Section 1 – Site Location Map Site address Dunraven Lower School, Mount Nod Road, London SW16 2LG Ward Streatham Wells Proposal External alterations including external cladding, new school signage, new windows and doors, installation of a canopy, creation of external staircase and deck to first floor level on the rear elevation and installation of rooflight and PV solar panel at roof level to the fourth storey building fronting onto Mount Nod Road, along with associated hard and soft landscaping including playground, provision of car parking accessed from Mount Nod Road, Cycle Parking and Refuse and Recycling Storage to facilitate the use of the building as a two form entry primary school. Application type Full Planning Application Application ref(s) 13/00507/FUL Validation date 06.03.2013 Case officer details Name: Sarah Lowes Tel: 020 7926 1248 Email: Slowes@lambeth .gov.uk Applicant Mr Kalyan Casal , EECP, Lambeth CYPS Agent Greenhill Jenner LLP Considerations/constraints None Approved plans 783/P001, 783/P002, 783/P003, 783/P004, 783/P005, 783/P006, 783/P007, 783/P008, 783/P010, 783/P011, 783/P012, 783/P013, 783/P014, 1252/LL/101D, 1252/LP303, Design and Access Statement, Framework School Travel Plan Report, Transport Assessment Report and Arboricultural Implications Assessment. Recommendation(s) Grant Planning Permission subject to the recommended conditions and the completion of a s106 agreement Report Review Department(s) or Organisatio n(s) Date Date Comments consulted response summarised received in para Governance & Democracy (legal) 15/04/2013 16/04/2013 N/A Consultation Department (s) or Organisation (s) Consulted ? Date Comments (y/n) response summarised received in report? (y/n) Internal Highways & Transport Y 19/03/2013 Y Conservation & Urban Design Y 06/03/2013 Y Crime Prevention Design Advisor Y 14/03/2013 Y Noise and Pollution Y 13/03/2013 Y Streetcare Y N/A N External Streatham Society Y N/A N Streatham Action Y N/A N Thames Water Y 11/03/2013 Y Transport for London Y 27/03/2013 Y Background Documents Case File (this can be accessed via the Planning Advice Desk, Telephone 020 7926 1180) For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website www.lambeth.gov.uk/democracy 1 Summary of Main Issues 1.1 The key issues relating to this case are as follows:- • the role of the development in meeting educational need in the Borough; • whether there would be any implications in terms of the use of the site as two form entry Primary School in conjunction with Dunraven School and the Sixth Form provision; • whether the external alterations would impact on the character and appearance of the application site and surrounding area; • the sustainability of the development; • the impact of the development upon the amenity of neighbouring residential properties, having particular regard to the scale and location of development presented and activities associated with the school; • the impact on the protected trees within the application site. • the implications of the development for the function of the surrounding road network, conditions of on-street parking, highway safety and public transport capacity; and • whether the development would include suitable measures to minimise opportunities for crime. 2 Site Description 2.1 The application relates to the northern end of Dunraven School, situated on the corner of Mount Nod Road and Leigham Court Road (the North Site). Along with the South Site (which is sited on the southern side of Leigham Court Road) Dunraven School provides a secondary and Sixth Form provision. The main secondary provision is sited on the South Site with the Sixth Form provision on the northern site. The school is currently undergoing major redevelopment works as part of the Building School for the Future program, in accordance with planning permission granted in 2010 (see planning history at para 3.2 below). 2.2 The North Site, which is the subject of this application, as part of the planning permission granted in 2010, was proposed to host the Sixth Form building, a shared hall and gym, a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and a nursery (The Sophie Centre). All the rest of the buildings on the site were planned for demolition. The site currently hosts a four storey building fronting onto Mount Nod Road, a single storey temporary building and a single storey gym/hall building fronting Leigham Court Road. 2.3 The site is located within a mainly residential area with properties on Mount Nod Road to the north and west of the site, properties on Rosedene Avenue to the east of the site and properties on Leigham Court Road to the east and south of the site. The Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) of the site is 5 which indicates a ‘very good’ access to public transport. 2.4 The site includes a number of mature trees along the boundaries of the application site. Eighteen trees within the site are covered by a Tree Protection Order. 