TILE XEW AGE, PORTLAXD, OKEGON Always ask for the tatnouf General Arthur elgar. Esborg-Guns- t Cigar L. The Union Meat Co. MINNEAPOLIS Rosenfeld Co. All Dining Cars ami First Class Hotels and C., general agenta, Portland, Or. Restaurants buy tho IAWJIYIA Wholesale Dealers (or tho Kntnous OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE ,THK TlUNOiTcKNTRAL UNION MtAT COMPANY'S t TRESH AND CURED MEATS i unezcolled Bervico from In-""- maintains the Tho nest in tho Market, l'ntrnnlio Home ? Wo a and BUDWEISER BEER make of MATTISON & FOYE, Proprietors west to the east Bouth. Making Hold oil Every bullet rind dining car PORTLAND. OREGON close connections with trainB of nil FINE POULTRY transcontinental lines, paseenuera are AND l'tlvato Car Trade Solicited given tboir choice of routes to Chicago, OUR BRAND Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, Imported Wines &. Liquors Hennepin Ave. Nicollet House Block and through these potntB to tho far Commercial Market 237 east. M9-5- Main Htrcet HARRY HASH, Prop. Prospective travelers desiring infor- Horse Collars MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA to lowest Council Farmers, Teamsters and Horsemen, look mation as tho rates and heat Bluffs Iowa to your Interest. When In need of Horse Retail Dealer in routes are invited to correspondence Collars, buy the best the Fresh Salt Meats with tho following representatives: SHARKEY COLLAR and B. II, Trumbull, Commercial Agent, It of wear and ami hits stood the test tear C DAVID II. IIEKCHKK, Stll.NKY CI.AltK. Third Bt., Portland, Or. climate for twenty jears Ask otir itcalvr 1114 Street President, nshlor. for them anil Insist on having tho "Shar- - l J. 0. Lindscy, Trnv. Passenger Agent, Telephone Main 292 TACOMA 142 Third Bt., Portland, Or. SsflJBSSLLBld Paul B. Thompson, Passenger Agtnt, P. SHARKEY & SON Wnnli. "1 Union National Bank f'nlmnn rtnilillm. fWttln. INTEREST Portland, Oregon rou .ssHrt' L.S'slWssssm THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Incorporated 1890 Tho pio- Medicinal neer paint es- SAVINGS BA1NK Purposes CAPITAL $100,000 tablish mont OK of Portland U Wo recommend our that of F. E. The HHSBBBaflBTfl H viflBaBBBBBBBl Beach ft Title Guarantee r SALT LAKE CITY Black Buffalo Pays Interest on Time Deposits Company, of . Pure 135 First St., & j tho oldest Trust Company Rye Whiskey HaUaMiMilLLLH and .most re THE OLD BANK CORNER liable house Pays 4 per cent on CertlllcateH of De- USE Unexcelled In quality i Htid exiclleiito of Its kind in posit. Pays ', per cent on daily balances Air Extracts, Baking Grand Forks, the Northwest. It carries an Immense of deposit accounts, subject to chuck. Salt of things Powder, Spices and Coffees NORTH DAKOTA tock tho best In paints and Banking hours '...!) 4 p. building materials, together an a. in. to in. The Pederson with Saturdays Da. to 1 p. m unusual list specialties. who in. of Those Saturday evenings. p. to 8 p. ARE THE BEST OR MONEY BACK Mercantile Co. need anything In these lines can cer- ..6 in. in. tainly profit by going to F. E. Beach DIRECTORS Wholesale ft Company. Smltlmkm SmJoe MM I.liiuor Importer Remembor the number, W. M. Lndd J. Thorburn Ross Oof(etc and Wholesale VaBBBBBBBBBBBpffBSSSSSB 1SE First street T. T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren SALT LAKE. UTAH Liquor Dealers Gcorgo II. Hill THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Moorchcad, Minn. maintains unexcelled service from the . 240 WASHINGTON STREET LEAVER DRUG CO. west to the cast and south. Making Comer Second Druggists Northwestern AtcnU closo connections with trains of all PORTLAND ORHGON Prescription Anhcuscr-Busc-h CHICAGO transcontinental lines, pasiengors are Cor. Third West and Bouth Temple. Tote Brewing Association's rvl given their choice of routes to Chicago, phono 1892. Celebrated Louisvillo, Memphis and New Orleans "Budwelser" Beer saas1gsl and through these points to tho far (jr Salt Lake City, Utah. east. Prospective travelers desiring infor- mation as to tho lowest rates and best When EASTChicago THE ticket and purchasing to . routes aro invited to correspondence witli following representatives: the East, see that it reads via the Chicago tho fllXU) 1). if. Trumbull, Commornal