Fcin Ncn-Ünd Iwådn

Fcin Ncn-Ünd Iwådn

United States Bankruptcy Court for thet DISTRICT Ot HAWAII Ca$e number ¡,t*nown¡ ,! .., ,, Chapter 1 lJ Cneck ¡f this an amended filing Official Form 201 Woüu¡ntary Fetíttçn¡ fCIn Ncn-ünd iwådn¡ats FälËnq for ËSanlqnuptev 4t16 lf rn ore space is needed, attâch a separats sheet to this fotm._on the top of any a_dditional pages, wr¡te the debtor's For ¡nformation, narne and case number (if known). more a separate documont, lnstructions for Bankruptèy Èo,rnis for Non-tndìv"¡du'atsi, is åoãirunru. 1. Oebtor's name Hawaii lsland All otlrer names debtor used in the last I years lnclude any assumed DBA lsland Air names, trade names and doing lrusrhess Ðs names J Debtor'$ federal Ëmployer ldentification Number (ElN) 99-01 98708 4. nebtor's address Principal place of business llJlailing âddross, if d¡fferent from principal place of business 550 Paiea Street Suite ?36 l-lonol ul¡r, tJ f 968- q _1" Nunrber, Street, City, State & ZlÈ Òôde P.O llox, Nu¡nber, Street, Crty, Släie & llp Cooe Honolulu ' Locatôon of prlncipal assets, if rlifferent front pr¡ncipal County place of business Nrirltrei, Siieet, City, State A Z-iÞ Òoclu S. Debtor'swcbslte(L,RL) www.islarrdair.çç¡l.l (ì, Tyflo of ctebtor W Corporation (inclucling L¡mitecj Liâbility Conrpany (Lt-C)ancl Limited Liability Pa¡lnership (l-t-p)) [-] Partnership (excluding LLp) IJ Oth<:r. Specify: Iiiir;il,¡i l:or nr 20'ì Volurlir¿¡y frrrl.il.joir 1Ìrr r\ori,itrJiviijuals l.:iÌlirr¡:i foi l;S.arrlirrr¡ef:cy ûiì(Jc 1 U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Hawaii #17-01078 Dkt # 1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 1 of 19 [)BDlor {qyvgii [sland Air, tnc. Case nurnbcr (ìt kilawa) Niìr ì c 7 Describe debtor's bus¡rìÇ'{rs A. Clreciç olre: Ü Health Carc Br.rsìness (as defined in 11 LJ.$.Ö, g 101(Z7A)) ü SìngleAssel Real Estate (as defineci in i1 U.S C. S 101(S1B)) F Railroad (as ciefined in 11 U.S.C. S 101(44)) Ü Stoclrbroker (as defined in 11 U,S,0. S 101(b3A)) Ü tomrnodity I3roKer (as defined in 11 U.S.C. g 101(6)) D Cleoring Bank (as cjefined in 11 U.S.C, S 781(g)) ffil None ot the above B. Ohock atl that apply Ü l-ax-exempt entity (as described in 26 U S.C g501) fJ lnvestnrent company, inÇluding hedge funcl or poofed investmentvehìcle (as defÌned ¡n 1g U.S.C. g80a-3) I lnveshnentacivisor (as definecl in 1S U.S.C. Sg0b-2(ax11)) C. NAICS (No|th Arrerican lndu$try Çlassificati<¡n System) 4-digit code that best d€scrinres deblar See .l¡l1p:1/www..U9ç9_UI1t,S-g-V/|q u_t:d¡gi]!:n_e-tigml-. ssoci€tioO1¡.Aics-cocjes. 481 Uncler which chapter of the ()l¡ecl< one: Bankruptcy Çode is tlìe 'z debtor filing? l-.ì Chapter fJ Chapter 9 M Chapter 11. Chack âlt ttrat appty il Debtofs aggregête noncontingent l¡qu¡dated debts (exclucling clebts owed to insiclers or affrLates) are less than $2,566,050 (amolrnt subject to adjustment on 4/01/10 and every 3 years afler thal) n l-he debtor is a small trusiness clebtor as cletined in 1l U.S.C. g 101(51D) lf the debtor is a sÍlrall business debtor, attach the most recent balance $heet, statenìerlt ofoperations, cash-flow staten'ìent, and federal inçome tax return or if all of these cJocurnents ci<¡ not exist, follow the procedure in 11 U S.0. S 111CI(f )(B) n A t:lan is lreing fileci with this petition n Acce¡rtances oÍ the plan were solicitecJ prepeÌ¡tion t'ronl onc or mote classes of oreclitors. in aoÇordance with 1'l tJ,S.C, S 1126(b). n The; cjebtor is requìreci to file periodic reports (for exarnpie, 101( ând 10Q) with the Securities ancl l-xchange Comntission accorcJing to S 13 or 15{d) oi the Se0urities Exchange AÇt of 1934. f:jle the allâoYrme/it to Voluntary Petition for Nonlnclivitluals FÌling for Banl<ru¡.>tcy under Chapter 11 (Official Form 20'14) with this fonrr. n Ì'he cjeblor is a shell conrf)any as cjeflrrecj in the SecLl¡itjes ËxÇh¿ìnge Act of lg34 lìLlle 12b-2. lJ Chapter tz I Werr: banl<ruptcy ¡:rior l&T ruo 0a$es filerJ by or ¿ìgâinst the cit:t¡tor withirr tho last B l-.1 Ycs yea rs ? lf rnc¡re th¿ln 2 <:ase,.s, alt¡lr.;lt ¡¡ ecpa râte lr:)i. DistrìÇt When 0as,e nLrnlber l.l)istrict Whr-:n C¡¡s:r¡ trl.rfil¡er' 'l ù. Are ;lrry h;lrrhrupft:y (;¿ìssf. I!,ï lrlr: ¡rcrrdirri.