UCLU MEDICAL STUDENTS’ HANDBOOK 2013/14 FFrreeee ssttuuddeenntt mmeemmbbeerrsshhiipp wwitithh tthhee MMDDUU JoJino ino nwo wan adn rde rceeciveeive tJhotJeihno fe ion flo lonowlowl owaiwn agdin brgdee brcneeecinfveieetifvsie:ts: thteh feo flloolwloiwngin bge bneenfietfsi:ts: FRFEREE OE xOfoxrfdor Md eMdeicdaicl aDli cDtiicotnioanrya*ry* 242-4h-ohuoru fr eferepehpohnoen aed avdisvoisryory DFRisDFEcRiEosE cuOEonx uOtfsnox trofsdon ro Mdmn e Memddeieicdcdaiaiclcl a Datleli cDxtteiticboxtnotibooanorkyoas*rkys* h2e4h2l-pe4hll-oipnhuleoirn ufeor ref oermrep eemhdpoeichndooie-cnl oeae-gdl eaavgl diaisvlso iiusreysousreys DEliesDEclietosicuvtoeniuvstesn s stous snp ou pmnpo permtoderinctdcailnclu cadtlelui nxdtgeitn bxegotx bceoloxkucoslikuvseive hEdehElupdeclluaipnctleiaion tfneiooa rfn lom asr leum dspeiucpdpooi-cprloeto-grleatgl aisls iusesuses aEclecaEeclsectsiecv stesoiv s tTe oshs uTe sph uEpelp eoEpcrltetoivcrinettiscvi lneuNscde luNitnwdegiton wergkxo cerwlkxue cswbliuvesseibtivesei te SEdpSEuodpncuoasnctoiasrotsonihroasinplh a sioplu f s posupft puosdptruetodnrett netv envetsn t s aAcccaAcececsccsees st sots otT o tha oTer ht aEierclt elEieccltselie vcaetsins va deNns ej doNt wuejotorwunrkora nrlwksae lwobsnes oibtnesi te aSnpaSdon pntdeos antomesrasomhrsiph iopf osft usdtuednet netv envetsn t s tAhcetAch Mececs DMesU sDt sosU t t uaosdrt uteaidnrctel ienwcstle e wabsnes iabdtens ijdtoe ujorunranlsa losn on anadn tde atmeasms theth Me DMUD sUt usdtuednet nwte wbesibtesite FoFr oarn a anp applipclaictiaotnio fno rfmor m vFiosvFirti o sauirtns a u oansnp olapinplelipicn alaeitct aitaotht nietoh -fnmeo -rfdmourd .mcuo .cmo/ms/tusdtuednetmntm vspisevsitpai sukeit as t ukoo s nty ooloi nuyelorin uMaert DMathtU Det hsU-tme us-dtmuuedn.cueto n.lcmitoa l/miissao/tisunsodt muned nametnmnaatngmaegrer cspalecsl paolkelu aortko um rtyo eom muyeorbm ueMrbr sDeMhrUisDph sUidpt eu sdpdteaueprdntametr ntelminta etli insoatoni son fon rmn ef eramepneahapnoghaneogerne 0er8 00800 701 761 367 3676 calcl aollu or umr emmebmebrsehrisph idpe dpeaprtamrtemnet notn o fnr eferepehpohnoen 0e8 00800 701 761 367 3676 KeeKpe eup utop dtoa tdea wteit hw itthhe t hlaet elast enset wnse,w esv, eenvtesn, tvsi,d evoidse aons da npdh opthoost forso mfro tmhe t hMeD MUD. U. KeeKpe eup utop dtoa tdea wteit hw itthhe t hlaet elast enset wnse,w esv, eenvtesn, tvsi,d evoidse aons da npdh opthoos tforso mfro tmhe t hMeD MUD. U. facefabcoeobko.ocokm.co/MmD/MUDstUusdteundtent youytouubteu.bcoem.co/me/mdiceadlidceafldeenfceenucneiuonion @T@heT_hMe_DMUDU facefabcoeobko.ocokm.co/MmD/MUDstUusdteundtent youytouubteu.bcoem.co/me/mdiceadlidceafldeenfceenucneiuonion @T@heT_hMe_DMUDU * W*h eWn hyeonu yjoiun jaosin a a fsr eas hfreer.sher. The TMhDe UM aDlwU aaylsw aseyes ksse etok so ftfoe ro faftetrr aactttirvaec tbiveen ebfeitnse afist sp asrt p oafr tm oefm mbeemrsbheiprs ahnipd aansd s uasc hs,u fcrho,m f rtoime t itmo et imtoe t,i mmea,y m aadyd ,a wddit,h wdritahwdraw o*r W amoh*r eeW nan mhdyeo ebnune dynjo ebiunfei tnjasoe sianf iat t as ift srsa e atds ihiftsrsece rrd.sehisteicorr.ne.t iVonis.i tV tihsiet- tmhdeu-m.cdoum.c foomr tfhoer ltahtee slat tiensfot rinmfaotrimona toiof nt hoef btheen ebfeitnse ifnitcsl uindceldu dine dm ienm mbeemrsbheiprs.hip. MThDeU MTM hSDDeUU rMv SiaDcelewUrsv a iaLcyleiswms as iLetyeiesmd ks siiets eet odrke soigs fti fsorete erog rfaiefstedtterr airanect dttEir vnaiengc tlbEaivenengd elb a3feni9tnds5e 7a3fi0s9t s85p 67a.0sr t R8p 6oeagf.r itRms teoegfmr imesbdtee mOrresfbdhfei icpOres fa:hf ni2icpd3e 0a:a n 2sBd 3ls a0uac scBk hflsar,u icafcrkrhofsr,m iRaf rortosiam dRe ,ot Liatmodn e,t d iLmtone t,di mSmoEnea1,y Sm 8aEPad1Jyd . 