6XUUH\%RDUGRI7UDGH $QQXDO5HSRUW 6855(< %RDUGRI7UDGH ZZZEXVLQHVVLQVXUUH\FRP 5HDG\7R0RYH<RXU%XVLQHVV)RUZDUG" $VN8V+RZ:H&DQ+HOS<RX%\ 5HIUHVKLQJ<RXU%UDQG 5HHQHUJL]LQJ<RXU0HVVDJH 5HIRFXVLQJ0DUNHWLQJ0DWHULDOV SK ZZZNLFNVWDUWFRPPXQLFDWLRQVFRP :LQQHURIWKH6%R7%XVLQHVV([FHOOHQFH$ZDUGIRU1HZ%XVLQHVV 6XUUH\'HOWD,PPLJUDQW6HUYLFHV6RFLHW\&XOWXUDO'LYHUVLW\$ZDUG *HW7KH:LQQLQJ(GJH)RU%UDQGLQJ$QG*UDSKLF'HVLJQ Faces of the Surrey Board of Trade Red Robinson Dianne Watts - Mayor of Surrey Mike Harcourt Ian Jarvis - TransLink Fraser MacRae - Surrey RCMP Arvinder Bubber Gloria Macarenko - CBC Bev Busson Steve Darling - Global TV or Linda Duxbury - Carleton University Tatiana Domiloyskaya - Russia AManda Murdoch w/Bruce Ralston, MLA Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report 1 Faces of the Surrey Board of Trade Mukesh Gupta - TATA Group Laurae McNally SD36 Sgt. Ben Bentley Peggy White - Guildford Mall Brazil Consul General Peter Van Loan Fed. Trade Minister Dave Hayer, MLA John Turner - Fortis Inc. Councillor Judy Villeneuve or Christine Laliberte Financial Surrey RCMP Colin Hansen 2 Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report Faces of the Surrey Board of Trade Pravin Narotam Kamal Dhillon Council of Americas Kathleen Casprowitz - Sylvan Pat MacGaughy, USA Mary Lou McCausland Councillor Barbara Steele Jane Adams - Surrey Memorial Yvonne Hogenes - Malary’s Fashions or Climate Smart Jim Mihaly - The Leader Newspaper Youth Leaders Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report 3 Faces of the Surrey Board of Trade Carole James Mary Jane Stenberg Launi Skinner - First West Credit Union Jeff Burton Census Councillor Mary Martin Cst. Tony Farahbakhchian Karen Baille - Laurel Place George Greenwood or Frank McKenna Kim Angel - Surrey Foundation Holiday Inn GM 4 Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report Table of Contents AGM Agenda .................................................................................................5 Mission, Vision & Core Values .......................................................................6 %RDUGRI7UDGH3UR¿OH ....................................................................................7 Board of Directors 2010-2011 ........................................................................8 Surrey Board of Trade Staff ...........................................................................9 Organizational Chart ......................................................................................9 Annual General Meeting Minutes ..................................................................10 President’s Report .........................................................................................13 CEO’s Report .................................................................................................14 0HPEHUVKLS%HQH¿WV0HQX ...........................................................................17 Government Advocacy Report .......................................................................26 Treasurer’s Report ........................................................................................27 Auditor’s Report & 2010 Financial Statements ..............................................26 Bylaw Changes ..............................................................................................46 Teams ............................................................................................................36 Youth Leaders of Today Mentorship Program ................................................50 Surrey Board of Trade Accreditation ..............................................................51 Sponsors ........................................................................................................61 Annual General Meeting Agenda Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. - Eaglequest Golf Course at Coyote Creek Chair: Nigel Watkinson 1. Call to Order 2. Credentials Report – Quorum 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Approval of 2010 AGM Minutes 5. President’s Report (Nigel Watkinson) 6. CEO’s Report (Anita Huberman) 7. Advocacy Report (Ray Hudson) 8. Treasurer’s Report (Jeff Richards) $XGLWRU¶V5HSRUW±&$¿UPRI013//3 Motion to approve Year 2011 Auditors for the Surrey Board of Trade 9. Questions and Answers 10. Induction of Directors 11. Adjournment Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report 5 The Surrey Board of Trade - Your Business Advantage! Mission The Surrey Board of Trade is one of the most respected organizations in the South Fraser region. We provide advocacy, resources, training, education and networking opportunities to out mem- bers. We foster best business practices to promote growth and prosperity of our members and stakeholders. Vision The Surrey Board of Trade is the chaMpion of a strong, vibrant business coMMunity. We are driven by passionate and energetic people. We help Make business better for our