Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ) p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X Volume 4, Issue 1, December 2019 https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakti THE ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES IN DANGEROUS MINDS MOVIE BY JOHN N. SMITH 1st Anisa Alawiyyah 2nd Sri Hastin Oktavi English Education Department English Education Department STKIP Bina Mutiara, Jawa Barat, Indonesia STKIP Bina Mutiara, Jawa Barat, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected] Abstract: This research aims is to find out: The intrinsic element in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith, The kinds of moral values in Dangerous Movie Minds by John N. Smith, The Cause of the moral value in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith, The solution of moral values in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith. The research method used is content analysis and literary psychoanalysis. The subject of the study was Dangerous Movie Minds by John N. Smith. The results of this study include the intrinsic elements in Dangerous Movie Minds by John N. Smith are theme, plot, characterization and background. The kinds of moral values found in this research are honesty, authentic value, self-confidence, moral independence, humility, responsibility, tenacity, reality and crisis, moral faith and courage. These findings suggest that this technique is effective for analyzing the moral values in Dangerous Minds Movie by John N. Smith. Keywords: moral values; dangerous minds; movie; psychoanalytic literature; INTRODUCTION also an important factor in the success of an Education is one effort to stimulate, educational destination. Environmental coordinate and guide the continuous growth elements that will either support facilities and of teachers in schools both individually and learning process positively so as to stimulate collectively, to be more understanding and student interest and given the subject matter more effective in realizing all the teaching can be absorbed and well received. functions so that they can stimulate and guide The target or goal is a goal that will be the growth of each student continuously, as achieved, by setting a goal then we could well as able and more capable of particple in have a benchmark of success in running a modern democratic society. good education. In this case, the researcher Learners include students or those who will discuss about the intrinsic elements in get teaching by educators. Factors that the Dangerous Minds movie By John N. learners also important to absorb the lessons Smith, the kinds of moral values in and achieve the goal of education for students Dangerous Minds movie By John N. Smith, who are active and diligent in learning the cause of moral values in Dangerous activities will affect the percentage of minds movie By John N. Smith, the solution educational success that can be achieved. of moral values in Dangerous Minds movie Education material this is a factor in the By John N. Smith and the system Id, ego, form of material that will be taught by superego in Dangerous Minds movie By John educators and accepted by learners. N. Smith. Educational materials are expected to be a The moral is everything related to what material that is fresh and updated but it also is right and wrong in human behavior is must be easy to digest and interactive. So considered right and good by most people in there are feedback between educators and accordance with the standards of behavior learners in conducting lessons. that is appropriate to the group or community. The Method of education is supporting The value is a conception of what is desirable education in conveying the material, method and affects a person in determining action on of education can be quickly absorbed well by ways and objectives to be achieved will be the students, easy to understand and has the something that is more important or less great benefit of science. The environment is important, what is better and less good, and 18 Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ) p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X Volume 4, Issue 1, December 2019 https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakti what is more right and what is wrong. a component contained in a movie. The parts So the benefit of learning moral values that build a movie. The theme in a movie is is able to control personal and compare the very important in a film industry, not morals in society. After comparing several infrequently of the many movie titles in the ethical and moral causal can then make world give a big impact for the audience. choices for themselves, want to be Many directors and producers define themes themselves what kind of society. by name in characters, somewhere or Movie is a social communication media symbolize the feelings in the storyline. formed from the merger of two senses of Based on Pratista (2008, p. 9) the theme sight and hearing that has a core or theme of is “Tema dalam narasi adalah hal yang a story that revealed many social