14980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE SEPTEMBER 18 as amended; without amendment (Rept. No. ·By Mr. O'HARA of· Illinois: may our own spirits be as the candle of 3093). Referred to the Committee of ·the H. Res. 855. Resolut ion creating a select the Lord. May the great causes that will Whole House on the State of the Union. committee to conduct an investigation and mold the future into the pattern ·of Thy Mr. VINSON: Committee on Armed Serv­ study of fire-insurance underwriters and desire and . design, that will heal the ices. H. R. 9646. A bill to authorize the their ag ~ nt s with particula_r reference to the President to appoint General of the Army met hods and practices employed by them in world and rebuild it, that will create George C. Marshall to the office of Secretary the settlement of fire-insurance claims; to good will and usher in abiding peace, of Defense; without amendment (Rept. No. the Committee on Rules. challenge the best that is in us, and gain 3094). Referred to the Committee of the the supreme allegiance of our love and Whole House on the State of the Union. labor as we serve our brief day. Mr. BECKWORTH: Committee on Inter­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS We ask it in the name of the Master state and Foreign Commerce. S. 1292. An Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private of all good workmen. Amen·. act to amend section 32 (a) (2) of the Trad­ bills and resolutions were introduced ing With the Enemy Act; without amend­ THE JOURNf\L . ment (Rept. No. 3095). Referred to the and severally referred, as follows: Committee of the Whole House on the State By Mr. BYRNE of New York: On request of Mr. McFAR.LA~n. and by · of the Union. H. R. 9683. A bill for the relief of Dr. Fer­ unanimous consent, the reading of the nand Van Den Branden; to the Commit­ Journal of the proceedings of Friday, tee on t h e Judiciary. September 15, 1950, was dispensed with. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. DENTON: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public H. R. 9684. A bill for the relief of William bills and resolutions were introduced ·Ginger; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Messages in writing from the Presi­ and severally referred as follows: By Mr. GORE: dent of the United States submitting . H. R. 9685. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Yo­ nominations were communicated to the By Mr. ABBITT: shiko Kambe Salts; to the Committee on the H. R. 9672. A bill to amend the tobacco Judiciary. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ marketing quota provisions of the Agricul• By Mr. KEARNS: . tari~s. tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended; H. R. 9686. A bill for the relief of Leo A. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED DURING RECES~ to the Committee on Agriculture. Ribit zki, Mrs. Charlotte Ribitzki, and Mar­ By Mr. CLEMENTE: .ion A. Ribitzki; to the Committee on the Under authority of the order of the H. R. 9673. A bill to provide for the ap­ Judiciary. senate of the 15th ·i.nstant, · pointment of an additional district judge . By Mr. McCORMACK (by request): The VICE . PRESIDENT announced for the eastern district of New York, and, for H. R. 9687. A bill for· the relief of Warner other purposes; to the Committee on the that on September 16, 1950, he signed Fahrenhold; to the Committee on the Judi­ the enrolled bill <H.' R: 9646) to authorize Judiciary. ciary. By Mr. GORE: By Mr. MANSFIELD: the President to appoint General of the H. R. 9674. A bill to provide for the issu­ ' H. R. 9688. A bill foi· the relief of J. C. East­ Army George C. Marshall to the 0ffice of ance of a special postage stamp in honor land; to the Committee on the _Judiciary. · Secretary of Defense, which had previ­ of the National Guard; to the Committee on ously been signed by· the Speaker of the Post Office and Civil Service. House of Representatives. By Mr. HARVEY: PETITIONS, ETC. H. R. 9675. A bill to provide for appropri· LEAVE OF ABSENCE . ate flagstaff holders at graves of certain vet­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions erans; to tb,e Committee on Armed Services, and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk On request of Mr. WHERRY, and· by By Mr. SAYLOR: and referred as follows: · unanimous consent, Mr. AIKEN was ex­ cused from attendance on the sessions H. R. 9676. A bill to amend the National 2372. