THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ROSSLAND AGENDA- COMMITTEE-OF·THE-WHOLE Monday, February 27, 2012 5:30PM Council Chambers City Hall Continuation for the Feb 20.12 COW ITEM SUBJECT MATTER RECOMMENDATION 1 CALL TO ORDER Call to Order Call Meeting to Order 2 PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD 3 COMMITTEE MEETING February 27, 2012 Agenda Adopt Agenda AGENDA 4 OPERATIONAL DISCUSSIONS & PRESENTATIONS BY STAFF c) CAO I Manager of Finance I Review of Draft Financial Plan - Committee recommends to Council for Staff Operating Funds. approval of the Financial Plan 2012- 2016: General Water and Sewer Operating Accounts with amendments as may be required and Staff to prepare the approving bylaws. d) CAO I Manager of Finance I Review of Capital and Committee recommends to Council for Staff Infrastructure Plan approval, with amendments, the Capital and Infrastructure Plan for 2012-2016 and Staff to prepare the approving bylaws. e) CAO I Manager of Finance I Property Taxation Preliminary Committee receive the preliminary Staff Review report. f) CAO I Manager of Finance I Property Taxation for 2012 Staff recommend that the 2012 Staff property taxation remain at the 2011 levels subject to new construction and any amendments that arise from expenditure and revenue changes. g) CAO I Manager of Finance I Population Projections Staff recommend no change to any Staff projections and follow the general guidelines as per the presentation. 5 ADJOURNMENT 1 of 164 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ROSSLAND AGENDA- REGULAR MEETING Monday, February 27, 2012 7:00PM Council Chambers City Hall SUBJECT MATTER RECOMMENDATION 1 CALL TO ORDER Call to Order Call Meeting to Order 2 PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD 3 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA February 27, 2012 Agenda Adopt Agenda 4 MINUTES a) February 13, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes Adopt Minutes a) February 13, 2012 Record of Public Hearing - Bylaw Adopt Minutes 2523 5 REGISTERED PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS a) Kootenay Rockies Tourism Power point presentation. Receive presentation 6 UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Corporate Officer- Request for Rossland Radio Cooperative (RRC) - Council deny the Rossland Radio Decision Council consideration of request from Cooperative's request for rent February 13, 2012 Delegation from reduction and reduction of the bill for the RRC. roofrepair to 1807 Columbia Avenue. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF FOR DECISION a) Corporate Officer - Request Amendment of Policy 03-02 - Council defer the amendment of Policy for Decision Financial Assistance for Use of 03-02 until after the plebiscite results Facilities, Pools and Parks. concerning the use of the Trail Aquatic Centre, are completed. b) Planning Assistant- Development Variance Permit Council approve the amendment to the Request for Decision and Report Applicaton 2190 Butte Street Development Variance Permit to vary the exterior side setback (on Butte Street) from 3 metres to 0 metres; for the property legally described as Lot 32, Block 25, District Lot 535, Kootenay District Plan 616, located at 2190 Butte Street (PID 013-733-729). 8 REQUESTS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE Nil 9 INFORMATION ITEMS a) Information Items Summary of informational items 4(a) Receive the list of information items to 4(q) and approve the recommendations. 10 BYLAWS Nil 2 of 164 11 COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS 12 RECESS TO IN-CAMERA Remainder of the meeting of February MEETING 27, 2012 be closed to the public pursuant to section 90( 1)(k). 13 ADJOURNMENT 3 of 164 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ROSSLAND REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2012 PRESENT: MAYOR GREG GRANSTROM COUNCILLOR KATHY MOORE COUNCILLOR JILL SPEARN COUNCILLORTIMTHATCHER COUNCILLOR KATHY WALLACE COUNCILLOR JODY BLOMME COUNCILLOR CARY FISHER STAFF PRESENT: CHIEF ADMINISTRATNE OFFICER V.Kumar CORPORATE OFFICER T. Butler GALLERY CALL TO ORDER: 11,, 11 11 The Mayor called the Meeting to order at 7:09p.m. ./ ltt ··'"·. ltlt ,f IIh. h, 'II•'. 'II 11 'll'llt 11 1t•' PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD: 1 ,.• 111 'tw· ,.uul 11 ' Atl jl 1, •. 1 Ms. Karl Kuznekoff, 2118 Monte 1 Council on her concerns with negotiations Christo ~ ' adfure S ~ea continuing with the City of Trail regardipg ~~~~~ to Trail Recreational Facilities. Ms. Kuznekoff 1 requested Council consider amending 1 03-02 to assist more people with accessing City of th~ Pt ?,h cy Trail Recreational Facilities. ·1 Ms. Lesley Beatson, spoke to her concerns that Council start to renegotiate issues surrounding recreational facilities with the City of Trail and the Regional District. