Committee for Culture, Arts & Leisure Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries Volume Two Written Submissions Ordered by the Committee for Culture, Arts & Leisure to be printed 14 February 2013 Report: NIA 98/11-15 (Committee for Culture, Arts & Leisure) REPORT EMBARGOED UNTIL COMMENCEMENT OF THE DEBATE IN PLENARY Session 2011-2015 First Report Membership and Powers Membership and Powers Powers The Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure is a Statutory Departmental Committee established in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Belfast Agreement, Section 29 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and under Assembly Standing Order 48. The Committee has a scrutiny, policy development and consultation role with respect to the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure and has a role in the initiation, consideration and development of legislation. The Committee has the power to: ■ Consider and advise on Departmental budgets and annual plans in the context of the overall budget allocation; ■ Approve relevant secondary legislation and take the Committee Stage of the primary legislation; ■ Call for persons and papers; ■ Initiate inquiries and make reports; and ■ Consider and advise on matters brought to the Committee by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure. Membership The Committee has 11 members, including a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, with a quorum of five members. The current membership of the Committee is as follows: Committee Chairperson: Michelle McIlveen Deputy Chairperson: William Irwin David Hilditch William Humphrey1 Oliver McMullan2 Cathal Ó hOisín Rosie McCorley3 Karen McKevitt Dominic Bradley Robin Swann Michael McGimpsey 1 With effect from 01 October 2012 Mr William Humphrey replaced Mrs Brenda Hale 2 With effect from 12 September 2011 Mr Oliver McMullan replaced Mr Gerry Kelly 3 With effect from 10 September 2012 Ms Rosie McCorley replaced Mr Pat Sheehan i Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries ii Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Abbreviations used in the Inquiry iv Volume 1 Report Executive Summary 1 Summary of Recommendations 4 Introduction 9 Consideration of Evidence 11 Context 11 Challenges and Barriers 19 European Union 34 Collaboration 37 Comparative Models 46 Prioritisation within the Sector 49 Issues Relating to Sub-sectors 52 Appendix 1 Minute of Proceedings 59 Appendix 2 Minutes of Evidence 103 Volume 2 Appendix 3 Written Submissions to the Committee 417 Volume 3 Appendix 4 Northern Ireland Assembly Research Papers 883 Appendix 5 Additional Information Considered by the Committee 971 iii Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries List of Abbreviations used in the Report A&BNI Arts and Business Northern Ireland ABC Arts/Business Commission ACNI Arts Council of Northern Ireland AFTNI Association of Film and Television Northern Ireland BBC NI British Broadcasting Corporation Northern Ireland BCC Belfast City Council BMC Belfast Metropolitan College CAE Culture Action Europe CAFRE College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise CAP Community Arts Partnership CARL Computer Animation Research Laboratory CBI Confederation of British Industry CCEA Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment CCI Creative and Cultural Industries CCS Creative and Cultural Skills CIIF Creative Industries Innovation Fund COSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities CPD Continuing Professional Development DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development DCAL Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure DCMS Department for Culture, Media and Sport DE Department of Education DEL Department for Employment and Learning DETI Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment ESA Education and Skills Authority ESF European Social Fund EU European Union FE Further Education FLGA Forum for Local Government and the Arts GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education GLA Greater London Authority iv List of Abbreviations used in the Report GVA Gross Value Added HE Higher Education ICT Information and Communications Technology ILBF Irish Language Broadcast Fund IOD Institute of Directors IP Intellectual Property KTP Knowledge Transfer Partnerships LDA London Development Agency LED London Economic Development LINI Landscape Institute Northern Ireland NESTA National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts NIDA Northern Ireland Design Alliance NILGA Northern Ireland Local Government Association NIMC Northern Ireland Museums Council NIMIC Northern Ireland Music Industry Commission NIPR Northern Ireland Publications Resource NITA Northern Ireland Theatre Association NITB Northern Ireland Tourist Board NMNI National Museums Northern Ireland OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PATLIB