MeMbers through the delivery of our innovative MeMber services and by acting as a catalyst between business, governMent and our community. Core Values The Surrey Board of Trade focuses on these core organizational values, which serve as the funda- mental underlying principles that the Surrey Board of Trade stands for: Leadership Advocacy Relevance Integrity We Are The Surrey Board of Trade exists: To SERVE our members (be your information centre) To PROTECT our members (issue centre through advocacy efforts at all levels of government) To PROMOTE out members (facilitate opportunities for members to do business) 6 Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report 6XUUH\%RDUGRI7UDGH3UR¿OH The Surrey Board of Trade has a long history of service to the business community. The Surrey %RDUGRI7UDGH¶VSUHVHQFHKDVEHHQDOLYHLQ6XUUH\VLQFH7KHIROORZLQJGHWDLOVRXUSUR¿OH Who are the Surrey Board of Trade’s primary customers? 0HPEHUV %XVLQHVVHV±VHOIHPSOR\HGVPDOOPHGLXPDQGFRUSRUDWHEXVLQHVV What are the Surrey Board of Trade’s key functions/products/services? %XVLQHVV&RQQHFWLRQV %XVLQHVV5HVRXUFHVDQG6XSSRUW &RPPXQLFDWLRQV3URPRWLRQ0DUNHWLQJ *RYHUQPHQW$GYRFDF\ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO7UDGH +RZGRFXVWRPHUVEHQH¿WIURPXWLOL]LQJRXUNH\IXQFWLRQVSURGXFWVVHUYLFHV" /REE\LQJDWORFDOUHJLRQDOSURYLQFLDODQGIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWOHYHOV 'HYHORSLQJEXVLQHVVJURZWK *HQHUDWLQJOHDGVIRUWKHLUEXVLQHVVHV &RQQHFWLQJOHDUQLQJ $FFHVVLQJFRQWUDFWV :KDWEHQH¿WVPDNHWKH6XUUH\%RDUGRI7UDGHVSHFLDOIRURXUPHPEHUV" 2UJDQL]HGDSSURDFK /HDGHUVKLS (YHQWV 7UDFNUHFRUGRI¿QDQFLDOFRPSHWHQF\ *URZWKRSSRUWXQLWLHVLQDG\QDPLFFLW\ 5HJLRQDOFRYHUDJH 3DUWRIDZRUOGZLGHQHWZRUN ([SHULHQFHGDQGUHVSHFWHG%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVFRPSOHPHQWHGE\VWURQJZHOOHVWDEOLVKHG paid staff :KROO\RZQHGSUHPLVHVZLWKFRQIHUHQFHIDFLOLWLHV How does the Surrey Board of Trade achieve successful results for our members? 6WUDWHJLFSODQQLQJ*RDOVREMHFWLYHVWLPHOLQHVDFFRXQWDELOLW\RQJRLQJPRQLWRULQJ ,QFUHDVHGPHPEHUSDUWLFLSDWLRQ :LOOLQJWRWDNHULVNV 6WURQJLQYROYHPHQWLQHOHFWLQJG\QDPLF%RDUGPHPEHUV 6XFFHVVIXOOHYHUDJLQJRILWVDVVHWVDQGUHVRXUFHV 3UHVHQWLQJFRKHUHQWSODQQHGJRDOV Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report 7 Board of Directors 2010-2011 President 1st Vice President Immediate Past Treasurer Vice President at Large Nigel Watkinson Mary Jane Stenberg President Jeff Richards, CA Mark Erdman Assante Capital Kwantlen Polytechnic James Stewart J E Richards Ltd. Western Edge Public Management University Hamilton, Duncan Relations Armstrong & Stewart Vice President at Large Vice President at Large Keith Alton Steve Carreiro Joanne Curry Mary-Lou Jim Mihaly Transportation KPMG LLP SFU Surrey McCausland The Surrey Leader Consultant Surrey Academy Newspaper of Music Rick Fijal Michael Levy Kevin Mickelby Pravin Narotam Bijoy Samuel FastSigns Border Gold Corp. Pricewaterhouse Community Savings RedFM Board of Directors and CKNW Coopers LLP Credit Union &KLHI([HFXWLYH2I¿FHU Policy and 2I¿FH0DQDJHU Membership Event/Marketing Communications Membership Membership Communications Financial Services Coordinator Coordinator Administrator Representative Manager Administrator Manager Shirley Samujh Susan Thomas Bill Wehnert Peggy White Honorary Director TransLink Printfastic Printing Ltd. Fraser Surrey Docks Guildford Town Dianne Watts Centre LiMited Her Worship, the Partnership Mayor of Surrey 8 Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report Board of Trade Staff Anita Huberman Zinnat Ali Indra Bhan Ben Blanchet Vice President at Large CEO Membership Membership Membership Mark Erdman Administrator Services Manager Representative Western Edge Public Relations Brianne Colbert Ray Hudson Ruth Lees Heather Scragg Joanne Curry Event Marketing Policy & Communications 2I¿FH0DQDJHU Communications SFU Surrey Coordinator Manager Financial Administrator Coordinator Surrey Board of Trade 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO)ORZ&KDUW Board of Directors &KLHI([HFXWLYH2I¿FHU Policy and 2I¿FH0DQDJHU Membership Event/Marketing Communications Membership Membership Communications Financial Services Coordinator Coordinator Administrator Representative Manager Administrator Manager Honorary Director Dianne Watts Her Worship, the Mayor of Surrey Surrey Board of Trade – 2010 - 2011 Annual Report 9 Annual General Meeting Minutes Surrey Board of Trade Annual General Meeting Minutes Thursday June 24th, 2010 Eaglequest Golf Course 6.00pm Quorum was present Chair: James Stewart, President 2009/2010 Minutes taken by Indra Bhan 1. Call to order: 6.30 pm. 2. Credentials report: CEO reported that twenty-four MeMbers in good standing represented a quoruM. Quorum was present. Over 200 in attendance. 3. Approval of Agenda: MOTION: Keith Alton and George Greenwood move to accept the agenda as presented. CARRIED. 4. Approval of the Year 2009 Annual General Meeting
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