General Muhlenberg's Orderly Booh, 1777. 21 ORDERLY BOOK OF GEN. JOHN PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG, MARCH 26-DECEMBER 20, 1777. (Continued from Vol. xxxiii, page 474.) th HEAD QUARTERS MIDDLE BROOK 15 Jane 1777 Parole Countersign Maj* Gen1 for tomorrow . L* Sterling Brig* Woodford Field Officers Col0 Spotswood k Majr Crawford Brigade Major As it is proper the mode of Performing and receiving the Grand rounds should be understood through the army as well for the sake of Security as uniformity and order, in fu- ture the following is that which is to be pursued. The field Officer of the Grand rounds, before he begins his reconnoi- tring party to procure such an escort as he chuses not ex- ceeding a Serj* and six privates, accompanied by these he is to pass all Sentries remote from the Guard by his Serj* who is to advance for the purpose, answering grand rounds when hail'd and giving the Countersign, when he arrives near the Guard the Sentry next to it hails, and upon being answer'd grand rounds Cries stand Grand rounds, and calls the Guard to turn out, when this is done the Officer of the Guard sends a Commis4 Officer, if the Guard consists of more than one, if not, a Seij' & Six to meet the rounds who when arrived within twelve paces of them Challenge and on being an- swered Grand rounds Cries advance Officer with the Parole at the same time making his party open a passage by wheel- ing backwards from the centre for the Officer of the rounds to pass through them and resting their firelocks as he passes, the Officer or Seij' conducts him to the Officer of the Guard who receives him at the right of his Guard with his Bayo- net towards his breast at which time the Officer whispers 22 General Muhleni?erg's Orderly Book, 1777. the Parole in his ear, the Officer finding the Parole true, or- ders his Guard to rest their Firelocks upon which the [Torn] th G. O. HEAD QUARTERS MIDDLE BROOK June 19 1777 Parole Countersign Majr Gen1 for tomorrow . Stephen Brig* Woodford Field Officers Col0 Malmidis & Majr Heath Brig* Major Farling The Qr Masters of each Reg* is to draw Provisions for such sick as remains with the Reg1 for which Purpose they are to be included and their number to be ascertained in each provision return, the Commissary will supply them with fresh Meat when in hand. The Gen1 Court Martial not sitting will proceed forwith to the tryal of Maj* Peers, Brig* Major to Gen1 Weedon, arrested by order of Col0 Spotswood, for refusing a true and just return of his Reg1 and sending a very insulting answer by his Adj\ all without to attend. B. O. The Brigade to Parade at the Grand Parade tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock for Exercise. HEAD QUARTERS MIDDLE BROOK June 20 Parole Countersign Maj* Gen1 for tomorrow . Lord Sterling Brig* Muhlenburgh Field Officers Col0 Martin & L* Col° Dehart Col0 Shelburnes detachment at present with Gen1 Parsons is to join Gen1 Vernons Brigade. Gen1 Debarnes Brigade to get ready to march tomorrow at 5 o'clock he will send to the Adj* Gen1 for orders to March Gen1 Vernons Brigade to relieve the Picquet Veanus, Mill & Vanvactiers Bridge at 4 o'clock this afternoon. General Muhlenberg's Orderly Booh, 1777. 98 G. O. HEAD QUARTERS MIDDLE BROOK Jane 22 1777 Majr Gen1 for tomorrow . Stephens Brigadier Scott Field Officers Col0 Stephens & Majr Tallifarro Brigade Major Johnson. The out Guards or Piquet from the line to be call'd in immediately and not relieved. The Reg* of Col* Spotswood of Gen1 Weedons Brigade to take post at Gen1 Waynes In- campm* and to mount a Subalterns Guard at the Gap near the mountain the Reg1" of Gen1 Muhlenburghs Brigade now at steels Gap will remain there and mount a Subalterns Guard, the Brigade of the line to furnish the other Guard beside their Quarter Guard. After Orders. Every Brig* & Corps in the Army immediately to draw three days provision and cook them, & parade tomorrow morning at six o'clock (if it should not rain) with arms, accoutriments, ammunition & Blankets, ready to march, tents, Baggage and Women to be left in Camp, for the Secu- rity of which each division is to leave a field Officer each Brig* a Captain, each Reg1 a Subaltern Serj* A 12 Men, this Guard to consist of men most unfit for duty and who have the worst arms. The Majr Gen1 will receive orders at head Quarters re- specting their Rout and order of March. The Comrn' in Chief thanks the Majr Gen1 Sullivan ft Green, & all the Officers & Soldiers engaged this day to pursue their Enemy for the Alacrity and zeal manifested in that Service. Majr Peers Brig* Majr to Gen1 Weedon charged with re- fusing a just and true return of Col* Spotswoods Reg1 and sending him a very insulting Answer by his Adjutant try'd by a Gen1 Court Martial held the 20th Ins4 & Honourably acquitted. The Commr in Chief approves the sentance and orders him to be immediately released from his arrest. T. PICKERING A. G. 24 General Muhlenberg's Orderly Booh, 1777. B. O. June 22. 