UK Patent Information Centre PSB Public Service Broadcasting R&D Research and Development RDA Regional Development Agencies RPA Review of Public Administration SCIP Scottish Creative Industries Partnership SEED South Eastern Economic Development SME Small and Medium Sized Enterprises SROI Social Return on Investment SSC Sectoral Skills Council STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics TSB Technology Strategy Board v Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries USBF Ulster Scots Broadcast Fund UU University of Ulster VAT Value Added Tax WCBP Weavers Court Business Park WEA Workers’ Educational Association vi Appendix 3 Written Submissions Written Submissions Contents 1. Ards Borough Council 2. Arts and Business Northern Ireland 3. Arts Council of Northern Ireland 4. Association of Film and Television Northern Ireland 5. Audiences NI 6. BBC NI 7. Belfast City Council 8. Belfast Metropolitan College 9. Below the Radar 10. Big Telly Theatre Company 11. Carrickfergus Borough Council 12. CBI 13. Channel 4 14. Community Arts Partnership 15. Craft and Design Collective 16. Craft Northern Ireland 17. Creative and Cultural Skills 18. Creative and Cultural Skills and Arts Council Report – Growing the Creative Economy 19. Creative Skillset 20. Cultural Partnership Forum 21. Culture Company 22. Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure written submission 23. Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure: A Collaborative Framework to Support the Creative Industries 24. Department of Education 25. Department for Employment and Learning correspondence 26. Department for Employment and Learning written submission 27. Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment 28. Department of Finance and Personnel 29. Department for Social Development 30. Digital Circle and Momentum 31. Digital Derry 417 Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries 32. Discovery Glass 33. DoubleBand Films 34. Fermanagh District Council 35. Grand Opera House 36. Inlifesize Ltd 37. Jacki Sleator 38. John Anderson 39. John Edmund 40. Kabosh 41. Landscape Institute Northern Ireland 42. Libraries NI 43. Lyric Theatre 44. McGarry Consult 45. Mike Moloney 46. Mummers Foundation 47. National Museums Northern Ireland 48. NESTA 49. Northern Ireland Design Alliance 50. Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) 51. Northern Ireland Museums Council 52. Northern Ireland Screen 53. Northern Ireland Theatre Association 54. Northern Visions 55. Ofcom 56. Oh Yeah Music Centre 57. Queens University of Belfast 58. Robert Spotten Fine Designs 59. Spires Gallery Ltd 60. Stendhal Festival of Art 61. Stephen Fullerton 62. The Nerve Centre 63. The Scottish Government 64. The Theatres Trust 418 Written Submissions 65. The Ulster Folk 66. Tony Craig 67. Ulster Orchestra 68. Ulster Theatre Company 69. Una Murphy 70. University of Ulster, Director of Innovation, Tim Brundle 71. University of Ulster, Faculty of Art Design and the Built Environment, Prof. Ian Montgomery 72. University of Ulster, School of Media, Film and Journalism 73. University of Ulster, School of the Built Environment, Prof. Deborah Peel 74. University of Ulster, School of the Built Environment, Prof. Greg Lloyd 75. UTV 76. Verbal Arts Centre 77. Voluntary Arts Ireland 78. Volunteer Now 79. Weavers Court Business Park 80. West Belfast Partnership 81. Womb Productions 82. Workers’ Educational Association 419 Inquiry on Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries Ards Borough Council Memorandum TO Committee for Culture Arts and Leisure Northern Ireland Assembly FROM Ards Borough Council DATE 15th December 2011 SUBJECT Inquiry into Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries C137/11 REF Our Reference: CG3380A562 Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for inviting Ards Borough Council to submit comments in relation to the Inquiry into Maximising the Potential of the Creative Industries. The purpose of the Inquiry was considered at a recent Council Meeting where it was resolved to respond making the following comments including examples of initiatives and considerations that Ards Borough Council wishes to be noted. Ards Borough Council does not wish to be considered to give oral evidence. Yours faithfully Heather Parker Craft Development Manager Ards Crafts Ards Borough Council 31 Regent Street Newtownards BT23 4AD 028 9182 6846 420 Written Submissions Summary Ards Borough Council values its creative industries as they have contributed to shaping and cultivating a ‘creative identity’ for the Borough, evoking a sense of pride, belonging and confidence amongst its community. One of the key objectives in Ards Borough Council’s draft Corporate Plan is to ‘build a stronger economy’ and associated measures will include a proactive approach to the continued
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