" • -. ~'. ". '~'f'" -', • ,,';l , ~.:' '. ," J All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning ross~ Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New! Vol.29-No. 38 Entered as Second Class Maller at ______________ tb..:.e...:p:..:.o.t Office at Detroit, lllchigan. tOe Per Copy GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, September 19, 1968 $5.00 Per Year 32 Pages-Two Section-Section One II~ADLINt~S Enthusiastic Promoters of Richard Open House Food Mach,ines Votel'S Give 01 the ::~:~~~.'Yt;rj~;::; ,'l SUppol1 to '''Et;K .,~kl{'rf('" Proposition I As Compiled by the Cut High Schools Grosse Pointe News Okay 4Y2 Mill Levy For Off Aid Program Two Yea ..s But Turn Thursday, September 12 Down Second Plea HUBERT H. HUMPHREY in F d I H I N L P'd d 8 S h For Building Site his first presidential camp;ign e era e p 0 onger rOVI e ut ystem S ares appearance in Michigan Wed. In Profits of Dispenser; Eliminate Need For Pointe voters approved nesday night was greeted in Extra Kitchen Employes Proposition ~1, the 4112 Flint by crowds of pro-Wallace 'Il f I I and anti.Humphrey demon- At the regular School Board Meeting of September mI opera lona evy at the strators, Secret service men had 9, the question of why Grosse Pointe North and South Special Election, Thursday, to fight a way, open for him High Schools no longer receive federal aid through the September 12. They turned to the speaker's stand. subsidized Milk Program was raised by trustee Arnold down the 1 mill levy each ... * ... Fuchs. <s _ year, for building improve- PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S d I ment and site acquisition, - a - In an effort to answer some M.. 10 ministration shook the automo. of the questions regarding the lSSJ,ng Sa fe over a -year period. bile industry Wednesday by loss of the Milk program at the The passage of Proposition reports that they were prepar-I high schools, the NEWS spoke Rd. #1 will allow Grosse Pointe to ing to head off a $200 average to several administrators and ecovere J,n ~tay competitive with salary price increase on the 1969 the manager of the cafeterias. D . D. schedules of other nearby school models. There were no official t h systems and enable the schools denials of the amount of the . It was told that late this sum- raln I C to meet increased costs of op. increase which would amount to mer, after the vending machine erations of the schools and about eight percent, because program had already been public libraries. according to each of the major Pldan~t:dtfotr North Hig~ School. Macomb Deputies Find The defeat of Propo3ition #2 . 1 t d a miniS ra ors were mformed Stolen Woods Restau- accordl'ng to school authorl'tl'es' manu faeturer6, f ma cas an that if they used these machines, '., ' price studies have not been com- they would lose this federal aid. I rant Vault, Sans $1,800 "will, seriously Cllrtail the pleted. ... * >l Since the loss. according to In Cash And Papers Board of Education's attempt at school officials, amounts to ap. long.range facilities planning Friday, September 15 proximately $4,000, ll:!d since I A store safe, stolen from and improvement of curricu. THE D E PAR T MEN T of' h lum." School officials have said Health, Education and Welfare B f th d 'th' b h the sf~ oot .slst~m w~utd suf£e.~ the Original Pancake House, that it is difficult to discuss im- Task Force on prescription ea mg e rums WI paInt rus es, to attract JILL HARTMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart. no Ina~cla oss .ecause 1 20273 Mack avenue, on Sep. provements to the instructional drugs, ,vhich has been working attention to the first meeting of the new year of the man of McMillan road. They are second grade shar~s In th~ profIts of .the tember 2 was recovered program without additional ichard School P T A GOEFFREY DURNO '1 f M' M b d d vendmg machmes, the machmes f '.. since May of 1967, CIaimed in R . ., are ,son pup I s 0 ISS ary Eliza eth E war s. remained as planned. rom a. dItch In HarrIson space, Washington yesterday that the ~ Mr~_d_Mrs. John Dumo of McKinley avenue, and_____ Journal Cites Rule Townsh!p ,by Mac~mb ~oun- How Precincts Went drug industry makes exceptional I The rule, as cited in the t~ SherIff s deputies, It was Here's how the voting went profits without exceptional risk W.Z Y tl IPdt. A ' G t \E t B School