Roman Missal Bulletin Insert Series #1 WHAT IS THE ROMAN MISSAL? Book of the Gospels (Evangeliary) for the scripture readings, and additional books for the chants and antiphons. Slight changes and additions developed as manuscripts were handed on and hand scribed. Eventually the chants, scripture readings, prayer texts, and instructions were compiled into a single volume, the Missale Plenum (complete Missal). When Johannes Gutenberg invented the movable printing press in 1470, this allowed the Mass texts to become standardized and published universally. In 1474, the first Missale Romanum (Roman Missal) was printed in Latin and the texts contained in this volume evolved over the five ensuing centuries. Because the amount of scripture proclaimed at Mass increased following the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Missal was divided into two separate books so that its size would not be overwhelming. The Sacramentary contained the instructions (rubrics), the prayers (the Gloria, the Creed, the Eucharistic Prayer, the Our Father, etc.), Over the past several months, you may have and the chants and dialogues (the entrance heard a lot about the revised translation of antiphons, The Lord be with you, etc.). The The Roman Missal. Some may be wondering, Lectionary contained the readings for ―What is The Roman MissaI and how does Sundays, Feast Days and weekdays. It is this new translation affect me?‖ the former of these books, the Sacramentary First of all, it is important to note that the that has been retranslated. With this structure of the Mass is not changing. The translation, the name of the book will change Biblical readings will not change either, but from The Sacramentary to The Roman some of the prayers we say (and sing) and Missal, a translation of the Latin title, the prayers the priest says will be changed Missale Romanum. somewhat. In upcoming articles, we will examine the In the early Christian Church, many of the changes prayers you will say at Mass in the Mass prayers were memorized and handed future. down orally. Scribes eventually collected the prayers and recorded them in liber Adapted from Jill Maria Murdy. Preparing Your Parish for sacramentum (book of sacraments or the Revised Roman Missal: Homilies and Reproducibles sacramentaries). Other books were used for for Faith Formation © 2011 Archdiocese of Chicago: the scripture readings: Lectionaries and a Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago IL 60609 Roman Missal Bulletin Insert Series #2 WHY IS THE ROMAN MISSAL BEING RETRANSLATED? BUT WHY NOW? The approval of the use of vernacular texts to make the Mass more meaningful to the It is important to note that this is not the first assembly came in 1963, when Vatican II time since Vatican II that we have updated issued the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy the Missal. There were changes in 1974 and (referred to hereafter as CSL). This foundational in 1985. We currently use the 1985--or 2nd document provided the vision for liturgical edition--of the Missal. So why are we re- prayer in the Roman Catholic Church. translating it again now? There are a couple One of its important principles is that of reasons for this. First, in the year 2000 the liturgy--the official communal Pope John Paul II established a Third prayer of the Church--is not the Edition of the Roman Missal to commemorate property of any individual. Even the the new millennium. While the text of the priest is limited as to when he can Mass did not change significantly in Latin, use his own words within the Mass. feast days for new saints, Vigil Masses for This sense of universality is a fundamental some feasts and some Votive Masses were principle to liturgy. It is important, for added. example, that what we pray at Mass on the Shortly thereafter, the second reason for the 1st Sunday of Lent in the U.S. is the same new translation was promulgated: Liturgiam as that prayed in Paris or Bangladesh. Authenticam. This instruction considered the In accordance with the CSL, in the 1960s, lessons learned about translation since bishops from individual national conferences, Vatican II. It was written with an awareness then, reformed the liturgical books for the of the importance of the influence of English Mass. The first edition of the Order of in our global environment, it expressed a desire to use more reverent (and therefore Mass was promulgated in 1969 in Latin. somewhat more formal) language within the This Latin edition was subsequently Mass, and it expressed a preference for a translated into vernacular languages around one-to-one correspondence with the Latin the world. This process continues today. All rather than translating meaning. typical editions (the original version) of ritual While we might find that some of the words texts are issued in Latin and then translated feel a bit formal at first; a little uneasiness is into other languages. However, we live in a common with change. Hopefully, the time that many countries no longer have discomfort we feel will be lessened by the Latin scholars and where English has knowledge that these changes to our Mass become the global language of industry. texts will bring us closer as universal This has led to the practice by some less Church, and that will make us more willing affluent nations of translating from the to accept the new texts graciously and in a English Missals rather than from the Latin. spirit of unity. With words as important as those in the Adapted from JM Murdy. Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Mass, it is critical then that the English Roman Missal: Homilies & Reproducibles for Faith Formation translation then be as close to the Latin as © 2011 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Pub., 3949 S. Racine Ave., Chicago IL 60609; 1-800-933-1800; www.LTP.org. possible. Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © Roman Missal Bulletin Insert Series #3 THE INTRODUCTORY RITES, PART I: Overview and Greeting As we begin our discussion of liturgical translation of this response; the Greek liturgy of catechesis, let’s look at how the Mass is the Eastern churches also employs the structured. There are four primary equivalent of "and with your spirit." So the sections: The Introductory Rites, the new form has both tradition and widespread use on its side. This dialogue also has Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the stronger connections to Scripture. Both the Eucharist, and the Concluding Rites. The greeting and the reply come from the Bible. changes to the prayers we say will be ―The Lord be with you‖ appears as a greeting examined within this structure. or encouragement in Judges 6:12, Ruth 2:4, 2 Chronicles 15:2, and Luke 1:28. ―And with your Overview of the Introductory Rites spirit‖ is also inspired by passages that The introductory rites begin with the Entrance conclude four of the New Testament epistles. Procession and end as we sit to hear the First In almost every case, Paul addresses these Reading. These rites include the Entrance words to the entire Christian community, not Chant and Procession, the Sign of the Cross, a just one minister. greeting, the Penitential Act, the Kyrie, Gloria, The "spirit" mentioned here refers specifically and the Collect. The purpose of these rites is to to the spirit received in Ordination. During the focus our hearts and minds on God. We come Prayer of Ordination in Holy Orders, the bishop together as individuals but by singing together, refers to the ― acknowledging our sinfulness together, asking gift of the spirit of grace and of for mercy as a community, glorifying God council‖ that was granted to Christ, and which together and placing our prayers before God, is passed down to the priest through the we become one united Body of Christ. This is Sacrament of Ordination: “Look upon your the first step we take as a community to servant who is here and grant him the “spirit” of prepare to be fed and nourished at the table of grace and of council . so that he may aid and the Word and Eucharist. govern your people with a pure heart.” Similarly, the Prayer of Ordination of Deacons includes Greeting ….and with your Spirit the text: “Grant the spirit of grace and zeal to your servant.” Probably the most talked about change for the laity in the revised translation of The Roman It is noteworthy, then, that the phrase "and with Missal will be the response to the priest’s your spirit" is used only in response to an ordained minister. A non-ordained prayer greeting: "The Lord be with you," We will now leader (e.g. at a wake service, a Communion respond with the restored phrase "and with service, Liturgy of the Hours) will not say ― your spirit" in place of "and also with you." This The change is specifically called for by Liturgiam Lord be with you‖ because, at least in part, authenticam, the instruction from the Vatican they do not receive the phrase in return. regarding the translation of liturgical texts. It Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Roman Missal: Homilies and states that the Latin phrase, Et cum spiritu tuo, Reproducibles for Faith Formation © 2011 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy must be translated as literally as possible. Training Publications, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800- 933-1800; www.LTP.org. Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman English is the only major European language Missal © 1973, 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy that does not mention the spirit in the current Corporation (ICEL). All rights reserved. The copyright notice must appear with the text.
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