Road Book (TEL.: +3630 393 27 17) To the first checkpoint (Bázakerettye) Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. Go to the main road 0,08 0,08 0,02 → 0,1 0,31 → Nagykanizsa 0,41 0,75 ← Nagykanizsa Kelet 1,16 Go on the sidewalk at the bus stop 0,27 1,43 signing board. 0,05 cycling path beginning 1,48 0,32 ↑ 1,8 1 pic, 2,9 km ↑ The cycling path continues on the 0,26 2,06 other side of the road Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. 0,74 ↑ 2,8 0,08 ↑ 3,88 ↑ The cycling path continues on the 0,04 ↑ 3,92 0,1 2,9 other side of the road 0,02 ↑ 3,94 ← Go through on the pedestrian 0,03 ← (right after the pedestrian crossing) 3,97 0,01 2,91 In Nagykanizsa crossing, after the roundabout (1 pic) → Szepetnek N3 kör (green sign , in 0,03 4 0,29 cycling path beginning 3,2 pactrice staright ahed ) 3,33 ↑ 3,33 end of cycling path, go straight on the Nagykanizsán 0,04 4,04 0,48 ↑ 3,68 gravel road The Cycling path turn right, 0,07 cycling path beginning 4,11 Thermalvölgy - Kisbalaton kerékpáros 0,12 3,8 0,01 ↑ 4,12 túra útvonal , green sign 0,04 → Mura-Dráva N3 kerékpáros túraút 4,16 Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. 0,03 ↑ Cycling traffic light 4,19 0,48 railway crossing 33,48 0,01 ↑ Cycling traffic light 4,2 Bázake 0,14 ← Letenye 33,62 rettyén 0,01 ↑ straight on the cycling path 4,21 Báza- Checkpoint 0,11 ↑ 4,32 kerettye: 0,08 Blue Turist Route stamp, B24 Söröző 33,7 0,08 ↑ 4,4 0,19 ↑ 4,59 0,09 ↑ 4,68 0,03 End of the cycling path, straight on the road 4,71 0,09 ↑ 4,8 Nagykanizsán 0,2 ↑ Király utca 5 0,02 on left side: 5,02 0,28 railway crossing 5,3 0,02 ↑ straight on the cycling way 5,32 0,94 → end of cycling path 6,26 0,01 ← 6,27 3,06 on right side: 9,33 >>Sormás(10,61) >> The checkpoint is at the B24 Söröző (pub). Must to use the Blue Tourist 0,29 End of the cycling path, straight on the road 10,9 Route stamp, you can find the stamp beside the door , on the wall, outside >> Becsehely-Újmajor (18,35) >> of the building.. GPS coordinates: 46.526242, 16.727951 0,79 → Bak, Zalaegerszeg 19,14 Borsfa (24,51) Borsfán 2,58 Lenti, Bázakerettye 27,09 >> Bázakerettye-Báza (29,34) >> Bázakerettye (33) From the 1st (Bázakerettye) to the 2nd checkpoint Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. (Őriszentpéter) The cycling path continues on the left 0,13 56,8 Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. side of the road Turn back to the road crossing Lenti (57,72) ↑ End of the cycling path, straight Báza- Báza- 0,06 ← Lispeszentadorján (green sing) 33,76 0,16 57,88 kerettyén on the road 0,44 ↑ Lenti, Páka 34,2 0,24 → Csesztreg 58,12 Lentiben Bad quality road! 59,3 on the left side: 59,3 2,1 36,3 Be careful on the downhill! ←End of the cycling path, straight on 2,6 61,9 >>Lispeszentadorján (37) >> Kányavár (41,9) >> the road 0,38 Dangerous railway crossing 42,28 3,07 ↑ Bajánsenye 64,97 >> Páka-Dömefölde (44,55) >> Csesztreg (68,58) Páka (46,13) Csesztreg 0,87 ↑ Bajánsenye 69,45 Pákán 0,53 ← Lenti 46,66 en 1,74 ↑ Csömödér (green sign) 48,4 Kerkafalva (75,38) Csömödér (48,94) 0,62 Nagyrákos 76 falván Lenti Kerka- Csömödér 0,47 49,41 en 0,18 ↑ 49,59 >> Szatta(78,9) >> 0,61 Dangerous railway crossing 50,2 0,01 Bad quality road, 3 km 78,91 >>Iklódbörzönce (50,42) >> 0,99 ↑ Őrség útvonal 3 (green sign) 79,9 1,62 → main road is turn right 52,04 Nagyrákos (83,23) on the right side: 0,07 Dangerous downhill 83,3 0,65 52,69 Nagy- rákoson 0,5 ← Őriszentpéter 83,8 Lenti-Mumor (56,07) Lenti- ← Rédics, Lenti ( The cycling path 0,06 56,67 Mumorban continues on the other side of the road) Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. Őriszentpéter (86,24) Go back down on the road Őriszent- 0,56 ↑ Szentgothárd, Szalafő 86,8 Őriszent- 0,31 → Centrum, Zalaegerszeg 89,09 péteren 1,66 ← Szalafő, Pityerszer 88,46 péteren 1,55 ↑ Zalalövő 90,64 Őriszent- Checkpoint Nagyrákos (93,28) péteren Pajta vendéglő 88,78 Nagy- 0,46 ↑ Zalalövő 93,74 rákoson >> Pankasz (96,56) >> Felsőjánosfa (100,78) >> Zalalövő (102,77) 1,46 → Centrum 104,23 0,04 ← Zalaegerszeg 104,27 1,16 railway crossing 105,43 Be attentive! The signboard of cycling way damaged, you can't read. You must turn right on the second street after the railway crossing! Zalalövőn 0,07 → cycling path 105,5 cycling path, ← Budafa, 0,17 Zalaegerszeg 105,67 srtaigth ahead on the cycling path, until to Teskánd The checkpoint is the Pajta Bistro (restaurant), you can find of the left side 0,63 ↑ 106,3 of the road. GPS coordinates: 46.849771, 16.406505 1,2 ↑ 107,5 1,5 ↑ 109 1,1 ↑ 110,1 1,2 ↑ 111,3 From 2nd (Őriszentpéter) to 3th checkpoint (Gellénháza) 2,3 ↑ 113,6 1,14 ↑ 114,74 1,16 ↑ 115,9 Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. 