Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84443-7 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 6, Muslims and Modernity Culture and Society Since 1800 Edited by Robert W. Hefner Index More information Index Abba¯s, Farhat 150 Adalet ve Kalkinma (AK) party 203 qAbba¯s, hand of 605 Aden 56–7 qAbba¯s H. ilm¯,ı Khedive 541 Adnan, Etel 617–18 Abba¯s Mirza¯, prince of Persia 562, 575 adoption, laws on 437 Abbasid caliphate 6, 315, 390 al-Afgha¯n¯,ı Sayyid Jama¯l al-D¯nı 18, 142–5, 176, Abbott, Nabia 615–16 209, 392–3, 398, 484, 555, 567, 649–50 qAbbu¯d, Ibra¯h¯mı 163 biography 142–3, 564 qAbd¯,ı qAbba¯s 455 journalism 582 qAbduh, Muh.ammad, Shaykh 18, 142, 144–7, political theory 143–4, 200–1 153, 176, 201, 342–4, 390–1, 396, 400, 404, studies 142 484, 567, 582, 607, 618–19 Afghanistan 70 biography 144–5, 564 clerical leadership 185 death 146–7 economy 93 influence 157 education 26, 516 legal theory 281, 282 internal conflicts 192, 447 reform programme 145–6 legal system 302, 312 relationship with al-Afgha¯n¯ı 143, 144–5 as militarist base 33–4 Risa¯lat al-Tawh.¯dı (Treatise on the Oneness post-colonial government 73 of God) 145 Soviet occupation 27, 194–5, 408 studies 144–6, 282 US invasion (2002) 251, 463 qAbdülaziz, Sultan 539–40, 599 see also Taliban Abdülhamid II, Sultan 41, 54, 67, 143, 201, 365, qAflaq, Michel 396 392, 406, 504, 505, 532, 538–9, 578, 583 Africa Abdülmecid, Sultan 52 colonial divisions/rule 15 Abu¯Bakr, Caliph (father-in-law of the Islamic expansion 360 Prophet) 114–15 nationalist movements 154–6, 164–5 Abu-Lughod, Janet 200, 525, 528 schools of thought 134 Abu-Odeh, Lama 418 Sufi networks 359–64, 375–7 Abu¯Sayf, S. ala¯h. 639 technological developments 44 Abu¯Shu¯k,Ah.mad Ibrah¯mı 62 see also East Africa; West Africa; names of Abu-Zayd, Nas.rH. a¯mid 279, 295 individual countries Aceh, sultan of 10 African Americans, Muslim groups 242–4, Aceh War (1873–1904) 60 252–3 Acre 534 Aga Khan 249 activism, Islamic 160–1 Ahl-i H. ad¯thı 226, 339–40, 508–9, 566–7 726 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84443-7 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 6, Muslims and Modernity Culture and Society Since 1800 Edited by Robert W. Hefner Index More information Index Ahmad, qAbdullah 66 qAma¯ra, Muh.ammad 271–2, 279 Ah.mad, Jala¯l Al-i 604 Amer, Ghada 619 Ahmad, Khurshid 186 American Society of Muslims see Nation of Ah.mad, Mirza¯Ghula¯m 341 Islam Ah.mad¯ı sect 341–2, 661 Am¯n,ı H. usayn, Ah.mad 279–80 Ahmadinejad, Mah.mu¯d, President 447–8, 457– al-Amin, Ima¯m Jamil 248 67 Am¯n,ı Qa¯sim 153 economic policy 458–61 Amman 522 election 458, 471 Amnesty International 208 re-election (2009) 468 amputation see corporal punishments Ahmadu Bamba see M’Backe; Ahmadu Bamba An-Naqim, Abdullahi Ahmed 33, 410 Ahmed III, Sultan 574–5 Anderson, Benedict 20, 215, 657 Ajami, Fouad 646 Anderson, J. N. D. 412, 415 Akbar, (Mughal) Emperor 322, 329 Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) 166 Akbarian sect 377 Ankara 543–4 Akhavi, Shahrough 352 Ans.a¯r (Sudanese organisation) 155 Akyavas, Erol 601 Antonius, George 395 Al Ani, Jannane 622 Arab Human Development Reports (2002–5) Alalwani, Taha 247 91–2, 106 Alani, Ghani 614 Arab immigrants, in US 244, 245–6 Albanians 330 Arab–Israeli Wars Aleppo 522, 545 1967 (Six-Day War) 92, 171, 201, 408, 610 expansion 524 1973 (October War) 82–3, 641 Alevi group 230 Arab League 397 Alexandria 534, 535–7 Arabi, Oussama 435 Alfieri, Vittorio 393 Arabia Algeria 589 inter-state conflicts 589, 593 civil war 173, 189 migrations from see Arab immigrants; demography 104 H. ad.ram¯ı peoples domestic politics 95, 173, 187, 189, 591 nationalist movements 330, 395–7 (see also economy 87, 92, 93–4 Arabism) education 79 press freedom 590 family law 420 reform movements 12, 19 film industry 626, 629–30 see also Saudi Arabia French occupation 72, 222, 530–1 Arabic (language) 344–5 nationalist movements 150–1, 154, 163, 169 diasporic use 223, 227 (projected) industrialisation 82 newspapers/periodicals 582 resistance to colonial rule 258 script, artistic use 597, 601, 610, 614–18, 619; social conditions 90 with abstract art 615–18; studies 617–18; Algiers 528–31 symbolic significance 614, 617; tuition qAli, Ima¯m (son-in-law of the Prophet) 170, 230, in 614 407, 443 status (in colonial period) 358–9 Ali, Kecia 251–2 study 139–40, 265 qAl¯,ı Muh.ammad Kurd 154 stylistic changes 48–9 Ali, Wijdan 619 translations of scientific texts 558–9 qAl¯ı Kha¯n, Nus.rat Fatah. 