Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880-1995 Patrick Manning Index More Information

Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880-1995 Patrick Manning Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521642558 - Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880-1995 Patrick Manning Index More information Index ABAKO (Association des Bakongo) 119, airlines 121, 219 148 Aja-Ewe 171 Abd al-Qadir 10, 97 Al-Azhar University 98, 168 Abe 64 Algeria 2, 13, 59, 69, 93, 97, 128, Abidjan 39, 115, 117–19, 167, 183, 210, 134, 145–6, 170, 177, 192–3, 208, 215, 218, 220 225 ABIR (Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Algiers 10 Company) 45 All-Africa People’s Congress 148 ACCT (Agence de Coope´ration Culturelle Alladian 38 et Technique) 187 Alsace 10, 60 ADEMA (Mali) 198–9 Amharic language 2–3 Abomey 14, 173 amicales 81–2, 137 absolutism 84–5, 194 Amin, Samir 123 Addis Ababa 156 Anglophone (English-speaking) Africa 1, Adjovi, Jean 80, 85 3, 22, 56, 58, 87, 111, 134, 159, 162, administration 19–20, 80, 85, 141–2, 152, 182, 187, 189, 206, 227 191, 203, 217, 221 Angola 4, 93, 119, 156, 157, 194, 201 Afghanistan 194 Angoulvant, Gabriel 64 African and Malagasy Common ‘‘anne´e blanche’’ 192, 206 Organization (OCAM) 122 Antilles see West Indies African and Malagasay Union (UAM) Antwerp 88 122 Anversoise 45 African culture 90–3, 180, 182, 205–9, Arabia, Saudi 207–8 213 Arabic language 2, 91, 98, 105, 141, 164, African Cup 175 169, 185 African enterprise 15 Arabic-speaking Africa 1, 3, 22, 56, 87, African Forestry Enterprises Company 134, 162 (CEFA) 50 Archinard, Louis 63, 72 African Medical School, Dakar 100 Argentina 197 African Socialism 141, 153 Armstrong, Louis 172 African sovereignty 14 art 21, 91, 108–9, 173–4 Afrikaans 2 Arusha 203 Afro-Asiatic languages 41–2 assimilation 12, 58, 60, 81, 91, 223 Afropop 223 association 15, 61, 92, 187 agriculture 5, 7, 113–15, 181 AUPELF (Association des Universite´s Ahidjo, Ahmadou 154, 177, 225 Partiellement ou Entie`rement de Ahmadu ibn Umar Tal 63 Langue Franc¸aise) 187–90 Ahmadu, Shaikh 72, 94 Aupiais, Fr Francis 106 aid 124–5, 156–7 Austria 11 AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency authenticity 151, 189, 224–5 Syndrome) 186, 205, 216 autonomy 15, 224 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521642558 - Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880-1995 Patrick Manning Index More information Index 237 Bacongo 217 Bhely-Que´num, Olympe 177 Bagasora, The´oneste 203–4 Biafra 157 Bagirmi 12, 25, 35, 68 Bismarck, Otto von 10, 62 Bakary, Djibo 146 Biya, Paul 154, 197, 225 Bakongo 41, 81, 119–20, 137, 218 Black, Yondo 197 balance of forces 16 Black Girl 175 Balandier, Georges 176 Black Star Line 80 balkanization 145 Bobangi 26, 43 Ballets africains de Guine´e 173 Bodson, captain 65 Bamako 28, 117, 140, 185, 198–9 Boganda, Barthe´lemy 163 Bamba Ahmadu 97, 101, 109 Boisson, Pierre 135–7 Bambote´, Makombo 171 Bokassa, Jean Bedel (Bokassa I) 159 Bamileke 146 Boma 16, 20, 67, 76, 80, 99, 172 Bamum 105 Bonaparte, Louis (Napoleon III, 1852–70) Banamba 28 10 bananas 15, 37, 142, 215 Bongo, Omar 195, 206, 224–5 Bangui 117, 173, 185, 189, 218 Bordeaux 102, 107 Bangala 41, 63 Borghero, Fr 14 Banque Africaine de Bruxelles 50 Borno 27, 64 Banque Commerciale Africaine 50 