reality that sangat penting.Tema tidak dapat terungkap occurred around the environment where the secara langsung tetapi hanya tersirat. Untuk film itself. According to (Effendi, 1986, p. mengetahui tema, seluruh aspek dari sebuah 239) explained that “Film ini didefinisikan film harus dipahami. Tema bisa diketahui sebagai hasil alat ekspresi budaya dan setelah memahami unsur - unsur instrinsik artistik. Film sebagai media komunikasi seperti latar, tokoh, dan sudut pandang” merupakan kombinasi dari berbagai Based on the above theory can be concluded teknologi seperti fotografi dan rekaman that the theme of a story usually implicit suara, seni baik seni visual maupun teater, (hidden) and can be understood after reading sastra, seni dan arsitektur serta seni musik.” or watching the whole story in which there Based on the above theory can be concluded are figures, grooves, angles and mandate of that the film is a mass media tool that has seen the story. the nature of hearing (audio-visual) and can Plot is all of series of the events or scene reach the audience a lot. from the start until the end of the movie. According to Danesi (2010, p.134) Meanwhile, Effendi (1974, p. 165) explained explained the types of movie, “Film memiliki that “Alur drama terdiri dari lima bagian tiga kategori utama yaitu film fitur, film perkembangan, yaitu (1) Pembeberan animasi, dan dokumentasi. Film fitur adalah mula/introduksi, eksposisi; (2) sebuah karya fiksi yang selalu berstruktur Penggawatan/komplikasi: (3) naratif. Film animasi adalah penggunaan Klimaks/puncak kegawatan; (4) Peleraian; teknik film untuk menciptakan ilusi gerak dan (5) Penyelesaian/konklusi. Appearances gambar seri dari dua atau benda tiga matter, at this stage, the authors began to dimensi. Dokumenter adalah sebuah karya introduce the issues to be faced by the main film nonfiksi yang menggambarkan situasi character. kehidupan nyata yang terjadi di masyarakat Towards the conflict, the author began to dan setiap individu di dalamnya dijelaskan direct the main character enter into a conflict perasaan dan pengalamannya dalam situasi he had previously introduced. Tension, at yang tanpa persiapan, dan langsung di what stage is the core of a story where the kamera atau pewawancara.” Based on the main character was in a very stressful theory above we can conclude that the film is problems. Settlement, after passing the peak divided into three main categories: feature of the problem, the authors began to bring the films, documentation, and the animated film story to the settlement of the problem. in general known as a cartoon. In this study, Whether the story will have a happy ending, the film to be studied belong to the category or even vice versa. All of that is a decision of of documentary or documentation because the author. the documentary is a film that documents a Characterization is a fundamental aspect reality and facts. In the documentary there is in a story, as well as film. Two important no fictional story made-up to dramatize elements of a character are his role and scenes throughout the film. personality. These two things are very The intrinsic element is the element that affecting each other. The role of a character builds a movie. It can be said, this element is in a movie determines how the movie's 19 Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ) p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X Volume 4, Issue 1, December 2019 https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakti storyline, without the presence of a role, the Another way of conveying the moral message story of the film will change. is through the story itself. According to Waluyo (2008, p. 17) According to Siswandarti (2009, p. 44) explained that “Karakter Dijelaskan dalam explained that “Amanat adalah pesan yang tiga dimensi (karakter dimensi) Deskripsi ingin disampaikan melalui penulis cerita, dapat didasarkan pada fisika (tinggi atau baik tersurat maupun tersirat. Berdasarkan pendek, wajah, kurus atau gemuk, jenis hal Amanat adalah pesan yang dibawa kelamin, usia, dll), psikis (hobi, mentalitas, penulis akan disajikan melalui belitan moralitas, ambisi, dll), dan sosial (pekerjaan, peristiwa dalam cerita yang dapat berpikir agama, kebangsaan, dan lain-lain).” Based dan bahan refleksi oleh pembaca (apabila on the above theory can be concluded that the dalam film penonton)”. Based on the above character is not only seen on the character of theory can be concluded that the type and the leaders but also can be seen in form of the message or the mandate itself can psychological terms such as hobbies, cover the whole issue of life and life issues, mentality, morale and ambition; In physical all issues relating to human dignity. Broadly terms such as tall, short, face, thin or fat, speaking, a matter of life and human life can gender, and age and social aspects such as be divided into the issue of man's relationship religion professed by the characters, with himself, with people, with the nationality and occupation environment and with God.
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