Library Collection Having Serialno Title Author

Library Collection Having Serialno Title Author

Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 1 Radhakrishnan``s Philosophy of Religion Patyaiying, Paitoon. 2 From Early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism Isayeva, Natalia. 3 Buddhist Sects in India Dutt, Nalinaksha. 4 Manusmriti (Mool, Kullukabhatt Tika Hindi Anubad avom Pralayankar, Praven. Vyakhya Sahit) 5 Rig-Veda-Samhita Trivedi, Ram Govind. 6 Prachen Bharatiya Samaj Arthvyavastha Avom sharm Mishra, Ramanath. (Vaidik kal se 300 Ad) 7 Aakhiri Jawab Rahi, Mahesh. 8 Bharatiya Sahitya Ke Nirmata : Prabhakar Machave Upadhyaya, Rajendra. 9 Indian Antiquities of Dissertations of Hindostan Maurice, Thomas. 10 Sarasvati Flows on : The Continuity of Indian Culture Lal, B.B. 11 Asia in the Making of Europe A Century of Advance Lach, Donald F. 12 Environmental Pollution : Conservation and Planning Nath, Pashupati. 13 Sakta Contribution to Varanasi Sharma, R. C., Printed On : 03/06/2018 1 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 14 Absence of the Buddha Image in Early Buddhist Art: Tanaka, Kanoko. Toward its Significance in Comparative Religion 15 Rasagangadhara Jagannatha, Panditaraja. 16 Dharmvir Bharati Granthawali Bandiwadekar, Chandrakant. 17 Muktibodh Rachanavali-6 Jain, Nemichandra. 18 Illustrated dBase IV Stultz ,Russell A. 19 Loeb Classical Library Seneca Moral Essays - II Founded By Loeb, James , 20 Loeb Classical Library Athenaeus the Deipnosophists Founded By Loeb, James , Books XIII- XIV. 653b 21 Janane Ke Bate Chattopadhyay, Deviprasad . 22 History of Indian Philosophy Dasgupta, Surendranath. 23 Rigveda-Darsana: Vishnu-Suktani Rao, S.K Ramachandra. 24 Aachhe Din Pachhe Gaye ( Memoirs) Singh, Kashinath. 25 Centre And Periphery Comparative Studies In Champion, T. C. Archaeology 26 Jagadesh Chaturvade Rachanavale Kahani Chaturvedi, Jagadesh, Printed On : 03/06/2018 2 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 27 Kavya Ka Vaisnav Vyaktitav Mehta, Srinaresh. 28 Surangama Shivani. 29 Sahitya Ka Parivesh Vatsyayan, Sachchidananda. 30 Dastavez-2 Manto, Saadat Hasan. 31 Sports Tourism And Development Chawla, Romila. 32 Encyclopeadia of Indo Europen Culture Mallory, J. P., 33 Badshah Khan Indo-Pakistan Relations Ramu, P.S. 34 Picture Writing in Ancient Egypt Davies, Nina M. 35 Aadhunik Kala Kosh Bhardwaj , Vinod. 36 Vatesvara Siddhanta and Gold Vatesvara, 37 Journal-Jnana Pravaha Research Journal 2013-2014 Jnana Pravaha, 38 Encyclopaedia Britannica Book of the Year Sparks, Karen Jacobs. 39 Aesthetic Theories of India Sudhi, Padma. 40 Loeb Classical Library Sexturs Empiricus Against the Founded By Loeb, James, Physicists Against the ethicsts Printed On : 03/06/2018 3 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 41 Papers on the Date of Kaniska Basham, A. L. 42 Collected Works Of T. V.Kapali Sastry Sastry, T.V Kapali. 43 Karttikeya: The Son of Shiva Gupta, Shakti M. 44 Punch Marked Coins - (Folder) Aggarawal, Asha. 45 Us Paar Sansmaran Aacharya Chaturasen Shastri Chandrasen. 46 Naya Shivala Allama Ikabal Ke Pratinidhi Kavitao Ka Iqbal Ahamad. Sankalan 47 Uttar Pradesh District Gazetteers : Hardoi Baghel, Amar Singh. 