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Mr. Service Life Insurance Act of 1940 to pro­ John Whitehead, chai'rman, Pension 'clubs of the Senate during this week. vide automatic insurance and other benefits and Senior Citizens of Duval County, Jack­ CALL OF THE. ROLL DISPENSE~ WITH for certain servicemen injured or killed in a sonville, Fla., requesting that emergency leg­ train collision on September 11, 1950, at or islative measures be taken in dealing with Mr . .McFARLAND. Mr. President, .I near Lafayette, Ohio; to the Committee on the vital social-security problem; to the Com- suggest the absence of a quorum. Veterans' Affairs. mittee. on .Ways and Means. · The VICE . PRESIDENT. The Secre­ By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: 2373. Also, petition of Emma Pixley and . tary will call the roll. H. R. 9677; A bill to provide pensions at others, Clearwater, Fla., requesting passage wartime rates for disabled veterans and de­ ' Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, before of House bills 2135 and 2136, known as the the roll is called, will the Senator yield? pendents of deceased veterans .if · the disa­ Townsend plan; to the Committee on Ways bility or death resulted from an injury or and Means. Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I disease received in line of duty as the re­ 2374. By Mr. PLUMLEY: Petition of Fall ask unanimous consent that I may with­ sult of conditions growing out of the Korean Mountain Grange No. 297, Bellows Falls, Vt., draw the suggestion of the absence of a situation; to the Committee on Veterans' against any form of compulsory health in­ quorum. Affairs. surance or any system of political medicine; The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ By Mr. BROOKS: to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign jection, the suggestion of the absence H. R. 9678. A bill to prohibit the Secretary Commerce. of the Air Force from alienating any portion of a quorum is withdrawn. of Barksdale Air Force Base, and for other NOMINATION OF JOHN W. KERN-WITH­ purposes; to the Committee on Armed Serv- · DRAWAL OF MOTION TO RECON­ ices. SIDER By Mr. HAGEN: - SENATE H. R. 9679. A bill to. amend Veterans' Reg­ Mr. GEORGE. Mr.· President, as in ulation No. la to extend the period of pre­ Mo ND Ay' SEPTEMBER 18, 1950 executive session, I ask unanimous con­ sumption of service connection in the case of sent to withdraw the motion entered by pulmonary tuberculosis from 3 to 7 years; to <Legislative day of Thursday, July 20, 1950) me to reconsider the resolution of April the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 25, 1950, advising and consenting to the By Mr. HAND: H. R. 9680. A bill to provide for observing The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, appointment of John W. Kern, of In­ ~ertain lega1 public holidays on Monday; to on the expiration of the recess. diana, to be a member of the Tax Court the Committee on the Judiciary. · The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown of the United States. I have conferred By Mr. HART: ~arris, D. D., offered the following with the distinguished Sen!ttor from H. R. 9681. A bill to authorize the waiver prayer: Missouri [Mr. DONNELL] and he has no of the navigation and vessel-inspection laws; objection to the w:ithdrawal of the mo­ to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Our Father God, as at the beginning tion to reconsider. Fisheries. of another week we pause at the foot­ Mr. DONNELL. It is agreeable to me. By Mr. LANE: stool of Thy grace, our hearts are both The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ H. R. 9682. A bill to grant succession to bowed with awe and lifted up with hope. the War Damage Corporation; to the Com­ jection, as in executive session, the mo­ To a world where evil seems so rampant tion is withdrawn. mittee on Banking and Currency. may our contribution be a life purged of By Mr. McCORMACK: self, of uncleanness and hatred, and a TAXES ON COCONUT OIL-RENEWAL OF H.J. Res. 542. Joint resolution to give the heart moved by compassion and concern LIC.ENSES FOR INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL-­ consent of Congress for State agreements CHANGE OF CONFEREE or compacts to pi:omote cooperative effort for all mankind. Amid pollution, may p..nd mutual assistance in civil defense ac­ our own motives be a part of the cleans­ ' Mr. GEORGE. Mr.· President, ~ am tivities; to the Committee on the Judfoiary, ing salt of the earth~ In the darkness advised that the · senior Senator from 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 14981 Ohio .[Mr. TAFT] will not be in attend­ Mr. HICKENLOOPER. Mr. President, is to be controlled by the Senator from ance on the sessions of the Senate today I do not desire to interfere with the Sen­ Wyoming [Mr. O'MAHONEY]. It should and tomorrow at least. The Senator ator from · Washington, but, in view of be the Senator from Washington [Mr. from Ohio is a conferee on two tax bills. the fact that I may be away from the MAGNUSON].
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