2.5 There are two vehicle access points off Mount Nod Road and there are pedestrian accesses to the site from Leigham Court Road and Mount Nod Road. 2.6 The site has no specific designation within the Core Strategy Proposal Map, however the site lies opposite part of the Leigham Court Road Conservation Area. 3 Planning History 3.1 Planning Application (07/01709/FUL) for the Change of use of vacant school keeper's flat (Use Class C3) to offices, storage and classroom accommodation for educational use (Use Class D1) was GRANTED on the 23 rd July 2007. 3.2 Planning Application (10/01335/RG3) As Phase 2 of the London Borough of Lambeth Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme was granted on the 13 th July 2013 following development proposals: South Site: demolition of existing selected buildings and their replacement with new three-storey teaching building with partial basement store fronting Leigham Court Road in conjunction with new entrance lobby and access ramp with tree planting scheme; new three-storey teaching building facing towards the centre of the school site with associated hard and soft landscaping improvement works with limited tree felling; refurbishment of remaining buildings including selected window replacements; and new and improved railings and fences to street and general site boundaries with new multi use games area (MUGA) towards the west of the site and remodelled car parking and accesses and bike storage. North Site: partial demolition of the existing Sixth Form teaching block and its remodelling with a part two-, part four-storey building; the relocation of the Sophie Centre day nursery within a single-storey building from the South Site to the north-eastern extent of the North Site; hard and soft landscaping works with tree planting and access and boundary treatment remodelling; associated car parking spaces and access located to the north of the site; and improvements to pedestrian links between the two sites on Leigham Court Road. 3.3 Planning Application (13/00532/FUL) for the ‘Erection of temporary modular buildings for use as temporary primary school accommodation’ is pending consideration. 4 Proposal 4.1 The planning permission is sought for external alterations including external cladding, new school signage, new windows and doors, installation of a canopy, creation of external staircase and deck to first floor level on the rear elevation and installation of rooflight and PV solar panel at roof level to the four storey building fronting onto Mount Nod Road, along with associated hard and soft landscaping including playground, provision of car parking accessed from Mount Nod Road, Cycle Parking and Refuse and Recycling Storage to facilitate the use of the building as a two form entry primary school. 4.2 The proposed works relate to the four storey block (referred to as block J within the previous permission 10/01335/RG3) within the North Site of Dunraven School, which within Planning Permission ref. 10/01335/RG3 was proposed to be partially used as the Sixth Form block and to be partial demolished. The works to the Sixth Form part of the block have taken place, and the remaining building is being used as classroom space, whilst the main secondary school on the south site is being constructed. The current proposal is to retain this part of the building (a footprint of 566m2 and 2377m GIA) and use it as a two form entry primary school. 4.3 The works would involve external alterations to the built envelope including: • Installation colour cladding panels around the building • Replacement brick work to match the Sixth Form block • Installation of double glazed metal windows and doors • Installation of aluminium curtain walling within colour coated metal frame to both the front and rear elevations, • Formation of a metal clad entrance canopy with signage • Installation of a paved steel framed deck with steel stairs and perforated metal sheet balustrades • Installation of 14 rooflights and PV solar panels at roof level. 4.4 The works would also include changes to the landscaping from the approved scheme in 2010. The space around the proposed retained building would be remodel to reflect the proposed primary school use of the building. The MUGA as previously proposed would be resited adjacent to the existing hall/canteen. The existing single storey hall/canteen building would remain on site. 4.5 The existing MUGA to the south of the hall/canteen building is to be resurfaced and new line markings applied. In addition soft and hard landscaping is proposed around the rear of the proposed primary school building including block paving, artificial grass, rubber crumb paving, concrete seating, cycle parking, a story telling chair and a covered walkway.
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