... Volume 7 Issue 45 MUSICNovember 10 4% L3 US$ E TECHNOTRONIC WORLD TOUR 1991: ECU 4 ... ....... :.... FEAVULONG MEWS& t ENSYMN ""- ............... The European ............. .. .... Music I, Broad. MEDIATrade Magnin .... 10V" AVAILABLE SOON "TURN IT UP" * THE BRANDNEW SINGLE FROM THE ALBUM PRODUCED BY JO BOGAERT THE REMIXE PligEOLLINSI EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATION. o RECORD COMPANIES: 3/216 35 97 at, THE VINE VAPIC SANCTUARY STREET 020 - ANTWERPEN AMU LONDON SE 1 101_ BELGIUM TEL 0, 403 0007 FAX 071 37S 0,16 37 37 OFFICE FAX: 053/67 33 34 TI: 00 T I AmericanRadioHistory.Com(-101P0- PHIL COLLINS 2111131M" 4.tcy4E,C417/M1 76 minutes, featuring 15 hit tracks including the new single `Do You Remember'. Something Happened On The Way To Heaven Against All Odds Who Said I Would One More Night Don't Lose My Number Do You Remember Another Day In Paradise Separate Lives In The Air Tonight You Can't Hurry LoveTwo Hearts Sussudie A Groovy Kind 01 LoveEasy Lover Take Me Home Limited edition luxury packaging for initial three months. CD and Cassette in slip cases containing 24 -page full -colour booklet. LP in gatefold sleeve with two full - colour inner bags. SERIOUS +I IN BERLIN Over 160 minutes - the entire allow available on one VHS video and soon on Laser Disc. THE Sri, r 234J.X. A Serious Christmas Gilt contains the 'Serious Hits . Live' CD and the 'Seriously Live in Berlin' VHS plus the 'Serious Tour' tour book. The box comes gift wrapped and tagged ready for the consumer. I'LL; t\I)VT1,911.F1 TV and radio spots, magazine and newspaper adverts across Europe. Massive instore campaign to bark consumer advertising. Check details with your local Warner Music Company. WARNER MUSIC INTERNATIONAL AmericanRadioHistory.Com &IAMUIN Volume 7 ::::: :: !!: Isms 45 \00\19\\Pkw,,, MUSICNovember 10 1990 EB US$ 5 ECU 4 Il The European Music & Broadcast MEDIATrade Magazine MIL COLLINS Trilgrif PRIL- COLLI I. 1111111111NIINIIM GTJ sotra YSNS \\t-" z AmericanRadioHistory.Com Volume 7 TWO DISTRIBUTORS SUED Issue 45 November 10 1990 EC Copyright Ruling Tested In UK MUSIC by Jeff Clark -Meads USS 5 UK record companies are Dylan and the Beatles. against the other company ECU 4 mounting the first test of The product is considered will be heard in court later how copyright laws have legalinthe countriesof this month. been affected by the Euro- origin,where mechanical The BPI case is founded peon Court's landmark royaltiesmayhavebeen on the European Court's 'Patricia' case ruling of last paid, but the BPI believes it1989 ruling that copyright year. contravenes UK copyright law in individual countries The British Phonographic laws. is sovereign over EC legisla- Industry (BPI) is suing two The trade organisation's tion on the free movement UK distributorsfor copy- action is against two distri- of goods. right infringement over Eur- buboes from the West of The decision came after opeanconcertrecordings England. One has already EMI, on behalf of the BPI, The European which feature artists signed agreed to pay f 10.000 in sued a Danish company, Pa- Music & to UK companies. These damages and agreed not to tricia. That firm was repro- &mad. include the Rolling Stones, handle the productin ducing Cliff Richard recor- Trade Magazine U2, Bruce Springsteen, Bob future.Legalproceedings dings in Denmark, where MEDIA they were out of copyright, and =porting them to West Germany, where they were Chalfont Broadens still subject to national copyright restrictions. `Non -Pop' Definition BPI anti -piracy co-ordi- by Hugh Fielder nator Tim Dabin says he The Radio Authority in the to anon -pop' station. believes this is the first time UK has confirmed that the But although the govem- a court has been asked to country's first national meet's amended definition consider the implications of commercial FM licence of pop music in the Broad - the European Court judge- will be awarded next year castingBill now includes ment. He argues that local otherkindsof modem copyright law means that Italians Race To popular music",itspecifi- anybodyreleasing a live cally does not include rock. Jul. CIeo it pies.. with a plavivan al. by WO Dunce, makMg recording in the UK needs 300000 sau al hiva/buin Va.., One Place: From Bertrand de Lab, Meet Broadcast The announcement comes the permission of the artist bey, Clad Pavick Zee., Virgin France preside. author.. from Radio Authority chair- Cade Vann. Cle. a. authors franca. Hardy, David MoVell and and/or the record company Deadline man Lord Chalfont speak - y Sedran, to which they are contract- An estimated 2.000 radio ing at a press conference held rammer on page 5 and 300 TV stationsare in London on October 30. Unique Radio Promotion reported to have applied to "It isnot confined to CONTENTS the Italian government for a classical music. The station licence to operate, in cons- could include all kinds of For New