Registered with the Reg. No. TN/CH(C)/374/09-11 Registrar of Newspapers Licence to post without prepayment for India under R.N.I. 53640/91 Licence No. WPP 506/09-11 Rs. 5 per copy (Annual Subscription: Rs. 100/-) WE CARE FOR MADRAS THAT IS CHENNAI INSIDE • Short ‘N’ Snappy • Where the Dutch and... • ... The Danes stayed • Pioneer in hoteliering Vol. XXI No. 16 MUSINGS December 1-15, 2011 A Marina take-over Why is Corporation “We can have smooth traffic flow doing this? only when this technology is upgraded to a fully manual system!” A switch in time (By The Editor) Chennai Traffic, you’ve really new Council has taken office at the Chennai done it this time. ACorporation and among the first steps it has You’ve managed to defeat tech- taken is a decision to take over from the PWD the nology. maintenance of Marina Beach. This is at a time Especially signal lights. when several macro issues such as garbage disposal, The Governor’s Bungalow as it was (above) when INTACH Pondicherry began working on Apparently, these ‘intelligent public health and hygiene, the condition of the wa- it three years ago, and as it is today when its restoration nears completion. Also see pages 4 and signals’, installed because 5. (Photographs courtesy: INTACH Pondicherry.) they’re able to ‘sense’ traffic terways, civic administration, and drainage are all density and act accordingly, are challenging the civic body, with Chennai’s ratings completely traumatised. Red fast slipping on all these counts. To what purpose has paled to a particularly sad then this decision to take over the Marina which, shade of violet; yellow’s gone a when compared to the rest of the city, is definitely very pasty pastel, while poor better maintained, though that is not saying much? green looks positively bilious. The decision could not have been more ill-timed “They keep coming at us,” they as the Corporation now needs to focus on its biggest gibber, shivering, “And they challenge – how to come to grips with its new NEVER LISTEN...” the shak- ing increases. jurisdiction with an area that is now three times Authority, taking charge, has larger than what it was handling earlier and none decided: No more ‘automatic too well at that. The past track record shows that mode’ at traffic signals. the authority of the civic body was steadily whittled They’re going manual. Appar- down only because it could not perform its duties ently, technology works only effectively. Thus, the Water Supply and Sewerage with sensible, calm traffic, with Board was formed, several arterial roads were regular peak hours. handed over to the Highways With nonstop ‘peak days’ – not so Department, and garbage much. Poor traffic cops. disposal was rather half- Already battling with heat, pollu- heartedly privatised. Several With first success, will tion, and daft road users, important projects were handed they’re now back to flicking over to specially constituted switches, deciding which lot agencies. And when the private deserves clearance when, while waste disposal agency failed in HCC begin to stir? other lanes express displeasure carrying out its tasks effectively, with horns... the resulting the Corporation stepped in he Heritage Conservation advice. This is definitely a posi- ought not to be hidden behind cacophony reducing even the rather belatedly and it did not TCommittee (HCC), ap- tive development, but the gen- hoardings. It, therefore, largely toughest cop to tears, and go- improve matters. Contrast this ing all foetal position right pointed by the Government of eral working of the Committee listed heritage structures on ar- there on the road. with the functioning of the Tamil Nadu following a specific leaves much to be desired. A terial roads and did not look at Authorities, not ruling out tech- Highways Department, which is directive of the High Court of year of functioning may be the buildings that are on side nology, suggest upgrades... a definitely better and which has Madras, completed one year in right time to critically evaluate streets. But it was still a list, and centralised eagle-eyed Big ensured that the quality of July 2011. The occasion war- what it has done. when the High Court ordered Brother ... road-laying has been such that ranted a celebration – and it that a Heritage Conservation G by A Special Now, technology can handle principal arterial stretches are was not long in coming when Committee ought to be formed, predictables, the one thing at least navigable during the the Committee was in a posi- Correspondent it also added that these listed Chennai traffic isn’t. monsoons. And it cannot be tion to report its first successful When the High Court buildings had to come