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION: SPEARN I THATCHER RESOLVED THAT THE FEBRUARY 13, 2012 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA BE ADOPTED AS CIRCULATED. CARRIED. FEBRUARY 13, 2012 REGULAR MEETING Page 1 4 of 164 MINUTES: MOTION: THATCHER I BLOMME RESOLVED THAT THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON JANUARY 23, 2012, BE ADOPTED. CARRIED. DELEGATIONS: Mr. Marty Cancilla, Rossland Radio Cooperative, spoke in support of their letter to Council requesting consideration of a rent decrease for their lease at 1807 Columbia A venue. MOTION: MOORE I THATCHER RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL RECENE THE PRESENTATON AND WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS FROM THE ROSSLAND RADIO COOPERATNE AND REFER THE REQUEST BACK TO STAFF FOR A REPORT FOR THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Nil 1 '' lt~"' RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF FOR DECISION: a) Planning Assistant Request for Decision and Report- re-zoning application for 2464A Third A venue Rl to R2S - Two Family Detached Residential Small Lot. MOTION: MOORE I SPEARN RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL ADVANCE THE APPLICATION FOR A ZONING AMENDMENT FOR PART OF THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT A, SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 9A, DL 535, KOOTENAY DISTRICT PLAN NEP73960, PID 025-747-045; LOCATED AT 2464A THIRD AVE; BY GNING FIRST AND SECOND READING TO ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW No. 2526, AND SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 12, 2012 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. THAT A SIGN BE POSTED BY THE OWNER ON THE SITE STATING THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED REZONING AMENDMENT WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THE FIRST READING OF BYLAW No. 2526 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF ROSSLAND DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES GUIDELINES. B. THAT ONLY TWO DUPLEXES BE PERMITTED ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. FEBRUARY 13, 2012 REGULAR MEETING Page 2 5 of 164 C. THAT THE BUILDING DESIGN, AS A CONDITION OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE AND OCCUPANCY PERMIT, FEATURE STORAGE CAPACITY FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL ITEMS OF NOT LESS THAN 17 CUBIC METRES/ 600 CUBIC FEET PER DWELLING UNIT CARRIED. Councillor Fisher declared a conflict of interest in the next item on the agenda by reasons of perceived indirect conflict and was excused from the meeting at 7:24pm. b) Manager of Planning and Development Services Request for Decision and report - Proposed OCP and Zoning Amendment for 977 Queen Street. MOTION: WALLACE I SPEARN RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL DIRECT THE APPLICANT, BRUCE LEVITAN, TO CONDUCT AT LEAST ONE (AND POSSffiLY MORE) PUBLIC CONSULTATION(S) IN ORDER TO RECENE ADDITIONAL INPUT FROM THE COMMUNITY AS AN INITIAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE OCP DESIG})Q'~i[ION FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL AND THE ZONING FROM DETACHED RESIDEI;fltli}L R~ (R1R), TO PERMIT A SUBDNISION ON THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DHS~lUBED AS PARCEL 64, PLAN X62, SECTION 26, PID 016-328-311 AT 977 BY THE LOCAL ~IL', . AS:I REQUIRED QUEEN I 1 I / 1 11JI'' 1 GOVERNMENT ACT, SECTION 879. l"''''ll 1' · At 1v ''''!'"'111111'' ·•ll;•'"u''''tlll CARRIED. lt~l~·· It ,, .'1~1···· Councillor Fisher returned to the meeting at 7:32pm. REQUESTS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE: a) Recreation Department Request for Decision- request for fee waiver, Miners Hall rental from the Rossland Historical Museum. MOTION: SPEARN I THATCHER RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES A GRANT IN AID TO THE ROSSLAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM AND ARCHNES ASSOCIATION OF $46.00 TO SUPPORT THE "TRACING THE COLUMBIA" FUNDRAISING EVENT SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 25, 2012 AT THE MINERS HALL. CARRIED. b) Recreation Department Request for Decision- request for fee waiver, Miners Hall rental from the Rossland Quilters Guild. FEBRUARY 13, 2012 REGULAR MEETING Page 3 6 of 164 MOTION: WALLACE I SPEARN RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES A GRANT IN AID TO THE ROSSLAND QUILTERS GUILD OF $336.00 TO SUPPORT THE "2013 QUILT SHOW" SCHEDULED FOR 3 DAYS DURING OCTOBER 2013, AT THE MINERS HALL. CARRIED. c) Recreation Department Request for Decision- request for fee waiver, Miners Hall rental from the Second Rossland Cub Scouts. MOTION: SPEARN I FISHER RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES A GRANT IN AID TO THE SECOND ROSSLAND CUB SCOUTS OF $75.00 TO SUPPORT THE "CUB CAR RALLY" EVENT SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2012 AT THE MINERS HALL. CARRIED. ,.,,•'''·· ·I' Ill •'"·' ,,,, INFORMATION ITEMS: .<t,,•' ., 'I ,.. ,, •''· . II, ,,,,,. '' ~ '''' INFORMATION ITEMS NUMBERED 3(a) TO 3~~) ,, 11'. 1 J"IIIJI ·1, · .;!!), I 'I•' 11 a) January 16, 2012 Letter fro~ ~ oqi "Rasmussen, Parade Organizer (Calgary Stampede) requesting fmancial support 1111 participation in Calgary Centennial Stampede fq~ W~~~ ~ootenay Parade Ju1y 2012. Recommenda1 tion to deny request. 'I I,. ~II b) Rossland Historical Museum and Archives Association invitation to participate in exhibit "Objects of Significance" at Rouge Gallery in Jan 2013. Recommendation to support initiative with Mayor's "Ross Thompson Project". c) 45th. Annual Pitch-In Week April23-30, 2012 registration and participation information. Recommendation to register and participate. d) UBCM Executive Release regarding two new appointments to the UBCM Executive. Recommendation to file. e) Notification from the Ministry of Health re: invitation to attend the Healthy Families BC strategy Consultation, April18, 2012 in Rossland. Recommendation to confirm attendance by registration. f) Overview and Registration Information from the Healthy Families BC. Recommendation to confirm attendance. g) Minutes and Staff report from the January 16, 2012 Heritage Commission Meeting. Recommendation to receive and file. FEBRUARY 13, 2012 REGULAR MEETING Page 4 7 of 164 h) January 27, 2012letter from Selkirk College requesting a letter from Rossland City Council in support of their grant application to Western Economic Diversification for capital renewal funding for the Aviation Program.
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