48 Bharat ke Samajik Evom Arthik Sanrachana Aur Sanskrit Radhesharan. ke Mool Tatv Adikal se 1950 B. C. Tak 49 Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta: Hi Tech Teeka Yadaw, Vijaya Narayana. 50 Shriramakrishnalilaprasang Sardanand, Swami. 51 Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences Skinner, Quentin. 52 Buddhist art of Pagan Rao, Vinay Kumar, 53 Indian Sculpture Morley, Grace. Printed On : 03/06/2018 4 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 54 Mugal Paintings Deeba, Faraha. 55 Sandarbh Seva avom Sandarbh Strot Kaishik, Dr.Purnima. 56 Art Museum Documentation and Practical Handling Choudhury Anil Roy. 57 Life and Spiritual Evolution Singh, T.D. 58 World of Buddhism Buddhist Monkks and Nunsin Society Bechert, Heinz, and Culture 59 Visnusmrti with Commentry Kesavavaijayanti of Krishnamacharya, Pandit V. Nandapandita-II 60 Rigveda Samhita Sarasvati, Svami Satya Prakash. 61 Itihas Evam Puratattva Mein Ayodhya Ke Nageshvarnath Pandey, Vijay Kumar. 62 Bhagwan Parshuram Munshi, K.M. 63 Rag Milavat Malkaus Kalia, Ravindra. 64 Aalochana Ka Vivek Kumar, Rajendra. 65 Hindostan Hamara-2 Akhtar, Jaan Nisar. 66 Encyclopaedia of Islam Encyclopaedia of Islam. Printed On : 03/06/2018 5 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 67 Archaeological Musium Sanchi Nath, Narinder, 68 Chinese Sources Of South Asian History In Translation Ray, Haraprasad. Data For Study Of India China Relations Though History 69 Encyclopaedia of Agriculture Agriculture : Farming Bagulia, A. M. Methods 70 Art in Afghanistan Objects From The Kabul Museum Rowland, Benjamin. 71 Caves of Panhale-Kaji (Ancient Pranalaka) : An Art Deshpande, M.N. Historical Study of Transition from Hinayana Tantric Vajrayana to Nath Sampradaya (Third to Fourteenth Century A.D 72 Rugmaking : 3 Quick and Easy Ways Scobey, Joan, 73 Akrosh Ke Panje Gupta, Jagadesh. 74 Rat Chor Aur Chand Singh, Balavant. 75 What to do with the Liar ? Chattopadhyay, Madhumita. 76 Routledge History of Philosophy The Nineteenth Century Parkinson, G.H.R, 77 Buddhist Being A Sketch of the Life and Teachings of Davida, T. W. Rhys . Gautama The Buddha 78 Miscellaneous Series-7 Vajrayana Darsana Evam Rinpochhe, S, Sadhana 79 Prajna Paramita Ratna Guna Samcaya Gatha Obermiller, E. Printed On : 03/06/2018 6 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 80 Sayings From the Upanishsds Dilwali, Ashok. 81 Akshar-Kundali Pritam, Amrita. 82 Early Urdu Literary Culture And History Faruqi, Shamsur Rahman. 83 Terracotta of Middle Ganga Plain Bihar (Early Period to Kumar, Dilip. 600 A. D.) 84 Handbook of Indian Architecture Murty, K. Satya. 85 Bullentin of the Madras Government Museum Bronzes of Srinivasan, P. R. South India 86 Flemish Painting Hoekstra, Froukje. 87 Rajasthani Paintings Kanoria, Gopi Krishna. 88 Amar Balidani Jhalkaribai (Novel) Sainik, Naresh Chandra Saxena. 89 Manonukriti Tripathi, Keshare Nath. 90 Lalita-Sahasranama Joshi, L.M. 91 Jyoti Krishna Rahasya Shastri, Motilal. 92 Vedic Tantrism: f Saunaka with Text and Translation Bhat,M.S. Printed On : 03/06/2018 7 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 93 Sufi Message The Unity of Religous Ideals Khan, Hazrat Inayat. 94 Selected Works Of Govind Ballabh Pant Nanda, B.R. 95 Printed Bengali Character and Its Evolution Ross, Fiona G. E. 96 Cambridge Companion to Leibniz Jolley, Nicholas. 