Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized b @ ; .. Introduction This listing contains a selection of abbreviations and acronyms used in Bank documents in English. The acronyms are neither official nor, in some cases, even correct. Nevertheless, they are what is used or has been used. Every one has been found in a Bank document. The listing has been produced to assist translators, interpreters and other interested parties in deciphering the sometimes cryptic codes used in Bank documents. The listing does not contain: i) acronyms for organizations, except for those that are part of the World Bank Group and a few selected organizations involved in the more administrative side of the Bank; ii) acronyms in languages other than English; iii) the three- and five-letter unit codes, which can be found in the Bank's phone directory (currently page 1-1 through page 1-11) as well as in the MOC list, available on All-in-One. For your convenience, we have also added the standard country codings used (there are several - see Annex 1) and the ISO currency codes, which are increasingly used by the Bank (see Annex 2). Your contributions and suggestions for future editions will be welcome. Other sources for acronyms and abbreviations include: Bank units: Bank Telephone Directory (pages 1-1 through 1-11) and Master Organization Code (MOC), available through All-In-One; Abbreviations found in Bank documents in English, French and Spanish: Communications and Style Guide Statement 4.00; Yearbook ofInternational Organizations (available from Bank libraries); General: Bank libraries have many dictionaries of acronyms and abbreviations in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and other languages. Table of contents . .. Inttoduction............................................ p. 11 Bank acronyms . .. p. 1 Country acronyms . p. 41 Currency acronyms .... '. p. 65 / 4GL ACP ADT fourth generation language African, Caribbean and Pacific average daily traffic (States) AA AE administrative assistant ACRS architecture and engineering accelerated cost recovery AAC system AEA Administrative Advisory average earning assets Committee ACU Asian Currency Unit AEF AAD African Enterprise Fund at a discount ACV actual cash value AEO AADT agricultural extension officer annual average daily traffic AD agriCUltural demonstrator AEPRP AB African Economic Policy average drawn and outstanding ADBP Reform Program [US] borrowings agricultural development bank project AER ABD Annual Evaluation Review all but dissertation ADF agricultural development fund AER ABP applicable exchange rate annual business plan ADP agricultural development AES ABR project anti-epidemic station annual biting rate ADP AETR ABS automatic data processing average effective tax rate acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene ADR AEZ ABS after debt rescheduling agroecological zone Administrative Budget System ADR AFS ACBF American Depositary Receipt annual financial savings African Capacity Building Foundation ADR AGEM asset depreciation range Applied General Equilibrium ACBI Model African Capacity Building ADS Initiative American Depositary Share AgGDP,AGDP agricultural gross domestic ACE ADS product AMEX Commodities Exchange agricultural development services AGI ACF agricultural inputs [OD average cost of funds ADSA procurement code] Applications Development ACH Structured Approach automated clearing house 2 Bank acronyms AGNP AL,Q8tEP AOF agricultural gross national average disbursed loan, quasi­ administrative. operational product equity and equity portfolios net costs. fees [OD procurement of loss reserves code] AgSECAL, AgSAL agricultural sector adjustment ALQP AOTA loan average liquid asset portfolio administration and organization of training activities AI AMA accrued interest Asset Management Account APB Accounting Principles Board AlC AMEX average incremental cost American Stock Exchange APBO Accumulated Post-retirement AIDS AMMS Benefit Obligation acquired immune-deficiency Automated Material syndrome Management System APD agricultural price deflator AL AMR adjustment lending adult mortality rate APDF African Project Development AL AMR Facility country receiving adjustment appropriate market rate loans APER AMS Annual Portfolio Evaluation AL&EP Administrative Manual Report [IFC] average disbursed loan and Statement equity portfolios net of loss API reserves AMS alternative participation aggregate measure of support instrument ALCID Adjustment Lending AMSC, AMSCo API Conditionality and African Management Services application programming Implementation Database Company interface ALE AMTA APLL adult labor equivalent Agricultural Management allowance for potential loan Training for Africa Prosram and lease losses ALL average loan life ANDREX APPER Application