DOCUMENT RESUME ED 429 526 IR 019 434 AUTHOR Lobodzinski, Suave, Ed.; Tomek, Ivan, Ed. TITLE WebNet 97 World Conference of the WWW, Internet & Intranet Proceedings (2nd, Toronto, Canada, November 1-5, 1997). ISBN ISBN-1-880094-27-4 PUB DATE 1997-11-00 NOTE 1081p.; For individually selected papers, see IR 019 435-458. CD-ROM format only (includes proceedings from 1996, 1997, and 1998). AVAILABLE FROM Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) ,P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902; Web site: http://www.aace.org ($35 members; $40 non-members). PUB TYPE Collected Works Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF08/PC44 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Computer Interfaces; *Computer Networks; Computer Security; Computer System Design; Computer Uses in Education; Conferences; Cooperative Learning; Courseware; Electronic Publishing; Hypermedia; Information Retrieval; Information Services; Information Systems; Legal Responsibility; Material Development; Multimedia Materials; Navigation (Information Systems); Privacy; Science and Society; Training; Virtual Reality; *World Wide Web IDENTIFIERS Browsing; *Intranets; Search Engines; Technology Implementation; Technology Utilization; Web Sites ABSTRACT The 1997 WebNet conference addressed research, new developments, and experiences related to the Internet and intranets. The 257 contributions of WebNet 97 contained in this proceedings comprise the full and short papers accepted for presentation at the conference. Included are positions papers by leading experts in the field; descriptions of ideas that are on the borderline between an idea, a prototype, and products; and reports on concrete applications of the World Wide Web, its impact on various aspects of life, and thoughts on how society might adjust to the resultant changes. Major areas covered include: advances in multimedia; browsing and navigation tools; computer-human interface issues; courseware development; educational multimedia on the Web; electronic publishing and the Web; industries and services; legal issues; psychology of Web use; security and privacy; statistical tools and user tracking; training; Web servers; application development tools; collaborative learning and work; country specific developments; data and link management; electronic commerce; future issues in WebNet technology; integration of Web applications and services; Internet-based multimedia/hypermedia systems; search engines; social and cultural issues; teaching; virtual reality; and Web site tools.(AEF) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** got Vt 6011.- OF EDUCATION U.S. DEPARTMENTResearch and Improvement Office of Educational INFORMATION REPRODUCE THIS RESOURCES "PERMISSION TO EDUCATIONAL GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) as MATERIAL HAS BEEN has been reproduced O This document organization received from theperson or G.H. Marks originating it. have been madeto O Minor changes quality. improve reproduction Suave Leberiski opinions stated inthis Ivan Tcrnek. Points of view or RESOURCES document do notnecessarily represent EDUCATIONAL position or policy. TO THE official OERI INFORMATION CENTER(ERIC)." Proceedingsof Web Net 97 World conference of the WWW, Internet & Intranet ,'oiron to, Canada; Naverrter L5 9 EiClAssociatim ft!), the Acgoarittenent of cariputingEfil4alton !BEST Copy AVAILABLE 2 Copyright © 1997 by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The publisher is not responsibile for the use which might be made of the information contained in this book. Published by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) P.O. Box 2966 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA Printed in the USA ISBN 1-880094-27-4 3 PREFACE On behalf ofthe Program Committee and AACE, it is our pleasure to present to you the proceedings ofthe second Web Net conferenceWeb Net 97. Following in the footsteps of Web Net 96, this conference is addressing research, new developments, and experience related to the Internet and the Intranet. Beginning with Web Net 96 held in San Francisco, Web Net conferences take place each year around late October to mid November. Web Net 97 is being held in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 30-Nov. 5, 1997, the venue of WebNet 98 will be Orlando, Florida; Nov. 7-12, 1998. The 257 contributions of WebNet 97 presented in this volume are the Full and Short Papers accepted for presentation at the conference from a collection ofmore than 500 from 37 countries. All submissions were carefully reviewed by members of the Program Committee and their recommendations used for selection by the Program Chairs. The coverage of the contributions is very wide and this is