1777. The whole Brigade to be in readiness to march tomorrow morning the Invalids to be set apart as the Baggage Guard half past five precisely the whole to be on the Brigade Parade the Officers Commanding Reg** will see that every- thing is in proper order that nothing may retard the march. PETER MUHLENBURGH B. G. G. 0. HEAD QUARTERS MIDDLE BROOK June 23 1777. Parole Countersign Majr Gen1 for tomorrow .... Green Brigadier Weedon Field Officers Col0 Lewis & Major Nicholas Brigade Major Peers Commr in Chief approves the following Sentences of a Gen1 Court Martial held the 20 Ins* whereof Col° Stephen was President and orders them to be put in Execution forthwith Viz* Tho* White otherwise calPd Tho- Jones ot Col° Hartley's Battalion charg'd with desertion, the Prisoner pleaded Guilty and was sentenced to receive 50 Lashes on his bare back. Alex' Gray of the 5th 'Pensilv* Battn charg'd with desertion the Prisoner pleaded Guilty and sentenced to receive 50 Lashes. Lewis Bloxham of the 9th Virg* Reg* charg'd with insolence to and threatning to shoot Ensign Robbins of the same Reg* found Guilty and sentenced to receive 39 Lashes. James McCarle of the 5th Pensilv* Reg* charg'd with charging his Bayonet and insulting the Officer of the ferry guard at Trent Town and presenting his piece at Lieu* Smith of the 5th Pennsilv* Reg*, in the face of the whole Reg4 found guilty of presenting his piece at Lieu* Smith and sentenced to receive 100 Lashes. ¥m. M°Carle of the 5th Reg* charg'd with insulting & charging his Bayo- net at the Officer of the ferry Guard at Trenton, no evi- dence appearing to support the charge against the Prisoner, the Court ordered him to be discharg'd from the prison for the present. General Muhlenberg's Orderly Booh, 1777. 25 The following Letter rec'd from Col° Spotswood. MIDDLE BROOK June 23* 1777 SIR:— Although the Court Martial acquitted Majr Peers with honour, Yet I think something remains to be done on my side for the injury done that Gent". You'll therefore oblige me by putting the Inclosed in the next Gen1 Orders. Yr Obedf Serv* ALEX* SPOTSWOOD Col* Col° Spotswood being convinced that he was wrong in putting Major Peers under an Arrest is extreamly sorry for it To COL° JOHN PICKERING ADJT GENL. After Orders. The Militia of the state of New Jersey who assembled on the late alarm by signal are dismiss'd with the Cordial thanks of the Commr in Chief for the readiness in which they turn'd out and the spirit and bravery they have shown in harrassing the Enemy and preventing their incursions, such manly exertions in the Militia must prove highly discouraging to the enemy and while this spirit remains no danger is to be apprehended from their future attempts. The Rain having prevented the Execution of a part .of the after orders of yesterday every Brig*1* and Corps of the Army is to parade tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock if it should not rain, the After orders in other Respects to be punctually complied with. T. PICKERING A. G. B. O. June 23rd 1777 A Subaltern one Serj* and 12 Privates who are least fit for duty and who have the worst Arms to be Paraded tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock as a Baggage Guard for the Brigade Cap* Terrell of the 5th will take the Command. P. M., B. G. 26 General Muhlenberg's Orderly Booh, 1777. th G. O. HEAD QUARTERS QUIBBLE TOWN June 24 1777 In case of an Alarm the Army is to be drawn up in two lines on the Northern side of the Brook, Gen1 Greens divis- ion on the Right, Gen1 Lincolns on the left of the front line. Gen1 Stephens division on the right of the second Line & Brig1" Gen1 Parsons Brig* on the left of the second line to be join'd by Gen1 Varnums when he comes up. The troops to make the best shelter they can with Boughs of trees, each Brig* will Mount a Quarter Guard and each division furnish a Subaltern two Serju 2 Corp8 and 25 Men for Pickets to Parade forthwith near the Brigade. The Alarm will be made by the firing of two field Pieces upon which the whole army is to muster and take the ground shown to the Brig* with all possible dispatch.
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