ANALYSIS OF THE AGROINDUSTRY IN INCREASING WELFARE OF THE ISLAMIC HOUSEHOLD ON KSU NIRA SATRIA, PERNASIDI VILLAGE, CILONGOK SUB- DISTRICT, BANYUMAS REGENCY UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented to Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor‟s Degree in Economics Study (S.E.) By: FATIMAH NUR APRILIANI SIN. 1522201087 SHARIA ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICSAND BUSINESS STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) PURWOKERTO 2020 ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY The student who gives signature below: Name : Fatimah Nur Apriliani Student Number : 1522201087 Grade : S.1 (Bachelor Degree) Faculty : Islamic Economic and Business Major : Sharia Economic Study Program : Sharia Economic Title : Analysis of the Agroindustry in Increasing Welfare of the Islamic Household on KSU Nira Satria, Pernasidi Village, Cilongok Sub- District, Banyumas Regency Declare that this undergraduate thesis script is entirely my own research outcome, except in some of part which are quoted by some of sources. Purwokerto, January 29th, 2020 I who declare, Fatimah Nur Apriliani SIN. 1522201087 iii OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM OF SUPERVISOR To the Honorable Dean of Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto At Purwokerto Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh After doing guided, interpretation, direction and corrected the writing of this undergraduate thesis by Fatimah Nur Apriliani, Student Number 1522201087, entitled: Analysis of the Agroindustry in Increasing Welfare of the Islamic Household on KSU Nira Satria, Pernasidi Village, Cilongok Sub-District, Banyumas Regency I argued that this undergraduate thesis has been able to submit to the Dean of Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business of IAIN Purwokerto to be examined as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor‟s Degree in Economics Study (S.E). Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh iv Analysis of the Agroindustry in Increasing Welfare of the Islamic Household on KSU Nira Satria, Pernasidi Village, Cilongok Sub-District, Banyumas Regency Fatimah Nur Apriliani SIN. 1522201087 Email: [email protected] Sharia Economics Department Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto ABSTRACT The development of rural industries has a fundamental goal in improving the welfare of the surrounding community. Cilongok sub-district as the centers of the sugar industry in Central Java makes coconut organic crystal sugar as its superior product. The success of KSU Nira Satria in exporting products abroad has made cooperatives the most important factors of coconut farmers. Information gaps regarding products and prices among farmers can already be overcome by cooperatives, so that coconut farmers begin to improve product quality and innovation. This study is field research trough descriptive-qualitative approach, the author does in-depth study in order to know how KSU Nira Satria increase household welfare and the government‟s role in supporting rural industrial development in KSU Nira Satria. This research was conducted in Cilongok Sub-district with 59 samples were selected based on a simple random samplingof total members of KSU Nira Satria. While data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. The result of analysis of government‟s rule in supporting the development of rural industries in agroindustry sector is not optimal yet. Evidenced by the lack of usefulness felt by the community, especially coconut sugar farmers as the main actors. This is due to the lack of coordination between the local government with the management of the cooperative or the coconut sugar farmers as program implementers (beneficiaries). In terms of Islamic welfare, based on 5 principles of maqashid syariah, it shows that 100% of households of coconut sugar farmers in KSU Nira Satria, Cilongok sub-district reach high welfare, namely: First, faith (al-din) shown through religious life like they are carrying out religious activities, construction of religious facilities is good and socio-religious relations between coconut farmers still awake. Second, soul (al-nafs) is shown in the needs of the community, such as: facilities are good and permanent home, access to transportation facilities and ease of doing sport. Third, reason (al- 'aql) is shown by the availability of good quality education and affordable prices, so people can provide primary education needs to their children. Fourth, posterity (al-nasl) is indicated by the existence of guaranteed family v health, they are also aware to register in the BPJS Employment and ease in obtaining health services with the availability of polyclinics close to the village. Five, wealth (al-mal) with an increase in income because the price of coconut organic crystal sugar is more expensive than others, making the level of public consumption also increased. Keywords: Islamic Household Welfare, Public Policy, Cooperative, Agroindustry. vi TRANSLITERATION GUIDELINE Transliteration of Arabic words used in this undergraduate thesis refers to the Decision Letter of the Minister of Religion and The Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia No. 158/ 1987 and No. 0543b/U/1987. 