Chair, Christina Fugazi, City of Stockton Commissioner, Bob Elliott, San Joaquin County Vice Chair, Leo Zuber, City of Ripon Commissioner, Scott Haggerty, Alameda County Commissioner, Bob Johnson, City of Lodi Commissioner, John Marchand, City of Livermore Commissioner, Debby Moorhead, City of Manteca Executive Director, Stacey Mortensen SAN JOAQUIN REGIONAL RAIL COMMISSION This Agenda shall be made available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code § 54954.2). Persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission staff, at (209) 944-6220, during regular business hours, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of the meeting. All proceedings before the Commission are conducted in English. The San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission does not furnish interpreters and, if one is needed, it shall be the responsibility of the person needing one. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available upon request in Spanish for public inspection at the Office of the Executive Director located at 949 East Channel Street, Stockton, California, 95202 during normal business hours or by calling (209) 944-6220. The Agenda is available on the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission website: www.acerail.com. February 1, 2019 – 8:00 am Robert J. Cabral Station Conference Call Locations South Hall Meeting Room 1311 Midvale Avenue 949 East Channel Street Lodi, CA 95240 Stockton, CA 95202 1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call Chair Fugazi Roll Call: Haggerty, Marchand, Elliott, Johnson, Moorhead, Zuber, Chair Fugazi Ex- Officios: Chesley, DeMartino, Zoslocki, Dumas 2. Oath of Office for the City of Tracy Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Young for the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission 3. Public Comments Persons wishing to address the Commission on any item of interest to the public regarding rail shall state their names and addresses and make their presentation. Please limit presentations to five minutes. The Commission cannot take action on matters not on the agenda unless the action is authorized by Section 54954.2 of the Government Code. Materials related to an item on the Agenda submitted to the Board of Directors after distribution of the agenda packet are available for the public inspection in the Commission Office at 949 E. Channel Street during normal business hours. These documents are also available on the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission website at www.acerail.com/about-ace/sjrrc-board.html subject to staff’s ability to post the documents prior to the meeting. 949 East Channel Street Stockton, CA 95202 (800) 411-RAIL (7245) www.acerail.com 4. Consent Calendar 4.1 Minutes of January 4, 2019 ACTION 4.2.1 Rail Commission/ACE Monthly Expenditure INFORMATION 4.2.2 SJJPA Monthly Expenditure INFORMATION 4.3 ACE Monthly Fare Revenue INFORMATION 4.4 ACE Ridership INFORMATION 4.5 ACE On-Time Performance INFORMATION 4.6 Update on Positive Train Control INFORMATION 4.7 Washington Update INFORMATION 4.8 Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San ACTION Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Updating the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission’s Title VI Program and Adoption of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission’s 2019 Title VI Compliance Program 5. Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin ACTION Regional Rail Commission Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute Contract Amendment #4 with HDR Engineering, Inc. to Increase the Total Compensation by an Amount of $297,600, and Revised Total Contract Amount Not-To-Exceed $3,074,009 for Agreement 06-R-44-01 (Kevin Sheridan) (Regular Voting Members) 6. Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin ACTION Regional Rail Commission Adopting the 2019 Federal Legislative Priorities for Inclusion in the SJCOG One Voice Project List (Kevin Sheridan) (Regular Voting Members) 7. Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin ACTION Regional Rail Commission Authorizing a Consignment Contract for California’s Great America Theme Park Ticket Sales to California’s Great America for an Amount Not-To-Exceed $90,000 total for Calendar Year 2019 Season, and Authorizing and Directing the Executive Director to Execute the Agreement (Manny Caluya) (Regular and Special Voting Members) 8. Commissioner’s Comments 9. Ex-Officio Comments 10. Executive Director’s Report 11. Adjournment The next regular meeting is scheduled for: March 1, 2019 – 8:00 am Robert J. Cabral Station 949 East Channel Street, Stockton 2 of 82 SAN JOAQUIN REGIONAL RAIL COMMISSION Meeting of February 1, 2019 Item 4.1 ACTION Minutes of January 4, 2019 The regular meeting of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission was held at 8:00 am, January 4, 2019 at the Robert J. Cabral Station, 949 East Channel Street Stockton, CA 95202. 