1,4 ↑ 117,3 0,99 ↑ 118,29 2,74 → 121,03 0,01 ↑ 121,04 Be attentive!!You must turn right before the football field , the signboard (Teskánd → ) can't read. 0,51 → Teskánd (green sign) 121,55 0,11 end of cycling path 121,66 Teskánd (121,68) 0,02 ← 121,7 The chechkpoint is thePek-Snack Fagyizó, Right side of the road. GPS don coordinates: 46.767373, 16.785894 Teskán 0,11 → Pórszombat 121,81 3,19 ← Nagylengyel 125 2,49 → main road is turn right 127,49 >> Rám 128,8 >> Nagylengyel (131,25) Nagylen- 0,92 ← Zalaegerszeg 132,17 gyelen Gellénháza (134,32) 0,48 ← Zalaegerszeg 134,8 Gellén- Checkpoint házán Pek-Snack Ice-cream 134,95 From 3th (Gellénháza) to the 4th checkpoint (Zalaapáti) Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. Keep going on the road Gellén- In practice straight ahead , Don't 0,28 135,23 házán turn left to Zalaegerszeg. >> Sárhida (140,72) >> 1,3 → Bak 142,02 Bak(143,21) Bakon 1,27 ← Keszthely 144,48 1,45 ↑ Keszthely 145,93 >> Pölöske (151,47) >> 0,06 → main road is turn right 151,53 >> Zalaszentmihály (153,55) >> 5,08 → main road is turn right 158,63 The checkpoint is Kis Sziget Kocsma on the left side of the road. GPS >> Pacsa (159,03) >> coordinates: 46.728132, 17.106363 Keszthely Pacsán 0,47 Dont' turn right to Nagykanizsa! 159,5 Zalaapáti (167,97) Zalaapátib 0,35 ← Zalaszentgrót, Zalacsány 168,32 an Zalaapátib Checkpoint: an Kis Sziget Kocsma 168,52 Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. From 4th (Zalaapáti) to 5th checkpoint (Nagykanizsa) Galambok (190,9) 1,3 End of cycling path 192,2 Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. 0,01 → 192,21 Go back down on the road 0,01 ↑ 192,22 Zalaapátib 0,17 → 168,69 0,03 ← the main road turn left 192,25 an 0,02 ← Zalakaros 168,71 Galamokon → In practice straight ahead , Don't >> Esztergályhorváti (170,58) >> Zalaszabar (177,65) >> 0,53 192,78 turn left to Highway M7 >> Nagyrada (180,35) >> Garabonc (182,33) 0,04 on the left side: 182,37 0,53 End of the cycling path, straight on the road 182,9 Garaboncon 2,44 on the left side: 185,34 Zalakaros (186,65) 0,18 ↑ 186,83 The cycling path continues on the left side behind of the church 0,02 ← 186,85 0,63 ↑ 187,48 0,17 ↑ 187,65 0,35 ↑ 188 0,33 The bicycle path doubled, keep left. 188,33 Zalakaroson 0,42 ↑ 188,75 0,43 ↑ 189,18 ↑ The cycling path continues on the 0,29 189,47 other side of the road 0,3 ↑ 189,77 0,35 ↑ 190,12 Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. Settlement dis. (km) course total dis. 10,62 on the right side: 203,4 → Mura-Dráva N1,N2,N3 kerékpáros 0,01 205,98 Nagykanizsa (203,93) túraút (green sign) 0,03 ↑ 206,01 ↑ Mura-Dráva Nk. Kerékpáros túra 0,07 204 0,12 ↑ 206,13 út ↑ Csónakázó tó ↑ Kerékpáros központ 0,15 ↑ 206,28 ← Mura-Dráva N1,N2,N3 kerékpáros ← Mura-Dráva N1 (zöld tábla) Don't go 0,02 206,3 0,3 204,3 túraút (green sign) straight ahead on the cycling path! go back the on the morning route 0,48 on the right side: 204,78 0,1 ↑ 206,4 Nagykanizsán 0,12 ↑ 204,9 ↑ The cycling path continues on 0,64 207,04 0,06 ↑ 204,96 the other side of the road 0,08 ↑ 205,04 0,26 ↑ 207,3 → Mura-Dráva N1 kerékpáros túraút 0,32 End of cycling path 207,62 0,01 205,05 (green sign) 0,05 at the bus stop sign board go on the road 207,67 Nagykanizsán ↑ Mura-Dráva N1 kerékpáros 0,16 205,21 túraút (green sign) 0,33 → Kaposvár 208 0,14 ↑ 205,35 1 ← Csónakázó tó 209 0,14 ↑ 205,49 0,84 ← Lovaspálya 209,84 0,11 ↑ 205,6 0,07 → 209,91 ← Mura-Dráva N1 kerékpáros túraút 0,29 ← turn left at the stand 210,2 0,14 205,74 (green sign) Nagykaniz Checkpoint → turn right before the dead end sign sa Lovaspálya Büfé 210,22 0,03 205,77 board 0,2 ↑ 205,97 The checkpoint is the Horse Ride Field buffet behind of the horse ride field .
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