HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 1 of 43 HRU Ch 1 Exercises – Answer Key (Complete) Name ____________________ Score ____/___ pts 1. On a separate sheet of paper, practice writing the letters of the alphabet in alphabetical order. a) Write each letter five times, repeating the name of the letter each time you write it; begin with Aleph, then Beth without Dagesh and Beth with Dagesh, etc., not forgetting the five final forms. b) You might sing the “Hebrew Aleph Beth” song in the appendix. Then c) write each letter once in alphabetical order, again naming the letter as you write. Complete the alphabet five times. 2. Below are the words from Isa 66:17. For now, treat the Dagesh in all the Begadkephat ,b = ב ,letters as Lene and all those in other letters as Forte by writing the letter twice. So In the third line, copy the Hebrew words in Hebrew. In the fourth line . = ּט b, and = ּב give a transliteration, remembering that English is transliterated left-to-right. Finally, alphabetize the words in the verse by writing the number, 1-16, above each word in the first line to indicate the order. One word is done as an example. 2 7 4 10 9 הּמתקּדׁשים והּמּטהרים אל הּגּנות אחר הּמתקּדׁשים והּמּטהרים אל הּגּנות אחר ʾḥr hgnnwt ʾl whmm hrym hmmtqdšym 12 8 5 3 6 1 אחד ּבּתוך אכלי ּבׂשר החזיר והּׁשחץ אחד ּבּתוך אכלי ּבׂשר החזיר והּׁשחץ whššqḥṣ hḥzyr bśr ʾkly btwk ʾḥd 13 16 15 14 11 והעכּבר יחּדו יספו נאם יהוה והעכּבר יחּדו יספו נאם יהוה yhwh nʾm yspw yḥdw whʿkbr HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 2 of 43 3. Transliterate each of the following biblical names back into Hebrew letters. Can you figure out who or what they represent? English Hebrew Name Solomon ׁשלמה šlmh1 Bethlehem ּבית לחם byt lḥm2 Ruth רות rwt3 Abimelek אבימלך ʾbymlk David ּדוד dwd4 Abram אברם ʾbrm Daniel ּדניאל dnyʾl Benjamin ּבנימין bnymyn Ezekiel יחזקאל yḥzqyʾl5 1 .ח and not ה Note the simple h, indicating 2 Be sure to write the final Mem. 3 ,ת ,Note that the last letter is underlined and begadkefat. To transliterate into Hebrew, the final letter receives no Daghesh. 4 Note that the first letter and last letters are a begadkefat, but the first is NOT underlined and the last is. To .ד :and the last does not ,ּד ,transliterate into Hebrew, the first gets the Daghesh 5 .ה and not ח Note the dot under the ḥ, indicating HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 3 of 43 HRU ch 2 Exercises – Answer Key Name ____________________ Score ____/____ pts 1. In the following words, some have Dagesh Lene (only in begadkephat letters), some have Dagesh Forte (doubling letters that may be found in almost any letter, including begadkephat letters), some have neither. Circle the words that must have Dagesh Forte (for this exercise, even though it will not be right, assume that all begadkephat letters are Lene). Underline all words with no Dagesh at all. (___ pts) 6 7 ּתּקחו ּבאהלו מסּפר לּגלּגת איׁש מּמּנו אׁשר הּדבר 2. Of the following words circle those that have final forms. (___ pts) 8 נתן ּבז הארץ טּבור מקנה יׁשבי ואל על ידו 3. Mark each word from the following that has … (circle all that apply; ___ pts) 9 נגד ּכלב סור מׁשה בׂשר :a. an s but not an sh sound ּבלע ּכל נפׁש אלף קל :b. a p or ph sound 10 קדׁש סדה חם מות טור :c. an m sound 11 12 ּתורה צור ּדלת ׁשלח היוד :d. a t or th (as in thin) sound ּפלג ּבלע נח ּכלב אדם :e. a b or b (v) sound 13 נפל מלך ּפלג ּבגד ּכוס :f. an k or kh sound 14 ּכון ויאמר ּבנה ּבגד ּבוא :g. a g sound 6 The dot above the letter marks it as a Shin and is not a Daghesh. 7 is in a begadkefat and for this assignment we are assuming these all to be Daghesh ּת The dot inside the ,is not begadkefat, the Daghesh must be Forte ,ק ,Lene. That would not result in circling. However, since the Qof resulting in the word being circled. 8 and not one of the five special final ,ו ,The last letter does not extend below the line and is therefore Waw forms. 9 .with the /sh/ sound ,ׁש ,with the /s/ sound from the Shin ,ׂש ,Be sure to distinguish the Sin 10 .ט from מ The first letter is Mem and you must distinguish 11 .makes the sound th as in then, not as in thin ד The 12 Note that the final letter is Het, not Taw. 13 .ך ,Note the final Kaf 14 .