||||||||||||I|| US005356803A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,356,803 Carpenter et al. (45) Date of Patent: ck Oct. 18, 1994 (54). ANTIMICROBIAL COMPOSITION FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ESSESSASEAND 0179449 4/1986 European Pat. Off. 192401 8/1986 European Pat. Off. ANTMICROBAL AGENT 0197622 10/1986 European Pat. Off. 75 Inventors: Richard S. Carpenter, Cincinnati, 8:22 A3, E. Ea. g Ohio; Pushkaraj J. Lad, San Mateo uropean Pat. Off. VV, 2937964. 11/1982 Fed. Rep. of Germany. Calif.; Ann M. Wolff, Cincinnati, 2122301 of 0000 France . Ohio 24483.51 9/1980 France. 73 Assignees: Genencor International, Inc., So. San 4. 8609459 12/198733, Ene Francisco, Calif.; The Procter & 55-153709 11/1980 Japan. Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio 57-075926 5/1982 Japan. * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent 59-088086215498 12/19855/1984 JE. subsequent to Aug. 24, 2010 has been 61-015827 1/1986 Japan. disclaimed. 62-044-180 2/1987 Japan. 62-248487 10/1987 Japan . 21 Appl. 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Endo-H, F, D, CI Asn-GNAGlcNAc-Marvt A Mon-Y W N Z Endo-F-got type Asn-GlcNAC-Go-Mor Man A N Mon Ser Enco-O-N- Or golNAc-Gol Acetylgalactosorinidase Thr Endo-R-N- V Golactosidose R1-GlcNAc-Gol-GlcNAc-R2 Figure-2 U.S. Patent 5,356,803 ç-ºun61-I I U.S. Patent 5,356,803 3.LIS350k}/\VETTO #-eun61-I U.S. Patent 5,356,803 3.SVGIISTJOATEJDJOINE LNDO-EUIISDJOÅT19ONINI? LS8ITÈSEONº wg-eun612 gg-ean513 OG-ºun614 U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 7 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-6A. U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 8 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-6B U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 9 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-7A U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 10 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-7B U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 11 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-7C U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 12 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-7D U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 13 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-7E U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 14 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-7F U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 15 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE -7G U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 16 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE -7H U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 17 of 28 5,356,803 (INV0+IuiddH–opu? 0+uidd3NICIIXEHNDTHO 0+uidd3NICIIXBHNDTHO 09 g–Qun614 02 O 9 U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 18 of 28 5,356,803 OGudd3NICIIXEHNDTHO LINDJOH-OKOUETID]>| 002viddH–opu3CINº OGudd 3NICIIXEHNDTHO an5136–3 O O. U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 19 of 28 5,356,803 3.4 A LG CFU E.Coll VS, Enco-H 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2,8 2.7 2,6 2.5 2,4 2,3 2.2 2.1. 2.0 1.9 18 1.7 16 15 14 1.3 O 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Figure-10A(Endo-H) ppm 3 A LOG CFU E.coli VS, Endo-Hi 6 200, 500, 1000 ppm Endo-H O 200 400 600 800 1000 (Endo-H) ppm Figure-10B U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 20 of 28 5,356,803 U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 21 of 28 5,356,803 £1–HHn?IH U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 22 of 28 5,356,803 ANTMICROBIAL EFFECTS THROUGH THE WASH LDGS GROWTH 2L/D5 1/D5 1/05/A 2TM D5 D5 D5 = DETERGENT L = IRGASAN T = TRICLDCARBAN A = E 2 D R 1 =2A DR A RESPECTIVELY Figure-14 U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 23 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE - 15A U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 24 of 28 5,356,803 U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 25 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-16A U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 26 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-6B U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 27 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE-17B U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1994 Sheet 28 of 28 5,356,803 FIGURE - 18B 5,356,803 1. 2 et al. (1977), Botanica Marina, 20, 13-17. As reported ANTMCROBAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING therein, Pseudomonas species isolated from sea water TYPE II ENDOGLYCOSIDASE AND was adhered to glass slides. Thereafter, the slides were ANTIMICROBAL AGENT treated with either pronase, trypsin, a-amylase (a Type I endoglycosidase), or lysozyme (also a Type I endo This is a continuation of application Ser.
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