lilesias LP BBC To Test pliance with the country's formats.It could be light DAB On FM 4 new broadcast laws (M&M classical, easy listening, Julio Iglesias's new album, with the new single, Can's September 15). C&W or traditional jazz, or Starry Night, is the subject Help Foiling Jr Love, on MCM Announces Collins, The deadline for applica- possibly even a combina- of a unique radio campaign heavy rotation. McCartney Phone4ns 5 tions was midnight October [ion!' by CBS France and RTL. Released on October 26, 23. Any radio or TV station Pointing out thatthere The album was promoted the LP is expected to get a Talkback Bernd Rieger 7 which transmits without a was no shortage of pop throughout November 5 on further push in France from licencefacesclosure. The music on UK radio at pre - RTL with the singer taking frequent airings of ftMlers Trans World Losses job now for minister of Post sent,Chalfont said: "We part in two live, two-hour on both RTL and TV chan- Prompt Red and Telecommunications felt we were enhancing lisle - programmes.Thisisthe nel TFI, which broadcast a Dragon Rumours Oscar Mammi is to rid the nets' choice more than if we first time RTL has tied in a 90 -minuteIglesiasspecial nation of what is known as offered it to a pop station!' day devoted to a specific ar- on November 7. Spotlighting the frequency jungle. He added that a `non -pop' tist with their new album The campaign was set up Belgium 21.23 He has hinted that this service would make good release. by Patrick Demm, director may be achieved by March use ofthe high -quality The station will air seven of the CBS label,in co- Radio 1991 buthiscriteriafor stereo transmission facilities tracksfrom the Albert operationwithmarketing Services 24.26 ,..election remains unclear. n cononues on page 4 Hammond -produced album continues on page 3 # 1 In America VANILLA ICE "ICE ICE BABY" The Iceman Cometh... AmericanRadioHistory.Com MUSIC MEDIA MEDIA BBC ToTest DABOn FMe Artrai MCM Announces Collins,Upcoming Album Releases by Paul Andrews. Artist Title Label Producer The BBC is to test Digital Audio e Atra would require 'gap -filler'trans- the advantage of requiring less McCartney Phone -Ins Broadcasting (DAB) on the FM mitters fora public service. Stott transmitter power for the same Queen have signed to Hollywood Orely 7112,T1 by Howard Shannon radio band. Trials of the Euro- spats the lower frequencies at coverage, and is up to four times Rem* - the newly -formed Walt pean Broadcasting Union (EBU) Disney label - for North America London -based syndicator MCM peet to take two callers between VHF tolessenthisproblem, mom spectrum efficient. I each break. A 'music montage as Eureka system at about 100 MHz though tests will probably have to for an advance thought to be Networking is offering live, Pan - lArdltama around US$ 10 million.Holly- European phone-ins with Paul willfilladvertising breaksfor ttorwom meow will start as soon as government lake place outside London wood is also bettered to have paid approval for frequency use is ob- because of band crowding. Chalfont Definition McCartney and Phil Collins, to be non-commercial stations!' USS 1 million as compensation to C4611E4 tained, with results expected next cononued Porn page I airedlaterthismonth. They Adamson expects to take al The BBC trials usually consist Capitol Records for the loss of the summa. follow the successful launch of least one caller from each country. of CD -sourced music and modu- and should result in opportunities band's back catalogue which will the scheme with INXS in mid - "These will be winners of com- However, BBC senior research lated sounds. General reception is for advertisers, now be remastered and re -issued September (M&M September 22). petitionsrunbythestations engineer Jonathan Stott stresses not possible He acknowledgedthatthe with the addition of previously questions willbe that there are no plans to launch With tests also being carried Authority could have raised mom unreleased tracks. Queen have re- Collinswillfield themselves'Questions DAB on existing broadcast chan- signed to EMI for Europe and the from telephone callers on Novem- notified in advance Ynou outinFranceand Germany, money by offering the FM net- lYwa, nels. "This is part of an ongoing definitivefrequencyallocations work to a pop station, which is the restof the world and will be ber 15 and McCartney on Novem- Talking of the INXS program- liazsal releasing their 17th album, Innu- me aired September 21, Adamson TA. Imo Sakralmm programme to investigate the per- for DAB, bothterrestrialand most commercially viable format. ber 28. ay tooknyyt endo, in January. Stations confirmed for one or says: "It was designed to test the .0.1,5on formance of DAB terrestrially at satellite are expected at the 1992 And he said that the Authority * * * various frequencies.
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