a significant problem with goods like clothes and machine readable and/or digitally printable and/or the print watches but becomes even more serious when it affects able code may comprise one or more of cells, dots, micro medicines and drugs. Each year thousands of people around dots, bars, micro alphanumeric characters and glyphs and/or the world die because of counterfeit drugs. Counterfeiting 30 it may comprise one or more of a cloud of dots, a sum of has also an impact on government revenues in that it affects glyphs, a 1-dimensional barcode, a stacked 1-dimensional the collection of taxes for, e.g., cigarettes and alcohol barcode, a 2-dimensional barcode, and a data matrix. because of the existence of a black market where it is In another aspect, the printable code may comprise (e.g., impossible to track and trace counterfeit (Smuggled, may have been formed with) a black ink.
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