bourgeoisie 89, 128–9, 152 Banque de lAfrique Occidentale 50, 53 Bourguiba, Habib 182, 187 Bantu languages 41–2, 102 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 201 Barbados 30 Bozo 38 Bariba 62 Brazil 12, 27, 171, 172, 209 Baoudoin I 148 Brazilians 14–15 Batouala 47, 107 Brazza, Pierre Savorgnan de 15–16, 61, bauxite 142 68–9 BDS (Bloc De´mocratique Se´ne´galais) Brazzaville 16, 20, 31, 38–9, 49, 63, 68, 73, 141 75, 78, 81, 117, 122, 124, 135, 140, 146, beans 7, 37 157, 166, 185, 199, 217–18 Be´die´, Henri Konan 225 Brazzaville Conference 138 Behanzin (1889–94) 24, 71 Bretton Woods Conference 120 Bel, Mbilia 205–6, 224 Brevie´36 Belgian Congo 4, 17, 20, 31, 34–5, 49, 50, Britain 1, 10, 14, 20, 63, 66, 134–7, 145, 52, 53–4, 66, 76, 77, 82, 84, 96, 98, 170, 187 104–5, 112, 114–15, 119, 135, 138, 139, British South Africa Company 44 147, 163–6, 172, 216 Brussels 9, 88, 148 Belgium 1, 8–9, 11, 16, 28, 30, 53, 57, 59, Brussels Conference (1889) 28 65–6, 76–7, 82, 87–9, 112, 122–3, 130, Buduma 38 135, 138–9, 147–50, 156, 163 Bujumbura 73, 163, 185 Bemba 40 Bula Matari 17 Benedictines 40 Burkina Faso 53, 126, 157, 170, 191, Benin, Bight of 164 196–7, 220; see also Upper Volta Be´nin, Republic of 4, 14, 26, 41, 93, 190, Burgundy 9, 89 198–9, 206, 209, 225–6; see also Burundi 2, 4, 7, 37, 93, 129–30, 147, 152, Dahomey and People’s Republic of 180, 182, 186, 188, 191, 196–7, 201–5, Be´nin 218; see also Ruanda-Urundi Be´nin, People’s Republic of and Republic Bwiti 171 of 126–7, 156–7, 164, 167, 170–1, 173, 184–5, 188, 189, 191–8, 208 Cabinda 157 Benin Kingdom (Nigeria) 164 Cairo 168 Berlin Conference (1884–85) 28 Cameroon 1, 2, 7–8, 20, 26, 30, 37–8, 47, Berlin Wall 190 49, 66, 82, 98, 99, 105, 108, 110, Beti, Mongo 177 114–15, 117, 122, 128, 136, 139, 141–3, beverages 48, 117 145–6, 151–2, 154–5, 157, 163, 165, © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521642558 - Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880-1995 Patrick Manning Index More information 238 Index Cameroon (cont.) Clemenceau, Georges 67 170, 175, 194–7, 205, 211, 223, 225; see CNID (Mali) 198 also Kamerun cocoa 114–15, 128 Campaore´, Blaise 191, 197 Cocody 220 Camus, Albert 176 CODESRIA (Council for Development of Canada 59, 87, 156, 188 Economic and Social Research in Candomble´ 209 Africa) 206 capitalism 21, 54–6, 190, 193, 198, 207, coffee 25, 114, 211 222 Cold War 180, 190, 201, 214, 223 Casablanca 136 Collinet, Georges 223 Casablanca group 156 Colonial School (Paris) 85 Catholic church 77, 88–9, 166, 168–9, 207, Colonial University (Antwerp) 77 222 commandant de cercle 57, 85 bishops 193, 198, 207–8 Communes, Four (Dakar, Gore´e, Rufisque, missions 14, 76, 93–5, 168 St.-Louis) 69, 78 Catholics 9, 11, 14, 86, 88, 98, 106, 168, Communist Party of Dahomey 192 204, 208, 217 Communist Party of France 81, 89, 128, Catholic party (Belgium) 11, 138 135, 140–1, 143 CCCI (Compagnie du Congo pour le communists 11, 81, 138 Commerce et l’Industrie) 44 Comoros 2 Ceddo 175 CONAKAT (Confederation of Tribal Central African Empire 111, 134, 159; see Associations of Katanga) 148 also Central African Republic Conakry 117, 185, 218 Central African Republic 26, 94, 113, 122, concessionary companies 44–7 163, 170–1, 173, 189, 195–6, 199; see Congo, Democratic Republic of 4, also Ubangi-Shari 