under So maybe signals need to be im- denied that the PWD has done representation. This was to the the Committee’s purview. bued with qualities like impa- passed its judgement, it had on tience, intolerance, lane cut- a decent job with the Marina, Chennai Metro Rail Limited re- hand a list of a little over 400 The Committee when ting, discourtesy... then they’ll which is arguably the showpiece garding the alignment of railway heritage buildings. This was a formed largely comprised bu- be in tune with road-user of this city. lines and stations that are list prepared for an entirely dif- reaucrats who toed the official psyche. So what does the Corpora- planned to be in close proxim- ferent matter, a case involving line. It took its own time to send Brainy gizmo tecchies, are you lis- tion want to do with the ity to heritage buildings in the outdoor hoardings and was put out letters to the owners of the tening? Marina? It wants to get rid of city. The CMRL has stated it together mainly for the purpose listed properties. It is reliably Ranjitha Ashok (Continued on page 2 ) would go along with the HCC’s of enumerating structures that (Continued on page 2) CMYK 2 MADRAS MUSINGS December 1-15, 2011 Why this takeover Optional extras, Chennai style owadays, if someone lights, which, if of sufficiently adopted by those who are en- of Marina? N claims that going for high wattage, can reflect off titled to add a ‘G’ to their (Continued from page 1) Rs. 80 lakh and launched their long drives is a favourite pas- the rear view mirror of the car number plates, thereby mak- use at a high-profile event with time, The Man from Madras in front, temporarily blinding ing them immune to all traffic Musings takes it with a pinch the man at the wheel and, rules. The latest indication of the stalls put up by vendors on the Mayor driving the vehicle. of salt. After all, given the thereby, making him slow officialdom on the move is a the beach. How does it propose What happened to these ma- traffic conditions in our be- down. The car behind then circular brass plate just above to do it? By constructing perma- chines and, if they are being loved city, all car journeys noses ahead, always provided the number plate on the front nent shops and leasing them used, why is the sand still full of are long, far too long, and that every side-view mirror is and just below one of the tail- out to authorised vendors. How litter? much longer than they ought folded. lights at the rear. will this improve the situation A supplementary decision to be. Under the circum- c. SEAT BELTS – These Ever since the High Court beyond bringing in some rent taken at the first meeting of the stances, and given the ever- accessories are like helmets for played spoilsport by refusing revenue to the Corporation? Council was that the Marina, increasing price of petrol, two-wheelers. There is a law to allow every Thiru, Doctor from Anna Memorial to Fore- they can only be considered (like for pretty much every- and Manbumigu (the three What we will be left with is a painful necessities, rather thing else in our country) that most common titles and, series of unsightly shops, which shore Estate, would be ‘reno- akin to a visit to the dentist. stipulates that wearing of seat therefore, being used in place will become eyesores owing to vated’. What then of the re- But MMM does have to belts is compulsory. But this is of Tom, Dick and Harry) to poor maintenance. And given cently concluded beautification drive around and whilst at it observed more in the breach. sport a flashing red light on the lack of civic sense in the av- exercise initiated by the previ- he looks for what could even- To overcome this, several cars their car, officialdom has been erage Chennaiite, the area ous regime at a cost of Rs. 25 tually make it to this column, now have sensor alarms that perplexed. Some have man- around these shops will become crore? Does the Marina need Chief permitting. And keep beeping in case the belt is aged to retain the lights, permanent litter dumps. A far any more of these exercises? But MMM notices that absolute not fastened. Those at the though they don’t switch them better idea would be to retain such sweeping acts are hardly necessities in vehicles abroad wheel are irritated by this on. Others have come up with are often given the go-by on noise, though for some reason a more ingenious arrangement the temporary shops (at least surprising whenever there is a regime change in our State. our roads. MMM is not they appear impervious to the by way of these shiny discs, on they are temporary) and im- blaming the car manu- hooting of horns.
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