¡ or being filerl by a l"rr.ls iiless; t)artn$r or ;ìft 1,..1 yr,;s. ;*lfil ial.e¿ ol' thê il(.)'pìbr? l..isiI ilil r:i¡si:s lf nrotc ih¿ì¡ì i iìlìíì(.ìlì il {j(,ìi.)íltiìlrÌ liiìl i.-lr,rb ior i(ttlafionshilr I lis¡tr i¡:l jL.ji.ìll:te (.;(lÉrì | t, r'i' lIlo$rr'l { )lit{;lìi I t:,r¡'i lìl) Ì \loiltll.iìi,r,j,i;iiliof! i'iit i,toi¡-ii;¡jiviriLriilr, iiiliiri¡ iiir i-Ì;,¿rrltiui.rl:l;v lliì({(j I U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Hawaii #17-01078 Dkt # 1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 2 of 19 l)ebtor Hawai 'ñsiie ilstan{_Ail, I nc Case nur¡ber (it knon'n) 11, Why is the caçe fíled in Çheck all thal auply this district? Delrtor has had its dornicile' principal place of business, 0r principal assets in this district I'or 180 cfays ¡rnmecì¡ately precedingthedateof th¡spefitionorforalongerpartof such lS0daystha¡inanyotherdistrict. u A banl(rup(cy case conÇerning clebtor's affiliate, general partnet, or parlnersh¡p is pending Ín this dishict. 12. Does the dêbtor ewn or ffil ¡¡o have possossion of any Answer below properly reâl property or porsonal If Yes. for each that needs immediâte ãttention. Attach acld¡tional streeis if needed. property that necds imnrediato attention? Why does tlìe propsrty need immediate âttention? (Check att lhat appty.l lt poses fl or is alleged to Poso a threat of imminent and identjfiable hazard lo public heatth or safety Whal is the hazard? I lt needs to be physically secured o¡-protected from the lveather, incltrdes perishalrle [.lt goocis or assets thal could quickly deteriorãte or lose value without attent¡on (for ' example,i livestock, seasonal gaods, n19at, claity, produce, or securities-relatecl assets or olher optians) H other Where is the prope¡ty? Number, Street, Ciiy, State & Ztp Code ls the property insured? fl ruo [f yes, lnsurance agency Contact nanre Pho¡re ffi Statistica I arrd administrative infornlation 13. Debtor's estimation of Clwolt one: available funds W Funds will be availahle for clistributìon to unsecured creditors. fl Afte¡ any a(rrnin¡strat¡ve expell$es âro pa¡d, no futlds will be available to unsecured creclitors 'l.4. Estimâtçd nur¡rber of ü 1.4e ñ r,ooo-s,ooo [-l as,oor .oo,ooo crodftoÌ$ lllso.se [f sool-ro,ooo lf so.t)or -t oo,ooo lJ roo-lgs fl 1o,oo1 .2b,ooo lf fvlore than1O0,00O w ¿oo-ees 'i lìstimated 5. Assets lJ $;o - $so,ooo lf $t,ooo,oor - $ì10 nriilion lì-l gsoo,ooo,or)'l $1 bilìon i:l $so,ool $1oo,ooo Nl Í;lo,o0o,oot - $50 n-rilìion lll $r,ooo,ooo.oo't - $i1o iriu¡oìr l.J $roo,ool - $5oo,ooo l,l $so,OOO,0O't , $100 nriilion lll $t o,ooo,ooo,oo l - $so triltion Ü $soo,o0l - nritfion $'t l-l S;too,rroO,oo't .$boO rniilron lll tt¿ore than $50 trillron 'l(i. Fstirnatocl liabilìties l.-l $o ., , $so,ooo [] $l,ooo,ool $10 rniilion l-l $soo,ooc¡,001 , {ì.j biltion [l $so,oc¡r $1oo,ooo lH $to,oo0,iloi - $S0 rnillio¡r [] $l ,00o,ooo,o0 j . g 10 tritf iorr Ë $1oo,oo'l - $soo,ooo [^] $50,000.00 I -$100 nliltion l-l sto,ooo,oot),00'1 , ll;50 biuioì.ì l""l $500.001 - tj'ì nriilion l "l r;100,000 001 - ljl10i) rni[íorr l"--l ir¡orc thon $liL) triilioil (.rìt .ì t)iiili;,ll I i:ti I \/()1i.1ìlí:rv i:'i;l.il.joil iir l\1¡.rii-lr¡iJi'L¡irlurrl: l iliriii ioi-ì:i..ririii.il.:,Í.r::r., ¡r; ,,-1, ì U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Hawaii #17-01078 Dkt # 1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 3 of 19 D(] bÌ0r Hawaji_ lqlan<l A¡r, lnc. Casc rìumÞer (il krcwil.\ Nonro W ¡goleslly Retiçr, Dectaration, anr! Signatures WARNING * Bânkruptcy fiaud is a seriouÐ crirne. Making a false statement in conne-çtjon with a bankruptcy case can resuit in fines up to $s00,000 or inìpr¡iìonment for years, up ta 20 or both l s u s c g{ì J s2, 1 341, 1 51 9, ancr 3571. 17. Declaration and sigr16¡[¡¡ç. of authorized The deþtot requests relief in accorclance with the chapter of title 11, United States Code, specifìed in this petition rêpre$entative of debtor I have been authorized to file this petition on behalf of the debtor. f have examined thê pelition information in this and have a reasonable betief thât the information ìs trued and correct I declare under penaìty of ury that the foregoing is true and correct.

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