1. Consonant Arabic Name Latin Alphabet Name Alphabets Alif No Symbol No Symbol ا Ba‟ B Te ب ta‟ T Te ت es (with a dot on the Ṥa Ṥ ث letter) Jim J Je ج (ḥa ḥ ha (with a dot under letter ح kha‟ Kh ka and ha خ Dal D De د (Źal Ź zet (with a dot on the letter ذ ra´ R Er ر Zai Z Zet ز Sin S Es س Syin Sy es dan ye ش (Şad Ş es (with a dot under latter ص (d‟ad d‟ de (with a dot under latter ض (Ţa Ţ te (with a dot under latter ط (Ża Ż zet (with a dot on the latter ظ Coma returned on the „ ain„ ع character Gain G Ge غ Fa‟ F Ef ف Qaf Q Qi ق vii Kaf K Ka ك Lam L „el ل Mim M „em م Nun N „en ن Wawu W We و Ha H Ha ه Hamzah ' Apostrof ء ya' Y Ye ي 2. Double Consonant Because of Syaddah 3. Ta’marbuţah in The End of Sentence (This role does not use in the Arabic that was absorbed into Bahasa such as zakat, shalat, and others, expect desired by the original pronouncing) a. If followed by sanadang word ”al” and the second sentence is separate, it wrote by h. b. If ta’marbutoh with harakat, fathah or kasrah or dammah become, it wrote by below: viii 4. Short Vocal Fatĥah Become A ٓ Kasrah Become I ِٓ D'ammah Become U ُٓ 5. Long Vocal 6. Doubel Vocal 7. Vocalwhich is double in one sentence it separate with the postrof ix a. Sandangof Alif + Lam 1. If followed byQomariyyah alphabets 2. If followed by Syamsiayyah alphabets, it must be written with syamsiayyah alphabets that following, and with l (el) word. 8. The Writing of Words in a Sentence a. It wrote by the sound and the pronouncing x PREFACE Alhamdulillaahi Rabb al-‘alamiin, First, praise is mere to the Almighty Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables me to finish this graduating paper as my graduation proof. Second, may peace and salutation always is given to our prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness. By his guidance, we are able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one. May he will give us his syafa’at at the end of human life. Aamiin. This undergraduate thesis entitled “Analysis of the Agroindustry in the Islamic Household Welfare Increasing on KSU Nira Satria, Pernasidi Village, Cilongok Sub-District, Banyumas Regency” is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing Bachelor‟s Degree in Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. Hereby, the author can finish this undergraduate thesis because of all those who supported it from the beginning to the end. So, I would like to thanks of the special appreciation to: 1. Dr. H. Moh. Roqib, M.Ag., Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. 2. Dr. Fauzi, M.Ag., First Vice-Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. 3. Dr. H. Ridwan, M.Ag., Second Vice-Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. 4. Dr. H. Sulkhan Chakim, S.Ag. M.M., Third Vice-Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. 5. Dr. H. Jamal Abdul Aziz, M.Ag., Dean Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. 6. Dewi Laela Hilyatin, S.E., M.S.I., Head of Sharia Economic Department of Islamic Economics and Business Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. xi 7. Dr. Ahmad Dahlan, M.S.I., thank you for your kindness and patience in guiding the author to finish this graduating paper. May Allah blessed you always. 8. All lecturers and staffs in the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Purwokerto. 9. To KSU Nira Satria, and all informants in the author‟s research, thank you for your sincerity to help me to arrange and finish this undergraduate thesis. 10. To my mother, Tirkem and my father Karsum for their struggle in guiding and support me in every condition. And my beloved sister, Fia Ramadhan who always accompanied me in every condition, and also for my little brother, Hamudi who always gives me happiness. 11. To Ayah Supani, M.A. and Bunda Enung Asmaya, M.Si. and the big Family ofIslamic Boarding School ofDarul Falah Kedungwuluh, Purwokerto Barat, thank you for the knowledge, motivations, experiences and many things you have given to me. 12. To all my beloved friends, especially for Ekonomi Syariah C 2015, thank you forfilling up my day, may our struggle for 4 years will bring us to the top of successfulness; 13.
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