148–51, 164, 188 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 149 Congo, People’s Republic of (or Ce´saire, Aime´ 108, 176 Congo-Brazzaville) 4, 26, 41, 93, 113, CFA (Colonies franc¸aises d’Afrique; after 117, 119, 125–6, 151, 156, 165–6, 169, 1960, Communaute´ financie`re africaine) 184, 194, 196–9, 208, 218, 225; see also francs 123, 184, 218 French Congo, Middle Congo CFAO (Compagnie franc¸aise d’Afrique Congo, French, see French Congo occidentale) 44, 121 Congo Independent State 4, 11, 17, 28, 30, CGT (Confe´de´ration Ge´ne´rale du Travail) 44–5, 53, 61–3, 65, 67–71, 93, 99; see 139 also Belgian Congo, Zaire, Democratic Chad 1, 8, 26, 35, 47, 83, 111, 122, 133, Republic of Congo 135, 155, 157, 170, 186, 196–7, 200–1, Congo–Ocean railroad 31, 78 208 Congo Reform Association 45 Chad, lake 5, 38, 64, 94 Conrad, Joseph 30, 45 Charlemagne 8 constitutional accommodation 225 Chibinda Ilunga 9 Conte´, Lansina 191 chiefs 83, 116, 143 copper 40, 49 China 30, 123, 155–6, 222, 224 Coppolani 61 Chokwe 12, 26 corruption 20, 125, 174, 181, 183, 188, Chre´tien, Jean-Pierre 202 195, 202, 206, 209, 221 Christianity 37, 60, 93, 100–2, 164, 207–9, Coˆte d’Ivoire, see Ivory Coast 222 Cotonco 49 citizenship 13, 59–60, 62, 78–80, 139–40, Cotonou 185, 192–3, 198 146, 160, 191, 193 cotton 31, 49, 114, 115 civil society 180–1, 193, 195–7, 199, 222, Coulibaly, Ouezzin 143 227 Council of Presidents 134, 151 classes, social 21, 42–3, 84, 116, 128–30, Council of the Entente 147 152–3, 213, 224; see also bourgeoisie, CPP (Convention People’s party) 148 peasantry, petty bourgeoisie, wage creole languages 189–90 workers Crown Domain 45, 70 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521642558 - Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880-1995 Patrick Manning Index More information Index 239 Cuba 12, 172 Dumont, Rene´ 185 Customs Union of Central African States, see UDEAC Eboue´, Fe´lix 49, 107, 136–8 Ebrie´lagoon 220 Dahomey, colony and republic of 26, ecology 4–8, 21, 22, 25, 113, 131, 186 30–1, 33–5, 47, 62–3, 66, 68, 79–80, 83, Economic Community of West African 96, 102, 104, 106, 147, 151, 162; see States (ECOWAS) 123, 158 also Be´nin ecumenical associations 200, 207–8 Dahomey, kingdom of 14, 61, 68, 71, 73, ecumenism 223 83, 91, 107 education 98–100, 114, 144, 162, 164–8, Dakar 14, 20, 30, 38–9, 59, 69, 73–4, 104, 181–3, 187–90, 216, 221 117, 119, 123, 124, 136, 140, 145, 161, Egypt 12, 56, 62, 170, 177, 208 167, 176, 184, 187–8, 192, 206, 208, elections 110, 116, 124–5, 130, 139–41, 215, 218–20 143, 151, 181, 191–9, 203, 209, 217, D’Almeida, Casimir 137 222, 226 Dan 64 Elisabethville 96, 119, 151; see also dance 173, 205, 223, 227 Lubumbashi dar al-Islam 13 Emitai 175 Dar al-Kuti 27, 68, 94 Equatorial Guinea 2 D’Arboussier, Gabriel 140 Estates General 193–4 Dark Child 177 Ethiopia 2, 134 debt 125–6, 132, 158, 183–4, 188, 209 ethnic cleansing 226 Deby, Idriss 197, 200 ethnic groups 41–3, 129–30, 180, 182, De Gaulle, Charles 135–6, 138, 146, 211, 195–6, 199, 202–3, 213–14 220 Ethnographic Museum (Muse´e de Defferre, Gaston 145 l’Homme), Paris 91, 104 Delafosse, Maurice 91 European Economic Community (Common Delavignette, Robert 85 Market) 122, 158, 191 democracy 20, 58, 78, 84, 133, 139, 159, e´volue´s 60, 62,

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