one of the features that distinguishes WebNet from related conferences that focus on specific aspects ofthe Internet, World Wide Web, Hypertext, Multimedia, Global Networking, and related topics. Our intention is to provide an application oriented conference, a meeting place of developers, researchers and practitioners, with emphasis on the latter group and provide a forum where researchers, practitioners, and users from these disparate but related fields can meet and learn about new developments that impact their specialization. As a consequence, this volume contains position papers by leading experts in the field; descriptions of ideas that are on the borderline between an idea, a prototype, and products; and reports on concrete applications of the Web; its impact on various aspects of life; and thoughts on how society will have to adjust to such changes and react to them. The areas covered at the conference and presented in this volume include: Advances in Multimedia Application Development Tools Browsing and Navigation Tools Collaborative Learning and Work Computer-Human Interface (CHI) Issues Country Specific Developments Courseware Development Data and Link Management Educational Multimedia on the Web Electronic Commerce Electronic Publishing and the Web Future Issues in WebNet Technology Industries and Services Integration of Web Applications and Services Legal Issues Net-Based Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems Psychology of Web-Use Search Engines Security and Privacy Social and Cultural Issues Statistical Tools and User Tracking Teaching Training Virtual Reality Web Servers Web Site Tools In addition to the papers included in this volume, participants of this conference will also be able to listen to leading experts presenting Keynote and Invited lectures, and participate in tutorials, workshops, small-group discussions, panels, posters, and demonstrations. This printed record cannot show all aspects of a highly interactive, media-rich and Web-oriented meeting, but it does convey the depth and breath of the conference. It presents a snapshot of important and hot Web topics in the second half of 1997 and, with its 1997 predecessor and its successor WebNet volumes, it promises to become a milestone in the precipitous development ofthe Web. Before you open the book and study the contributions, we wish you to enjoy this conference and this book...and to consider attending WebNet 97 or contributing to it. This is one of the best ways to stay current with the rapid and intriguing developments ofthe Web. Plan to periodically checkhttp://www.aace.org/conf/webnet for the latest information! In closing, we would like to thank all authors for submitting their work, and all members ofthe Program Committee listed on the following page for their cooperation and time spent reviewing the submissions. Special thanks go to Gary Marks (AACE) who is one of the main driving forces behind this volume and the WebNet conference, and his staff who did all the hard work required to get a large conference such as WebNet off the ground. Ivan Tomek, Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia Univ., Canada [email protected] Suave Lobodzinski, California State Univ., USA [email protected] Chairs of WebNet 97 Program Committee 4 1997 Program Chairs S.M. Lobodzinski; California State Univ. (USA) Ivan Tomek; Acadia Univ. (Canada) 1997 Program Committee Ron Baecker: Univ. of Toronto (Canada) Philip Barker; Univ. of Teesside (UK) Dines Bjoerner; UNU/IIST (Macao) Meera Blattner; Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (USA) Peter Brusilovsky; International Center of Science and Technology Information (Russia) John Buford; Univ. of Massachusetts (USA) Gordon Davies; Open Univ. (UK) Roger Debreceny; Southern Cross Univ. (Australia) Alain Derycke; Univ. de Lille (France) Philip Doty; Univ. of Texas (USA) Aude Dufresne; Univ. of Montreal (Canada) Erik Duval; Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium) Adam Farquhar; Standord Univ. (USA) Laura Fillmore; Online Bookstore (USA) Richard Furuta; Texas A&M Univ. (USA) Brian Gaines, Univ. of Calgary (Canada) Colin Hensley; European Commission, Information Soc. Project Office (Belgium) Rainer Kuhlen; Univ. of Konstanz (Germany) John Leggett; Texas A&M; Univ. (USA) Jennifer Lennon; Univ. of Auckland (New Zealand) S.M. Lobodzinski; California State Univ. (USA) Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann; Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland) Gerald Maguire; Royal Technical Univ. (Sweden) Fillia Makedon; Dartmouth College (USA) Hermann Maurer; Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria) Maria Teresa Molfino; Consiglio
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