The Semantics of the Word "Liqa'" and the Conceptual Relationship of Liqa' Allah with the Divine Vision in the Qur'an and a Critique of the Ash'ari View in This Regard Alireza Khosrawi1 Seyedeh Fatemeh Hosseini Mirsafi2 Received: 16/12/2020 Accepted: 24/04/2021 Abstract One of the topics discussed between the Ash'arites on the one hand and the Shiites and Mu'tazilites on the other is the vision of God. The Ash'arites, who believe in seeing God on the Day of Resurrection, cite verses from the Qur'an to prove their point, including the verses in which the word "meeting" is mentioned. Semantics and examining the opinions of commentators about the meanings of this word in the cited verses is a good way to achieve the correct meaning of the word and evaluate the correctness or incorrectness of those who believe in the vision of God. Etymology and study of different meanings of the word "meeting" in word sources, study of its association and substitution with other words in the verses of the Qur'an, its meaning in Arabic hadiths and poems, and analysis of the views of Shiite and Sunni commentators. This word has several meanings and not Not only is the meaning of seeing from the word meeting in these verses incorrect and it is confirmed by the opinion of a few Sunni commentators, but in addition to Shiite commentators, many Sunni commentators also have the opposite view. Keywords Semantics, meeting, meeting God, divine vision, Ash'arites. 1. PhD student in Qur'anic and Hadith Sciences, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch & Shahr Rey, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. [email protected]. 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Qur'anic and Hadith Sciences, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch, Shahr Rey, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author). * Khosrawi, A. & Hosseini Mirsafi. S. F. (2020). The Semantics of the Word "Liqa'" and the Conceptual Relationship of Liqa' Allah with the Divine Vision in the Qur'an and a Critique of the Ash'ari View in This Regard. Journal of Theology & Islamic Knowledge, 2(4). pp. 165-193. 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