8 ,a PwdJdi.t ,h wdritahwdraw o©r a2mo©0r1e 2a2n m0dM1 eDb2neU dMn SeDbfeeUirtnsv Se icafeietrt svit isLca eitmd siit sisLtce irmddei.sti ticSoerTdne/.t 0iSVo2Tnis2/.ix t0V /2t0ihs26iext1- /2tm0h-6deb1u-2m.c-dboum.c foomr tfhoer ltahtee slat tiensfot rinmfaotrimona toiof nt hoef btheen ebfeitnse ifnitcsl uindceldu dine dm ienm mbeemrsbheiprs.hip. MDUM SDeUrv Siceersv iLceims iLteimd iitse dre igsi srteegriesdte irne dE ning lEangdl a3n9d5 73098567.0 R86eg. iRsteegriesdte Orefdfi cOef:f i2c3e0: 2B3la0c Bkflaricakrfsr iRaorsa dR,o Laodn, dLon,d SoEn1, S8EP1J .8 PJ. © 2©01 22 0M1D2U M SDeUrv Siceersv iLceims iLteimd.i tSeTd/. 0S2T2/x0/2026x1/20-6b12-b CONTENTS Welcome 2 Free student Dean of the Medical School 3 Honorary RUMS President 4 membership Welcome Festival lineup 5 Events for your diary 7 RUMS explained 8 with the Meet the new RUMS Executive 9 MDU Posts up for election 11 The Medical School explained 12 Surviving the year 15 Join now and receive Travel 18 tJhoein f onloloww aingd breecneeifviets: the following benefits: Sports clubs & societies 19 FREE Oxford Medical Dictionary* 24-hour freephone advisory DFRisEcEo uOnxtfso rodn Mmeeddiiccaall Dteicxttibonooarkys* h2e4l-phloinuer forre empehdoicnoe-l eagdavl iissoureys DEliesctoiuvensts s ounp pmoertdinccallu dteinxgt beoxcolkusive hEdelupclainteio fnoar lm seudpicpoo-rletgal issues aEclececstsiv teos T shuep Epleocrttivinesc luNdeitnwgo erkx cwluesbivseite SEdpuoncastoirosnhaipl souf psptuodretnt events aAcccceesss t ot oT haert Eiclelectsi vaens dN ejotwuornrka lwse obnsite aSnpdo ntesaomrship of student events tAhcec MesDsU t ost uadrteinctl ewse abnsidte journals on and teams the MDU student website For an application form vFiosirt auns oanplpinleic aatt itohne -fmordmu .com/studentm vspiseita uk st oo nyloinuer Mat DthUe s-tmuduen.cto lmia/issotund menatnmager cspalel aoku rto m yeomurb eMrsDhUip sdteupdaerntmt elinati soonn f rmeeapnhaogneer 0800 716 376 call our membership department on freephone 0800 716 376 Keep up to date with the latest news, events, videos and photos from the MDU. Keep up to date with the latest news, events, videos and photos from the MDU. facebook.com/MDUstudent youtube.com/medicaldefenceunion @The_MDU facebook.com/MDUstudent youtube.com/medicaldefenceunion @The_MDU * When you join as a fresher. The MDU always seeks to offer attractive benefits as part of membership and as such, from time to time, may add, withdraw o*r W amheenn dyo bue njoeinfi tas sa at iftrse dshisecrr.etion. Visit the-mdu.com for the latest information of the benefits included in membership. MThDeU M SDeUrv iaclewsa Lyism sieteedk sis t ore ogfifseter raetdtr ainc tEivneg lbaennde 3fi9ts5 7a0s 8p6a.r tR oegf imstemrebde Orsfhfiicpe a: n2d3 0a sB lsaucckhfr, iafrrosm R otiamde, Lton tdimone, SmEa1y 8aPdJd. , withdraw o©r a2m01e2n dM DbeUn Sefeitrsv icaet sit sL imdisitcerde.t iSoTn/. 