1 Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call Vice Chair Fugazi called the meeting to order at 8:00 am and led the audience in the pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners Present: Haggerty, Marchand, Elliott, Johnson, Moorhead, Zuber, Vice Chair Fugazi Commissioners Absent: Ex-Officio Members Present: Mr. Dumas, Mr. Chesley, Mr. Knodt, Ms. Parks Vice Chair Fugazi asked for a moment of silence to recognize the passing of former employee John Giovannoni. 2 Public Comments David Schwegel commented on the Valley Rail Program extension to Sacramento. Veronica Vargas commented on having a Tracy representative on the SJRRC Board. 3 Presentations and Recognitions Ms. Mortensen recognized Ms. Laura Farley for her dedicated work on the ACE School Group Program and retirement from the Rail Commission. Ms. Farley thanked Ms. Mortensen and staff. Mr. Chesley offered his congratulations on behalf of SJCOG. 4 Consent Calendar 4.1 Minutes of November 2, 2018 ACTION 4.2.1 Rail Commission/ACE Monthly Expenditure INFORMATION 4.2.2 SJJPA Monthly Expenditure INFORMATION 4.3 ACE Monthly Fare Revenue INFORMATION 4.4 ACE Ridership INFORMATION 4.5 ACE On-Time Performance INFORMATION 4.6 Update on Positive Train Control INFORMATION 4.7 Washington Update INFORMATION 3 of 82 Vice Chair Fugazi pulled Item 4.4. Ms. Mortensen spoke about future updates in regards to the ridership reports. Mr. Schmidt presented on the bike ridership and the overall ridership. Vice Chair Fugazi inquired if staff has taken a survey on bike storage at stations. Mr. Schmidt responded by stating lockers are currently at the stations and that they are fully occupied. Ms. Mortensen explained that staff is looking into other alternatives as well. Commissioner Johnson asked how riders are dealing with the capacity. Mr. Schmidt stated that riders are still able to find space for their bikes. Commissioner Haggerty requested an update on the financial status for the Sunol Quiet Zone project. Ms. Mortensen explained that an update for the Sunol Quiet Zone is on the agenda, but financial status may not have been updated as the project may not have been invoiced. M/S/C (Zuber/Johnson) Approve the Consent Calendar. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on the 4th day of January 2019 by the following vote to wit: AYES: 7 Haggerty, Marchand, Elliott, Johnson, Moorhead, Zuber, Vice Chair Fugazi NOES: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 5 Election of Officers ACTION Ms. Mortensen introduced the item to the Board. Commissioner Johnson made a motion to nominate Vice Chair Fugazi as Chair for 2019. Commissioner Moorhead seconded the motion. M/S/C (Johnson/Moorhead) to Elect Commissioner Fugazi as Chair of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission for 2019. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on the 4th day of January 2019 by the following vote to wit: 4 of 82 AYES: 5 Elliott, Moorhead, Johnson, Zuber, Vice Chair Fugazi NOES: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 Chair Fugazi made a motion to nominate Commissioner Zuber as Vice Chair for 2019. Commissioner Moorhead seconded the motion. M/S/C (Fugazi/Moorhead ) to Elect Commissioner Zuber as Vice Chair of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission for 2019. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on the 4th day of January 2019 by the following vote to wit: AYES: 5 Elliott, Moorhead, Johnson, Zuber, Chair Fugazi NOES: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 0 6 2018 State Rail Plan Presentation INFORMATION State Deputy Secretary of Transportation Chad Edison presented on the 2018 State Rail Plan. Commissioner Marchand asked about the speed difference between high speed rail and conventional rail. Mr. Edison explained that the section between Madera and Bakersfield for high speed rail is designed to go at the speed of 220mph. Commissioner Elliott inquired about the definition of lifts as it pertains to the State Rail Plan. Mr. Edison stated that it is defined as taking a container off of a ship and moving it onto a train. Chair Fugazi commented on how she would like to see ACE have more service and how it falls in line with the State Rail Plan. Mary Mitracos made a public comment about the traffic on the Altamont and her support for the Valley Link project. Veronica Vargas thanked Mr. Edison for his presentation and spoke about the Altamont traffic and the Valley Link project. Commissioner Haggerty thanked Mr. Edison for his presentation and his support of the Valley Link project. Commissioner Haggerty also suggested 5 of 82 that any planning on the Rail Commission should also go before the Tri- Valley San Joaquin Rail Authority Board. Ms. Mortensen explained that it would be up to the Board to make that determination.
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