380, 382 Arabism 395–7 Aligarh University 142, 402, 564, 649 ideological basis 395 Aliu, Cerno 259 Islamic aspect 395–6 All-India Muslim League 19, 156, 402, 487–8 limitations 396–7 All-India National Congress 156, 165 territorial expansion 396 Allouache, Merzak 629 ‘Arabness’, artistic expressions 610 Almaz. wa qAbdu¯h al-H. ¯mua ¯l¯ı (1962) 640 Arabsat (satellite TV network) 645 Amanullah Khan, Shah 406 Arafat, Yasser 445 727 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84443-7 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 6, Muslims and Modernity Culture and Society Since 1800 Edited by Robert W. Hefner Index More information Index architecture, heritage preservation 546–8 Azerbaijanis, in Islamic Republic of Iran 466 see also cities; names of cities al-Azhar University, Cairo 18, 141, 145, 177, 209, Aristotle 562, 567, 570 583, 591 rejection 566, 568–9 philosophy, (removal of) department 567 Arkoun, Mohammed 170, 410 reforms (1961) 349 Armajani, Siyah 605 website 655, 658 Armenia(ns) Al-qAz¯maı (Determination, 1939) 634–5, Patriarchate 326 637, 638 print technology 573 al-qAz¯z,ı Sha¯h qAbd 70 Armes, Roy 629–30 Azra, Azyumardi 64–5 Arsla¯n, Shak¯bı 154 al-Azzawi, Dia 612 art 597–8 abstract 604, 609, 615–18 Ba¯b al-Wa¯d al-Hu¯m(1994) 629 contemporary themes 613–24 Baghdad diversity 623–4 caliphs of see Abbasid caliphate; Ha¯ru¯n East/West interaction 597–600, 601–4, 605– al-Rash¯dı 7, 610–11, 618 demography 522 engagement with political history 620–3 history 522, 538, 544, 548 modern, defined 597 al-Baghdadi, Hashim al-Khattat 614 movements, genesis of 597–8 Bahadur Shah II 400 regional basis 597 Baha¯p¯ı sect 465–6 relationship with Islam 598, 610, 623–4 Bahnasi, Afif 617–18 religious symbolism/iconism 605, 609, 611– Bahrain 98, 99, 420 12 Baker, James A. 464 state support 611 Bali bombings (2002) 516–17 training/academies 599, 603, 607–8 Balyan, Karbet 539–40 see also Arabic (language); figural Bandung Conference (1955) 406 representation Bangladesh 74, 102 ‘Art and Freedom’ movement (Egypt) 609 creation 166, 403, 408 arts, censorship 453–4 economy 86, 93, 483 al-Asad, Ha¯fiz 397 education 513 Asani, Ali, Prof. 250 migrations from 225 Asante (West African state) 255 social conditions 88 Ashqarism 280–1 Ban¯-Iı qtima¯d, Rakhsha¯n 454 al-Ashma¯w¯,ı Muh.ammad Saq¯dı 179, 279, Ban¯Sı . adr, Abupl-H. asan 439, 441, 280, 410 444, 446 qAs.s.a¯r, Sayyid Muh.ammad Ka¯z.im 569 banks/banking, Islamic 95–6, 476–9 assimilationism see under North American charters 490–1 Muslim communities corporate structure 483 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 21, 151–2, 159, 201, double bookkeeping 479 372, 397–8, 399, 406, 409, 487–8, 505, 601 genesis 488, 489 audiocassettes 652–3 global extent 476–7 Austro-Hungarian Empire 394 impact of competition 478 Averoff, Georges 535–6 investment instruments 97–8 Averroës (Ibn Rushd) 567 investment returns, compared to Western Avicenna (ibn Sina, al-Shaykh al-Rap¯s)ı 562, banks 477 565, 568, 569, 570 limits of capital 479 centrality to Islamic philosophical study 567 principles 477; failure to implement al-qAwa¯, Muh.ammad Sal¯mı 271 478–9 A¯ yandaga¯n(newspaper) 441 proposed Westernisation 488 al-qAynayn, Sayyid Map 359–60 state-sponsored 98 Al-Ayya¯m al-t.aw¯laı (The long days, 1980) 632–3 al-Banna¯, H. asan 148, 153–4, 161, 205, 209, 211, A¯ za¯d, Abupl-Kala¯m 156, 165, 403 353, 403, 406, 408, 409, 410 728 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84443-7 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 6, Muslims and Modernity Culture and Society Since 1800 Edited by Robert W. Hefner Index More information Index Banu¯r¯,ı Muh.ammad Yu¯suf 343 Bouzid, Nouri 631 Barani, Ziauddin 322–3 Boyd, Douglas 644 Barelw¯,ı Sayyid Ah.mad Shah¯dı 329, 356, 370, 378 Bradford, UK 226 Bari, Ahmadu Lobbo 256 Braque, Georges 603, 618 Ba¯sha¯, Mus.t.afa¯Ka¯mil 607 Britain see United Kingdom al-Bash¯r,ı qUmar, general 188 Brockelmann, Carl 46 Basic Law (Saudi Arabia, 1992) 303–4 Bukhara 522 Basij (militia) 460 al-Bukha¯r¯ı 140, 337–8, 340, 341, 352–3 Basmachi movements 160 Bulliet, Richard 43 Baqth party 184, 406 Bu¯rSaqid (Port Said, 1957) 639 Bauhaus architecture 531–2 Burke, Edmund, III 68 Bawa Muhaiyadeen, M.
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