0V2is2ixt /t0h6e1-2m-dbu.com for the latest information of the benefits included in membership. MDU Services Limited is registered in England 3957086. Registered Office: 230 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8PJ. © 2012 MDU Services Limited. ST/022x/0612-b WELCOME Welcome! Congratulations on making UCL the next stop in your medical education journey. You have chosen to spend the next several years not only in a prestigious institution that has global recognition of excellence but also in a vibrant and exciting community of the world’s best students. In addition to receiving the highest quality of medical education, UCL also provides you with a fun and supportive community to enrich your time here making lifelong friends and most importantly amazing memories. Our support begins the day you step foot on campus with a Welcome Festival of events and activities to help you get settled and find your way around campus. We have a ‘Mums and Dads’ programme to team you up with a second year medic who will be invaluable in helping you adjust to London life and the inner workings of RUMS. We have a packed social schedule of parties and popular events like the boat party and the pub crawl in the heart of Hampstead; all of which to interact and get to know your fellow medical students. The RUMS Executive which consists of your elected student representatives are here to look out for your interests. They are focused on listening to your needs or concerns and ensuring you have a voice in all areas of university life. After all, this is YOUR university! The following pages will give you only a glimpse of what UCLU has in store for you. It will inform you about how to join RUMS sports teams and societies, what dates to remember, and who to contact should you need anything. I look forward to seeing you get involved and make the most of your time here at UCL. Tracy Herman Medical, Pharmacy & Health Students’ Officer [email protected] 2 020 7679 7931 DEAN OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL Dear Student, On behalf of UCL’s School of Life and Medical Sciences and our NHS Partners a very warm welcome to UCL Medical School. For you this is the start of a journey that leads to one of the most fulfilling careers. You have worked hard to get here and the medical school programme will require similar commitment. We are here to help you achieve your ambitions whatever branch of medicine you aspire to enter. Science underpins medical practice and you will be exposed to some of the brightest scientific minds. UCL is arguably the foremost biomedical research centre in Europe assuring you that your studies are informed by cutting edge discoveries. It is also one of the country’s five Academic Health Science Centres (UCL Partners), a powerful alliance between UCL, Queen Mary University of London, our local elite hospitals and the wider health community in North Central and North East London. The medical undergraduate curriculum is closely aligned with the scientifically driven pathways of care
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