04, 03 01 AWO 593~ By AWOTOKUN, ADEKUNLE MESHACK B.A. (HONS) (ABU) M.Sc. (!BADAN) Thesis submitted to the Department of Public Administration Faculty of Administration in Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of --~~·---------.---·-.......... , Progrnmme c:~ Petites Subventions ARRIVEE - · Enregistré sous lo no l ~ 1 ()ate :. Il fi&~t. JWi~ DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PUBLIC ADMIJISTRATION) Obafemi Awolowo University, CE\/ 1993 1le-Ife, Nigeria. 2 3 r • CODESRIA-LIBRARY 1991. CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that this thesis was prepared by AWOTOKUN, ADEKUNLE MESHACK under my supervision. __ _I }J /J1,, --- Date CODESRIA-LIBRARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A work such as this could not have been completed without the support of numerous individuals and institutions. 1 therefore wish to place on record my indebtedness to them. First, 1 owe Professer Ladipo Adamolekun a debt of gratitude, as the persan who encouraged me to work on Legislative contrai of the Executive. He agreed to supervise the preparation of the thesis and he did until he retired from the University. Professor Adamolekun's wealth of academic experience ·has no doubt sharpened my outlciok and served as a source of inspiration to me. 1 am also very grateful to Professor Dele Olowu (the Acting Head of Department) under whose intellectual guidance I developed part of the proposai which culminated ·in the final production qf .this work. My pupilage under him i though short was memorable and inspiring. He has also gone through the entire draft and his comments and criticisms, no doubt have improved the quality of the thesis. Perhaps more than anyone else, the Almighty God has used my indefatigable superviser Dr. O. M. Laleye to accomplish this great task. He has painstakingly gone through the various drafts of the thesis. His supervisory and leadership style has not only spurred me to work harder, but has also served to inspire me to greater heights.CODESRIA-LIBRARY His contribution to my academic attainment will linger on in my minci throughout my life. 1 shall be eternally grateful to him. Dr. S. B. Ayo, like others mentioned earlier has been of immense assistance to me throughout the period of writing the thesis. He has also read through the early drafts. His criticisms and suggestions have improved the quality of the work. 1 also place on record the assistance received from Dr. Victor Ayeni who took time to comment on, and offered suggestions on how I can improve the quality of the work. am also appreciative of the moral support received from Professer A. o. Sanda and Dr. Dayo Ademisokun-Turton. Dr. J. A. K. Makinde has been of immense assistance to me in the final production of the work. He has also shared in my moments of anxiety and has advised on several matters related to this work. 1 than k the Almi g hty God for the way and manner He has used Dr and Mrs J. B. Falade to accomplish one of the crucial tasks of this study, in particular the tremendous support to finalise the word processing of the final draft. May our brotherly love continue to grow from strength to strength. 1 also acknowledge the support and encouragement received from Professer O. Aborisade and Dr Samuel Bamidele. Both of them were successive Acting Heads of the Department of Local Government Studies. Dr. A. K. Onabanjo has _been very supportive. His elderly advise has been of immense value to me. 1 have to thank specially my friend Mr. Ropo Adeyemo for his untiring effort in going through the whole thesis. We have had occasions to brain-storm on the work. He has also stayed late in the Department most of the time, with me to see to the completion of the work. 1 also thank my colleagues Dr. B. O. Adediji, Messrs '{yA. Adewale, Mike Adeyeye and F. O. Fagbohun for their co-operation in the Department. But for their co-operation, it would not have been easy to combine my triple roles of Acting Headship,CODESRIA-LIBRARY Teaching and studentship simultaneously. Mr. M. o .. Onajide deserves special mention, he did not only co-operate with me in the Department but was always ready to accept responsibility at short notice. As a former Clerk of Oyo State House of Assembly 1979-83, 1 benefitted a great deal from him. He did not only make available tome his literature on the legislature, he has always been ready to answer intricate questions posed to him. also received tremendous support from the secretarial 1staft° of the Department of Local Government Studies, such as Messrs. C. 1. N. Uche, M. A. Arewa (my former sècretary), Mrs. M. M. Salawu, Alex Akinsheye, R. A. Adeniyi, Bola Toriola and Mrs. Akinlèye. ln addition, 1 appreciate the keen interest shown in the completion of this '. study by 'Tunj i Oyedokun, Adeleke Adepoj u, Bisi Adegoke, Kayode Babawale, Segun Adepoju, Debo Awoto_kun, Wole Oyetade, Chief M. O. 1biyemi, Captain Hezekiah Awodoyin, and a host of others too numerous to mention. 