Senate Mail Running Heavily Against War By Barry Sheppard There is a deep and growing discontent and apprehension over the Vietnam war among the THE American people. This fact is re­ flected in the mail citizens are sending their senators, mail which the senators say is running heavily against escalation of the war. Senator Morse read into the MILITANT Congressional Record 450 tele­ grams he received after he blasted Published in the Interest of the Working People Johnson’s course over nation-wide TV on Jan, 30. All but four sup­ Vol. 30 - No. 7 Monday, February 14, 1966 Price 10c ported “my opposition to the un­ constitutional and illegal war in south Vietnam” Morse reported. Over the same weekend, Sena­ tor Fulbright received 1,000 let­ H uge B erkeley W alkout ters, praising him for his criticism Huge Berkeley Walkout of the war, and about 20 opposing him from a pro-war position. “In the country stores,” writes Roy P rotests V ietnam W ar Reed in the New York Times, “ one Protests Vietnam War can hear it said frequently that America has no business in Viet­ BERKELEY, Calif., Feb. 9 — The VDC now plans to hold a nam or in any other foreign coun­ Between four and five thousand student referendum on thè Viet­ try. Some of that persuasion have students at the University of Cali­ nam war. been heard praising Senator Ful­ fornia here w alked out of classes bright recently for what they re­ this afternoon to attend a rally gard as an effort to ‘get us out NEW ORLEANS — A very suc­ against the war. of Vietnam.’ ” cessful teach-in on the Vietnam The walk-out climaxed three war was held at Tulane Univer­ 100 to 1 Against days of intensive antiwar activity sity here Feb. 5. Sponsored by the Mike Mansfield of Montana, the at the Berkeley campus. On Mon­ Tulane Liberals Club, it was at­ Democratic leader in the Senate, day and Tuesday, students at­ tended by more than a thousand reports he is receiving mail and tempted to turn their classrooms for most of the night. It went on telegrams from all over the coun­ into discussions on the war. Four until five in the morning. try that is more than 100 to 1 hundred teaching assistants voted Defending U.S. intervention against escalating the war. Gay­ to endorse this plan for classroom were John Piercy of the U.S. State lord Nelson, Senator from Wis­ discussions, and they were held Department; Edward S. Butler III, consin, says his mail is 10 to 1 WAR SCENE. GI tries to fix wound of Vietnamese child. in over one-third of the classes. executive vice president of the In­ in the same direction. Senator Civilians are principal victims of U.S. aggression. Some teachers took votes on the formation Council of the America; Edward Kennedy of Massachu­ question. Dr. Henry L. Mason, professor of setts has been receiving 80 to 100 These figures were reported by ther addition of ground troops.” The Vietnam Day Committee, political science at Tulane; Matt letters/a day, with the trend “sub­ E. W. K enw orthy in a New Y ork The antiwar movement can take which organized all of the activi­ Daley, Tulane graduate student; stantially” in opposition to escala­ Times article titled “Senate Mail encouragement from the fact of ties, prepared a packet of litera­ David Treen, local attorney and tion. is Heavily Against Escalation of widespread discontent and oppo­ ture on the war, w hich was passed Frank Hicks, professor of history Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota W ar.” sition to the war indicated by out to the students. at Southern University. received 450 supporting telegrams “A sampling of senate offices these figures. The movement now The VDC has held rallies almost Opposing the U.S. role in Viet­ and one dissenting phone call when indicated that the strongest oppo­ has the responsibility to »reach out every day for the past week, of nam were Dr. George Kahin, pro­ he proposed on Jan. 31 that the sition, as reflected in mail and and organize this growing discon­ 500 to 1,000 students. The admin­ fessor of political science at Senate Foreign Relations Commit­ telegrams, was in the Midwest and tent into active opposition to the istration claims this is a violation Cornell; Oretha Castle, former tee undertake a critical review of M ountain states,” K enw orthy says. war. The best way to do this is of the rules about speakers, but CORE field secretary; David Mc- Vietnam policy. Walter Mondale, “However, senators from the East­ around the clear demand of the VDC has been able to hold Reynolds of the War Resisters the other senator from Minnesota, ern