Lunch Journal from the dISclosed by Woods Det. in each district. and that high drug costs prob- l y OU lS . e es rlan ccess a es I as ern oat Michigan Department of Educa. Everett Plumb on Tuesday, Trombly voters cast 380 yes ably lead to needless illness I. tion in Lansing. reads as fol. September 17. votes, 166 no votes for Proposi. among elderly persons. It said Escape After Bone of Much Contentl.on Is World lows: "Any building in which The deputies found the safe tion #1; 338 yes votes and'209 elderly persons have far great~r ' ' a pwfit-making service takes at Long street and Colerl'dge, no vot f P 'ti # needs for prescription drugs .' I th" I es or ropOSI on 2. h th d th t p ace IS servIce automatically t was damaged by "peeling" a Voters at Defer cast 492 yes t an any 0 er groul? an a Sf-e(Jl:ng" II Car A,t New NOI-th Hl.gh School Cl'Jnmp:on~" makes the district ineligible for method used by professiOl;a1 votes, 354 no votes for Propos i- many cannot meet'their needs participation in the reimbursed thieves when they cannot open tion #1 and 401 Jes, 353 no with income. savings or insur. -- IW de"' F'I PI f s' h I B dAd -- school lunch program, the reo a vault by using a safe's com- votes for Proposition #2. !lnce cover~ge. • .. Get Duplicate Key Made 00 s. ouncl I es •. edS 0 C 00 oar n I Larchmont Pair Capture imbursed special milk program bination lock. The safe was lIJaire School voters cast 580 Saturday, September 14 While Taking Test Run ReSidents For Addition Entrances to GroundsT Tempest Crown Here; and the commodity distribution punched and peeled from the yes votes, 423 no votes for ,.' B. J. TENNERY, Dean of IFl Vehicle Advertised Fence Already Damaged I RiChardson S e r i e s program. This type of service toP. Plumb said. Proposition #1 and 518 yes Arne l' i can University Law f SIN • S is supplied by a food service The burglars took approxi- votes, 392 no votes for Proposi. or a e Along with the opening of Grosse Pointe North High ow Berng ailed management company or a ca- mateIy $1,BOOin cash and about tion #2. School, told Senators in Wash- J ington Friday who are consider- -- School have come problems for the City of Grosse Pointe . --. terer or a similar arrangement $200 in checks Jacked in the Richard voters cast 750 yes ,'~• ing Abe Fortas' nomination as A Woods, resident was Woods ... a natural result of adding a building of this WIth the complehon of and is contrary to the State safe, Papers kept in the vault votes, 519 no votes for Proposi- .1 Chief Justice, that Fortas was notified by Detroit police'of nature to an area which in the past has been primarily the spe~tacular and cole:- S~onsor Agreement." (Only our were also missing, it was said, tion #1 and 668 yes votes. 512 " ;~ paid $25,000 to deliver nine law the. recove.ry of his car, r~sidential. At the Woods Council meeting on Monday ful NatIonal an~. W 0 rId ~~~~t;J.~OOI Milk Program was Positive Identification no votes,/or Proposition #2. " school lectures this summer. WhICh he dId not know had nIght, September 9, matters regarding the High School T~mpe.st Class si1dmg cham- Reasons for Machines Plumb said that his depart- Kerby voters cast 735 yes, 655 Senator Strom Thurmond, R- been stolen. were presented by residents, about 35 to 40 of whom plOnshlps, G r 0 sse Pointe When North High was still in ment ~as notified of ~e recov- no ballots for Proposition #1 S. C.' a leading opponent of the George Cherpelis of 787 North Iwere in the audience, ~ ' . )(acht Club continues its the planning stage, an area ery.. ~lUce the safe fIt the de- and 647 yes votes. 680 no votes nomination, said at a hearing of Brys! called Woods authorities Th fi t tt b ht t fh either the City or the Board tremendous y a c h t racing called the !itudent Cl)mmons scrIption of the one taken from for Proposition #2. the Senate Judiciary Committee and .tnfdrmed ~~er that hl.ehad Coun~il~s a~~:nJ~n ~~~: a l~tte~ initially believed. She said it program for this month Areas, was plannQd for those ~he r~~taurant. It \:,as positively Voters at Ferry School cast that it was improper for a Su- ~ect~~, a ca roS~ tpD IceFif~f from the president of the Board remains the Board's position with the holding of two youngsters who carried their !dentlfled by the fIrm that sold 707 yes.
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