Agent, & North-Wester- n Railway. Choice of 142 Third St., Portland, Or. J. C. Llndeey, Trav. Passenger Agent, routes via Omaha or via St. Paul and 142 Third St., Portland, Or. ' i Minneapolis. Paul 11 Thompson, Passenger Agent, 'cflh(i(i.iir s "WjfAJ Colruan Building, Seattle, Wash. t It is the route of The Overland Limited and the "THE MILWAUKEE" direct line to Chicago from the Coast. Four last daily Chicago trains make connection "Tho Pioneer Limited" St. Paul to Chicago. FINE IMPORTED TEAS AND COFFEES with all transcontinental trains at bt. Paul "Ovorlnnd Limited" Omaha to Chi- r,DlfFDC PRIVATE CAR SUPPLIES and Minneapolis. cago. UlfUv.LI 3 City ' 'Best "Southwest Limited" Kansas - The of Everything. to Chicago. THE LIVE ONES All agents sell tickets via this line. No trains In tho sorvlco on any 0S9 For further Information apply to railroad in tho world equals In equip- SBLU SHOES ment that of tho ,MKN' Tho niiiiio telU: Hiinnan, Flomhclm, AVnlkovor, Henvywork. ft. V. HOlom, Oca'l O. N-- W ., LiADIKS' Tho Crons, Utx ISSThMBI.. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul nuino tells: llannun, k Dunn, l'lureo. PORTLAND, ONI. Railway. Snap, Stvlo. Quulity Comfort. Wo soil moro SIioch tlmn any two stores in NW s Thoy own and opcrnto their own Hillings. "W'HY? Our ShoeH aro New, l'resh .Stock. Wu Kiinruntee them. sleeping and dining cars and glvo Not better tlmn tho best, hut hotter tlmn tho rest. Unreal n Iiiimnient. patrons oxccllonco of nervlco tiOV their an not obtnlnnblo elsowhoro. norths on pHTLAjsir.o' their sleeperB nro longer, higher and w MOM hum naiLHaO( wider than In slmllnr cars on any jy-YMPI- C. other line. They protect their trains by tho Iilock system. Connections nindn with nil transcontinental linen A Flour Whose In Union depots. H. 8. ROWE, General Agent, Best Endorsement 134 Third St., Portland. Is the Fact that the THETOKEPQINTOYSTERGO. Number of People Who Summer Outings T IN 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Use It Tuloplumu MAIN ft93 Multiplies Every Year Sole Growers of tho Celebratid Yellowstone Park Free 30 Days' Trial Free Toke PointOysters The Finest Place in America for a vacation of a week, a month or the season. An Kastern Oyster Transplanted and grown on our beds at Special East in June, July, August TOKELAND, WASHINGTON Excursion Rates and September during Park season. The affording "UNEQUAI.Kl) IN KI.AVOFl Greatest Tickets will permit of Stopovers, an opportunity to visit the Park at a slight addi- AND KHESHNKS8" tional expensed Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Household Convenience Wholesale t)ealer8 in All Varieties THE REGULAR ROUTE VIA of Nativo Oysters. IS Of the Age TWO TWO New Model Electric Flatlron 3SS5 TRAINS DAILY TRAINS DAILY Fill in Coupon nntl mail to us and you TWO TWO will receive free of clnri;e an ELECTRIC fLATIRON vSSSfSSvc t . v St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, iari i munm mmu and the Eait. St. Joseph and the East. A Western Cracker Made RETURN COUPON STOHMIMVM for Western People CllWIaHiJISl PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. Ask your Grocer for Screntlt and Aider SU.. Portland, Or., Western Crackers and Cakes Gentlemen: You may deliver' to me to try, Take no other kind if you wont tho best One Electric Flatlron, which I agree Livingston and Gardner Gateway and. If onutUfactory to me, to return to you within 30 dayi from date of delivery. Is the Government Official Entrance The Sloane Paine Co. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account atj$4.00. Six Cents Wonderland, 1906. Full application Spokane's Greatest Grocery It b understood that no charge will be Send for Particulars on at I made for the Iron if I return it within 30 Importers in days. TICKET OFFICE, MORRISON COR. Tourists 255 ST., THIRD Fancy Groceries NAME Or by Letter to Fruits Lunch ADDRESS Vegetables Goods Meats A. Dm CHARLTON, Asmt. Qenl. Passenger Agt. Delicatessen a PORTLAND, OREGON Liquors and Specialty Cigars Portland General Electric Co; Seventh and Alder Streets W supply all prlviu cars. Mali ordm solicited SPOKANE, WASH. TELEPHONE EXCHANCE 13 Jr & yr- - Fmmm&m&w'"".
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