Seaboard reported that their “bring the troops home now,” a every rally it has planned. League; Nancy Gitlin of Students who is not a critic of the admin­ mail also was ‘substantially’ or demand which w ill find an echo However, the administration is for a Democratic Society; Albert istration, reports his mail is 6 or ‘predominately’ against the bomb­ in the hearts of tens of millions bringing three students up on (Continued on Page 4) 7 to 1 against escalation. ing of north Vietnam and the fur- of Americans. charges as a result of VDC activi­ ties, including Bettina Aptheker. Plan to Picket Little Light Shed by Malcolm X Murder Trial LBJ in New York By Herman Porter but he went on to say that a situa­ Americans to the freedom strug­ high government officials and NEW YORK, Feb. 8 — During tion had been created in which gles of the colored peoples all speaking before student groups. A NEW YORK — There will 13 days of testimony in the Mal­ anyone could murder him and the over the world. His immediate “truth squad” from the U. S. In­ be a massive anti-Vietnam- colm X murder trial, nine eye­ Black Muslims would be blamed. aim was to get the U. S. govern­ formation Agency accompanied war demonstration here Feb. witnesses to the assassination of Alex Haley reports in the epi­ ment condemned as racist in the him wherever he went — slan­ 23 when President Johnson Malcolm X have taken the stand logue to The Autobiography of United Nations, Just as South Af­ dering him and trying to undo appears in New York to re­ and been cross-examined at length. M alcolm X that Malcolm told him rica had been condemned. what he was accomplishing. But ceive a “freedom award” at But little progress has been made in a phone conversation on Feb. He spent five of those 11 months they didn’t succeed. John Lewis a Freedom House dinner at toward discovering the truth about 20 that he was going to state he traveling in Africa and the Middle and Donald Harris, leaders of the the Waldorf-Astoria. what happened on Feb. 21, 1965 had been hasty to accuse the East, meeting heads of state and Student Nonviolent Coordinating in the Audubon Ballroom where Black Muslims of bombing his Committee, toured several A fri­ The award to be given Malcolm X was shot, and the mo­ home. “Things have happened can countries Just after Malcolm Johnson is inscribed: “Lyn­ tive behind the assassination. since that are bigger than what had visited them and reported: don B. Johnson — Freedom A complicating factor in the they can do. I know what they can “Malcolm’s impact on Africa was at home was never more trial is the crucial role in the pro­ do. Things have gone beyond, Just fantastic. In every country widely shared nor aggression ceedings played by the police and that,” Haley quotes Malcolm. he was known and served as the more wisely resisted than district attorney’s office. Though •More than any other individ­ main criteria for categorizing other Afro-Americans and their under his leadership.’* they are the ones who represent ual, Malcolm X was a threat to “the people,” they can hardly be those who wish to maintain the political views.” Picketing will begin at considered impartial, and some status quo in this country. Peter Malcolm X was poisoned while 6:30 p.m. Wed., Feb. 23 at people suspect agents of the police Sabbatino, one of the defense at­ he was in Cairo. His stomach was the Waldorf, 49th St. and were implicated in the murder. torneys for Talmadge Hayer, ask­ pumped very soon after he awoke Park Avenue. A rally will The most powerful people who ed George Whitney, .one of Mal­ one night in enormous pain. No follow nearby at which a run this country had a motive for colm’s followers, during cross- one else who ate with him was freedom award will be given having Malcolm X murdered at examination, whether he ever poisoned. He mentioned the inci­ to Julian Bond on behalf of least as strong as that of the heard Malcolm say that people in­ dent during the question period at hierarchy of the Black Muslims. terested in narcotics might gun all the young people in this one of the public meetings of the And they were in a much better him down. “He said that people Organization of Afro-American country fighting for human position to get away with it. Right- who were interested in keeping Unity at the Audubon Ballroom rights and an end to the war wing and racist groups had mo­ the status quo might gun him in an off-hand way. He was prob-, in Vietnam. The demonstra­ tives as well.
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