נ ,from Nun ,ג ,Carefully distinguish Gimmel HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 4 of 43 15 ּדוד ּכנען נדר לך אגדה :h. an r sound נגד ׁשלג ׁשפן ּבזה רוץ :i. an n sound 15 .ד ,from Daleth ,ר ,Carefully distinguish Resh HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 5 of 43 HRU ch 3 Exercises Name ____________________ KEY Score ____/____ pts 1. Using the information in this chapter, indicate whether each Shewa in each word is vocal or silent by circling each vocal Shewa and placing an X over each silent Shewa. The first one is done as an example. (7 pts) מִׁשְּׁפְׁ חֹות .a מְׁ קַּטְׁלִ ים .b וַיֹּאמְׁ רּו .c xהָלַַ֫כְּׁתִ י .d xׁשָבְׁרָ ה .e x xוַיֵּבְׁ ְך .f HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 6 of 43 Explanations: b. The Tet has a dagesh which must be doubling. Shewa under a doubled is always vocal. c. The Shewa follows an open syllable (no vowel under the Aleph). Therefore the previous vowel is long and the Shewa begins a new syllable and must be vocal. d. The previous vowel is short, so Shewa closes the syllable. e. The Shewa is preceded by either the long Qamets (ā) in an open unaccented or short Qamets Hatuf (o) in a closed unaccented syllable. The Masoretes often used a Metheg a vertical stroke to mark the syllable as open. Since this is not present, it must be the (ׁשָ ) next to the Qamest closed unaccented syllable and the Shewa is silent. f. Two vocal Shewas at the end of a word are both silent. 2. Indicate the number of syllables in each word by drawing a line between them. For letters with Dagesh Forte (doubling Dagesh), draw a line through the middle of the letter. The first one is done as an example. (10 pts) נַעֲׂשֶ ה .g ּבְׁרֵּ אׁשִ ית .d מְׁדַ ּבְׁרִ ים .a יִׂשְׁרָ אֵּ ל .h אֱֹלהִ ים .e ּדִ בְׁרֵּ י .b הַ ּגִידּו .i ׁשָ לֹוחַ .f יֶַ֫לֶ ד .c Explanations: a. The word has two full vowels and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The Beth is a begadkefat and might be either lene or forte. Since the Beth is preceded by a full vowel, the Dagesh is forte (doubling) and the syllable divides in the middle of the letter. b. The word has two full vowels and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The vowel under the Dalet (Hireq) is short and the syllable is unaccented. Therefore it must be closed and the silent Shewa is the end of the syllable. c. The word has two full vowels and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The vowel under the Yod (Seghol) is short, but the syllable is accented, so it is open. d. The word has two full vowels and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The second syllable must begin with the Shin. e. The word has two full vowels (note the Holem above the left side of the Lamed) and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The second syllable must start with the He. f. The word has two full vowels and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The Patach at the end is furtive and does not count as a separate syllable. The second syllable must start at the Lamed. g. The word has two full vowels and therefore two syllables; therefore one only draws one line. The composite Shewa is vocal and cannot close a syllable. Therefore the second syllable begins with the Ayin. h. The word has three full vowels and therefore three syllables; therefore one draws two lines. The vowel under the Yod is short and the syllable is unaccented; therefore the Shewa is silent and closes the syllable. The second syllable begins with Resh. The third syllable begins with the consonant above the next full vowel, Alef. i. The word has three full vowels and therefore three syllables; therefore one draws two lines. The vowel under He is short and unaccented; the Dagesh in the Gimmel must be Forte HRU Answer Sheet © 2011 – Free copying as long as there is no profit. Page 7 of 43 (doubling) and the syllable divides in the middle of the letter. The third syllable begins with the consonant above the last full vowel, Daleth. 3. Each line below gives an English word with an underlined vowel followed by a list of Hebrew syllables (assume they are all unaccented).
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