1 want to place on record my most profound appreciation to the Council for Development of Economies and Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA) based in Dakar-Senegal for the Grant given for this work. This financial assistance, no doubt, enabled me prosecute the programme with minimum difficulty. must not forget to make mention of the institutional support received during the preparation of the thesis. am grateful to the Government Publication/Document Section of the Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library of the Obafemi Awolowo University, l le-Ife Mr. M. O. Afolabi, the Head of that Department and his staff were very keen in their support and assistance. They ail shared in my predicament when I suddenly ran out of Hansard for consultation. At this point 1 have to express my most sincere gratitude to Dr.· Dele Gege who at this time of need took it upon himself to consult his friends who were legislators in the Second Republic. Chief C. O. Adebayo, the former Governor of Kwara State offered to assist. However,CODESRIA-LIBRARY my sincere thanks go to' Hon. Toyin Adewara Lawal who made available ail the Hansard and other documents needed for the· study. For this singuiar act of generosity, 1 will for ever be grateful to him. 1 also appreciate the similar gesture received from Nnamdi Azikiwe Library at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Hence the Chief Librarian of the Afrièana Section of the ·Library Mr. Udensi E. Kalu deserves my special acknowiedgement. He was not only friendly to me but detailed an assistant to attend to ail my needs. would like to register my gratitude.ta the Chief Editor of the defunct Ondo State House of Assembly for giving me access to the Library. The entire staff of the I i brary were ver y co-operative for man y a times had to delay them beyond the offrsial closing hour (3.30 p.m.). 1 thank Mr. S. 1. Fapohunda for helping me to photo-copy some materials from his own purse. 1 am· also appreciative of the material and spiritual support of many of my christian brothers & sisters such as T. O. Oyebisi, Jide Gbadegesin, John Erero, Joe Ala, Rev. George Adegboye, · Love Adeshina, Femi Ayorinde, Sisters Tobi Fagbohun, Nike Osadolor, Peju Oyebisi, Seyi Adeyemo, the Koinonia Ministries based at Ibadan and man y others tao numerous to mention. My mother, Madam Esther I yiola Omowumi Awotokun deserves special commendation for she single-handedly looked after the children when my wife was away for her course and I had little time to spare for the children. 1 am also grateful to my father, Pa Elijah Adebiye Awotokun for his vision for me. My brother-in-law Tope Aremu was also helpful in the course of writing this thesis. Above all, 1 want to give glory and thanks to God Almighty for granting me the zeal, knowledge and good health to undertake the Doctoral Programme. Finally, 1 want to give special thanks to my wife Comfort and our Children, 'Gboyega, 'Sola and 'Dapo. Perhaps more than anyone else they have been most desirous to see theCODESRIA-LIBRARY work completed. The four of them have stoically borne my complaints, excuses and frequent absence from home. Title Page ............................................ Ce r t if i c a t ion . • . .. ~ . .': Acknowledgernent s • .•._ •....•.••.••..••••. ~ ••.••.•• •.• •• , Table. of Contents •........................· ......... List of Tables ... ~ ........... ...................... List of Figures .......... • ............................. Abs t r ac t .............. ·.... ~ ......... · · · • · · · · · · · · · · • · · • List of Abbreviations •••••••• :············~········· CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ____ ... - ·----·-~--:......._ Intr<iduction •. .- ......•... ~- ..... e •••••••••••••••••••• a 1, - 3 Oef inition of Conçepts •••••••• ,••••••••••.••••••••••• 3 - 4 , Review of Literature on Legislative Control of the Execa~ive in Nigeria ••••..•••••••••.••••• ~ ••• 4 - l.1 . The Rationale of the Study ••.••.••••••••••• ~········ :l:J.-13 The Objectives of ,the Research •..•.••.....••..•...•. 13-14 Propositions of the Study •••• ,•.•.•••••.••.•••.••• •'• ~ 14-15 Research Meihodology •••....•...................•••.• 1.6 The Concept~al Framework •........••.. ~ •...••...•..•• 17-20 Significance and Limitations of Study ••.•.•.•.•.•••. 21-22 Summary of the Thesis •••••• ~•,••••••A••••············ 22-25 CHAPTER TWO THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE RELATIONS IN NIGERIA Introduction. • • • . • • • • •. • • . • • . • • • . • • . • • • . • . 26 The Development of Legislative/Executive Relations.~ 26-43 Conclusion .•......•..............................• ~. 43-44 CHAPTER THREE . THE 1979CODESRIA-LIBRARY CONSTITUTION, THE LEGISLATIVE AND THE EXECUTIVE: THEORY AND
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