Fall-Winter 2000 Volume VI, Issue 1 Newsletter of The History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS) Working Group ISSN 1527-9332 Logic, Logic, and Logic From the Editor (focusing primarily on the second element of the title), Inside this issue: The current Newsletter is a ganizing committee, Andrew Alex Levine’s critique of bit later to press than recent Wayne (Université de Mon- Nick Huggett’s Space from previous issues but reflects tréal). Zeno to Einstein, and Ken From the Editor 1 the hard work of our stalwart A further indication of the Jacobs’ review of Jan Go- contributors. linski’s Making Natural burgeoning international This very spirit of hard work character of HOPOS-related Knowledge. While only HOPOS 2002 in 1 Huggett's volume is purely Montréal was much in evidence in Vi- studies is found in the latest enna this past July, when travelogue, dedicated to Bra- HOPOS material, Boolos HOPOS held its third inter- zil (p 7). To adequately addresses Frege’s philoso- Impressions of 2 national meting. That story summarize the history and phy of logic in historical HOPOS 2000: is briefly recounted in Don philosophy of science re- terms, and Golinski’s medi- A Report Howard’s report (p 2). [The sources in that gargantuan tation on method in history Editor could only corrobo- nation required the Hercu- of science draws on various rate this story second-hand, lean efforts of three au- themes in philosophy of sci- News of the Profession 3 due to the birth of a second thors— Eduardo Barra and ence from the recent past. Seminars, Conferences, daughter as conferees met.] Irinéa Batista (State Univer- One lesson here is that little and Colloquia sity of Londrina) and Valter may be possible in science On the basis of this first for- Bezerra (University of São studies of any philosophical eign adventure, the Steering Paulo). Those who have had character without tackling Competitions and Calls 5 Committee has elected to little commerce with our issues in the history of the for Submissions meet outside the US again in philosophy of science. Brazilian friends will find 2002, when Hopoi will Electronic Resources much to discover on physical gather in Montréal. Not a I close with two organiza- or virtual visits. distant land, perhaps, for tional notes. First, the HO- Books Published 6 POS Working Group has had most of us, but a site that is This issue’s book reviews Jobs and pleine de charme. Prelimi- include Mort Schragin’s a change in leadership other opportunities nary details (p 1) are offered look at George Boolos’ post- (without judicial coups Journals by the chair of the local or- humous collection of essays, (Continued on page 2) Regional Maps of 7 all four Montréal universi- HOPOS Activity and HOPOS 2002 in Montréal ties will be jointly hosting Infrastructure: Brazil the meeting (Concordia University, McGill Univer- The HOPOS Steering Com- dian Society for History and Book Reviews 16 sity, Université de Montréal, mittee has chosen Montréal, Philosophy of Science in and Université du Québec à Canada as the location for Toronto and just before the Montréal). The actual loca- our 2002 meeting. The local Montréal International Jazz Membership Form 20 tion of the meeting hasn't organizing committee is ten- Festival (so participants can been determined, although tatively planning a mid-June stay for the jazz festival if one university has already date, just after the meetings they wish). About HOPOS 20 offered low-cost accommo- of the Canadian Philosophi- (Continued on page 2) cal Association and Cana- Philosophy departments at Newsletter of Page 2 The History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS) Working Group dence in Thomas as our new From the Editor chair. Montréal HOPOS 2002 will be a bi- lingual conference with (Continued from page 1) Second, Cassandra Pinnick, (Continued from page 1) d’état, thank you): Thomas our diligent treasurer, has dation for the conference in English and French as its Uebel (University of Man- been hard at work arranging student residences. official languages. The pro- chester) is the first non- dues payment by credit card. gram committee for the con- North American to head our This possibility—to be real- We are very enthusiastic ference is currently being Steering Committee, replac- ized within a month or about hosting HOPOS in formed by the newly consti- ing Alan Richardson two—will facilitate payment Montréal. Many Montréal tuted HOPOS Nominating (University of British Co- from outside the US, and philosophers have HOPOS- Committee. A call for ab- lumbia). Great thanks are ease discharging of one’s related research interests, stracts and symposia ses- due to Alan for two years of financial obligations to the and the HOPOS meeting sions will be issued in the steering our Steers—and Working Group. Let’s thank will provide an excellent newsletter and HOPOS-L standing at the helm of the Cassandra by