U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear School Army Chemical Review (ACR) (ISSN (573) XXX-XXXX 0899-7047) is prepared biannually by the U.S. DSN 676-XXXX (563 prefi x) or 581-XXXX (596 prefi x) Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear School and the Maneuver Support COMMANDANT Center Directorate of Training, Fort Leonard COL(P) Leslie C. Smith 563-8053 Wood, Missouri. ACR presents professional <
[email protected]> information about Chemical Corps functions related to chemical, biological, radiological, and ASSISTANT COMMANDANT nuclear (CBRN); smoke; fl ame fi eld expedients; COL Greg D. Olson 563-8054 and reconnaissance in combat support. The <
[email protected]> objectives of ACR are to inform, motivate, increase CHIEF OF STAFF knowledge, improve performance, and provide a LTC Doug Straka 563-8052 forum for the exchange of ideas. This publication <
[email protected]> presents professional information, but the views expressed herein are those of the authors, not the COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR Department of Defense or its elements. The content CSM Ted A. Lopez 563-8053 does not necessarily refl ect the offi cial U.S. Army <
[email protected]> position and does not change or supersede any DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT–RESERVE information in other U.S. Army publications. The COMPONENT use of news items constitutes neither affi rmation COL Lawrence Meder 563-8050 of their accuracy nor product endorsement. <
[email protected]> Articles may be reprinted if credit is given to ACR and its authors. All photographs are offi cial 3D CHEMICAL BRIGADE U.S.