97 Buddha and Gospel of Buddhism Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. 98 Kalighat Its Impact on Socio Cultural Life of Hindus Roy, Indrani Basu. 99 Tattvamuktakalapa Srimadvenkatanatha, Mahadesika. 100 Religions of the World Barton, George A. 101 History of the Brahmans: A Research Report Kumar, Raj. 102 Contribution of Women To Sanskrit Literature :Sanskrit Chaudhuri, J.B. Poetesses Sanskrit Poetesses 103 Sahitya Ke Manyatai Verma, Bhagavaticharan. 104 Keshav-Granthawali Mishra, Vishwanathprasad. 105 Meri Priya Sampaadit Kahaniyan Yadav, Rajendra. Printed On : 03/06/2018 8 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 106 Buddhist Ramayana =Phra Lak Phra Lam Original Text, Sahai, Sachchidanand. Translation and Critical Study 107 Birds And Animals in Indian Sculpture Sivaramamurti, C. 108 Monuments of Sanch Marshall, John. 109 Ornament of Orissa Mohapatra, Ramesh Prasad. 110 Immortal Miniatures : From the Collention of Nations Daljeet. Museum, New Delhi 111 Rajasthani Chitrakala Neeraj, Jaysingh. 112 Great Composers Tchaikovsky Mountfield, David. 113 Aparavadh Ojha, Madhusoodan. 114 R.D Ranade And His Spiritual Lineage Date, V.H. 115 Smrtikaustubha Anantadeva, 116 Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Tantras Basu, Manoranjan. 117 Sparks From The Vedic Fire: A New Approach to Vedic Agrawala, Vasudeva S. Symbolism 118 Prachen Bharat Ke Vastukala Varma, Mahendra. Printed On : 03/06/2018 9 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 119 Loeb Classical Library Lucius Junius Moderatus Founded By Loeb, James, Columellia On Agriculture - X- XII 120 hindu/Christian Dialogue Ananda. 121 Buddhist Revival in india Aspects of the Socilogy of Ling, Trevor. Buddhism 122 Rgvedeeya Darshan Evam Pramukha Darshanik Sookt Pathak, Muralimanohar. 123 Zen buddhism and Environmental Ethics James, Simon P. 124 Dighanikayo -47 Khuddaka Nikaye Khuddakapathapali Vipassana Research Institute. Dhammapadapali Udanapali 125 Rahim aur Unka Kavya Bhati, Deshrajsingh. 126 Panch Aangnon Wala Ghar Mishra, Govind. 127 Yugal Charan Malavey, Umakant. 128 Czechoslovakian Miniatures : From Romanesque and Kvet, Jan. Gothic Manuscripts 129 Studies in Indian Music and Allied Arts Omcchery, Leela, 130 Natyasastra of Sri Bharata Muni Muni, Bharata. 131 History of Indian Literature : Grammatical Literature Gondaa, Jan. Printed On : 03/06/2018 10 Library Collection having SerialNo Title Author 132 Acharya Kishori Das Vajpayee Granthavali Rakesh, Vishnudutt. 133 Sabad (Kabir Vangmaya) Singh, Jaidev. 134 Suttanipat Pandey, Vinod Chandra. 135 Agam Suttani-25 Avashyak Mulasutram-2 Deparatnasagar. 136 True History and The Religion of India Saraswati, Swami Prakashanand. 137 Kalyan Mandir Prakashan Srividhyastotrapanchakam Kalyan ., 138 Nrisingh Rahasyam Gaud, Ashok Kumar. 139 Soft Stone Carving : A Scopas Handbook Ritchie, C.A.I. 140 Sex and Sex Worship in the World Wall, O. D. 141 International Encyclopaedia of Buddhism Sri Lanka Singh, Nagendra Kumar. 142 Mahabuddhavatthu- 5 Bhartasehen, Upajjhayen. 143 Tibetan Vinaya: AGuide to Buddhist Conduct by The Palen, Sonm, Vendrable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche Geshe Rabjam and Abbot of Rumtek Monastery 144 Anubhasya On The Brahmasutra Teliwala, Mulchandra Tulsidas. Printed

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