OFFICIAL STATE JULY, 1937 PUBLICATION ''ANGLER* Vol. 6—No. 7 «*•= PUBLISHED MONTHLY COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA by the BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS 1 f i CHARLES A. FRENCH Ten cents a copy — 50 cents a year Commissioner of Fisheries MEMBERS OF BOARD f -f 1 CHARLES A. FRENCH, Chairman Ellwood City ALEX P. SWEIGART, Editor MILTON L. PEEK Devon South Office Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. HARRY E. WEBER Philipsburg SAMUEL J. TRUSCOTT Dalton DAN R. SCHNABEL NOTE Johnstown Subscriptions to the PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER EDGAR W. NICHOLSON should be addressed to the Editor. Submit fee either Philadelphia by check or money order payable to the Common­ KENNETH A. REID wealth of Pennsylvania. Stamps not acceptable. Connellsville Individuals sending cash do so at their own risk. FRED McKEAN New Kensington H. R. STACKHOUSE Secretary to Board PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER welcomes contribu­ tions and photos of catches from its readers. Proper credit will be given to contributors. All contributions returned if accompanied by first C. R. BULLER class postage. Chief Fish Culturist, Bellefonte '^•i!~ =#?> IMPORTANT—The Editor should be notified immediately of change in subscriber's address Please give both old and new addresses Permission to reprint will be granted provided proper credit notice is given Vol. 6. No. 7 4^ &k ty* JULY'"37 ^ANGLER/ DO YOUR PART-REPORT POLLUTION FEW suggestions for sportsmen, when a pollution of water occurs. Very often you A hear the expression, can we help or what can we do? The season of hot weather and hot water is coming. This means less water for the same amount of fish and less air because of less water. This is a bad condition for fish as they must breathe. Take the air from the water in which they live and they die. Usually at this time of the year when the flow is abnormally low there are certain wastes dumped or at least find their way into our streams. Most of these wastes "grab" the oxygen from the water and start what will be a major killing offish, if it continues long enough. The horrible slaughter in French Creek, northwestern Pennsylvania, last summer is a perfect case of what happens when this pol­ lution occurs during low water. Actually tons of fish suffocated. In case of a fish killing, you ardent fishermen can show your interest and' help by observing a few simple rules which will not take much of your time. 1. Let us know promptly of any fish killings. A telegram or telephone call will allow us to have someone at the scene in time to know what is happening and trace the source of pollution. In a great many cases the actual killing starts a good distance below the pollution point. 2. Make note on paper of conditions at time of killing. Time it started, weather conditions, any peculiar actions of fish, general appearance of stream, etc. 3. Take samples of water in clean containers at time fish are suffering or killed. It is very important to use clean containers, bottles or jars which have been washed several times. When bottles are filled, place in cool place until advised where they can be analyzed. Remember promptness in reporting a pollution is of vital importance. Don't wait but let us know immediately. The pure streams bill, passed by the recent legislature, will surely mean the end of making cess pools and sewers out of our streams. This bill covers every kind of pollution except coal mine water, and as soon as the Sanitary Water Board can find a remedy, will also cover this form of pollution. C. A. FRENCH Commissioner of Fisheries PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER DEER EDITER A letter erbout trout fishin* from Ramapo Jones afor I stopped to talk erbout trav lin which do cum rite out an say what I think 'cause Penna. Angler, I cal 'late I won't ne'er do nohow, I git I no ut ain't yore fault the books needs a heep o' fun out a sich stories 'cause I help which I kin give 'em erbout trout Fish Commishun, don't no nothin' erbout 'em an' kint figger fishin'. You kin hook yore bate on ut what Harrisburg, Pa. out the mistakes the riters make but when I don't no on trout fishin' aint worth men' Deer Editer, I be a reeder o' yore I reeds what they rite erbout trout fishin' tionin' much less ritin' erbout which all magazin an' wants tu help you give an' sich things as I do no then I sees what them fellers has done an' is in yore books yore reeders sumpin' they'll like bet- little most of 'em reelly does no. (New an' which riles me up. So I reckoned I'd tern' us'al an' git a good laf out of parygraf) Now harken Deer Editer pleese orter take my pen in hand (I used a pencil an' hanker fer more so I be sendin' don't git the idee that I'm nockin' yore an' got a friend at the P'int to put ut in you a letter erbout trout fishin' which books or the way you runs things type ritin') an' rite you an' so help you be named Deer Editer an' which I 'cause I no you do the best you kin tell the tother readers o' yore books some hopes you'll side with yore new riter an' the books purty good an' any­ reel facts erbout trout fishin' which yore will improve yore books. What I says how you don't rite them stories writers has made 'em so mixed up in their erbout trout fishin' be reel honest yoreself which makes me so mad minds erbout an' not shore which ones to dope which be wuth printin' fer yore so we kin still be friends e'en if I beleeve nor tothers. (new parygraf) P.S' reeders. (New parygraf) The pitchers My boy, who thinks he nos a hell'v a lot my boy drawed be with the letter an' more'n his pappy since he's went to high I no you'll take to 'em 'cause my boy school at the P'int says I ortn't to rite (nev? be smart like I be an' makes good parygraf) but orter start a new line an' pitchers like I rites good. I tol' 'im, leave sum room even if I hadn't finished a bein' so smart like he be, not to ever line afore startin' the new parygraf but be President nohow but mayhap a I told him to shet his mouth an' not tell Deer Editer 'cause Editers nos ev'ry- his pappy what to do jist 'cause he's gettin' thin' like I rote you in tother letter. a edicashion which I an' maw have slaved Me an Maw an' the folks be all well to give 'im an' asides which you'd no what an' wishin you the same I be yore I means when I rote (new parygraf) 'cause friend an' new riter that's what Editers air fer ben't ut an anyhow ut wasted a heap a' paper to leave RAMAPO JONES. a lot a blank spaces with nothin' in 'effl- Ha Ha how could they be blank spaces if'n there was somethin in 'em. I didn't even make that one up it just cum natural EER EDITER, I be downrite mad, in like to me. I git that way when I'm mad 'cause the mad knocks the humor out o D fact, I be plum disgrunt'Pd an' when me Ha Ha again I bet I could sell that I gits that way, which I don't only seldum, one to a funny magazine I mean one what I be sartin to open my big mouth an' speak prints thines even funnier than you do rite out in meetin'. I no my mouth be big sumtimes Ha Ha Ha. I reckon that win 'cause I bin tol' aplenty off an' on by hold sum a them thar trout riters what ign'rant cusses which don't reelize the value makes me so all fired mad if'n they ever o' my deeper understandin' a' things an' see this letter which they will if'n yore a how much they could lam if'n they'd reel friend to yore reeders an' not skeert harken to me. But that don't tell you what to print what I no be the truth an' what I be mad erbout do ut. Ha ha—I bet yore I be aimin' to rite fer you fer 'em to reed hank'rin' to no. P.S. that Ha Ha don't mean erbout trout fishin' an' so help you make I ben't mad no more but ut means I saw yore books better which if'n you do I'l' what a joke ut was when I didn't tell you tell the drug store erbout so's he'll put yore fust off what I was mad erbout. Ha Ha! books out in front a all them thar tothers I never gits o'er my mads 'til I've had which also makes me mad but even more my say an' empteed my chest a' what's on so an' so more o' yore books will sell when ut. (New parygraf) I ben't one to beet you print my letter 'cause I'll buy one so 'round a bush 'speshly if thars a skunk or you better double the drug store amount hornets nest in ut so I'll tell you rite strate an' send 'em to (2) that month so's the frum the hip what's got me so all fired tother folks kin read the one (1) at the het up.
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