Network for Africa's Priority Programme ALP Derivation and Retrieval in for Economic Recovery [UN] average disbursed loan Express portfolio net of loss reserves APR ANGO annual percentage rate ALP African non sovemmental liquid assets in the hands of the orsanization APS public Automated Procurement System Bank acronyms 3 API' ARRC ASIWG arbitrage pricing theory Alien Registration Receipt Card African Staff Issues Working [US] Group AR agricultural revolution ARS ASR anticipatory rate setting agricultural sector report AR Annual Review (of Project ARS ASR Performance) Automatic Route Selection Annual Supervision Report ARC AS AT AIDS-related complex administrative secretary appropriate technology ARCS AS ATL Audit Reports Compliance Attitude Survey action threshold level System ASAC ATM ARD agricultural sector lUljustment at the money agriculture and rural credit development ATM ASAL automatic teller machine ARETP agricultural sector adjustment agriCUltural research extension loan ATP and training project annual transmission potential ASAL ARI arid and semi-arid lands ATR accounting rate of interest average tariff rate ASAO ARI Agricultural Sector Adjustment ATRR acute respiratory infection Operation allocated transfer risk reserves ARIS ASCn AU Annual Report on American Standard Code for animal unit Implementation and Information Interchange Supervision BA ASE banker's acceptance ARM American Stock Exchange adjustable rate mortgage BAC ASF bank advisory committee ARP assipable square feet adjustable rate preferred stock BAN ASFR bond anticipation note ARP age-specific fertility rate agricultural rehabilitation BAS program ASIL Budget Accounting System agriculture sector investment ARP loan BAS agriCUltural research project Business Advisory Service 4 Bank acronyms BATNA BER BOE Best Alternative to a basic economic report barrels of oil equivalent Negotiated Agreement BESD BOF BB Bank Economic and Social basic oxygen furnace bacterial blight Database BONUS BB BF borrower's option for notes and borrowing bank blended funds underwritten standby BBL BFCO BOO barrel Bank-Fund Conferences Office build-own-and-operate BCA BFSFCU BOOT benefit-cost analysis Bank-Fund Federal Staff Credit build-own-operate-transfer Union BCF BOP billion cubic feet BtL balance of payments bill of lading BCM BOT billion cubic meter BLUE build-operate-transfer best linear unbiased estimator BCR BOY benefit-cost ratio BMCS beginning of year Building Management and BCn Control System BP basic case reproduction rate basis points BMR BID balancing, modernization and BP barrels per day replacement business plan BD BMR BPC budget deficit basal metabolic rate Ad Hoc Committee on Board Procedures BOO BMR bottom dropped out building maintenance and BPD repairs barrels per day BDOE barrels per day of oil BMW BPO equivalent bonded manufacturing blanket purchase order warehouse BDR BPTF before debt rescheduling BOD Budget Process Task Force biochemical oxygen demand BRSA BODS Borrowed Resources Suspense biochemical oxygen demand Account [IMP] over five days Bank acronyms 5 BSFF CAMEL CB buffer stock financing facility capital. assets, management, competitive bidding [IMF] earnings. liquidity CB BTN CAN current blend Brussels Tariff Nomenclature calcium ammonium nitrate CBA BTO CAP cost-benefit analysis back-to-office (report) Career Advisory Program CBC BTOR CAP classical biological control back-to-office report Common Agricultural Policy CBn BTU CAP community-based distribution British Thermal Unit Country Assessment Paper CBF BUA CAPM Central Bank Facility Bank unit of account [ADB] capital assets pricing model CBM CA CAR central bank money stock current account Central African Republic CBO CAB CARD community based organization current account balance certificate of amortized revolving debt CBOE CAC Chicago Board Options command and control CARS Exchange Computerized Appraisal Report CAD System CBOT cash against documents Chicago Board of Trade CAS CAD cash (resources) CBP computer aided design country background paper CAS CAD current account structure CBPP current account deficit contagious bovine CASE pleuropneumonia CADB computer-aided software Cost Accounting nata Base engineering CBR California Bearing Ratio CAl CATS computer aided instruction Certificate of Accrual on CBR Treasury Securities crude birth rate CAM computer aided manufacture CATS CBS Computer Assisted Trading Capital Budget System [BAS] CAM System country assistance management CBT Chicago Board of Trade 6 Bank acronyms CC CDIT CES callable capital Country Department country evaluation system Information Tables [IMF] CC carrying capacity COO CESP community development officer Country Environmental CCA Strategy Paper cunent cost accounting
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