ensuring that opportunity to raise the pro- sometime in the summer. Working Group—with our dues are paid in timely file of these activities. As Look for it! aplomb, efficiency, and tre- fashion! well, Montréal is a wonder- mendous productivity. I ful tourist destination. It is a Andrew Wayne speak with great assurance Best wishes, Chair, Local Organizing Saul Fisher vibrant multicultural city for the Steering Committee that is affordable and easily Committee for HOPOS 2002 in expressing our gratitude to ! accessible from Europe and ! Alan, and our fullest confi- North America. the philosophy of science in Impressions of HOPOS 2000: A report Austria and Germany under HOPOS 2000, the Third cism”. In addition, Robert Popper, one to relations be- fascism in the 1930s and International History of Phi- Cohen and Brian McGuin- tween metaphysics and 1940s—and as a gesture of losophy of Science Confer- ness offered personal recol- mathematics in the 17th and support to our professional ence, was held at the Uni- lections from their perspec- 18th centuries, and one to colleagues and ordinary versity of Vienna, July 6–9, tive as the founders of the the scientific background to Austrian citizens who are 2000, under the sponsorship Vienna Circle Collection Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. committed to the ideal of a of the Institute Vienna Cir- (published by Kluwer), a There were interesting pa- democratic Austria in which cle. With nearly 140 papers series that has made avail- pers on Claude Bernard and the rights of all are re- on the program, it was HO- able in English the writings hypothetico-deductivism, spected. For the same rea- POS’s largest conference to of most of the central fig- Hermann von Helmholtz’s sons, the Program Commit- date and surely its most suc- ures in the Vienna Circle. work on physiological tee also added two sessions cessful—which is especially acoustics, and Hermann specifically devoted to poli- gratifying in view of the fact Lest the Viennese location Weyl at the crossroads be- tics and the philosophy of that this was the first HO- and sponsorship by the In- tween phenomenology and science. Given the unusu- POS conference in Europe. stitute Vienna Circle give mathematics. Indeed, a rich ally charged political cir- the wrong impression, this and varied program. cumstances under which the Highlights of the program was not a meeting solely conference was held, it was included Michael Fried- devoted to the history of the As regular readers of the good to see the broad, inter- man’s keynote lecture— Vienna Circle. As with all Newsletter know, the entry national participation and “What is Scientific Philoso- HOPOS conferences, schol- of Jörg Haider’s Frei- the attention that the meet- phy?” (which was also the arship on all periods and heitliche Partei Österreichs ing received from the Aus- 8th annual Vienna Circle subjects areas was encour- into the Austrian govern- trian press—including an Lecture of the Institute Vi- aged and welcomed. We ment in February led to a article in the Wiener Zeitung enna Circle) and plenary were treated to papers on vigorous discussion of pro- and interviews with confer- lectures by Maria Luisa Suarez, Rheticus, Galileo, posals to cancel HOPOS ence participants by a sci- Dalla Chiara—“What is a Newton, Leibniz, Locke, 2000 or move it to another ence reporter for Law?”, Marina Frasca- Berkeley, Hume, Kant, location as a gesture of pro- Österreichische Rundfunk. Spada—“Hume and Sense Vico, Whewell, Poincaré, test. In the end it was de- Impressions”, and Lothar Cassirer, Husserl, Bache- cided to keep the meeting in In my view the single most Schäfer—“Neo-Kantian lard, and Foucault. Two Vienna, as a way of bearing interesting and important Origins of Modern Empiri- sessions were devoted to witness to the tragic fate of event at the meeting was the Newsletter of The History of Philosophy of Science Page 3 (HOPOS) Working Group Impressions of HOPOS News of the profession. first of the two mentioned Call for Reports. Colloquium on special sessions, “The Po- II in 1784 granting a tax "Naturverständnisse - litical Meaning and Cultural exemption to wine served at The Newsletter features Naturverhältnisse". Institut Context of Philosophy (of a restaurant on vineyard occasional, concise reports für Philosophie, Wissen- Science) in Austria and grounds. On Saturday eve- on conferences of interest schaftstheorie, Wissen- Central Europe before and ning we went to the Heuri- to HOPOI. If you are schafts- und Technik- after World War II.” Four genrestaurant Fuhrgassl- interested in writing such geschichte. For informa- papers were presented, in Huber, where the wine reports, please contact the tion, go to http://www- German, for a Germano- flowed freely and food Editor. philosophie.kgw.tu-berlin. phone audience, by Frie- seemed never to end and de/Philosophie.
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